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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Marcie1997

  1. Diana,

    Hi, I wanted to pop in and say hi to ya. I also wanted to say you seem to be a christian in some of your wording of things... (I'm a christian, I'm currently a stay at home mommy) I wanted to encourage you along this journey, I was banded a week ago today... I'm doing great, I feel good, I slept in my bed and not the recliner for 2 night now, WOW, I'm happy. I have an amazing little 2yr old and keeping up with her requires energy... and I'm already starting to see a little more energy... maybe it's mindset, but I believe it to be God stepping in and carrying me & showing me how to use this tool.

    Hang in there, the chest pain can cause alot of discomfort, but also know it's only temporary!

    Best Wishes!


  2. Hi Julie!

    I'm actually doing pretty good.. still dont sleep worth a poop lol

    I am sooo with ya on the gas & feeling air in the left shoulder! Errr, it's driving me nuts! Today was by far my best day yet! Spent time outside with my hubby & our daughter working in the yard...

    Starting to feel like me again... I was bad lol I bought a scale today at walmart... I'm down 24lbs from 3wks ago!!!! I'M SOOOO EXCITED!

    We're gonna do this!

  3. Hi Chris! I too like you and Maranda was banded on 9/30, and also like you keep comparing this to my csection (though I only have 1 for now)...next to that, there's no problem, but man, I cant seem to get this all right in what I am 'supposed' to be doing. I feel like I've lost my head somewhere in the game!

    So I'd be blessed to walk this journey with some others the same date as me.

  4. Hi Julie... just wanted to pop in and say hi since we're going to be banded on the same day, we can see how each other's doing =D

    I'm excited. I am ready to live more life with less of me! =D

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