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Everything posted by pattygreen
This country should do all it can to keep people from welfare and bring them to the dignity of self-sufficiency. We are in a recession, and the politicians are reacting by attempting to increase federal spending on aid programs. Obama's large share of the budget will go to programs for the poor. These policies represent an enormous expansion of the welfare state. Foodstamps, Medicaid, Cash assistance, and the Earned income credit, are just a few examples of programs that will receive billions more in funding and will add thousands more to the welfare rolls. What's their goal? Do we want a simple handout for recipients? Or should they be trying to help the people move toward self sufficiency and personal renewal? A recent poll by Wilson Research Strategies shows that Americans have little support for increasing the aid that low income families receive. Only 18% said that current spending on programs for the poor were not enough. Congress and Obama, despite what the people want, moved to spend more while also expanding eligibility for them. Within a year, the # of families receiving assistance could grow enormously. That would have long lasting consequences.They only prolong peoples dependence on these programs. They are bandaids to the problem and ignore what put a family in the position of need in the first place. Back in 1996, we had some welfare reform. I know we did in CT, anyway. Where once people were on welfare for an average of 13 years, with the reform, welfare offices became job placement offices and social workers found effective approaches to put people to work. Families learned how to provide for themselves. Our welfare system should be reformed to require work and emphasize marriage. After all, children raised by never married mothers are 7 times more likely to be poor when compared with children raised in intact families. Also, the impact of having to provide for your family with a job instead of a federal handout is immeasurable. This Obama administration is not what the people wanted or expected. The money he is spending faster than the road runner is outrageous. What's his goal? To bankrupt us? Oh yeah, he did that already. We're in debt to everyone and their brother now.
Actually what I 'think' about my nephew matters little in the eyes of the law.
That's what it will START out as. But eeventually it will be a takeover of ALL insurance companys. The gov. will be the only option left for people and we will HAVE to have them as our coverage. They know what they are doing. You don't change things, when it's a drastic change, immediately. You do it gradually. This is what the gov. will do.
The difference is that you KNOW he has molested others. As well as that step father you spoke of . You KNOW he has molested others as well. You also know he is in contact with those kids as of right now. Mostly, Carrie, I was bringing up your case to make a point with rodriguezequal. (that she was singling me out as a bad person for making my decision not to report, and overlooked that you didn't report either) I, personally, believe that you should come to your own decision on whether to report a crime or not. You, yourself know all the details and have the knowledge and the wisdom to make a right decision on what to do in each circumstance. Just as I do. I
[quote name=rodriguezequ I added the "no big deal" because that is how you are making it come acrossed. I said nothing about Carries because if you read her posts she said he had been reported and nothing had been done. She tried to take action. The same thing happen to me with one of my abusers...he got away scott's sad, but it does happen[/quote] You need to read her post again, then, cuz SHE did NOTHING. Others may have reported him, but SHE didn't. She wont report her uncle even to this day and she won't report that step father even though she knows that kids are around him even now.
The early founders of our Nation came to set up a government based on Christian principals. They yearned for a new world where they could establish a society based on biblical values and morals. Our founding Fathers recognized the fact that virtue is crucial to wise leadership. Character does matter. Voters often accept character flaws like marital infidelity and are told not to focus on a candidates "personal life" but to "concentrate on the man". Many Americans fail to realize that a man who will lie to his own wife and break his marriage vows will think nothing of lying to his constituents and breaking his campaign promises. Whatever happened to America? How did we get from Godly leaders to greedy politicians? We've come from colonial christian education to pagan public schools. How did we get from the puritans' influence and the Great Awakening to secular humanism and a valuless society? The Founding Fathers had ample evidence that unrestrained democracy led to anarchy. Having witnessed the chaos in France, "the religiously minded leaders and citizens" decided "to choose delegates who had a deep commitment to religious roots of the colonists who established this country". Those who attended the Constitutional convention in 1787 in Philadelphia were selected for their deep commitment to Puritan and Calvinistic doctrine as well as for other political considerations. Their goal was not to establish a democracy in which "Every man does that which is right in his own eyes". Instead, they formated a representative form of government based on divinely inspired law. The Constitution they wrote and the gov. they founded upon it verified that they never intended to establish a secular nation. Instead it was and still is "One Nation Under God." There is no doubt about it--America was established as a christian nation based on biblical principles. I have my opinions on what has happened to America. What are yours? If you want to discuss this with me, please post.
The pattygreen hour? That's Beth's line. Can't you come up with your own pun? Funny how it becomes a take over by me , but you're posting just as much as I am. It only becomes a takeover by me when you don't like what I have to say. Or when I'm right about something.
Let the police know that the parents are endangering the children by allowing them to be around a known pediphile. You know it. They know it. He's a KNOWN to be pedephile. Wasn't he reported on before? Then they would even know he's a child molester. Also, I don't feel any heat on me here. I have a sound mind and conscience and know that my decision was correct. The police won't do anything if I report my nephew for something he said to my son 6 years ago. So that's why I believe reporting the almost abuse isn't necessary, but they will do something about children who are in danger right now. Which is why you should be doing plenty of reporting. BTW, your father having heart problems is no reason to keep your disgusting relative from his just punishment, IMO. Do you know how many people in the world who have medical conditions? What does that have to do with keeping children safe? Another thing. Don't tell me to mind my own business when you bring your posts to any forum on LBT. Whatever you post here you opened up to be EVERYBODIES business. If you don't want me (or anyone else) in your business, don't post it.
Obama had 'nothing' to do with all his decisions thus far? Get real. He had everyhing to do with them. I don't want to 'ignore' anything from any past presidents. But what's been done in the past is not any excuse for what is done NOW. Dems love to blame Bush for the decisions Obama is making NOW. Was Clinton to blame for the things Bush did in office?
I won't even go there with this one. The abortion issue has been ranted out as far as I'm concerned. We differ as far as the east is from the west on that issue. Abortion is akin to murder as far as I'm concerned. Prochoice people have no care for what prolife people feel is happening to millions of babies annually, nor do they care about the babies lives. It's all about them and what's best for them. This is another reason why I say that most liberals just want to be able to do what they want to do. Sinful or not. They don't want any restrictions to their so called "freedoms". Their freedom to 'choose' to kill babies. Their 'freedom' to have sex with the same sex. We conservatives just want to 'ruin' all their fun! Another topic:The reason I feel we should get rid of alot of the government programs isn't because they can't be fixed, but because there are toooooooo many of them and we can't afford them. Maybe if we cut out most of the government programs and government jobs with all their perks and bonuses, etc., we wouldn't have so many poor people who are in need of these things from the government. People are poor because the government TAKES so much from everyone. When the gov. raises the taxes on the wealthy and businesses, they only pass the expense onto the consumer by raising their prices for goods and services, which in turn requires the poor to pay out for those things that are needed. Rents, food, utilities. No wonder we have so many people struggling! The government is so HUGE, we have to all pay for it. Let's scratch it all and start over is my opinion. Adding MORE programs is just digging us deeper into the hole we are already in. Chopping programs and firing government people and ending their jobs would help the economy tremendously. Think about it. If all the billions of dollars that the gov. needs to run things around here were slashed, the American people would have it in their pockets. THAT"S how you help the economy.
An author named Daniel E. Johnson wrote a book called Come Home America. I told the short clip just as he told it in his book.
Sounds to me like you have an amazing son! God bless him. I think it's great when a child finds his gifts and doesn't push them away, but uses them. You and your husband are great parents!
You are supposed to notify the police and tell them that the same man who molested you when you were a child is in contact with your brother's and sister's children. Or, you can talk to your siblings and let them know that you don't think they should allow their chilren to be alone with this man since he molested all of you in the past, and that if they don't start restricting their children from him, that you will have to go to the police to protect their children, since they won't protect them.
You're patheitic. I notice that you just kinda ignored Carries post and all the many molesters she's aware of but isn't saying anything to anyone about. All those kids whom she knows for sure are being exposed to a real live child molester and she isn't calling the police. I have a son who almost could have been molested 6 years ago, mind you, and I'm doing the wrong thing?? I truly believe you feel the way you do simply because it's ME. You have a nerve to talk to me about my prolife stand and comparing my stand on abortion with reporting abuse. YOU were molested as a child and know full well what it is like to be unjustly abused, yet YOU have no problem with women abusing babies in the womb!!! And before you go off and call me names for what I just said... when you posted that about my abortion stand back a few posts ago, I just ignored it. But since you feel like bashing me, I'll dish it right back at ya!
Just because we had bad government in the past makes it okay to have horrible government in the present? We can't go back and change the past. OBAMA is the president NOW, and he is putting us in tremendous , outrageous debt. Now, you can rant all you want about Bush's past spending, but he's not the pres anymore. Let's rant about someone who promised he would do something about it but instead is leaps and bounds ahead of them all when it comes to spending. Who in their right mind SPENDS into oblivion to get themselves out of a financial crisis??!! You have to admit that he has made many promises that he has failed to keep. Except for the killing of the unborn. He promised to allow that and by golly within his first week he kept that promise! (Rolling eyes)
bJean says: (From post 177) - You said that you do not agree with the man who killed Dr. Tiller and in fact, you said that you think he is crazy. But when you rant and rave about abortion being murder, you sound just like someone who could justify doing away with another human being because as far as you are concerned they are going against God's will.
you seem to know alot of children that are in harms way and at risk of being sexually abused. You should let those who have these small children aware of it.