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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About CelticSoul

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    Eastern Massachusetts

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  1. CelticSoul

    Celebrating 2 Big Milestones Today!

    Congratulations, you look fantastic! What a great result, so well deserved!
  2. CelticSoul

    Cold feet b4 Surgery time sensitive.

    Hi Joe, I am almost 8 weeks post surgery. While I can't speak for everyone, I did not experience this. Yes, you have to chew your food well (if it needs chewing), but it is not as onerous as it seems. Sure, the first time I had solid food I made sure that it was well chewed and I ate it slowly to make sure it was not going to present a problem. I've done that with every new food I've tried. But it has NEVER taken me 10-15 minutes to eat 2 tablespoons of food. In fact, I have to make sure I don't eat too fast! It is like drinking water after surgery... at first you struggle to take a sip at a time. Then you notice you are taking bigger sips and then a large swallow. I can drink 8 oz of water in a couple of swallows now. I know that thought of the changes this surgery may bring to your life can be scary, but does it really matter if when you are past the initial stages of the process it takes you 15 minutes longer to eat your dinner than it did prior to surgery? That you can't get your money's worth at an all you can eat buffet? If you look at the surveys of people who have had WLS, their most common regret is that they didn't have the surgery sooner. BTW - I'd always been a "healthy" fat person until I wasn't. I can't count the number of times I lost a little weight only to gain it back; Weight Watchers should have been giving me frequent flyer rates. Today, I went under 300 lbs. for the first time in 19 years and I'm 35 lbs away from being a weight I haven't seen since 1984. Yeah... I'm good with it all!
  3. CelticSoul

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    The purpose of this diet is to shrink your liver. The liver is in the path of surgery. Following the diet will use up the glycogen that is stored in your liver. Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates. Depleting your liver’s glycogen stores shrinks the liver, which can decrease complications during and after surgery That being said, 4 weeks of nothing but meal replacement shakes is a tough row to hoe. I agree with the broth suggestion. You may also want to ask your doctor if you can have non-starch veggies - at least for the first two weeks. I had to do 2 weeks of a full liquid diet; it does get easier the closer you get to surgery - because you are ALMOST there! And as you get closer to the date and you are losing weight and your clothes are getting looser and you feel better, it is even more incentive. Hang in there!
  4. CelticSoul

    Dealing With Negative Comments

    Don't you have the willpower? Ha! Willpower involves something you have control over. Willpower has never and will never cure a disease and obesity is a disease. Rudeness however, is not... Having dealt with being overweight most of my life (Thank you genetics, puberty, and PCOS!) it bothered me in the past when I was called names, overheard cruel remarks, or was told to "just push yourself away from the table!" But with the wisdom of age, life experience, and resulting blessed disregard for what others think about me comes a certain freedom. I don't feel the need to explain anything to anyone or defend myself because there is nothing I could ever say that would change their misconceptions. They want to believe what they believe. So I no longer let it get to me and I've accepted who I am with all my beautiful flaws. When someone I met asked me when I was due, I said - "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat!" They were embarrassed, but I laughed, because I was 56 at the time and that ship had way past sailed! And I chose to take it as a compliment that she thought I was young enough to be pregnant! LOL As for WLS, I've embraced it. I've made a decision that will extend my life and grant me many more years with my husband (poor man!) So I told my sisters, some friends, my hairdresser (gonna need him when the hair starts falling out!), my boss, and a lot of coworkers. And while the reaction has been hugely positive and supportive, I have to be honest, if it wasn't I just wouldn't have given a 🤐 I admit that when I was younger things would have been different, because when we are young we worry too much about what others think about us. But now I only live for today. As for rude and obnoxious people, I just look at them and think... I will digress here with a little story - I once had a sister-in-law who was a truly evil person disguised as a saint; she was capable of the most heinous acts. She is only person upon whom I've ever wanted to seek revenge. So I would think about dastardly things and one day came up with the idea of going to bookstore with a large magazine section and taking a subscription card from EVERY magazine and filling them out in her name... every type of magazine imaginable. Then i thought about how long it would take someone to cancel all those magazines... and the type of mailing lists you would get on even after you had cancelled them, and I smiled a chesire cat little smile... and then let it go. In my head I had enacted my revenge! I shared it with my husband and to this day when someone really pisses me off I tell him about it and say, "They're getting magazines!!!" and we laugh. So those rude, obnoxious, and nasty people who can't mind their own business and have to comment on things they know nothing about? I look at them and think "You're getting magazines!"
  5. CelticSoul

    Hernia and exercise? Help!!

    Auntie, are you talking about a Hiatal Hernia in your esophagus? That is different from an abdominal hernia which is what I think learn2cook is talking about. The following exercises are considered safe for a hiatal hernia: walking jogging swimming cycling gentle or modified yoga, without inversions You can discuss additional excercise with your doctor whe you see him.
  6. CelticSoul

    Did anyone go home same day?

    I would say it would depend on what time of day you had your surgery. i had mine done in the afternoon and I most certainly could not have gone home the same day.
  7. CelticSoul

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I had my surgery on 12/27 and I'm doing great. Working on getting my water and protein in, it was a struggle the first couple of days but is improving. Except for the gas pain post surgery I haven't had that much discomfort except for when I sleep on my side, which is normal. The day after surgery I was up 7 lb, I believe due to swelling and the IVs, but that has disappeared and I am losing. Like you say small wins! I hope that all my December surgery buddies are doing well and wish you all a wonderful New Year!
  8. That is great news, so glad to hear you have a new date! What a great way to start off the new year! 🎉
  9. CelticSoul

    December Surgery Buddies!

    To all my 12/27 buddies - I wish you good luck and can't wait to hear about your successes! Here is to a new us in 2024! 🎉
  10. CelticSoul

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Welcome to the group. Yes, there are a lot of us sneaking in under the wire! Good luck with your surgery and have a very Merry Christmas!
  11. CelticSoul

    GERD before gastric sleeve?

    Are there other factors why he wants to do the sleeve? Have you had previous surgeries that might complicate a RNY?
  12. CelticSoul


    If he could swallow pills I would suggest Tart Cherry Extract Capsules. I suppose he could open them up and add them to applesauce. The juice is better but you have to drink 8 oz a day and while it has no added sugars it has carbs. Tart Cherry Juice has been proven in studies to reduce inflamation in people with Gout. It also is good for other inflamation. I had an issue with my eye several years ago; I was on every kind of medication from my Rheumatologist and nothing worked. This went on for months. Finally my eye doctor told me to try 8 oz of cherry Juice a day... the issued resolved in less than 2 weeks.
  13. CelticSoul

    December Surgery Buddies!

    BBariQueen, how are you doing?
  14. CelticSoul

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Mjtcollective, that is fantastic. Congratulations on your weight loss, you are off to a great start!
  15. CelticSoul

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Dayl, That is terrific! I hope you continue to feel well, what a wonderful start!

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