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Everything posted by pattygreen
This country will always be a christian nation. We were founded on Christian principles and the Holy Bible, which is the word of God. We welcome all religions here to dwell in this land amongst the Christians. No one would ever be turned away for their choice of faith. But just don't forget where it all began and why. This nation is still predominantly (90%) Christian. God blesses this Nation for one reason only, and that is because we are not ashamed to call him OUR God. Be careful, for if this nation should choose to continue down this path of pushing God away from them, He will turn his back on us and our once great nation may fall and be trampled upon. He will take back his blessings from us. He may do this in his mercy, so that those who turned away from him will repent from their denial of him and seek him once again.
I don't care if you think it's BS or not. It's the truth. Obama said, and I quote, "This is not a Christian nation." He didn't say "This not JUST a Christian nation." And the reason that you would much rather have someone with the brains of Obama than with someone who talks with God is because you don't have the spiritual enlightenment or the wisdom to understand how important it really is to have a relationship with the one who created you. If you did, you would understand that this countries blessings come directly from Him and it is because of our history and the reasons behind why this country was formed that God honors. (The wisdom of man is foolishness in God's eyes.) He said so. BTW, I never said he got his orders from God. I'm sure he made his share of mistakes. Christians are not perfect. But, God honors his children who put their faith in him and He blesses the work of those who are his. On the other hand, he dishonors those who don't put their faith in him and he does not bless the work of those who disregard what he has to say to mankind.
{Quote}You've started many threads that are opposed to Obama and his policies. Why didn't you start one about bush? Because I believe that any man who talks to God on a daily basis and asks him for guidance and asks him to direct his path in all he does on a daily basis is doing what he should be. Any man who has been born spiritually and has accepted Christ as his Savior, is in my opinion, better equipt to run this Nation than someone who doesn't have the Holy Spirit living within him to direct him. And even though there are those who may feel he didn't do things in this country the way he should have, just knowing this one truth about him is enough for me. Obama is the first and only president to publicly proclaim from the WH that this is not a "Christian Nation". Well, I beg to differ. This IS a Christian Nation and it is because of our Founding Father's and the God that they served that we are the most Blessed Nation in the world. The scripture teaches "I will Bless those who believe in me."
We have what's called free enterprise in this country and when you start to take it away from one you take it from others as well
The government of the US was initially a very good thing when our founding Father's established it, until it gradually over time became more and more corrupt and greedy. The government is needed, but needs to take a step back from all the controlling it is attempting to accomplish. I believe that the people have been steamrolling over the years in anger, but not lifting a voice because they felt they couldn't do anything about it all by themselves. They didn't know what they, just 1 person, could do to stop the WH from it's continual grab for control and their own loss of freedoms. It has gradually gotten out of hand and I believe the people are now starting to voice their anger over it together. Mostly because of Obama's rush to drastically change everything within his first 6 months of presidency. I know quite a few people who voted for Obama and are now regretting their choice for change, because it wasn't the change they thought they would be getting. It's not so much the health care reform, but everything he's doing so quickly since he got in. It has to do with government getting bigger and our paychecks getting smaller because of it.
I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. The doctor should lose his license for such a grave misuse of his medical knowledge. As you stated, no amount of money will bring your child back and therefore, you are not suing for the money, but to avenge the doctor in some way. The fact is, that it is the people in America who pay such high medical insurance premiums that you are really suing, because that is where the money comes from that you may receive, and they didn't do anything to cause your wife to lose your baby. This is why caps on lawsuit payouts need to be made. There are other ways that doctors can be penalized for their wrongs other than taking money from the American people. They can have their lisences suspended or lose them all together, or they, themselves, can be forced to set aside a lump sum of money from their own pockets each year in case of malpractice allegations that they will have to give up if they do wrong. But, these million dollar settlements need to cease. The American people can't afford to keep paying them. And, yes, we pay them in high medical ins. costs, not the doctors. They make plenty of money, and their high insurance costs are only passed on to the patients.
The government is the most UNtrustworthy institution in this country! The majority of Politicians have become corrupt and greedy and self seeking. Their quest for riches and prestige and public recognition is sickening. Just as sickening as the greed of insurance companies. So I trust neither! BTW, "MY goals and wealth before the peoples" is the politicians motto.
Spending money may stimulate the economy, but there are severe and dire consequences to doing that when it is the government whose doing it instead of the people. Such as National Bankruptcy and future generational debt. When your household finances are out of control, do you go on a shopping spree? No, you fire the maid and get rid of the cable. You cut your expenses. This is what the government needs to do. Get rid of many government jobs. Start slashing. If they did this, then the American people could have a paycut from all the taxes they had to pay to finance all these government jobs, and then they would be FREE to spend some money and thus stimulate the economy. (without debt) The problem is that the government keeps growing bigger and bigger and the people are not able to support it. Making more government jobs is killing us financially.
I checked out your link....and after reading it, I ask...then why not make some laws to govern ins. companies and the crap that they do? We are not against ins. reform. We are against the Government becoming a health insurance company. Don't you get it? Opponents to the Obamacare are not against reform. We want Ins. company laws and regulations, and we want tort reform, etc. It's the government run medical insurance that we don't want. There aren't many programs that the government has set up that are flourishing and benefiting us without going into bankruptcy, debt, or causing further tax increases. We don't need another trillion dollars and up in bills that we can't ever pay. Why throw out what's working? Instead improve on it. We have great care here. We don't want the government starting up yet another program that will ultimately fail, and will bankrupt us.
I went on a vacation that I paid for. We went camping at a local lake. That's what we could afford. MY tax money pays for his vacations. I wouldn't care if he went on a vacation, all presidents deserve a vacation. Just not soooo many on my dollar in a recession that he is adding debt to.
Are you kidding!? I will give you that all past presidents have spent this country into horrible debt. No doubt about it. But I believe the people are angry more than ever before, because the CURRENT president has spent MORE than ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL the past presidents (from G. Washington and up) ever spent COMBINED in his first 6 months on the job!!!! If he spent all that in such a short time, what do we have to look forward to in the next 3 and 1/2 years? His spending sprees are VERY scary! BTW, I personally wasn't on this LBT at the time of any discussions about Bush's presidency, so I didn't complain about his spending. I didn't vote for Obama, this is true, but to say that I want my country to fail is not true. I want my country to succeed. You can't put all republicans in the same pot. I am not bitter. But I am angry over most of his decisions so far.
mom, whether Bush committed wrong doings during his presidency or not is irrelevent. Every president did wrong as far as I'm concerned. I was talking about what Obama is doing. Why is it that the supporters of the things that Obama does compares him to Bush and the things he did? Let's look at Obama. He's the president NOW. Why can't you simply focus on his doings and forget about what others have done? The decisions that he makes are his. Now, we are in a recession. People everywhere are disgusted with the flow of finances that those we give our taxes to are filandering. You know, pissing away. As a leader, he should be setting an example. It angers the American people when he blows money left and right and we have to count every penny in our homes.
As a leader, he should be setting an example. Did you know he's been on 4 (count them) 4 vacations in 6 months! Not little ones either, like the rest of us in America have to take in this economy. He and his family have been to Paris, Moscow, Martha's Vineyard, the Grand Canyon, etc. He flys everywhere! I bet before he was president he had credit card debt that was unsustainable for his family. It wouldn't suprise me.
Did you know that state and local governments have added 110,000 people to their payrolls. A report from the Nelson A Rockefeller Inst. of Government based on federal data credited the stability of government employment to the "stimulus", which insured unionized public employees would remain fat, happy and employed while private-sector workers not represented by lobbyists in Washington were left to suffer the brunt of the recession. And remember that those gov. workers are better compensated than people who do comparable work for private companies. We need less government jobs, not more. How much more can the people afford?????!!
The recession has been killing the tourism industry, but it doesn't seem to be affecting Obama's family travels. Before his election, he had a private family vacation in Hawaii, his "birthplace". This summer they went on a European tour to London, Paris and Moscow. Recently, they went to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon on their Great Western vacation. Now they're off to a 20 million dollar estate on Martha's Vineyard. No wonder the American people are resentful! Most of us could only muster up "staycations" or "home beach". But if your job was going as poorly as Obama's you probably wouldn't want to be hanging around the office much either. Man, how this guy loves to $$$$$spend$$$$$ OUR money!!!!!
Medicare is for the elderly, right? That's what my parents have. They get good care and they see any doctor they want. Some pay $99. a month for supplemental ins. that will cover what medicare doesnt. It's the state ins. that doesn't pay well and it is for those who don't work, or have jobs that don't help them with ins. and if they are income eligible, they can get on it. Yes, they don't always have enough doctors, and they have longer wait times to see one because of it, but that's what you get when you get something for free. At least they get it. I was once on state medical ins. when I was on welfare many years ago, and it wasn't the best, but I was grateful for it because it was free for me. If we have a government run ins. company for health care, it will be like that. It will be an option for the people who can't afford better, but eventually all ins. companys will not be able to compete with it and they will go out of business one at a time and then all that's left will be the government plan. This is their goal. Total control. I don't want it either.
So then, why the need for another government health care plan? Most people who are not financially able to buy their own ins. can get medicaid, and the elderly can get medicare. Oh yeah, the illegals. What can they get for free? Wait... How about Obama care? if it's passed. Most people who are uninsured is because they either don't want to pay for it and can, they are between 18 and 25 and opt out, they choose not to sign up for medicaid, or their illegals. The idea that there are 45 million in this country uninsured may be true, but the reasons for that are their own.
As much as Beth disgusts me with her name calling and her imaturity, I have to agree with her on the issue of cost. More than once the government has introduced a plan and said that they could afford it and in the end has caused much debt and turmoil. It is proven that the things that the government get their hands on cost far, far more than the way private businesses can do it. If this plan passes, and I believe it will, there will be no turning back. We will be bankrupt as a country. Did I hear that our debt will equal to approx. $34,000. per person in America if this passes? WOW! There is no arguement, bjean, that we need some kind of health care reform, but THIS bill isn't it. Many are bringing their plans for reform into the light. Obama should hold on and review them all. We've had this problem for soooooo many years, what's the BIG rush now? It can wait a few more months, to THINK about what to do. It's not just the politicians who can think and plan out good things.
This is an article I read online about Americans prefering movies with good morals over obscenity and immorality. Americans Want Movies with Morals, Christian Values When Hollywood gives moviegoers entertaining movies with moral values and inspiring stories full of positive faith, moviegoers flock to the box office. Every year the Annual Movieguide® Report to the Entertainment Industry shows Hollywood's decision makers that movies with faith and values do much better than movies that overtly attack traditional faith and values. As we will see during Sunday's Academy Awards, last year was no exception. Six of the most successful movies of the year -- "Wall-E," "Iron Man," "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," "Prince Caspian," "Gran Torino," and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" -- contained strong redemptive content with positive Christian references. The comic robot hero in "Wall-E" is willing to give up his life and the love of his life to save mankind. In "Iron Man," the capitalist playboy Tony Stark gets a new heart, gives up his life as a cad who doesn't care about his country and battles evildoers. "Prince Caspian" shows that prideful faith in self has to give way to faith in the Christ figure of Aslan, who saves Narnia at exactly the right moment in time. A priest teaches a gruff atheist that love and sacrifice are better than revenge in Clint Eastwood's "Gran Torino," which was unfairly snubbed by the Oscars this year. Finally, in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," Indiana Jones hears the words of Jesus Christ in a church as he finally does the right thing and marries his beloved, the mother of his son. It was also the year that "Kung Fu Panda" showed that there is no hidden occult secret and that anyone can obtain greatness through self-sacrifice. The Christian movie, "Fireproof," earned much more money than any other movie released by small independent film studios. And, it cost less to make than most indie movies Not only did moviegoers prefer heroic movies with very strong moral virtues, they also rejected movies with anti-Christian, secular, nihilistic, and atheist content like "Religulous," "Adam Resurrected," "Save Me," "Wanted," "Hounddog," "Bloodline," "Hamlet 2," "The Love Guru," "Stop-Loss," and "Saw V." The difference between the domestic box office averages for these two categories was $59.9 million per movie for the positive movies versus only $10.4 million per movie for the negative ones. Furthermore, contrary to popular opinion, 2008 was the year that obscenity, sex and nudity didn't sell -- again. In fact, movies with no foul language, no sex and no explicit nudity earned much more money on average than movies with some foul language, sex and explicit nudity, or a lot of it, by 2 to 1 or more! Once again, G-rated movies made more money than movies with other ratings, especially when compared to R-rated movies. For example, among the Top 250 movies at the box office in 2008, G-rated movies averaged $64.1 million in North America, but R-rated movies averaged only $14.6 million. Just as good if not better, movies that matched Movieguide®'s highest, most family-friendly standards, including the traditional understanding of Christian theology and ethics, averaged $61.9 million at the domestic box office compared to only $17 million for those movies that we labeled "abhorrent." People of faith and values want to see role models they can emulate in the stories they watch on the big and little screen. They want to see good conquer evil, truth triumph over falsehood, justice prevail over injustice, and beauty overcome ugliness. If Hollywood wants to reach more people, they should look to people of faith and values. Hollywood needs ticket sales, not bailouts! Movies with strong morals make money.
shantra, pardon Beth, please. She is always rude to people. She has a problem with that, and many of us tend to let it go out of pity for her. On the other hand, I would like to comment on what you said. It's not that we don't want government to help reform the health care problems in America, and it's not that we are selfish and don't want to help those who don't have health care. It's just that from past experience we know that the government doesn't do anything well or within modest means financially, and we don't want them to be in control. The plan they have written up has many flaws and it is a plan where they exclude themselves (the president and congress and government employees)from having to be on it. They want the rest of the country on their government run plan, but not themselves. This plan also includes payments made from the government for abortions, and many are morally opposed to them. It is a plan where the government is in control of the health care decision making for individuals, and in this country, we are all for free enterprise as our founding fathers had set up for us. I know that they tell you that you can keep the insurance and the doctors that you have right now and you will not be forced to be on the government plan, but experts have looked into this and have found that that may be true in the beginning, but after a while, private insurance companys will dwindle away and the only other option will be to be on the government plan. Eventually all Americans will be on this plan, thus the name socialized care. Besides all this, we can not afford it. After all the spending Obama has done in his first 6 months, we are bankrupt. How will we pay for this care? Gee, money doesn't grow on trees, even though congress believes it does. Just print some more!