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Everything posted by Mspretty86

  1. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Conquering the Beast: I am here to report a win. I have conquered the beast and that is the TREADMILL. I used to have the utmost disdain for the treadmill. I never wanted to be on it and I always exercised outside on the walking/running trail. So I mentally meditated and conditioning my mind to imagine my favorite walking trail, which has hills, my favorite trees, and I follow the same trail on the treadmill. I meditated on all the trees that I meet, all my markers and I have been able to successfully enjoy the treadmill! major win. So this means that I have no excuses to not move. I can no longer say oh it's cold outside so I can't go on my favorite walking trail so I won't exercise movement is me, and I am movement.
  2. Hey everyone everyday is a Win..in the baratric world we know everyday we have to either get fluids in, eat enough protein etc, ...what is your win for today? My Win is being consistent on my bariatric journey and movement, I have made it a goal to move almost daily!
  3. I would say that I've always been easy on the eyes I'm not sure why people feel uncomfortable saying they are attractive. Im a very blunt person. I noticed when I was much larger even with being easy on the eyes the MALE gaze was not as strong as it is now. Sometimes the Male Gaze was none-existent to be honest. The old me (date 5 and break all 5 hearts) wants to resurface. It astounds me now how men will literally make a 360 in a store, gas station, they could even be with a significant other. Where was this male gaze when I was hitting 313 pounds? What does this say about men and what they presume as attractive? How does your current spouses/boyfriends feel about your weight loss? Any breakups?
  4. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Win: Tried something new ....Welp I did the Pilates ummmm it's not really my cup of tea! I have to have more intensity. Although it's a full body workout, if I'm going to pay $300 to $400 a month on a Pilates package I need a little bit more! GIVE ME MORE.
  5. @NeonRaven8919 I'm proud of you and you have some awesome wins!
  6. Weird as it may sound but I can SEE and feel my collarbone 🤣🤣🤣. I can also feel my hip/pelvis pelvis bone! I'm seeing and feeling bones I never felt! 💪🏼
  7. Mspretty86

    Disgusted, Disgruntled, but Determined

    From various bariatric groups that I'm in, I hear that the people who regained weight who luckily regained control of their situation, They stated that they shifted their mindset and went back to things that Worked from the beginning. some said they quit night time snacking. Some went back to tracking their food, some stopped over eating, some stopped eating out and went back to cooking their own food and meal prepping, so it looked like they were just getting back to the basics that helped them lose the weight at first. Movement was a big aspect as well. They started back walking Or running.
  8. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    @FifiLux Love it proud of you too! So we have the zodiac signs Aries in the house @BlondePatriotInCDA..I'm a Leo love the Aries and Tauruses. Love these WINS!
  9. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    @BlondePatriotInCDA Damn!! You go Girl I'm so happy and proud of you! HOT!
  10. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    This month I'm finding new ways to win: I have scheduled Pilates class using a reformer and hot yoga. Has anyone did a Pilates class with a reformer how did it feel? What muscles does it target over time?
  11. Mspretty86

    So excited!

    OK, good to know. Yes, I'm liking the internal bra technique. It's making people's breast look very perky and a lot of women don't even need bras with the internal bra. No unfortunately these babies need to be lifted with a breast augmentation so a double whammy for me.
  12. Mspretty86

    So excited!

    Well, I went for my consultation on January 2 and I'm shooting for surgery in May. We shall see I will keep you posted. I forgot how long is it until you can work out again? I don't know how I'm going to do that not working out working out has become a part of me. I love doing it is good for my mental health.
  13. Mspretty86

    So excited!

    @AmberFL awww that is so beautiful I'm sure he had a good birthday! Spicy! Well good to hear I'm glad they are healing and you like them!
  14. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    @ShoppGirl Thanks it took a lot of talking to myself but I got up! I wanted to stay in the damn bed. I'm right with you I used to make excuses as well!
  15. Mspretty86

    So excited!

    How is the healing going?! Have you shopped for some fun new bras? How's the husband liking them?
  16. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Hey ladies, I know we are all still winning. It's crazy we can get caught up in the every day monotony of life and think that oh this is not a win or this is just a regular day well today it decided to snow in Texas. We never get snow here really in this part of Texas. I got my ass up and went on a treadmill. I never work out on the treadmill. I always walk outside. That was a small win.
  17. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Win: 9 months post op time flys!
  18. I love this grief thread! I grieve daily various things! Everyday there is a death 😂😂. I had a nightmare that I indulged in Taco Bell's Nacho Bell grande. I'm 8 months post opp I choose not to eat alot of sh**, I am addicted too. So the grief is there! Love hearing you alls griefs!
  19. I think it's always Good to talk about GRIEF and anger. Yesterday I was driving around Houston Texas running errands and the overwhelming grief took hold. If anyone has visited Texas you know our food is TOP tier so much seasoning so much flavor. I grieve not pulling in the drive thru after shopping. (Taco Bell, What-A-Burger, Shipleys Donuts)! I GRIEVE OUR ever so plentiful TACO TRUCKS at 2am where I would order 10 street tacos and a burrito with the red/green sauce I grieve boba TEA I grieve the comforts I grieve just being able to drink alot at one time. Who knew that a few sips of water could make you so full In noticing the griefs you become aware of how addicted you were to the food and the feeling. Sighs*
  20. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Did a thing! Win: My mother has been a petite small lady all her life. She does not think about food, crave food, want food 😂😂😂. could you imagine not thinking about food?! She does not suffer from the disease of obesity. Welp I went home to visit and she was like I think you can wear these pants! The pants is her clothing; her closet resembles that of a small store. So many cloths! I'm like noooooo I will not be able to wear them. Welp I was able to fit in here wide leg size 8 pants from Banana Republic WOW that is crazy!!!!
  21. Mspretty86

    Bariatric Year End Review! Roll Call!

    Major Win! Feels good to be on the lighter side! So glade you are enjoying and embracing the new you. Happy For your new beginnings hope you find a place to live that you enjoy!
  22. This year was An awesome YEAR ...8 months post op. I went from a full ugly cry at the counter because chicken would not go down right after surgery 😂😂 and grieving all the unhealthy food that I loved, to actually learning how to eat, loving my new body, eating with Intention and loving the the things I actually can eat. I have learned to cook foods that I enjoy and make it bariatric friendly. Who knew our food could taste that good! I had no idea I could continue to enjoy all the foods in a new way! Movement is an activity that I enjoy and aided in my rapid weight loss. I hope to continue to move, I hope to add new movement skills (hot yoga, rucking, boxing). What is your year ends review? What did you learn? Any setbacks? Anything you are looking forward to in the new year?
  23. Mspretty86

    Bariatric Year End Review! Roll Call!

    @FifiLux I got teary eyed during this read! I love it, it's such a Joy! I hope we both continue to be active in the bariatric community and would love to hear your new adventures in the upcoming new year and years to come. The disease of obesity is lifelong so many ups and downs. We got this!
  24. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    This year I had so many WINS! It was An awesome YEAR 8 months post op. I went from a full ugly cry at the counter because chicken would not go down right after surgery 😂😂 and grieving all the unhealthy food, to actually learning how to eat, loving my new body, eating with Intention and loving the the things I actually can eat. I have learned to cook foods that I enjoy and make it bariatric friendly. Who knew our food could taste that good! What is your year ends review?
  25. Mspretty86

    Slowing Down 😶‍🌫️

    @NeonRaven8919before and after photos also help. I take a lot of those. Obesity plays a number on our psyche. We feel we haven't lost a lot or done well when we have. I look at my before and afters often like damn girl you did the work. Continue forward lol

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