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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mspretty86

  1. Love this! Lol now you all can do healthy cuddle and Chill! Babe bring me a celery stick 😂😂😂. I get it tho!
  2. Love this ..as I'm comming up on 5 months post op...im trying to decide how I would like to move ahead with the "maintenance" part of life. Maintaining a food lifestyle that I enjoy for life. I haven't yet decided on how that will look. It's good to hear your thoughts as it gives me insight on how I will maybe manage further down the line. As of now I don't even know what bread, or mash potatoes or any of the comforts I once enjoyed taste like 😂😂😂 anymore .
  3. This is good info never looked at it like this...I am afraid to trigger my addiction if I taste certain foods I may not be able to stop
  4. Im with you there...I miss everything!
  5. Sorry I screamed laughing for some reason when you said "all the chewing" for a steak 😂. Yes It's a lot of chewing but I love steak so damn much: even tho I chew 1000 times
  6. Trust me I am with you whole heartedly @BlondePatriotInCDA...today we drove to Louisiana to go the casino and I am beyond mad! We all ate at a buffet and I wanted the rolls, mashed potatoes etc...The Win for today tho is my own mom did not no who I was she sat by me at a machine and said "a mamn can I ask you"...she stopped and looked and was like damn I didn't even know my own baby. This journey is hard as hell. We always have to find a win through the grief. I grieve every damn day. I am a big baker as well imagine making people red velvet cakes with the cream cheese icing and not being able to eat it. for restaurants I stick to steak, and veggies I no longer make a deal of it because I know I will not be able to enjoy my "big girl" pleasures I once knew. It's like the enjoyment of eating out is now one big RIP 🪦.
  7. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    So awesome movement is my favorite thing
  8. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    New Week New Wins! Ladies and Gents look forward to seeing your weeks Wins!
  9. Mspretty86

    Weight loss after pregnancy post WLS?!

    Cool thanks yes I do not have children but need to plan for the future...I always felt that the mothers in my family over ate while pregnant and used it as an excuse. I know people eat for two but really how much food does one need.
  10. Mspretty86

    Weight loss after pregnancy post WLS?!

    That's my biggest fear and that's why I'm in various bariatric groups. I do not want to gain any of this weight back! It was hard work getting it off 😩😩😩
  11. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Your NSV's will surprise you by the month! Truly Amazing
  12. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Thanks...I retire around 8pm and put all electronics away I also do not have TV in bedroom it helps. Much like @ShoppGirl stated I rest much better after cardio/physical activity..I also am not the best sleeper 😩. I am very big on movement and always have been even when I was larger..so I have to get it done! Once I'm done in the early am. I have the rest of the day to do as I wish!
  13. Mspretty86

    Gastric Sleeve group

    Girl lol I am right with you 4 months post op. I grieve not being able to guzzle down water or any beverage for that matter. I grieve everything right now. Thankful for the multiple bariatric groups that I am in. I wouldn't make it 😂
  14. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    This weeks Win is Movement. I haven't stopped moving since surgery in April. Houston Texas Skyline. Yes I am the crazy lady working out at 4am. 🏋️‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽. Stay Motivated!
  15. New week new things that I grieve ... pre-menstruation hunger and menstruation hunger needs to be further talked about in the bariatric community.
  16. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    I love to hear everyone's Wins as each week or day passes there is a New Win.
  17. Mspretty86

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    Mid week checkpoint from last week I'm late! I i'm an avid runner. I have taken the last few days off. Crazy how your body craves exercise once you make it a part of your routine. I will say obesity is a smart disease and anyone experiencing stalls for me , I have to constantly find ways to out smart it. If I run at 4am one week, I will run at 6pm the next. It get used to things you do 😡😡😡😡.
  18. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Have Fun shopping Ladies! To shop and actually wear what you want is a HUGE and a Major WIN!! 🥇🏆 🏅 🎉
  19. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Thanks for this info! So many thrifts in this city. That will be my project in the next few weeks!
  20. Mspretty86

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Reporting todays WIN 8/14/24...went to macys and the size 16 jeans are fitting well some are kind of big! It's been a LONG A$$ time since I've seen a size 16 from being in the size 20 somethings lol. I said today I would go to the mall and shop to see my actual size. I still do not want to buy a lot of cloths only month 4 and dropping fast!!
  21. Mspretty86

    Gastric Sleeve group

    I still have no appetite and trust your not going to Want to overeat! Your pouch won't let you. My pouch is an a*****e i call it names. The second month i let out a big ugly real tears cry! Strawberries didn't even want to go down felt stuck 😂😂😂
  22. Mspretty86

    Gastric Sleeve group

    My gastric sleeve which I just had surgery in April I would say is super restrictive. Now some other bariatric groups I am in they expressed concerns because they felt they could still eat a lot of food. A lot of this journey is mental and I am unsure if those who were saying they felt they could eat more than they should was still battling the mental aspect of surgery. It's the best thing you could do. It's a chance to start anew.
  23. Mspretty86

    Weight loss after pregnancy post WLS?!

    Great thread ladies I'm 4 months post op and kinda get crazy and wild around ovulation time sorry not sorry haha. So I'm on here looking at people's weight gain during pregnancy and or any issues they might have had. Good to stay prepared!
  24. Nickelchip im sorry I had to chuckle very loudly when you stated you could chew a peice of broccoli and be in agony. That is the same way I feel about chicken for some reason it feels like it gets stuck in my chest and I want to throw it against the damn wall. Some days me and chicken can have the perfect love affair. Ohhhhhhh heaven heaven is Brisket and again I'm with you! *sighs. This is my birthday week and I'm already fantasizing about the bar b q I will eat; To only get full on a few chomps 😡

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