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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tainabj

  1. Hi tainabj, I had surgery on the 4th all went well came home the same day. I wasn't really in any pain just the gas pressure in my back for a few days. Getting up and down hurt a little at the port site but it really wasn't bad at all. Congradulations on your date . Dr. Steinburg has a support group at dekalb medical. Right now I'm struggling trying not to over eat before I get my 1st fill this is pure hell I'm hungry!;)

    I can imagine just what you are saying. I got banded yesterday & came home today. I am hungry already (lol). I am on the 3 wks liquids. Wow, this will be challeging. I have some gas pains & a little tenderness, but hopefully all will be ok in a few days. I will basically be doing this on my own; my 1st fill will be in about 4 wks too. How have you managed? :laugh:

  2. Hi tainabj Dr. William Johnson at Atlanta Bariatrics is doing my surgery. What Dr. are you using? I actually went today and signed my consent form eight days left to the big day.:thumbup:

    Sorry ATL38 for just responding. I am still getting aquainted with this system. I am scheduled for surgery Dec 30, with Dr. Scott Steinberg in Decatur. I think you have already had your surgery now... How is it going for you-I now you must be excited. I am looking for a spt grp here in the area where we can maybe get together over a healthy lunch and sure our experiences...

  3. Hello everyone :redface: just want to give everyone a update

    Well it's been almost a year and no sugery :) I was supposed to have my surgery the 20th of this month but my blood sugar shot up to 1200 and the doctors said no sugery untill I get it under control I have been doing everything I can to get it down. the doctors in the ER said I should be dead or having a stroke cause my blood sugar shot up so hi but I am fine now so hopefully I will have my surgery in january somtime as long as my sugar level stayes under control I am now on both the pill and the shot :tt2: My family doctor said once I have the surgery and loose the weight I can possibly come off the shot and the pill and keep it under control I can say this I have been on my own diet and lost 32 pounds all I have been doing is drinking Water and eating normal but watching how much I eat it's hard cause I love food but I know if I don't do it I will end up in a grave some were but everyone pleasee pray for me and keep me in your thoughts and prayers cause lord knows I need them I will keep everyone posted on my next surgery date and my progress good luck everyone and god bless !!

    Hang in there and keep your eye on the big picture. January is not far away. You can do it. And I too will pray for you.:unsure:

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