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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About bariangelas

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  1. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hi!! Going well!! 26kg down and loving the energy and the movement I have now! I was in abit of a slump the past 2 weeks just with sickness and not going to the gym so I hadn’t dropped any kg but I spoke to someone about it and they said to start measurements which I have not done! So will start that I guess. how about you?
  2. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Same here! Some days I don’t feel that hungry and other days I feel so hungry!! also I’m on soft food and struggling abit on that even with healthy fats like eggs my dietician said
  3. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I was the same, first week was 3kg Ive been told by a physician who I work with that no more than 2kg a week is good moving forward is a great goal as it means your body won’t go into the natural starvation mode and try to hold onto the weight. Plus your body is doing it slowly which is good re rapid weight loss problems also. I also felt sad about how slow it is going but we will get there I’m 3 weeks post op and I’ve only been loosing 1.3kg a week roughly.
  4. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I’m 3 weeks and on puree but am able to have soft scrambled eggs and cottage cheese. been having a lot of pumpkin soup. making overnight oats- that then goes in the blender with some protein and a banana and some peanut butter :)
  5. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Yeah no prob I know everyone is different so just do what you think is best. like I said just get up and move around when you can as the pressure can be annoying. good luck!!
  6. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hi congrats!!! I only took off 6 days.. prob not advisable but I felt well. i als9 have a sit down desk job- first day I only did 3 hours to ease myself in , next day was 5 1/2 etc and so on the only thing I had issue with was the sittin puts pressure so I was constantly getting up and walking. i work in a dr surgery so I also had a space to lay down when needed.
  7. bariangelas

    Leg Compression device

    I only had that machine attached until that night because it broke, then I just rotated my legs/ ankles and moved my toes. i still was wearing the compression socks though but the following day after surgery I took them off. i work with doctors and I went in 6 days post op and he looked at my incisions etc and felt ny legs to make sure everything was okay and it was so unless you had any health issues that they recommended you to continue using them I have no idea why 2 weeks post op? they want you up and moving for that purpose as well
  8. bariangelas

    Just had gastric sleeve

    This is my daily routine day 3 I will sip 20ml at a time in that lil cup which has the measurements I aim to have 60ml in the hour protein water I have my multivitamin at 9am as well as my anti reflux You can’t have the calcium/vitamin D 2-3 hours past multi vitamin and it’s best to take that with food for best absorption . So 12pm bone broth (chicken yesterday was yummy) that one ouch I will split into two containers and I will sip over the course of four hours. The other half I will have at 5ish for two hours again. Whatever I can’t finish I just chuck 4pm another multivitamin And that’s it :) I stop liquids around 8-9 depending on how I feel and try and sleep
  9. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I’m in the same boat re regret and i kept thinking “should I have done this” but then i think about all the reasons why i needed to do this and then I felt better. i had my op on the 11th so im a day behind you.. tbh I never even thought about post op recovery.. it was just more getting all the meals prepared that I can eat and that’s it - no thought of any pain or discomfort I will have. everyone on here is lovely and will give great advise for us newbies
  10. bariangelas

    Just had gastric sleeve

    Thanks everyone for your supportive words. it’s good to know I’m on track and these feelings are what everyone goes through. I will def try those arm movements because the top of my left shoulder/ neck is killing me
  11. Hi all, Just had surgery and I’m 48 hours in. Had surgery Thursday and came home Friday 2pm I keep thinking why have I done this to myself so I’m still in abit of shock and I honestly didn’t prepare myself for post recovery (stupid I know) I had all the food stuff down and thought everything will be ok but there is so much too it. Am I having enough fluids, why does my stomach hurt after I drink is it gas pain? or is it because I didn’t have enough food and it’s empty? Or am I having too much? It’s a constant mental battle. I just wanted to get some perspective on people who are in the same boat as me right now. I also want to hear from people getting into foods and how that was. My biggest fear was not being able to eat the things I love but was told that it’s not going to be like that and it won’t be healthy for me to deprive myself.
  12. bariangelas

    Leg Compression device

    I only had it the day of surgery after I was put in my ward. It ended up breaking so was told to move my toes every so often and to get up and moving. I took the compression socks off last night and today is 2 days post op but I am walking around heaps so I think I should be fine.
  13. bariangelas

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I just had mine Jan 11th!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
