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    BlueParis reacted to NickelChip in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    @BlueParis depending how much milk you're using in tea and coffee, that's a decent source of Protein. I don't know if you have ultra-filtered milk available in France (in US, the brand is Fairlife, like the Protein Shakes, but it's just milk that has been filtered to lower carbs and amp up the protein, not supplemented like the shakes). I started buying Fairlife milk and make a 1L thermal container of hot tea every morning, with between 125 and 250ml of milk in it, so my morning tea alone gives me between 7 and 13g protein.
    I would try adding a slice of smoked salmon to the bagel, but that's just because I love that combo. The omelet seems very healthy and the pannacotta sounds delicious. You might consider adding more beans/legumes to your rotation. I am getting so tired of meat. I've just ordered a vegan cookbook to help me discover new recipes that are based on plant Proteins (not the fake meat, processed plant products but real foods). Maybe bean Soups and stews, lentil curries? Your stall will break eventually, but in your case, because you're already at a "normal" BMI, it may be a lot harder and slower from here on out. Don't lose hope!
    After barely losing weight the entire month of May, I'm losing at the quickest pace since surgery, 9 lbs in 16 days! That's been a real surprise. I am eyeing my next milestone, which is 5.6 lbs away, the point where I will cross from an "obesity" BMI into just the "overweight" category. I have never looked so forward to being called "overweight" in my life!
    I'm also noticing I'm just not very interested in food. Even though I can technically eat a bit more now than in the beginning, I don't really want to. I'm not hungry and chewing is a chore. I'm sick of meat. I'm tired of thinking about protein. And while I do still enjoy going out for a meal, I am exhausted by looking at the plate and seeing 4 days' worth of food in front of me. I'll be going on a family summer vacation next week and have no idea what I'll manage to eat. We're going to amusement parks and Water parks, so the typical fare will be pizza and hot dogs, which sound terrible. I'm stocking up on Protein Bars, which I find a bit better than shakes, though not something I want in my diet normally. But better than a hot dog!
    So if anyone has a favorite Protein Bar, especially one that won't melt in my bag on a hot day at an amusement park, please share!
  2. Like
    BlueParis reacted to RonHall908 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    I've listened to some podcasts on bariatric surgery. The one in particular I've just listened to a couple times is called "Former fat friends" I listened to their finale of season 1. There's some things they talk about that may help. I'm an audible junkie, I listen to podcasts and books while I work. So, I'm not sure how many platforms they are on. I think everyone can take something from that podcast.
  3. Like
    BlueParis reacted to NickelChip in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    @Alix2050 You're almost there! Fingers crossed you make it below 200 this week!
  4. Like
    BlueParis reacted to LisaCaryl in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Sounds good! I'm glad you aren't having the issues some of us are. It's really nice to hear that! Good luck on reaching that number!!! You can do it!
  5. Like
    BlueParis reacted to Alix2050 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    I'm doing well. I'm making steady progress and feeling more energetic every day. I'm still learning the boundaries of eating (food types or amounts), but luckily, I have not had the issues that others have described. I'm hoping that by my 4 month surgeverary date, I'll be below 200! (something I haven't seen in a decade!)
  6. Like
    BlueParis reacted to LisaCaryl in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Does anyone use the Baritastic app to track food? I'm wondering if there's a way to copy one day's stuff to the next. I often eat the same thing and putting it all in again is frustrating, but I've not found a way to copy it over.
  7. Like
    BlueParis reacted to RonHall908 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    I use it, this is probably the best way to show you. As far as copying straight over with a click I don't think it will do that. But, there's other ways to make it easy. This Youtube will show you.
    food in Baritastic." width="200">
  8. Like
    BlueParis reacted to LisaCaryl in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Thank you so much!
  9. Like
    BlueParis reacted to Lilia_90 in Successful maintenance (and a cheeky before and after)   
    Hi everyone.
    Soooo, here I am 6 months post VSG. Started at a BMI 33, reached goal at 3.5 months so kept changing goals and here I am at the 6th month mark having lost much more than anticipated and ready for maintenance (at a BMI 20 as of today, 126.7 lbs/57.6 KGs).
    I don’t want to bore you with too many details, other than that I bounce between a fear of becoming sickly thin (currently feeling that) and an all encompassing fear of gaining weight and going back to what I have become, it is kind of mind boggling. I read many many stories of how WLS patients gained all the weight back and then some, about them seeking revision surgeries or GLP treatments and it really freaks me out and my mind starts telling me to keep losing weight just so I don’t end up back where I started. I want to change that and start focusing on success stories. I have come across people with successful outcomes many years out but there isn’t many of them to be honest, and what I have noticed with successful WLS patients is this:
    - They made 360 degree changes in their lifestyles (cut all the junk, took up exercise and became very “clean” if you will).
    - Still have fun but track their calories and weight DAILY.
    Very few have just lost interest in food and don’t do any of the above and remained successful.
    Given my history being at a low BMI and athletic my entire adulthood and only becoming overweight the past few years I can be very disciplined and committed. However I am human and I love going out to eat and trying new foods and restaurants, so for you the successful lot please enlighten me on the following:
    1. What are your golden rules to successful maintenance?
    2. How did you manage the mental shift (navigating fear and uncertainty) while transitioning to maintenance? I can’t seem to quiet my thoughts and anxiety around WHAT IFs?
    3. How much indulgence do you actually allow yourself?
    I really need to strike that balance right now. Every single tip would be helpful.
    And to Celebrate my 6 month anniversary, here’s a little before and after for y’all:

  10. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from gracesmommy2 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    I’ll get back to everyone properly later - it’s 8.30am here and I’ve just landed in Paris after a very very early start… just wanted to share this - cattle class on Air France.

  11. Like
    BlueParis reacted to LisaCaryl in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Welp.... I did it... barely, but it was so nice to see this number! It's been over 20 years since I've been under 200 pounds. (my feet aren't as dirty as they look in the picture! lol)
    As for the knee, the doctor said he's pretty sure it's sciatica. I would have never guessed that. I have had problems with my sciatic nerve before, but always in the lower back/buttocks area. He explained that the nerve goes down through the back knee, and that's where my pain and swelling are. He saw some arthritis in the x-rays, but not enough to be causing this pain. He's got me on a six-day steroid pack. I'm praying it works because this pain is horrible! Let's hope I can keep the weight down while on steroids!
    Hope you are all doing well!

  12. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from gracesmommy2 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    So I studied in Berlin for 2 years - when I left Paris I was a size 34… and as the years went by I was still a size 34 in Berlin… and then I got back to Paris and realised I’d gained a size … insidious indeed!
    But yes, French women and esp Parisienne women tend to be pretty small! The average BMI for a French woman between 30 and 50 years old is 23.2 and for a Parisienne woman between 30-50 years old it’s 21.1! I’m still the fattest woman in my office and friend group by quite a bit - I think (but I’m not sure) that weight is also highly correlated to level of education here and I work in an office with 95% of PhDs … that might explain it..: that or the fact that black expresso and a cigarette is considered Breakfast (also guilty of this).
    It’s hard because you have to « enjoy » food and the wine and the cheese and the pâtisseries at social occasions but you’re also judged very severely for being even the tiniest bit overweight - so basically you have to starve in private.
    Things are slowly changing but up until about 5 years ago it was basically mission impossible to find any clothes over size 42 ( American size 10) on the high street. Fat people (esp fat women) are despised. I was treated so badly when I was fatter, with so much disdain, so much rudeness, so much disregard. In French public space women’s bodies exist to be desirable and desired. To put it crudely if you don’t look « fu**able » enough you’re not welcome in public spaces… ( also see parralel with female headscarves being forbidden in public spaces and even wetsuits for women being forbidden on some public beaches ( must be swimsuit or bikini) because wetsuits were seen as Islamic propaganda)…
    In France women’s bodies belong to the male gaze. It’s a complicated issue.

  13. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from NickelChip in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Congrats on the mega stall break!
    I don't know if you can get kale where you are ... I promise this is so much better than it sounds it's like crack health food. I was like a bit bleh when i heard about it ... But air fryer kale chips.
    A lot of Kale, salt, oil
    Wash kale, take out the big middle stalks, put in a big bowl with some salt and a tablespoon of oil and massage. Put in preheated airfryer at 400F for 3 minutes, shake, back in for 3 minutes.

    Will catch up properly later!
  14. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from RonHall908 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Even if those white ones are particulary high it's the advantage of my Cerebral Palsy ... my feet and legs are so twisted that heals are actually easier than flats, they straigten out my legs and make me more stable, I fall over my own feet in most trainers and flats (except birkenstocks that I find magical!) ... at school I got a special pass to be allowed to wear heels from about 7 years old ... all the other girls were so jealous! And there are worse disadvantages to be had.
    Well done on the 4 pound loss... thats massive! Enjoy it to the fullest. And how wonderful to slip into a old dress again and for cherry on the top it to be loose! I hope your daughters special event went well and that you felt amazing in your dress. I shocked a friend who saw me in jeans the other day... I pulled them out of my cellar, she hadn't seen me in jeans since pre pandemic (because I no longer had any jeans that fit ... and had resorted to wearing baggy dresses) and the jeans were tight and i had to wiggle wiggle jump into them and button them up lying flat on my back.. but I managed it. Hopefully they too will be loose one day.
    If I take the last 30 calendar days I've lost 7.5lbs - but since my three month "surgiversary" to now seven days short of 4 month surgiversary I've not even lost 2 lbs .... and most of that was in the last 24 hours! I really hope my stall has broken.
    I've arrived in Hungary and after a pretty chill Paris week have a very busy week planned so I just hope I'm able to make good choices food wise and that I get back to Paris to a loss on my scales!

    I wish I was that brave! I think if I tried that my team would have a field day and an intern would take a video and make it into a meme or a gif in minutes and I'd never live it down!
    I think it may be out but it is worth seeing a sports physio to ask and to "learn" how to run without putting too much strain on your knees, they may have tips and adaptations for you.
    Instead of regretting yesterday be proud of today and tomorrow if you can. Keep moving!
  15. Like
    BlueParis reacted to NickelChip in Share your favorite air fryer and instant pot recipes!   
    I am going to give the tofu a try really soon. My kids hate meat and I am always looking for something they will eat!
  16. Like
    BlueParis reacted to BeanitoDiego in Share your favorite air fryer and instant pot recipes!   
    A hearty second vote! Tofu with any topping or seasoning is flipping amazing in an air fryer.
  17. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from NickelChip in Share your favorite air fryer and instant pot recipes!   
    I like crispy tofu in the airfryer.
    Block of Tofu/Cornflour/Spices/Oil Spray/Salt/Pepper
    You need firm tofu. A couple of hours before you want to eat take the tofu out of the package and blot it dry, then stack a couple of sheets of kitchen paper above and below it (or clean tea towels) then put a plate with a weight on top of it for 5-10 minutes.
    In a big bowl add a a big tablespoon of cornflour and the spices/seasonings of your choice for example
    garlic powder/paprika/liquid smoke/dried lime rind Herbes de provence/ lemon zest and juice/ground bay Cumin/Tumeric/dried corriander Soy sauce/sesame oil/garlic/ginger MSG/orange juice and zest/maple syrup/clove powder/cinnamon/chilli/onion powder Mix your cornflour with your spices and seasonings until well mixed or if you have liquids in your seasonings until its a smoothish paste
    Wipe the tofu dry again and cut into cubes, tip the cubed tofu into the bowl with the cornflour and seasoning mix and shake the bowl vigorously until the tofu is covered in the seasoning mix. If some of the tofu breaks into crumbs this is not a problem. They will just be extra crispy crumbs!
    It's best to let the tofu marinade for at least 15 minutes to a few hours but I often skip this part because I don't have time.
    When you're ready to eat preheat your air fryer to 200°c/400°f.
    Open the airfryer drawer and spray with oil, tip the tofu in and give it a spray.
    Shake after about 7-8 minutes and then put back in for another 7-8 minutes of until crispy.
    You'll find a lot of youtube/internet recipes that are probably easy to follow then mine if you google "airfryer tofu".
    It's nice as a Protein without feeling too "woodstock crunchy vegan"
  18. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from NickelChip in Share your favorite air fryer and instant pot recipes!   
    I like crispy tofu in the airfryer.
    Block of Tofu/Cornflour/Spices/Oil Spray/Salt/Pepper
    You need firm tofu. A couple of hours before you want to eat take the tofu out of the package and blot it dry, then stack a couple of sheets of kitchen paper above and below it (or clean tea towels) then put a plate with a weight on top of it for 5-10 minutes.
    In a big bowl add a a big tablespoon of cornflour and the spices/seasonings of your choice for example
    garlic powder/paprika/liquid smoke/dried lime rind Herbes de provence/ lemon zest and juice/ground bay Cumin/Tumeric/dried corriander Soy sauce/sesame oil/garlic/ginger MSG/orange juice and zest/maple syrup/clove powder/cinnamon/chilli/onion powder Mix your cornflour with your spices and seasonings until well mixed or if you have liquids in your seasonings until its a smoothish paste
    Wipe the tofu dry again and cut into cubes, tip the cubed tofu into the bowl with the cornflour and seasoning mix and shake the bowl vigorously until the tofu is covered in the seasoning mix. If some of the tofu breaks into crumbs this is not a problem. They will just be extra crispy crumbs!
    It's best to let the tofu marinade for at least 15 minutes to a few hours but I often skip this part because I don't have time.
    When you're ready to eat preheat your air fryer to 200°c/400°f.
    Open the airfryer drawer and spray with oil, tip the tofu in and give it a spray.
    Shake after about 7-8 minutes and then put back in for another 7-8 minutes of until crispy.
    You'll find a lot of youtube/internet recipes that are probably easy to follow then mine if you google "airfryer tofu".
    It's nice as a Protein without feeling too "woodstock crunchy vegan"
  19. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from NickelChip in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Congrats on the mega stall break!
    I don't know if you can get kale where you are ... I promise this is so much better than it sounds it's like crack health food. I was like a bit bleh when i heard about it ... But air fryer kale chips.
    A lot of Kale, salt, oil
    Wash kale, take out the big middle stalks, put in a big bowl with some salt and a tablespoon of oil and massage. Put in preheated airfryer at 400F for 3 minutes, shake, back in for 3 minutes.

    Will catch up properly later!
  20. Like
    BlueParis reacted to NickelChip in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    For all my currently stalled folks, I want to offer some hope. I hopped on the scale this morning (like I do every morning) and I was down another 2 lbs. Since yesterday! That makes 6.4 lbs in a week, which is more weight than I've lost in one week since my very first week on my pre-op diet. I am in shock because I was so convinced deep down that the stall was going to be the beginning of even slower weight loss for me, especially now that the magical "first three months" was over. So don't lose hope!
    In other news, I finally bought that air fryer I've been thinking about for a year, so hit me with your simple, go-to air fryer meals!
  21. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from simonbRTRCPL in Where to start (in the UK)?   
    I went to turkey. Paid around 3.5k all in. Aftercare is through whatsapp and calls. It was okay for me and they are pretty reactive (get back to me with in a day) on any questions I ask. They send lists of blood tests to do every once in a while. I'm 4 months out.
  22. Hugs
    BlueParis got a reaction from Dchonlee in June 4th - my life changed FOREVER   
    Welcome @Dchonlee ! It's going to be an amazing journey I'm sure. Keep us posted on how things go.
  23. Like
    BlueParis got a reaction from RonHall908 in February 2024 Surgery Buddies?   
    Even if those white ones are particulary high it's the advantage of my Cerebral Palsy ... my feet and legs are so twisted that heals are actually easier than flats, they straigten out my legs and make me more stable, I fall over my own feet in most trainers and flats (except birkenstocks that I find magical!) ... at school I got a special pass to be allowed to wear heels from about 7 years old ... all the other girls were so jealous! And there are worse disadvantages to be had.
    Well done on the 4 pound loss... thats massive! Enjoy it to the fullest. And how wonderful to slip into a old dress again and for cherry on the top it to be loose! I hope your daughters special event went well and that you felt amazing in your dress. I shocked a friend who saw me in jeans the other day... I pulled them out of my cellar, she hadn't seen me in jeans since pre pandemic (because I no longer had any jeans that fit ... and had resorted to wearing baggy dresses) and the jeans were tight and i had to wiggle wiggle jump into them and button them up lying flat on my back.. but I managed it. Hopefully they too will be loose one day.
    If I take the last 30 calendar days I've lost 7.5lbs - but since my three month "surgiversary" to now seven days short of 4 month surgiversary I've not even lost 2 lbs .... and most of that was in the last 24 hours! I really hope my stall has broken.
    I've arrived in Hungary and after a pretty chill Paris week have a very busy week planned so I just hope I'm able to make good choices food wise and that I get back to Paris to a loss on my scales!

    I wish I was that brave! I think if I tried that my team would have a field day and an intern would take a video and make it into a meme or a gif in minutes and I'd never live it down!
    I think it may be out but it is worth seeing a sports physio to ask and to "learn" how to run without putting too much strain on your knees, they may have tips and adaptations for you.
    Instead of regretting yesterday be proud of today and tomorrow if you can. Keep moving!
  24. Hugs
    BlueParis got a reaction from Dchonlee in June 4th - my life changed FOREVER   
    Welcome @Dchonlee ! It's going to be an amazing journey I'm sure. Keep us posted on how things go.
  25. Like
    BlueParis reacted to Dchonlee in June 4th - my life changed FOREVER   
    Hey guys,
    I’ve been searching for a community that I can express my concerns & overall thoughts to about my journey. I’m 29 years old and decided for my overall wellbeing & happiness to get the gastric sleeve. The process was pretty smooth. I inquired in November & got my date in May & now as of today I am 5 days post op with my first post op appointment tomorrow.

    I started out 217 but as you know the liquid diet sheds off alot. On the day of surgery I was 199. Today I’m 195. I’m hoping that with this forum i’m able to navigate this new season. I refused to eat or consume anything at first because I loathe throwing up (let alone what it would feel like to throw up with 20% of your stomach🥴😂). But today I finally had creamy ginnoch Soup after slowly just sipping Protein smoothies.

    i felt like… a uncomfortable pressure after maybe 10 sips. (It taste so good). So I immediately stopped and it has now subsided.

    that’s all for now! If you got this far, thanks for reading😊

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