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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dundeedawn

  1. Hi there. I was banded on 15 Sept 08 at Bomsgrove with the WGA package. I live in Dundee and feel really isolated with my band. Would love to hook up with someone nearby who has had a band. Just found the UK section on this website so that really cheered me up. I had a 3 cc fill in my 10 cc band last week and feel nothing. Is anyone else the same. I could eat all day if it wasn't for my will power. Would love to hear from you if you live near me or are experiencing the same things as me. Also can anyone advise me where to go for fills. My fill last week was when I got my X-ray in Manchester so need to find somewhere more local for my fills.
  2. Dundeedawn

    Anyone from dundee or nearby

    Thanks Sadie. I actually work in Carnoustie. Congrats on your weight loss, thats really great. I'm struggling just now but think I'm just needing a good fill. I checked with the Spire Murrayfield but I think it was about £300 for a fill, does that sound right? Great to hear from you.
  3. Dundeedawn

    pain in left side?

    Hi I'm Dawn. I'm sorry I'm not from the USA (unfortunately). I live in Scotland and am struggling to find others to speak to about the problems I am having. I am 6 days post op and am really struggling with the pain in my left side. I can't seem to find any position to sleep in that is comfortable. I was just looking for reassurance that this pain will go away soon.

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