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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Babyrn412

  1. Babyrn412

    Is there any hope at all...??????????

    Hi, my name is Lisa. YES there is still hope!! You've lost 38 lbs- that's awesome! I went into the LapBand surgery knowing that this was going to be a slow process. The weight isn't meant to come off quickly. My doc said that the time range is 18 to 24 months for goal weight. Yes, it is frustrating and I've been dealing with my own demons with this. Also, if you tell yourself it's not going to work, it's not going to. You have to change your attitude to a positive one. I KNOW this is hard. It's not always easy keeping upbeat about it. Meet with the nutritionist at your doctors office. Try Weight Watchers WITH the Lap Band. Look at your habits. Are you drinking enough water? Eating too late? You CAN DO THIS!!! YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. I was told by my dietician that this was just a tool. It won't lose the weight for me. I still have to do the work. Yes, hard to swallow after going through all of the preparation and surgery. But it's true. Anyhow, you're not in this alone and can do this. Ball's in your court! Get yourself pumped up!! Lisa:thumbup:

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