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Everything posted by pattygreen
I heard that Obama's administration will start releasing the names of people who visit the WH. This has never been the WH's policy in the past. Doing so would bring to light who is influencing decision making there. This is being done because the watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has put legal pressure on them. Not because Obama wants to be open with Americans. Of course no records will be released right away. The policy covers visits starting Sept. 15. Why not let us see who visited him since his inauguration? If he was soooo honest and open, he wouldn't care if we took a look back. But no, after Sept. 15, he will let us see who visits. After Sept. 15, all visitors that he doesn't want the public to know about will enter through another door, I'm sure.
[Cleo'smom QUOTE]Parents don't want their kids to hear Obama talk about staying in school and studying because it would be an endorsement of his agenda. At first he encouraged students about ways in which they could "help the president". This seemed to be an effort to politicize children. Then they changed the wording to to encourage children to write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short and long term goals in education. There happens to be alot of political unrest in our nation right now. If there wasn't this political debate going on ,I don't believe parents would have responded the way they did over this. Technology today has made it easier to spread their messages and even Obama has used the media and technology to move his agenda forward. The downside of it is "every whisper becomes something that is heard over a loudspeaker."
But, as you know, it's not about the American people and what they want. It's about them! They want to keep their jobs. They know that there are far more people against the bill being put thru than for it, and even if they are for it themselves, if they want to keep their seat, they better vote against it or we are going to boot them out!
We all get our thoughts and ideas from the world around us. (newspaper articles, media, talks with neighbors, books, etc.) This is how we form our opinions. I agreed with all that I read and felt exactly the same as the person who wrote it. I did change some things that I felt was too lengthy.
Is this all you can come up with to prove that I am wrong about what God says in the bible? Your best bet is to read it for yourself so that you could be sure. No doubt, that there are some in the world who "add" things to God's words and say that he said "thus" and "so". But I do not. There are many denominations out there who do this, and the people just sit back and believe all that they dish out. I know. I was raised in the catholic church and was told lie after lie from that denomination about what's in the bible. Some examples: (Mary was not a sinner, she had no other children besides Jesus, she never had sex, there are many 'saints' you can pray to, purgatory exists, you need to go to confession, infant baptism is required to make it to heaven, the wafer in communion is the actual body of Christ, nuns, Penance, Lent) I could tell so many more lies, but I'd be typing all day. You have to wonder where they got that stuff! Cause it's not in there. Hasn't ANY priest or nun even read the book. It's hard to believe, but the bible is very concise about all those issues. Here is just one example: In the book of Timothy, it states clearly :"There is one mediator between man and God, the man Christ Jesus". Now, if God is telling the truth, then praying to Saints (whom happen to be past people who have died) is not possible. There are also other scriptures that teach that it is wrong to pray to the dead. In every group of society there will always be someone who is mentally ill and has crazy plans and ideas. It doesn't make the whole group wrong. I heard of a left winged liberal czar, who recently resigned, who called republicans a__holes. This kind of behavior is also not nice. It doesn't mean all liberals are like him. P.S.( Don't worry about his prayers for Obama's death being answered for 2 reasons: 1. God doesn't answer prayers according to what we want, but only if it is in accordance with his will. and 2. according to most on this thread, he was talking to the air.:thumbup:)
Obama spoke today on TV. He said that opponents to the government run ins. plan want to do nothing. He said that no opponent has come up with a plan to share with him. (Bull). There are many, many alternative reform plans. He wants what he wants and that's that. He doesn't care about bipartisanship; reaching a middle ground. He wants a government run plan that will eventually take over the medical care field.
bjean, I have the solution to the health care problems. Here it is: Most of the problems stem from the lack of control people have over their care. The town hall meetings show that the health care bill isn't the answer. People have rejected it in favor of reform in digestable pieces. About 60% of healthcare in America is employer provided. This 3rd party payment structure has divorced the consumer, (the patient), from the real cost of services and that encourages excess spending, runaway lawsuits, defensive medicine, and huge malpractice premiums. Government has caused this problem because our tax code incentives employer provided health care, rewards health insurance companies by insulating them from accountability, and punishing those who lack employer provided care. (not to mention the fact that the government outright refuses to put any tort reform in their plan) There are plenty of Auto ins. commercials on TV offering us better rates if we go with them but none for health care ins. The government protects them from real competition and they don't have to market to consumers. They only have to satisfy employers. Allowing the competition across state lines will help tremendously. The solution is patient choice, for it's not a free market in health care today. The health care market is a stacked deck that favors ins. companies rather than patients. We must stop punishing Americans who buy their own plan by forcing them to purchase their care with after-tax dollars, making it 1/3 more expensive than employer's plans, or turn it down and select a plan without any tax penalty. Also, enforce State based ''high risk'' pools that spread the cost of care for those with chronic diseases and pre-existing coditions among all the insurers in the market. Fixing this problem by expanding and strengthening this safety net, and by creating reinsurance or risk-adjustment pools so that people with chronic med. conditions can get the care they need at affordable prices. Lastly, thousands of people come to America for their medical care each year. The 5 year cancer survival rate beats the rates in Canada, Europe, and England. The disagreement is not whether to cover everyone, but how to. Dems say we should create a new givernment run plan, outlaw the health coverage Americans enjoy todayand let federal beaurocrats control the content and price of health plans. Their bill, H.R.3200 is filled with new mandates, penalties, regulations and taxes. It's nothing more than a complete take over of the entire health care system by Washington politicians. I encourage a dollar for dollar tax credit for you to purchase the plan of your own choice.( but not from any government run or owned plan) Those who can't presently afford coverage would be able to select and purchase their own plan using a health care voucher provided by the government. If we give citizens the ability to control their own care, cover pre- existing conditions, and provide resources to the uninsured, we will have fixed health care in America. No new Czars. No mandates. Just choice and coverage for all Americans.
He didn't say he claimed to know that the word of God said to pray for Obama's death.
In the 1970's, people fretted about Richard Nixon's "imperial Presidency." But today, a greater threat to freedom is unfolding in Washington with the ascension of the regal Congress. Members set themselves above the laws they write for soiled masses, hold themselves to darkly comical ethics rules, routinely overreach their constitutional authority, disrespect their constituents, expect kowtowing from people trying to buy their influence and demand the royal treatment around the clock throughout their services, in retirement and now even after death. Clearly, they've become too big for their boots and need to be taken down several notches before Americans find themselves fully under the heels of those boots.
If what you plan to do contradicts with the word of God, it's not God who is telling you what to do. It is possible for people who base their "opinions" on the bible to get it wrong. But the word of God stands alone. Noones "opinions' are needed to read it or understand it. It says what it says.
Then take the threat of health care business companys away from us by governing the things they can and cannot do if they choose to stay in business. I once ran a daycare business. The State made sooo many rules for me to follow in order to keep children safe at daycares. I needed to stay within the State's guidelines if I wanted to continue to operate my business. So I did. This is what government is for. To control through regulations what companies can and can't do. The gov. has the power to do this, but they choose not to. Why? Why not control the trial lawyers from making million dollar settlements and therefore raising the cost for all of us in our ins. premiums because the doctors have such high medical insurance payments to make to protect them from frivilous lawsuits? Why not a cap on them? Because Obama's right hand washes the left hand. These lawyers funded his presidential campaign. (milliions) And that's the way politics works. You do for me, and I'll take care of you.
I'm not saying that ins. reform is not needed. I'm saying we don't need the government starting it's own medical ins. company. We need insurance rules and regulations. Most who are against Obama's health care plan, are not against medical care reforming, they are against Government medical care insurance.
I have read the book of Mormon, I have read the Jehovah's witnesses bible. I have read many, many, many books on all faiths. I have researched Islam. I have read parts of the Quaran? Did I spell that right?....I have personally known a follower of Buddah and have come to understand his beliefs through him and his practices. I have a very close indian friend who converted to christianity from The Hindu religion and have spoken with her extensively on the Hindu religion amny times. I was raised in the Catholic church, and fully understand their doctrine. I ahve read books entitled "all the religions of the world".
I dont agree with this to a point. Yes, there is racism in this country and I don't believe it will end altogether. What I see is 'racism in reverse' coming down the road. I see TV networks entitled Black Entertainment (BET), and even here on lapband talk, there was a Woman of Color thread. I see black people blaming all kinds of disagreements on race instead of the real reason for the discrepancy. I also see colleges that are strictly for educating Black people, and so on. Now, could you imagine the outrage from the black community if we had a network on TV that was entitled White entertainment,(WET), or if lapband talk had a thread entitled White Women only? It would not be tolerated. This is discrimination in reverse. (I personally don't get bothered by any of it for we are a family of many races and consider,as God does, all equal in our eyes.)
Who better to lead our nation than a man who is bi racial and educated with an educated wife. This is a racist statement. I agree with the 'educated' qualification, but the biracial part needs to go. For ANYONE with ANY color skin is capable to lead our nation. And it's not 'better' if that person is bi-racial.
Lets talk about Bushs spending us into oblivion ... robbing families of their loved ones here at home and the countless communities abroad that are "collateral damage" Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 WMD was an excuse to settle a score. Any weapons they had The first Bush gave Sadaam to make attacks on Iran, remember , the idot used them on the Kurds in his own country. We hung him quickly so that he would not have a chance in court to bring up Bush and his cronies. Bush did his share of spending, I agree. But let's face it. There is no denying that Obama has far exceeded him. He has spent more in his first 6 months on the job than ALL the presidents form George Washington up to GWBush put together. Therefore, HIS spending, and HIS alone can be described as "Spending us into OBLIVION!" Also, what does what Bush did as president have to do with what Obama is doing NOW? This is every liberal and Obama followers fallback. "When we can't argue over the facts of Obama's crazy spending and agenda, let's bring up what 'their' president did."
Town Halls should be used to find out what Obamas plans are and get a firm grasp on the plan and let him know of our concerns and answer our questions not to start riots so nothing is accomplished that is so ghetto. I believe those behaviors are fear based, fear of change and that someone may have a good idea. If the idea is not good enough lets suggest to make it better, being counter productive is NOT moving us toward any solutions. No. town hall meetings are for the people to be able to speak face to face with their elected officials and to express their approval or disapproval of the outcome of their paid services. WE pay these officials to WORK for us. Not to promote their own agenda.
My husband worked as an illegal in England and Spain and received healthcare in both countries with no problem, there were no questions asked, no bills to him... and he didn't hide from them. I'm, guessing by this statement that you feel that those who are illegals in this country should be allowed to get free medical care here. Paid for by us? If so, I'm in total disagreement with that. For if you are an illegal working here, you are not paying taxes which entitles you to social programs here.
Now you know on how us Muslims feel, we are the evil doers according to W ? I am Muslim now but I am a former preachers kid , Christian college educated. I would not dream of judging Christianity by the actions of the KKK or other extremists any more than Islam should be judged by the acts of a few brainwashed uneducated hopeless men. They do not demonstrate true Islam. I agree with you on this.
I personally don't understand why they don't express there anger of loved ones being denied health care or going broke trying to stay alive when they don't have insurance or a procedure has been denied by a pencil pusher to enhance the bottom line. those with $$$ are valuable, those with limited resources are expendable? I see my mother struggle on less than $800 a month, she has to chose between meds, food , and even the things we take for granted, newspaper, TV, and phone. The majority of Americans are happy with their health care. America has most of the best care in the world. The 47 million number that Obama throws out has been proven to be approx. 5 million, due to him counting immigrants, the people who could afford it, but choose to buy a new car instead, and the 18-26 year olds who feel they are indestructable and don't need it to name a few. This country is supposed to be a country run on free enterprise, not on government handouts and/or socialism. Everyone should be planning on their future, and saving for it, but the people make their own choices to spend their money over the years on other things they desired, or to live it up with their excess while they are young instead of putting away for their retirement years. This is noones fault but their own. I should not be expected to pay for others lack of financial dedication throughout their lives. If you want to talk about tort reform, or medical ins. reform, let's talk, but the lawyers have padded Obama's campaign with funds, and he needs to 'repay' them. Notice that there was not ONE thing in the bill about tort reform? Why not? It's a pretty easy fix. How about private insurance company regulations and rules and laws? But, when the government wants to MAKE an ins. plan of it's own, that will cost trillions, and then everyone will eventually be forced to be on it because over time the private companies will not be profitable enough to compete with it, that's wrong.
Not true. I have studied most of the major faiths in the world. Only the Christian faith could be true. It's the only one that when I embraced it, the living God came to dwell within me.