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Everything posted by gracesmommy2

  1. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @LisaCaryl glad to hear your knees are better. Just wanted to mention also that I’d wait to worry on your A1C until they test it again later. It’s an average of your blood sugars over about 3 months if I remember correctly so it’s very very possible it just hasn’t been long enough for it to start coming down. 🤷🏼‍♀️ and LOVE the quest chips! I like the ranch and the taco ones, just wish they weren’t ridiculously expensive. 😩 And I think we’re 4 mo today woohoo. @NickelChip hope you have a great time on vacay! @Noelle74 wishing you luck on the new job! Hope ev1 else is doing well, I’m on one of my longer stalls and it’s driving me nuts! Doing what I should, tracking food and started a little Pilates bar exercise . I know it’s normal but like ev1 always says it’s just sooooo frustrating. plus my 6’1” skinny hubby is losing weight (that he absolutely does not need to lose), eating about twice what I eat (that I cook) and still eating out at restaurants with clients at least 1-2 x week. 🙄 Ain’t life a b@#&h! I know life’s NOT fair, but I just want to whine a little and say once…… Totally NOT fair! 😂
  2. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Sorry @BlueParis! Stalls suck balls! I hate them too. 😘
  3. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @LisaCaryl yay for under 200! And I hope the steroids help your knee. 😘
  4. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @Noelle74 congrats on your weightloss! @BlueParis you look great btw and thank God I’m not French! 😂 I can’t imagine living somewhere where I felt ashamed of myself constantly because of my weight….. not that I haven’t in the past here in the states but never consistently as you’ve described. It’s interesting bc I’m fairly educated and a registered nurse to boot and still managed to become obese even having a very extensive knowledge of nutrition. I feel like a lot of “skinny” people just think that fat people are lazy and have no self control when often that isn’t the reason (or at least the only reason we are fat). For me at least, my obesity is multi-faceted…. a) I love food, particularly yummy fattening food and sweets and I DO lack self control when it comes to overeating. See d) below lol b) I also have diagnosed PCOS which makes me insulin resistant so I don’t metabolize carbohydrates like a normal person and they make me gain weight fast as opposed to someone who isn’t insulin resistant. This just makes it difficult to maintain a healthy diet for me and others like me in the long term bc you almost have to steer completely clear of carbs ALL the time. And I mean most carbs….bread, fruit, etc. c) Like @NickelChip has pointed out, at least here in the states, its like you’re set up for failure from the get go if your busy……it’s soooo difficult to eat healthy on the go if you don’t prep ahead. Good luck “grabbing” something while you’re running around that’s easy, cheap and isn’t processsed to death and horrible for you lol. And I swear the food in European countries is better than here and less processed. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Who knows? d) I’m flat out a food addict……I have no doubt. I mentioned one time before, I was a heavy smoker until January. I only quit because my surgeon made me. lol. I have tons of alcoholics and drug addicts in my family. I’m someone that truly believes that addiction is partially genetic. My addiction just happens to be food and tobacco. Not to say that you can’t overcome this. It’s just something that is and another hurdle to jump. I mean who knows, maybe if I lived in France I’d be shamed into being skinny? But that just sounds like a miserable position to be in. I’m glad you’re getting tiny again @BlueParis so you don’t feel that way and for your health and cerebral palsy. For now I’m with @LisaCaryl and @NickelChip, I would like to be healthier and it would be nice to be able to buy clothes in the regular store/department and not the fat lady store. At 288# I had gotten to where I never wanted to leave the house bc I was ashamed of what I looked like. But I’m in an 18ish now and at least no longer feel like I have to hide my giant fat self inside anymore. So that’s definitely a win for me right!? @LisaCaryl keep us updated on your knee…..Hope it’s ok, you probably need an anti inflammatory but they’re harsh on the stomach so be careful! @RonHall908 I wish I was like you with your exercising! I envy that strength and drive you have bc I’m lacking that. I did however get my Pilates bar today and did the workout that @NickelChip posted. Now I just have to keep up with it. We’ll see 😉
  5. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Ty for the links @NickelChip and yay on the weight loss! Woohoo! I have a major sweet tooth also and have made these brownies twice and think they are pretty good. My twig of a hubby likes them also 😂. I mean they’re not as good as “real” brownies but honestly you get used to it if you stay away from “real” sugar which I do. (Mainly bc I know I’ll go overboard if I try eating sugar again so I just avoid it all together.) I also try to eat and cook mostly keto/very low carb most of the time. This website has some pretty good recipes and directions for freezing and stuff. I’ve tried a few recipes from another website also that I’ll link for you. i don’t make my food separate. My hubby eats whatever I cook for me, just more of it and when my kiddos (20 and 24) were here a couple of weeks ago, they ate what I made for myself also. 😉 of course I try to make stuff I knew they wouldn’t hate 😂. Try these https://thebigmansworld.com/best-fudgy-keto-brownies/ Made these a couple of nights ago https://thebigmansworld.com/keto-stuffed-peppers/ I’ve also made this and so has my daughter and she likes it too, I’ve made it once as written and then doubled the recipe once using lean ground turkey and ground pork. https://www.eatyourselfskinny.com/chicken-egg-roll-in-a-bowl/ plus I’ve made a couple of other recipes on this last website that were good also just trying to mix stuff up…..I hate eating the same crap all the time. oh and we eat the egg roll in a bowl with cauliflower rice 😉
  6. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Same boat here with the same fluctuating weight for a little while now…….soooo frustrating! Hopefully the rain stops and it warms up for you soon @BlueParis @NickelChip if you like the video you got would you let me know what bar/bands you got and what video. I know I’ve said I hate exercising ,but what I want to get is a Pilates reformer, unfortunately they are ridiculously expensive and would very likely become a clothes hanger at some point like all other exercise equipment I’ve bought in the past 🤣. So maybe what you have I would like for now. 🤞
  7. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I’ve slowed wayyyy down weight loss wise. I’ve only lost about 6 LBs in the last month which doesn’t thrill me. Since I rarely eat 800-1000 cal a day on average I guess I’m going to have to start exercising (which I despise 😂) but i know it’s better for me.
  8. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @NickelChip Almost! You’ll get there. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Waiting sucks! I’m not a very patient person. Let us know how your appt, goes and good luck!
  9. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @Noelle74 @Briss72 @RonHall908 @BlueParis Yay on the scale moving front! And Noelle74 I agree with ev1, you look great! And so do your legs BlueParis. And awesome pics! Glad your loan stuff got worked out Briss72! I literally started shedding hair pretty heavily right after I told @LisaCaryl I was good ( figures 😂) but not a lot I can do at this point except hope it stops soon. We’re doing great I think guys! 😉
  10. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Thanks for all the encouragement guys! This mad me laugh out loud! I may be wishing this at people a lot 😂 My hubby’s company is self insured so they just changed administrators (the surgery should be covered). I think it’s just a bunch of red tape between the MD office and ins co. at this point (we asked for this, they didn’t send that back and forth nonsense). I just hate it when I don’t really have a lot of control over it and like things taken care of quickly so this is sending me into outer space and shooting my anxiety through the roof. @NickelChip great on the NSV! I’ve been loving grabbing things in my closet that were too small before, that I can wear now. We can just stick our tongues out at the scale when it decides to be rude! 😜
  11. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis beautiful pics. I don’t read the forum everyday so I’m late to the party but I’m so glad you discovered that your anemic (that was going to be my guess) and hope your Iron treatment mitigates your symptoms some. Like @Noelle74 and @RonHall908, I personally am a hotbox; however, IF I get cold, for me, I warm up super fast if I put my Uggs on and get my feet warm. That probably wouldn’t work great for you with business attire but 🤷🏼‍♀️. Congrats on ev1’s weight-loss, I think we’re all doing great! @NickelChip What percentage do you use of your original weight to get your goal out of curiosity? I can’t remember what my MD uses and like several of y’all my goal on my ticker is just something I stuck in there. Sorry for the longer post again but I just wanted to vent/complain/cry to y’all. I won’t go into great detail cause then I’d have to write a novel, but as of right now my insurance is denying my surgery claim and it’s giving me the worst anxiety! Our health ins. Changed less than 1 month before my surgery and now it’s causing issues apparently. I’m just hoping it gets worked out soon, so I can stop worrying about it. I am definitely a stress eater and I’m a lifelong smoker (I quit smoking in January due to having this surgery, but it’s one of my unhealthy stress relievers that I no longer have), so needless to say at this point I’d love to eat a container of ice cream and buy some cigarettes! Oh and this is also making me have to cancel my nutrition appts cause they aren’t wanting to pay for those either ( although I’ve at least pretty much have that aspect under control for now, it’s just a bummer!) 😩
  12. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    No, I haven’t seen it! I’ll try that. I have a huge sweet tooth. Ty! @NickelChip love my air fryer, I use it for everything! You should definitely get one once you figure out which one you want .
  13. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Ohhhhh, totally gonna try this. I’ve made it with Greek yogurt but going to try this version. And with French onion soup mix also like @LisaCaryl. Yummy! If you guys like chip like things, if you take hormel turkey pepperoni and microwave them for like 1 to 1 1/2 min the microwave they get crunchy like chips and are salty. I eat a serving of them with tzatziki (cedars brand in only like 35 cal per serving) or now will try the cottage cheese dip. Gives you a salty chips and dip like snack and if you do the turkey pepperoni (I’ve used both turkey and regular and they taste the same once you microwave them) it’s only 70calories and 9 gm of protein for 17 “chips” . then you could still do some veg for healthier food but get another bump of protein in. 😉
  14. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @LisaCaryl glad your nausea is better. No hair loss yet here, I’m taking my vitamins religiously and make sure to get my protein in so that I don’t lose it but other than that can only keep my fingers crossed. I was extremely sick a couple of years ago (In and out of ICU and in the hospital for almost a month) and had a huge open abdominal surgery and at the 3-4 mo mark after I was discharged I lost probably 3/4 of my hair. Its just now back to where I want it. 😩 @BlueParis I’m sorry to hear you’re sad. I’m actually a grey, rainy day kind of girl and not a huge sun/light lover (worked as a nightshift RN for almost 25 yrs 🤷🏼‍♀️), but seasonal affective disorder is totally a thing. I wonder if you suffer from this. Maybe your PCP could recommend something for you….meds, light therapy? And I’m really hoping your and @RonHall908 s exhaustion resolves soon! @NickelChip I wonder as well if your exercise routine is “slowing” your weight loss. Every time I do any extensive exercise, I gain weight the next day and then don’t lose anything for a few days. I’m not actively exercising and honestly have sort of avoided it I hate it. lol . I know it’s just fluid retention but I still don’t like it. It’s definitely healthier to be fit but I haven’t gotten there yet I guess. You’re probably also gaining muscle while losing fat making the scale stay the same, but I’m sure that will eventually fix itself. I found this video which I found interesting and helpful. oh and did you like the roasted edamame 😊?
  15. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Congrats on all your losses! Hope you get some energy back soon, I’m sure that sucks!
  16. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Yw! Hope you like them. @NickelChip 😉 just an FYI in case you ever want to try the other flavors, the sea salts are my faves but neither the buffalo nor the sriracha is overwhelming in flavor nor are they spicy IMO.
  17. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis Glad you get to be home for a few days at least and I think that’s a great weight loss! I’m happy for you. 😁 just wanted to throw these roasted edamame beans out there for you if you can get them. I find the multi flavored 24 pack on amazon to be the least expensive way to get them (about $1/pack). I know they aren’t cheap but I really like them and they’re like 100 kcals and 11 gm of protein in a tiny little .9 ounce package. They may be salty for some but I love them!
  18. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I just took one today @LisaCaryl in leggings with my shirt tied up at my wait so I could see lol. We’ll see if I have the guts to post it when I take one next month. 😝 😂
  19. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @NickelChip I agree! You look great. WTG! And my weight loss graph looks very similar to yours over the last month also except I stalled a little earlier than your recent one and am now back losing again after a little more than 2 weeks. Just keep on keeping on, you’ll get over the hump. 😉
  20. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Ok guys, y’all have made me feel the need to get on the pic train. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have any from my highest weight cause like many of you guys have said y’all have done, I definitely avoided pics. I’ll have to start taking some now so I can have progress pics too! 🙈
  21. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Oh. @BlueParis you look wonderful and gorgeous! 😁 I know you need to lose more for your health/mobility issues but just crossing my fingers over here that I can one day be like you ( minus the boobs, cause that would take alottttttt of plastic surgery for me! 🤣) After losing and gaining weight for over 30 yrs, mine pretty much look like deflated pancakes! Sorry for the visuals 😝
  22. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I have found a love for PB2 and chocolate PB2 in my Greek yogurt thanks to @NickelChip. It’s wonderful when I “need” a dessert! Oh and @RonHall908 again you look awesome! Keep up the great work!
  23. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Totally didn’t take it in any bad way! No worries. I reread my stuff all the time cause I’m worried someone will think I’m criticizing but I’m not (if anyone ever thinks that). It’s always hard when you can’t see someone’s face and voice, it’s why I tend to use emoji’s 😂 I’m just totally not a person that would criticize someone online especially in this group and just assume others don’t either cause why?! 😉 And the cheesecake does sound amazing. If you make one and it’s yummy, please share the recipe for us sweetaholics please. 😁
  24. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Ty. Oh I do, mostly bc I know they can cause bad GI issues. I usually only eat one piece, but I never eat more than 2. 😉
  25. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Love the term onederland 😂 @NickelChip @BlueParis don’t get discouraged, you’re so much smaller than a lot of us and I would expect it to take longer or for you to have more prolonged stalls than when you weighed more. I know it can be frustrating but you’re doing great! 😘 Weightloss always slows way down when you’re closer to a “normal” weight. Whatever that may be. Oh and WTG on the no drinking! Maybe you can try high protein snacks like quest protein chips or roasted edamame to up your protein? @RonHall908 you look great! hope ev1 is still doing well, I can’t stop myself from weighing everyday, even when I try not too, I end up on the scale anyway. But that’s ok, I go up and down also but I know intellectually that it’s most likely water weight. I stop losing or gain briefly every time I do any exercise and I’m pretty sure it’s water weight. I also agree with @NickelChip that I do think the “stalls” are often related to not enough calories ( also over carbing it, I don’t really exercise much and have PCOS so I don’t metabolize carbs well and try to avoid simple carbs as much as possible) Your body going into starvation mode is truly a real thing and does happen. I seem to notice my most steady weight loss when I follow my diet 95% of the time and then have a cheat meal/day and eat crap I’ve avoided all week like fattening restaurant yummy food like chips and queso or chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. I might stay the same or gain a pound right after then drop several pounds. Plus for me it keeps me from craving all the unhealthy food ALL the time, bc I LOVE food and know that eating only healthy food 100% of the time is unattainable for me. I’ll eventually cheat and fall off the wagon hard! Oh and for anyone feeling disappointed in the slow losses take @LisaCaryl’s advice and go by how your clothes feel or better yet,take measurements if you can. My hubby helps me take my measurements and I log them on the Baritastic app. Even when my scales not moving I’ve lost lots of inches and my clothes are big. Plus I’m back into my small “fat” pants lol 😁 oh and @NickelChip, I feel you on the sweets, I use light and fit Greek yogurt and Russel Stovers sugar free chocolates for desserts! My hubby even likes the Russel Stovers chocolates and can’t tell they’re sugar free. Keep on keepin on guys! 😘

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