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Posts posted by Carriejess

  1. Hello everyone one.

    I am very depressed as i hate the fact that i am so close to my goal and yet no quite there yet. Also i have met this really great guy who is gorgeous and really wants to see me but i cant seem to bring myself to say yes as stupidly i dont think im good enough. The thought of taking my clothes off in front of him makes me feel sick (not saying i would do that just yet of course).

    Seems like no matter what i do i still cant appreciate that other people see a change in me that i cant.

    Sorry for the graphic winging but i just need to rant!

  2. Hello peeps

    I have been stuck for a couple of weeks but then i mysteriously dropped 2 pounds over the weekend and i have no idea how but im not complaining!

    18 pounds to go, i am determined to lose 4 pounds before the end of June so then i will have 14 pounds to go over 7 weeks. There are 14 pounds in a stone and im British so 1 stone left sounds better than 14 pounds!

    Seems strange that the closer i get the more depressed i am that i have not lost that last bit yet. Hope everyone else is ok x

  3. Hello to all you low BMI's.

    I have had my band for alomst 6 months and agree with band groupies outlook on diet and life. I followed my dr's intruction during the liquid/mushy stage but after that you have to figure it out yourself. I do not cut food groups out unless my band cant cope with them. If i want bread then i will eat half a sandwich just not the 8 slices of toast with butter and Peanut Butter i would before.

    I am 25 i still go out with my friends and get drunk like any other 25 year old, i will not deny myself things that normal people do because i think you have just carried on with your obsession.

  4. I cannot see why people would have a problem with low BMI lapband surgery. This is a life saving, preventative and cosmetic surgery the same as if those people who have a very high BMI and then have a massive Tummy Tuck because it rubs and causes sores on their skin. Im pretty sure that if it didnt they would still have it done so they feel better about themselves.

    My BMI was 37 but i stayed around the 32 mark for a long time, it was only a matter of timing that i was 37 at the time of surgery. Even now i dont feel thin because im not at a healthy weight and event at 25 BMI i wont feel thin because although im within a healthy weight i will still be at the top of that scale and thats still not that great a place to be. This doesnt take away from the incredible achievements of those who lose alot of weight just my personal thoughts.

  5. Hi Juniper

    It definately depaends on the person, i am lucky that i dont have a sweet tooth, so the choc and Cookies etc never bother me but savoury stuff like bread etc i lived on before the band. Now it takes me ages to eat bread so i am satisfied after a small amount. Because it takes longer to eat and you have to chew chew chew it losses its appeal so much which i believe is better than cutting it out. Trust me there are still things that my band hates and i would love to have like sausages, lamb, chicken takes ages etc but i occassionally try small amounts to see if it will go and if it doesnt then i keep clear for a while.

    When i first got banded i cut out all of things apart from what was listed on my Drs advice but over time you have to figure out a way of life that works best for you and if that is to continue to not eat certain foods then fine. I am 25 and i didnt want to stop going out and having the occasional drink and enjoy nice meals out etc. However i do understand that for some people it is better to remain on a strict routine.

  6. Hello

    I have had my band for almost 6 months and apart from the liquids/mushy stage etc i still eat whatever i like (that agrees with my band) including bread, Pasta and rice etc only in very small amounts and of course not all the time. Thin people eat like normal people and thats how i want to live my life, a balanced diet and a healthy approach to excerise i think is the key to not obsessing about what you eat all the time. Of course different approaches work for different people but i just thought i would share my story!

  7. Ah well i was good and just had chicken Soup and then custard for after!!!!

    But it went down too well i ate the whole tin and half a bowl of custard!!!!

    Didn't have any problems and was worried my band had slipped cause it felt normal but i have wind again now and can feel the band so all is good!!!

    Think it was just cause it was creamy thats why it went down well!!!!


    Hi Odge

    I wouldnt worry about your band slipping even if you tried scrambled egg (or the inside of a quiche, not amazingly healthy but i used to love that) most of the posts by people who have had a slip say its incredibly painfull x

  8. Anyone out there that can help!!????????:rolleyes2:

    i would have a bath but not too full so your stitches get wet, stay on liquids for at least a week. dont try scrambled egg for a while as alot of people with bands have trouble with them (including me.) I took the socks off after 3 days but they were driving me crazy.

    What kinds of liquids are you having?

  9. Ok, now its my turn, has anyone experienced this?

    I had the fill with freddy boy on thursday and still I cant drink so good, at anytime of the day, mornings being the worst.

    I have been up for a couple of hours and usually I have drunk two mugs of coffee by now. But I managed an Actimel and I am sipping Prune juice ( for regularity, seems to have stopped:blink:)

    I spose if nothings going in...well I'm not even going there.:rolleyes2:

    But my coffee is still sitting on my desk, gone cold.

    I thought by now it would have eased a little, but no, I am so tight, never been like this before, has anyone else?

    I spose this is what I wanted from day one, I'm not complaining, just amazed!!!:thumbup:

    Hi Freckles

    I can only sip liquids, no gulps...it takes me two attempts to drink a cup of tea in the morning. As long as you can drink small sips throughout the day you should be fine. Are still on liquids after your fill, can you eat anything?

  10. :thumbup::thumbup: Hi guy's,its good to hear your all well and still loseing. Sooo glad all fills are going well. Just need some advise again Please:wink2:. Can you please help me again. I am not sure re fills. I didnt know that when you go on a plane or to a hot country that you had to have your band defilled. Dose anyone know if you have to have your band fully defilled or can you have some fill. I go to turkey in August, I should be due a fill at the end of June begining of July, so I am not sure wether to wait till I come back from my hols, If I have to have the fill taken out b4 I go on my hols. Also peeps, dose any1 know know how much dr chris charges for fills. Thanks again everyone for their advise your stars

    Mandy xxx

    Hi Mandy

    Glad to hear that you are doing well. I would go ahead and hove your fill, you will prob get 3mls max 1st time if you go with dr chris and by the time you go away your restriction will have decreased a bit anyway. If you do fly the pressure should not be too bad with only a small fill. I think he charges between £80-£90 per fill but im not sure as i do my own.


  11. Hi Jackie

    I'm going by eurostar. I chose to go this way because I was a little concerned about flying so soon after anesthetic, I know its OK but I knew I would feel better NOT flying, so thats what I am doing.

    Westie x

    Hi Westbourne and Jackie i went by eurostar from ashford as i live in kent, its really quick and not too painfull on the way back. The only slightly tricky bit is getting the train to vilvoorde after but its all in the same station you just have to find the right platform. You can walk from the station in vilvoorde to the campanille and it only takes about 5 mins. I qualified for childrens tickets still (even though im 25!) it was only about £140.00 for 2 people return. I did leave my phone on the eurostar on the way home though (must have been all the drugs slowing my brain) but i realised just in time and they found it and sent it back to me.

  12. Welcome back Mandy!!

    Sammy, hope you feel better soon, if you still cant drink properly in a few days i would get a small unfil but the people from WLS seem great and i am sure they will give the right advice.

    Gary, you are amazing i run 5k and i think that i am going to collapse at the end of it...think i will work my way up to the 10k very very slowly!

  13. I dont know if im stuck or swollen or what im so worried now incase i made my band slip by getting sick so much i had several cups of coffee today but tried some Soup just now and it wont go down does anyone know what could be causing this? im really panicing now

    I have read that if your band has slipped its really really painful (like you cant move painfull) and if you have been able to drink today then its probably because you are so swollen after all the throwing up. However if you cant get any liquids down over the next 24 hours then you need to see your doctor because you must stay hydrated. Just keep trying with Water and coffee or clear broth and see how you get on. If you get really worried then go to the hospital and have an xray done they will be able to see if your band has slipped or there is something stuck somewhere.

    Keep us posted....

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