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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lilia_90

  1. Another thing that really surprises me post surgery is how quickly my weight drops if I don't eat well and frequently (every 1-2 hours). I have been eating less the past 6 days and already dropped 2.5 kgs (I was at a BMI 19 to begin with, I already felt too thin, now I feel like I'm skin on bones). This would've never been the case prior to surgery. Never thought losing too much weight, or stopping the weight loss would have ever been things I had to battle, but hey, I'd rather this than the other way around!
  2. Lilia_90

    Plastics & Pregnancy

    I second what @AmberFL said. I highly encourage that you hold the plastics until you're done having children. Pregnancy is beautiful but it does take its toll on the body, you will stretch and deflate, breastfeeding too affects some women and causes loose skin, deflation ....etc. Good Luck! 💓
  3. Lilia_90

    what would be the best workout for me?

    I would reiterate what was mentioned above: find something you enjoy, and think outside the box. Get outdoors! I know many people who use tennis and Padel for their cardio, some people swim, cycle, walk, jog, swim, hike ... etc. Some people are consistent gym goers (like myself, except I have my home gym and rarely leave the house lol). I also love Pilates and combine it with a weight training and jogging routine, mixed with some conditioning. Through this I have achieved great fitness results and body composition. I did hours of intense cardio in the past but this combination has given me results I've not been able to attain in the past. However, I truly enjoy it and don't feel like it's a chore. When you find something you enjoy you can always build on it and do the things you don't have a passion for but feel are necessary, or get to discover a newfound love for things you never liked before. As I said, think outside the box, and try new things, you'd be surprised!
  4. Lilia_90


    Came to flaunt this new Alo set I got in Gravel. It’s so flattering and hugs just right. Top and leggings both in XS. Peek the matching socks!
  5. Lilia_90

    Adjusting to my new life

    I am the same. I did count a few times a week during weight loss phase, and for a whole month when I stabilized at 9.5 months out but then I ditched it. I know roughly how much I eat, and I do random checks too. When I was at my fittest I never tracked calories and that worked for me through adulthood and motherhood. I do however, weigh myself at least a couple of times a week, something I never did even while being in shape. What gets measures gets managed. Not gonna lie, the first few months are a mental challenge, while I rapidly lost weight, I was always anxious that I would stall/stop losing/gain weight. I was always worried and on edge. I know it's easier said than done, but your body will do its thing, stick to your plan and try to trust the process. I would also say that it will not always be like that. After I stabilized, I tested my body, I ate more/ate things I didn't for a while and saw if that changed anything. With time and through trial, I am much more relaxed now and my mind is at ease. That is not to say that I let go, not at all. I eat well, I workout daily but I am much more relaxed when it comes to the flexibility I allow myself. I understand my body much better and I trust myself to make the right choices with what I'm given. Another advise is, try to stick to your plan as much as possible until you've stabilized, maximize on the honeymoon phase where pounds melt off and it's easy. There will always be time to have a little bit of the things you can't now. If you haven't yet, try to find an activity you enjoy, walking, jogging, pilates, yoga, swimming, cycling ...etc. whatever it is that you can and enjoy doing, it makes all the difference. Also, freeing your mind of anxiety is the biggest gift you can give yourself. Good luck 💓
  6. Lilia_90


    Now! I forgot to tell you about the former outfit in the post above. So the girls decided to wear sparkly and skanky outfits last minute lol, and I had nothing that fit the category nor me - no pun intended - . Also, it was too late to attempt to go shopping, so guess what your gal did? I raided my 9 year old's closet, and picked these two pieces, the top is a children's size 10, and the skirt is Zara children's size 11-12, which was sewn from the sides to fit my daughter's waist (she was 6 when she wore this last) and you know how Zara's sizes run way smaller. So those are tiny wins for me (again no pun intended) - not sure my husband agrees since he thinks I'm trying to be tiny on purpose, which my exercise regimen kinda confirms - .
  7. Lilia_90


    I live by this. Everything in moderation. I love my protein, salads and fruit, and also love my bread, snacks and my treats. I can't imagine not being able to eat out, try new dishes, new desserts and cuisines. I eat small portions of everything, but I will try everything. A balanced life is very important to me, and cutting out food/food groups just isn't sustainable for me or my lifestyle. On my way to toast some olive and sundried tomato slice of sourdough and slather it with feta and olive oil (YUMMERS).
  8. Lilia_90


    I am your age, and a mom myself. I never considered WLS until 2 years back when I went through a very bad foot injury that significantly reduced my mobility, prior to that I was always fit and in shape. I was already 15 kilos over my normal weight, and due to my injury I gained another 15 to be 30 kilos over my normal weight. I was at BMI 33 (also on the low side), I am 5'6 and my highest weight was 90 kgs/198 lbs. Aside from my injured ankle, I never had any health issues, my tests always came back fantastic. However, I knew that if I didn't manage my ever creeping weight, mobility - and other health issues - would be in the cards. It took me one whole year to make up my mind about the surgery, I was doing everything right - things that worked for me in the past -, eating well, exercising and being overall healthy, but my weight wouldn't budge. I decided to do it in Feb, and got it in December. Knowing what I know now, and how it has transformed my life, I wish I did it sooner. That's not to say that YOU need to do it, only you can decide that for yourself. And like @ms.sss said, you are ready when you are ready. I just thought sharing my experience would help since we are both close in age/young moms. Feel free to reach out if you need any more info. Good luck ❤️
  9. Lilia_90

    Treated myself to new hair!

    Love it!! Super cute.
  10. Lilia_90

    Treated myself to new hair!

    I had very long and thick hair too, and at 4 months post op I was losing strands and strands of hair that I was low key freaking out. I tried every vitamin out there and nothing stopped it, according to my doctor you will lose it no matter how much you try to stop it, but assured me that it will grow back. I have lots of baby hair now but my hair is in a weird phase where the bottom is thinner, the top is thick and I have fly aways all over my head, it's been so weird trying to style it! the good thing it's that it's growing back if that's any consolation to you!
  11. Lilia_90


    Wore this sparkly outfit to a new year's at home party with the girls. And this on a short (cold) vacay.
  12. Lilia_90


    Thank you!! I was a big fan of Lululemon and have a ton of their tights, however I switched to Alo a few years back and never looked back. I looove how the tights fit and how snug they are, it's not cheap but worth every penny, plus super chic!
  13. Lilia_90


    Gosh thank you!! I have bought and got rid of many workout clothes over the course of one year. My advise is don't be in a rush to buy because you'll keep losing weight, or buy dirt cheap gear so it's not painful when you need to toss them away LMAO.
  14. Lilia_90


    Does anyone else feel that they live in workout gear? I certainly do! I work then hop to my studio to workout, then back to work hence me being in my workout clothes all day.
  15. Lilia_90

    Creature of Habit

    Not pathetic at all! You are moving your body and that's all that matters!
  16. Lilia_90

    Goal Weight

    I wanted to go back to the weight I maintained through adulthood and motherhood (between 64-67 Kilos/141-147.7 lbs) Where I felt - and looked - my best and was active and in shape. My surgeon told me that he'll be very pleased if I lose 20 kgs (70 kgs), I was aiming for 65 kgs, and that in my opinion would have been a great success. I got down to 65 kilos in 3 months and kept losing for another 6 months until I stabilized (52.5-54 kgs is my fluctuation) and that is around 11/12 kgs less than what I would have considered an absolute success. It is easy to be hung up on a specific number, however it is how you feel and how you fit into your clothes that matters. I would've never imagined myself at 52 kilos (never been that weight except when I 13) and had you told me that I would've gasped out loud in horror. Now, I feel I look great and really healthy. I have a 15 kg wriggle room, and if I do gain a bit of weight it is no big deal. I loved how I looked at 65 kgs and I love how I look now too.
  17. Lilia_90

    7 years post op 🥳

    You're an inspiration with so much wisdom to share. I want to be you at multiple years out. Thanks for sticking around and helping others 💓
  18. Lilia_90

    Creature of Habit

    How are you recovering @AmberFL ? Hope all is well and you're in a gym somewhere pumping some serious iron LOL
  19. This!! It is so embarrassing especially during meetings.
  20. Lilia_90


    My I had flashbacks of my LBT, BodyPump and all things LesMills days! I used to do an hour of BodyStep followed by an hour of BodyAttack! I don't know how I did it but there is no way I could do that now, nor do I want to haha. And you're right, I used to call BodyAttack heart attack as it was crazy intense. I'll stick to running LOL.
  21. Lilia_90


    That is AMAZING! Nothing beats the feeling of achieving a new PR! And it feels so good to discover that your stamina has picked up and that you are able to go for longer (whatever that is you're doing), or do things you were never able to do before. Disclaimer: it is addictive. While I worked out my whole life, including while being obese, I was never fond of running. I did all sorts of cardio (Spinning, HIIT, BodyAttack, BodyCombat, Step, you name it) but I hated running with a passion. Found it boring. Although I was able to run for 6-7 km straight I rarely ever did. Fast forward to my foot injury, I was so immobile I was in pain walking, so I did a lot of jump rope and spinning to compensate but my weight never budged. 4 months Post VSG I started getting into serious fitness again and I discovered this newfound love for running that I run every single day now. I do 5-6k once a week and 3k every day after my lifts and I LOVE it with a passion, how times change LOL. I have a feeling you will too. Although I don't know you, I am very proud of you and hope your journey is full of such pleasant surprises.
  22. Lilia_90

    Pulsating feeling

    Yep! Never felt that prior to surgery but not it's common! It's so weird, feels like my stomach is fluttering like a heartbeat.
  23. Lilia_90


    Was on a mini vacay, and it was coooold 🥶 Here’s one of the outfits I wore. The jumper is quite loose but didn’t look too shabby I guess!
  24. Lilia_90

    Creature of Habit

    I've been delaying going to my foot surgeon for this exact same reason. I am worried he'll bring up surgery again and that would freak me out. The surgery I would be getting requires a cast for 6 weeks! Dammit. Now for you, you can start walking when you're cleared. I remember after my breast Aug. I was back to crazy intense exercise after taking one week off (not recommending that tho, please get the clearance from your surgeon first). You will be able to start walking in no time and it'll all be okay. Hang in there!
  25. Lilia_90

    Food Before and After Photos

    Did an intense leg workout followed by a slow jog on the treadmill. Then it was time for dinner. We had pesto chicken sandwiches for dinner, with air fried breaded chicken breast, pesto, melted cheddar and sliced heirloom tomatoes. I grabbed a half (already had bitten into it as you can see) How I did: Not sufficient protein obv, will have a protein shake before bed.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
