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Everything posted by pattygreen
Jesus is Lord, A Worshipping Christian Family
Christians don't particularly like to hear that people don't believe in God, because they are sooooo sure that He is real, and they understand the ramifications of the afterlife for unbelievers, that it hurts them to know where the atheist will spend their eternity. The unbeliever will be existing for all eternity without God, while the believers will be enjoying peace and serenity and love and happiness with their creator for all eternity. They only have your best interest in mind when they react like it's 'the end of the world', as you say. Christians also respect your choice not to believe in God. Without free will, God would have a mess of puppets and robots in Heaven with him. He wants only those that he has created who will love him back freely of their own will to be his children and inherit his eternal Kingdom. As a christian, and a believer in God, I hope you will reconsider.
Hi. Thanks for posting. You say you voted for Obama because he claimed to be a christian. Do you feel that the 'fruits' of his christian faith have come shining through? In my opinion, I feel that he is not doing as God would like him to do. Just his abortion stand alone shows me that he doesn't respect God's view on the preciousness of life. And what about all the financial mismanagement? God has asked christians to be good stewards of their money. Obama has lied many times as well. He made many campaign promises that he didn't keep. What exceptions to abortion do you have? My only exception would be to save the mother's life. I also believe that marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman only. God agrees with this also. (to discuss the prayer in school thing, come over and visit us on the "decline of morals in America" thread. okay?)
All christian denominations have the same basic views. (Believing in Christ Jesus as the Savior, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, the bible as its guidebook, etc) Where these denominations differ is in their practices.(Can we dance?; should infants be baptised?; Can women talk in church?; etc.) I call them 'gray' areas. (Not at all that important in the grand scheme of things) These differences in christian denominations are what causes splits between the christian people and causes them to attend different places of worship. Their ALL christian churches, so the different writing over the door of their building doesn't make them any better than another. Therefore, since they all follow the bible as God's laws and guidebook for mankind, that should be the governing rule. (I'd also like to add that the bible tells us that in the end time, it will be the governing rule, so even if it doesn't happen next week or in ten years or even in my lifetime, it will eventually be the way of the whole world, not just for America)
Why is Israel a Jewish nation? Because mostly Jewish people live there. Do you think there are any non jewish people there? Yes, there are. Why is Iran a Moslem nation? Because mostly Moslems live there. Could there be any non Moslems there? Yes, there are. Why is America a Christian nation? Could it be because mostly Christian people live there? (92%) Are there any non christians there? Yes, there are. (8%) We have picked a specific religion in America. It's already been done. Back when this nation was formed. It's Christianity. The difference between our nation and others who have their own religion, is that our Constitution allows any person to practice any faith here, and other countries don't allow it there. But Christianity is the predominate religion of America. (Just ask any foreigner)
Our universe was created by a random act of nature. It is beautiful and should be cherished but there is not a man or god up in the clouds who created it for us.
As for the rest of your statement, I would just correct you and say that YOU are accountable to God. Since I don’t believe as you do, I am accountable to own belief system{
How can you be so vain as to claim there is only one God for everyone?
I thought I'd like to add that I don't believe I'm a religious fanatic. I hate organized religions made up by mankind. I think they cause alot of problems in the world. I'm more for a faith in Jesus as our creator fanatatic and in having a relationship with him (outside of religion).That's why I don't want any specific 'religion' to be the head faith in America.(Nor did those who wrote up the constitution). Not even any Christian religion. I just want christianity in general, to be recognized as the faith of our founders and their plan for this country. I would like people to stop trying to push God out of everything public.
What Happened When the Praying Stopped — The Forerunner Please view this website. It explains what happened when children were forced to stop praying in school.
Not true. The teaching of christian morals are very important. When a kid does wrong, he understands that there are consequences. Not just in this life, but in the next. I understand that there is an equal amount of immorality amongst kids from christian and public schools. We can not stop teaching them that they have an eternal God to answer to for their choices in life, despite their choices. That's like saying "I'm not gonna teach my child that to swear is disrespectful, cause he's gonna swear anyway. Why bother." God has a Holy Spirit that moves in the hearts of those who believe in Him. If you remove him from education (moral teaching), you remove the Holy Spirit, who does the work of conviction in each individuals heart. When their is no conviction, then you have children without remorse for what they do and children who will do what's wrong simply because they have no one to answer to. If they have no guide book, then what ever is right or wrong in their own eyes is what rules them. Have you ever heard of your "consciense"? That's really God speaking to your heart and either showing you when you've done something wonderful, or convicting you when you've done something to be ashamed of. I looked for stats on christian schooled children vs. public school taught children concerning pregnancy rates or drug use rates, and couldn't find any. My bet is that the christian school taught children have a lower rate, but I may be wrong. I understand that free will is every persons choice, so even if we are taught properly, their is every chance that we will not always do what's right. On the other hand,those that are taught properly and ask Jesus to be their Savior have the Holy Spirit living within them to guide them in their choices, so their chances of choosing to do the right thing would be greater than the one without God's guidance.
Your last statement caught me. We were 'once' a christian nation and we should have stayed that way. Why do you feel that now that we have become secular, that we should stay that way? That was not our founding fathers original plan. We should not have changed our views. Why is it okay for you to desire our nation to exclude God from it's governing, but it's not okay for me to want to go back to the original intent of this countries founding fathers and put God back where He rightfully belongs? As the Lord of this nation?
And how does saying that we are only accountable to God contradict that? We are accountable to God for everything we do in the flesh, whether good or bad. We have the free will to choose to do good or to choose to do bad. We will also have to answer to him for it all someday. Please explain how I have contradicted myself with those words.
Singing a religious song at a concert is not tantamount to establishing a religion. How do you not get that? Schools that ban all references to religious life are taking it to an absurd extreme, you'll get no argument from me on that. Then who decides? Who makes the decision if prayer can be in school or a religious song? This is where you get division. If it was good enough for our founding fathers children to be taught biblical morals and to pray to God in school, then it should be good enough for our children. Who ever decided to ban it anyway? If they didn't like it, they could tell their children not to say the prayers with the others, or they could home school or set up private schools that excluded God from them. This is where we, as a Christian Nation, went wrong. We allowed the minority who didn't believe in God to infiltrate the rest who did. And, in case you didn't know this, the words Under God are not part of the original pledge. In fact, when I was a kid, I was taught the "real" pledge that puts the emphasis on indivisible, the way it should be. I knew that 'Under God' was added at a later date. Indivisible just means undivided. We stand as a nation together, undivided. That has nothing to do with undivided in our religious beliefs. And so what if 'under God' was added later? It only confirms and endorces that even the government in 1954 under Eisenhower's presidency knew that God was the reason for this Nations greatness and power. He understood that it was only by God's grace that we were a blessed nation. Do you see when the tide in this country turned? It wasn't much longer after that time when prayer was removed from our schools. This is about the time of this countries moral decline and it's jump in everything of no virtue. (abortion rates, the gay movement, out of control crimes and prisons filling up to capacity, sky high divorce rates, people living together was acceptable, drugs in the 60's which brought drug addictions and alcohol abuse, murders on the rise, and I could go on) It's been downhill since then. When you choose to remove God from a Nation, you remove his blessings as well.
Quote: Originally Posted by pattygreen I believe we are really only accountable to God. He has everything to do with it. Bolding mine. Do you get the point, Pattygreen? YOU BELIEVE, yadda yadda yadda. You are not in charge of society. What you believe is not the determining factor for the country. The beauty of our democratic republic is that you can exercise your beliefs in peace, and so can everyone else. Don't tread on others' where they are not treading on yours.
In Dec of 1994, the administrators of the Colorado High School told the staff and students to eliminate the traditional singing of "Silent Night" from the annual Christmas program. The night of the event, however, as the program ended, one person stood in protest and and began to quietly hum the hymn. Soon other students and parents joined in the song, standing one at a time across the auditorium until almost everyone was softly singing the words "Silent Night, Holy Night". The administration got the message, and all it took was one person with the courage to initiate "some selective civil disobedience". The 'people' wanted to acknowledge that Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season, but the minority always seem to have a much louder voice than the majority, and that's a shame and the reason for why God has been pushed out.
Students for America took a survey of 13 colleges and found that 56 % of the students polled said that right and wrong is a matter of personal opinion. Only 38% said they believe their are absolutes. The nations prison pop. has now topped 1 million. that's 400 for every 100,000 people. Today, children are killing children. Secular humanism will never change anyone behavior. They have no answer ot the "why not?" Why not casual sex? Why not smoke marijuana? Why not steal a pair of Nikes? Why not peak at my neighbors teat paper?Don't be surprised, our educational system is merely reaping what it sows. It goes beyond why Jane can't read to why Jane can't tell right from wrong. The eral point of education is to produce leadership that is achieved by the formation of character. Humanists can't produce character because they have no basis on which to make a list of attitudes they want children to attain. To change a childs attitude is impossible unless his heart agrees. And that is something 'mere' education without christian morals can never do.The puritans knew that the true purpose of education was to teach how to apply christian principals to the issues in every area of life.
Why do people want some christian things out of the public schools and not other christian things like singing "Away in a Manger"? Why is it that christians can't have prayer at school, but they can pledge the flag that mentions "under God" in it. It's hypocritical. I believe it's the same thing as people who want to obey God when he says "thou shalt not steal", but not when he says "don't have sex with the same gender". In other words, "if it seems okay to me, then fine. If not, then no." You can't have God on your terms. We must take him at ALL his words or not.
I believe we are really only accountable to God. He has everything to do with it.
And where has all this 'goodness and morality' that's being taught in our schools today gotten us? Just teach the kids to be good. The moral decline is far worse than ever. More murders, more robberies, more drug use, more teen pregnancys, etc.
A christian minister said that if you want to find a christian view of our founding fathers in the library of Congress, you need to look at books that are 60 years old or older. Even Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" has been deleted from todays "politically correct" textbooks. There is a total absence of the christian religion in them. They emphasize big brother government, welfarism, and a new socialist global order, while putting down patriotism, traditional morality and free enterprise. How do humanists educators plan to teach this "new" religion of the absence of God in America? By constantly indoctrinating children with negative views of religion in history that presents christians as narrowminded bigots motivated by hatred and greed. While some of us look back nostagically and fondly on American History, the liberal and radical now look back and see more that is sinister--Slavery and segregation, the despoliation of the environment, the maltreatment of the Native Americans, repression of women, the exploitation of women. By imposing this sort of thinking on American students, humanistic educators hope to remove all sympathy for religious values held by the majority of Americans past and present. It is alienating children from the morals and faith of their parents. The public school presents the Church with a generation of youth whose minds have been cast in a secular mode. This leaves us with a generation of young people who think that Christopher Columbus was a crazed gold digger intent on ravishing the New World of its riches; that our founding fathers were wealthy womanizers and Christians in name only; that America is, was, and always has been a secular--even pagen--nation with no christian foundation. It robs them and our nation of its rich christian heritage leaving us without a sense of honor and respect for our founding fathers. Abraham Lincoln once said,"The philosophy of education in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."
With the help of the ACLU and the National Education Asso., the humanists are accomplishing their goal of alienating children from the faith of their "fathers and mothers" in several ways. Bibles are being taken out of school libraries, and they can't bring them to school. Prayer was outlawed, The story of the pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving has been completely distorted. Christmas Celebrations have been replaced with "winter festivals" , you can't even sing 'O Holy Night' in the school concert anymore, and some school districts have stopped scheduling spring break around Easter for fear of "advancing religion." Could it be that a religion that worships man gives kids the idea that they can do as they please? And why shouldn't they? After all, they are accountable to no one.
The "majority' decides who will be the President. The 'majority' voted in Calif. on gay marriages. The majority does rule at times. The 'other' 8% of the country need to understand that they are the 'minority' and they need to adjust. You know, like they want the majority to do right now; adjust to their faith of atheism.
One person may have an opinion or a belief that may differ from someone elses. To say one persons way of thinking is better or should become law over another persons way of thinking is obviously not right. The bible was at one time the guidebook, or standard for rulemaking and laws when this countries founding Fathers started it. Once the bible was removed from the process, there was no longer an ultimate rule or decision making tool to set the pace for society. People began to do what they felt was good according to themselves. If the bible was put back into the governing of this country, we could eliminate all of the controversy over issues that divide the people. It's not what he says or what she says is right or wrong, but it's what GOD says. No more quarrel, no more controversy. I understand that some may say that wouldn't work, because they don't believe in God. Well, then let's take it to a vote. The believers would win. Polls show that 92% of Americans believe in God. 63% believe the bible to be literally true. This could solve all of those controversial issues amongst Americans. Don't you think?