I also have a 10cc band, as of monday I have a total of 4cc's in it. Since my surgery I haven't went one entire week without being sick atleast once. I can't do anything spicy, meat is near impossible and what I can eat are too high in carbs. This was my 3rd fill and each time I get a fill I suffer for about 2 weeks. Then I can get a cup or so down without the nausea. I can't drink for about 2 hours after I eat or I vomit, even if its just a peanut..1 peanut. It feels like I have so much air inside me, I make these weird noises in my throat for hours after I eat. And often I get like a weird chest pain after eatting. Kaplan says either I am eatting too much..(i'm not) or not chewing it up good enough, or eatting to fast or eatting the wrong things....I hate being sick and try to go very slow when I eat and to chew forever so I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Started with a flu/cold from hell thursday so I am gonna lay around today and watch lifetime movies hahaha. Talk to you all soon.