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Everything posted by BlueParis

  1. I'm still stalled. It's been 12 days. I just want to cry the whole time and stuff my face with food. I feel like this is it. That the scales will never budge. I'm having such a hard time coping. I just feel like staying in bed and crying. I'm exhausted and the weight still isn't moving at all. I don't know what do to. I feel like giving up. I'm really really struggling.
  2. I have no medical or other wize knowledge to affirm your thoughts or not but I do think it would make sense from a logical point of view. I did a quick google, here are some things you could read https://menopausecare.co.uk/can-hrt-help-to-lose-weight-does-hrt-make-you-gain-weight/#:~:text=Many women actually find that,regime to minimise this impact. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10515671/ https://www.nirvahealth.com/blog/woman-guide-losing-weight-post-hysterectomy Love the new profile picture!
  3. I managed to duplicate my post! Hopefully it’s sorted. ( 291km/h is 181 miles/h)
  4. Thanks @NickelChip @RonHall908 I know the stall is normal and expected but it’s not making it easier for me to deal with … ( scales still hadn’t budged this morning making it 10 days …). Im sorry to hear you guys are suffering sleep wize and hope you get things sorted soon, are your bedrooms cool enough ? - I’ve never been one for much sleep and suffer terribly from insomnia but still try to avoid sleeping pills like the devil. My usual Paris setting is up at 6.45 - coffee coffee coffee shower - out the door at 7.45 to get to the office until 19.30 - then out and about ( drinks and food or theatre or whatever) and then home round 10/11pm and then 1.30-2am I head to bed. So I’m usually on under 5 hours a night. I struggled against it for a while and finally just accepted it. If I get 4 hours I can function. If I try to go to bed earlier I just get really annoyed at the fact I’m not sleeping and end up all wound up and exhausted. But… since surgery I’m in bed at 11pm sometimes earlier and asleep by midnight so that’s a good in for me! @NickelChip maybe if your job/life allows it just try and go with the rhythm for a few days - just follow when your body says it’s tired and nap if you can? I’m on the train to London actually under the channel right now as I type! Always so amazed by it!
  5. Well done for getting through what I hope is a last hurdle for you. And the haircut is amazing! Love it. So much brighter and younger looking.
  6. Roh! (this is French for discontentement) I've just got home from Athens and got on my home scale - I'm back up at 70.6kg (155.4lbs). I know from the Athens scales that my weight hasn't budged since the 15th - so 9 days. My brain knows that this was going to happen but my heart is upset (Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait point ... The heart has its reasons that reason ignores.). This means that since I left home 15 days ago I've only lost 1.9kg (4.2lbs). Breaking back into the 60's is really important to me and I just can't make it. So I'm upset ( and tired and overworked right now I think, my flight was delayed - I left where I was staying in Athens at 3.45 am, my flight was slightly delayed, and luggage delivery took a whole hour so I had to go straight from the airport to a meeting with very very little sleep). I'm home now but just have time to do laundry and unpack and repack because I leave for the UK early tomorrow to see friends in London before a conference in the north next week. I just want it to be the summer and to be on holiday already. I want to spend more that 24 hours in my own home. And I want to see a number starting with a 6 on the scale. I'm doing the best I can with food. I'm walking and being as active as I can. I'm just so so disheartened. I think I just need a nap.
  7. I'm so so so happy for you! welcome to W(one)derland! I hope you'll enjoy NYC!!
  8. Round the block with a podcast ? You need to find an addictive podcast or audiobook and just walk for an episode. sometimes I walk round and round and round my small paris courtyard when I can't be bothered to hot the streets when I'm in Paris. I think neighbors must think I'm craycray but IDGAF...
  9. Ahhh @NickelChip Sorry to hear you are still stalled! This too will pass. I hope your blood tests show good results. And I also have resistance bands collecting dust so let me know how you get along with them! Thanks @Noelle74 you are so right, the weight dosent just drop off. And you're right, progress not perfection is the way to go. Would you consider adding a ticker to your profile? It's a really easy way for me to understand how people are getting along! I walked part of the way of Saint James last summer through the northern route (camino del norte) with my parnter and a group of friends and although I tried to keep a smile on my face it was truly three miserable weeks for me, I was in pain, sweating, out of breath and honetsly wanted to cry each time I saw another hill... but last weekend although it wasn't as steep I walked 26km all on my own and had a lovely day! So yes, progress!!
  10. @RonHall908 What a difference! You must be feeling amazing. Well done you!
  11. Hi all! So I've been stalled for a week. I know it's normal but it's none the less soul crushing. @NickelChip Did you break through yet ?
  12. @Briss72 So happy you got your insurance/loan sorted. And wow that’s an amazing loss, you must be feeling so much better allready! Also it’s such a nice number 22.2! Go you! Congratulations.
  13. @Noelle74 Wow! I’m 34 so not that much older than your son but look older than you! You really do look terrific and so polished! Such great hair and good makeup. ( and honestly even on the before picture you look like a cool granny) For me it’s a victory if I’ve seen a hairbrush recently ( I have a short frizzy bob and my hairstyle consists of using my glasses to push my hair off my face when I’ve had enough) and I only wear makeup for parties and end of year festivities and have a tendency to get it wrong à la 12 year old having let loose on her mums makeup bag!
  14. Thanks @RonHall908 I’ll try and keep that in mind if I start working out! I’ve done a few 5k runs and have been walking as much as I can since operation (27km (16.7 miles)Saturday on a hilly Greek Island ) but a part from my physio appointements in Paris I haven’t worked out. Following the fantastic advice I got here I opted out of hotels for my travels after Cairo and have been opting for airbnbs since - this means kitchen but no gyms! But hey strangers things have happened, one day I might work out …. Who knows! I did climb up and down this sort of cliff thing to a beach yesterday. I had a bit of a panic, ripped my dress ( not a special dress so not sad about that) and got some extra bruises… but it was worth it and I was proud of myself because 3 months ago I never would even had considered it! Climb back up was a bit scary too … but I made it! My hair had dried on the beach after my swim but by the time I was back up at the top of the cliff my hair was drenched from “stress sweat” again #notsexy! The beach, the cliff to get there and my savouring my “victory
  15. So happy to hear things are moving for you Ron! Could you elaborate on the when to eat with workouts guidelines you're following ? Thanks
  16. You look fantastic!!!! Love your pink top too! also you do not look old enough to be a granny!
  17. BlueParis

    I need answers, please help!

    I'm so sorry you're going through this. Take care. Stay strong.
  18. Please don’t apologize! I’m so sorry to hear your insurance are being dicks. I hope it gets sorted soon. As a European I can’t imagine the stress that must cause. I personally find that the US health insurance system is evil incarnated and will pray that whoever is responsible for temporarily refusing your claim has ingrown toenails forever more. As a smoker I feel you. I haven’t given up because I don’t feel strong enough yet, I just avoided smoking 3 weeks prior to surgery. But hold strong, it’s worth it. Take care and be kind to yourself and keep on posting here! I’d read a novel!
  19. BlueParis

    I Need Suggestions

    Have you tried cold herbal teas for hydration? Those helped me a lot. Like camomille and verbena tea cold with vanilla sugar free sweetener and ice.
  20. Really interesting to read about the “starting weight”. I booked my surgery on January 30th and was 96kg (my highest ever weight - stepping on the scales and seeing I was closer to 100 that to 90 was a real shock - I dug out some insurance papers from February 2020 - I was 58kg then and allready heavier than I like to be). My surgery was 3 weeks later because I had to stop smoking first. The day of surgery I was 91.1kg so I lost 5.9kg in the three weeks prior ( I basically did a broth fast and didn’t eat anything solid, only clear broth and tea and coffee). Im now 70kg so since January 30th I’ve lost 26kg (57lbs) in 16 weeks (average of 1.6kg or 3.6lbs a week) so I’m very very happy with the weight loss even if I’m over the weather! I do have a goal weight which is my pre pandemic weight of 52-55kg (114-122 lbs) because I know that that is the weight at which I function best and that feels the best for my legs ( I mentioned earlier in the thread that I have very minor cerebral palsy - I have the impression that the extra pain I have for every gram I weigh over 55kg just isn’t worth it and really impacts my standard of living and my mobility. Because of the CP I have very minimal flexibility so being even slightly over weight just makes moving so so much harder for me as I can barely bend my knees as it is and have no upwards ankle flexibility what so ever. I’m easily out of balance and I fall over often ( the best way to picture it is to imagine the mobility of someone who has had about 3 beers too many), I’m used to it and my physiotherapist always says I’m a very good « faller », a part from bruises and a bruised ego I’ve only ever seriously broken things ( shoulder, wrist and double arm fracture all in one go!) once since being an adult. But being heavier has meant having more issues getting back up after falling over and more and bigger bruises. So my goal isn’t an esthetic one ( even though it will be nice to not be the fattest person in the room anymore - and because I live in Paris where the average female BMI is 21.3 the bar is low!) but a functional one. So I have 15kg (33lbs) left to loose, I know the rate of loss will slow, but I’m hoping to be at least nearly there in September when I take a new position, I really want to do my transition speech feeling ( and looking) like my old self ( just with some extra wrinkles and grey hair). My handover is September 16th - that leaves 17 weeks so I’m not sure I’ll be at 55kg by then because it would mean continuing to loose an average of 0.9kg ( 1.95lbs) a week which is a lot given my current weight. However if I manage to loose an average of 0.5kg (1.1lbs) per week ( which seems a more attainable bar) I should be 61/62kg by then, and I can live with that! ( I’m an unapologetic numbers girl - I don’t track what I eat because that’s not sustainable for me long term - I try to eat protein but other than that - YOLO - but I do track my weight every day if I have a scale and my steps and my activity) A very long post once again. Thanks all for being here. And here is a picture of a Greek island morning! That’s the 9.30AM light!
  21. Pff, I just want to be all negative and complain again! Conference is off for the weekend - it’s rainy and grey and cold. I so thought I’d have some warm weather here. I’m so disappointed. I haven’t been hitting my step goals (10k) because it’s just pissing it down the whole time. I’m about to get a ferry to the islands for the weekend and even that isn’t lifting my mood. All I want is a little bit of blue sky.
  22. Thanks all for your support, it's seems silly to write to you all as relative strangers, but apart from my partner I haven't disclosed my surgery to anyone so you folks are "my people" right now!. I'm slightly less cold this evening and had a blood test at lunch time ... (I'm not a doctor but I do work in the healthcare field and I'm actually at an EU medical conference here so got a collègue to write me a script for one). the results are through and, I am as I thought very anemic, so much so that I have an iron infusion booked for tomorrow ( Amen to the pan european health insurance system!!) . And @LisaCaryl you also hit the spot - I have low blood pressure too - but thats not that unusual for me - doctor I spoke to said I should try and rest up a bit and take things easy. (Sort of made me laugh because after full days of conf here I have zooms late evening with my US teams because of the time difference and also found out yesterday that I get back to Paris and then after one night have to go straight to the UK for a week for more meetings ... in my 3 months (90 days) since surgery I've had a total of 23 nights at home .... C'est la vie ) I have tomorrow and Friday to get through and then my partner is flying out for the weekend and we'll go to the islands where I hope I'll have more sun! I'll layer up the best I can and will deffo see if when I'm in the US I can get some more thermal wear just in case I'm still feeling chilly , @RonHall908 @Noelle74 I'm sure I'll find a Parisian way to rock a hunting style! Or I could just go for a classic Elisabeth II look The issue I have at the moment is work attire - I have to sort of dress "smart" and because I've lost weight so quickly in the last three months ( My three month "surgerversary" is tomorrow) I've gone from a european size 44 (US size 14 / UK 16 / Aus 18) to a european size 38 ( US size 8/UK 10/ Aus 12) I'm relying on wrap dresses and cardigans with tights that just aren't cutting it warmth wize. I have to upgrade my sheer tights to woollen ones and get some thermal t-shirts to wear under my dresses as per @Briss72 suggestion ( congrats at getting under 100kg @Briss72 and I'll for sure stock up on some handwarmers for my pockets). I have a free morning tomorrow after my infusion and will see what I can buy without spending too much money as I'm still loosing weight pretty in a pretty linear way and hope it will continue for another few months so don't want to spend much on temporary clothes! Here is my weight chart (in Kg) since surgery which I'm very happy with so far... and even with all the being cold and a bit miserable, I know this was the best choice for me and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat and regret not booking surgery earlier! The first drop from 95-91 was my presurgery diet and just after surgery my weight went up ... but it's being going down steady since - I'm just on the brink of having a normal BMI - green zone! Now that was a very long post! Once again, thanks for everyones support, and sorry for being a bit of a negative nancy from time to time!
  23. Ok I need everyone’s coping strategies for dealing with being so cold the whole time. It’s 16 C ( 60 F) this morning in athens. I’ve « burnt » through all the warm clothes I bought with me so will have to drop laundry to be done today. Because I have a whole week left here. Yesterday a collègue touched my hand as I was passing him some papers and audibly gasped at how cold I was and asked if I was okay and then gave me his jacket to put over my knees during the meeting so I know it’s not all in my head. I have the heating on and a hot water bottle for night but I just can’t warm up. Im pretty sure I must be very anemic right now and will check that with blood tests when I get back home. I know I sound like a broken record but I’m just really really struggling with being so freezing the whole time. It’s miserable. My hands are so cold I’m having issues typing for work …

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