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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reneachilds

  1. Good for you, what health issues do you have? Also, what insurance.
  2. reneachilds

    3 months out and i made my goals!!!!

    Very good. How did you do it? Did you exercise or cheat?
  3. reneachilds

    I am now banded

    Let go and Let GOD. Focus on yourself and the pain will eventually go away.
  4. reneachilds


    Hi everyone, I am so excited. I have weight issues all my life. I was so happy to discove this forum. I am pending approval through my insurance company. I know that i will be approved. It is time to make a change in my life. I fully understand that this surgery is only a tool. I have two teenagers and a spouse. They are supportive of my choice. I have tried every diet under the sun and Gastric bypass was just not an option for me.
  5. reneachilds


    Hi, and thanks for responding. I am in Jacksonville NC. Could you share with me your weight loss journey?

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