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About lsolomonrn

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/23/1973
  1. Happy 40th Birthday lsolomonrn!

  2. Happy 39th Birthday lsolomonrn!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary lsolomonrn!

  4. Congratulations!!!!!! Keep up the great work. I went to my doctor today after having sx on 10/9. I was 236.5 pre-op. Today I was 226. I am in awe. I could only hope to lose anywhere near that in 3.5 months. That is truly exciting.Keep it going...
  5. I went to my doctor today, first follow up. I had about 1/4inch opening in my port site that kept draining. My doctor said it was a seroma and packed it. I have to pack it twice a day. I did tonight. It was a bit uncomfortable but it didn't seem to be draining so much. NO antibiotics because it is not infected. So I do dry packing and gauze. Will keep a close eye on it though...
  6. lsolomonrn

    gas, gas, and more gas

    Thank you. I didn't even think of that. I do have regular gas pains from an empty stomach, but the other gas pain is what is driving me insane. I will definitely increase my walking. Thanks again.
  7. lsolomonrn

    gas, gas, and more gas

    Hi everyone, I was banded on 10/9/08 and have been suffering with gas since. I have tried gas-x with no relief. I have also tried some teas. In the last 3 days I have gotten a sharp pain on the side of my left shoulder. I think it is gas. It only seems to come when my stomach is feeling empty. I am eating mushies and it seems to subside after I eat, but whenever I am near the 3 hour mark, it starts. It is driving me crazy, and is very uncomfortable/painful. Any suggestions... Please help:crying:
  8. lsolomonrn

    So Tired

    Hi My surgery was on 10/9. I too have the hunger pains in my stomach. I am tired but trying to walk a bit. As for protein what helps me is a protein bullet. New Whey protein has 42 grams of protein in 3.1oz. I do maintain almost exclusively a high protein diet with pureed chili, and pureed ground beef, beans, and lots of water.
  9. Hi everyone, My name is Leah. I was banded on Thursday, Oct.9, 2008. I had the realize band placed. So far, I have not had any major issues, except for the gas pain. I am on a pureed diet and have taken a Protein bullet of 42 grams and my Protein shake and the rest food to get my 50+ grams of protein. I am excited to start this new chapter in my life and become a healthier person. My pre-band weight was 236.5. I have many questions, but am just happy to be here and share my experience as I go along. Leah :thumbup::thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
