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Everything posted by KNVC

  1. I use a pill grinder and put over apple sauce per my dr.
  2. hang it in there. The best that I can. Lots of nausea for some reason. The last couple of days. I am on a full week tomorrow of liquids post surgery. I’m up and moving around. I’m feeling pretty darn good the hardest part I guess is setting up after laying down it just hurts my stomach muscle lol.
  3. Hi all, I had my Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) and a Hiatal Hernia repair February 29, 2024. This is my 3 day home. Today has been really challenging, I feel super nauseous and my sense of smell is really heighten, I smell everything. I feel super emotional and I feel really bloated. I’ve got a call into the doctor about the nausea, hopefully will hear something back soon. I have my first follow up on March 7th. My emotions are all over the place, super sad and happy all at the same time… Good grief, definitely a learning curve!

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