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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    What is wrong is that you people are fighting for the wrong cause! If you REALLY cared about the number of deaths in this country annually, you should be waging a war against the government not putting a ban on the sale and use of tobacco. For that kills 435,000 people every year, and theres not a peep out of the one of you to stop the killing!!!!! That 18,000 you quote for lack if health insurance is but a pinhole in the lack of deaths from smoking and many other causes. Give me a break! Where are your priorities?! This situation is just plain wrong.
  2. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    A careful eye will notice that the "electrocuted" portion of the sign has been taped on as an afterthought. Is this another case of someone not choosing their font size carefully, or did he simply decide after creating the world's most hypocritical protester sign that he wanted to do something much worse to protesters' butts?
  3. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Whenever people protest something, they carry signs. That's how they say what they feel. The dems did it when they oppposed Bush's war as well. Does that mean they had 'hate' in their heart for him, or just that they opposed his plans? None of the signs I saw said "I hate Obama". Also, would you like those who oppose your ideas to say it is because they hate you? I opppose what you say, but I certainly don't 'hate' you, bjean.
  4. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    Do you see how you look down upon me? Calling me a lost cause. Do you really feel that way?
  5. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    IMO, Rep Joe Wilson, while he may disagree with the president, should respect the role of the president. With that said, I also feel that if their is to be a public decorum at these speeches, it should be for all. If the dems who were there were allowed to express their agreements with the presidents statements with their applause and standing ovations, then those who opposed what he was saying should be allowed to express their disagreements as well. If no expressions of opinions are to be heard or expressed then both parties should keep silent. It used to be this way. There was never a time when anyone could applaud or stand or say anything. Also, as a note, the democrats who are demanding a second apology from rep. Wilson did not apologize at all when they did the same thing to Bush at his speech to the congress. I don't usually like to compare one persons wrong doing to anothers similar action, because it looks like I'm saying, "If you can do it, so can we." But I want to point out that it goes both ways. Just like whenever I point out what I feel is wrong that Obama is doing, I get the, "Well, I didn't hear you complaining when Bush did such and so." comeback.
  6. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    While I agree with most everything Glenn Beck says, I feel that he has a style of speaking that is not proper for the 'Presidency'. He is too funny. Yet, I understand his passion for a national government which is in dire need of salvaging financially and morally. He is on a quest to bring the corruptness of politicians into the light, to those who pay for it financially to continue. He understands that our debt is already unsustainable to us and to make more of it would be maddening right now. He understands that we are already slaves to those we and our great grandchildren owe this money to, and we should not borrow any more for anything else. It's like a family who already has 97 credit cards all maxed out and opens 20 more. There is no light of recovery from such debt. It will destroy us as a country. I know most liberals feel that the opposition is all about our 'hate' for Obama. That's okay. If they feel that way, it is because they know in their hearts that the government is out of control financially, yet don't want to admit it, and need to have some 'other' reason, that will make us look bad, for why we are protesting the government.
  7. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    fair enough.
  8. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Thankyou, Happy. I'm glad you agree with me on still being civil and liking each other during and after the debates. I want everyone here to know that I would never want to hurt anyones feelings with my posts, and if I ever have, I didn't mean to or intend to. I like everyone I talk with on LBT.
  9. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    Yes, I guess we do. I believe it consists of what God says it consists of. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe your definition of righteousness is whatever seems good in your fellow mans eyes.
  10. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    The only reason why I posted the story of the liberal who killed an abortion protestor was to show that there are wackos in every group out there. You seem to want to insist that all conservative christians feel the same way as the man who killed the doctor who performs abortions. This is not so. I will be the 'bigger' person and tell you that I do NOT feel that all liberals think the same way as the one who shot the demonstrator. I can understand that he was a mentally ill person, for all people who murder are not in their right minds. Can you say the same about the rest of us christian liberals? I hope so, and now, can we put this to rest?
  11. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    No. It's because what is already done is done! When was the last time you have seen a government program that actually ENDED??!! Trying to rid the government of medicare and medicaid would be a feat that would be impossible. But trying to start up yet another failed program to go along with all the others might be easier. We are trying to stop the gradual, continuation towards socialism. Full fledge socialism starts off with small additions of social programs over time till it eventually is full blown and people look back and say stupidly,"How did we get here?"
  12. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Erykah, When we debate these issues, we don't take what is said personally. We can even go to other forums and be civil and joke with one another once again. Don't worry about it. BTW, I love how you spell the original name Erica. Is that how you really spell it?
  13. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Because SS increases are tied to cost of living indexes which were too low in 2008. And by the way, no one is forced to take part B medicare. They can choose to just pay for private insurance but they don't because medicare is a better deal and so would medicare for everyone be a better deal. AND MEDICARE IS SOCIALISM!! You just confirmed what I said all along. A government run option will eventually be our ONLY option! Oh, but I thought we would be able to keep our own insurance if we want? (rolling my eyes) See what a lie that is?
  14. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    This is just a delay tactic. Healthcare reform delayed is healthcare reform denied. And those who oppose it know it. What's adelay tactic? Starting from scratch or looking into the many proposed republican plans put forth. That's another lie he said the other day. "Noone has given him any other options." BS
  15. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Even if this happens, and again you are taking huge leaps, so what? I support a single payer approach to health insurance anyway. But if an employee would go on a government health option, it might be better and sure would be cheaper and paid for by premiums and the 8% employer payroll tax. If it 'ends' up being a public option that we don't want, then why be sneaky about it? Tell it like it is. Why doesn't Obama just say: "You can keep your own insurance if you like it, BUT eventually, we will be the only plan surviving so everyone will be on MY plan. I don't care if it takes a little while to get there or if it happens immediately." Why? Bercause he knows WE DON'T WANT THE GOVERNMENT IN THE MEDICAL INS. BUSINESS!!!
  16. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Again, don't let the facts stand in the way: Get the facts about the stability and security you get from health insurance reform | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check This is a WH website. If they will lie to us in person, what makes you think they wont post their lies?
  17. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Obama's promise that his plan wont cover illegal aliens or abortion is a lie because if those elements aren't hidden in the bill that eventually becomes law they will be added in due course through legislative incrementalism or judicial activism. He also offered a downsized version of his public option which wouldn't be available till 2013 only because he wants to keep the (lowball) 10 year cost to only $900 billion, But the option also is timed to sweep up the millions of Americans who would lose their insurance once their employers realize it's cheaper to "chip in" an 8% payroll tax than to continue to pay insurance premiums. So much for Americans not losing the coverage they had. Further, by defunding the Medicare Advantage program, he would drive millions of seniors out of private ins. and into Medicare. He would in the meantime establish a self-sufficient program that would make low cost coverage available to the highest risk people. But that's an oxymoron because the premiums would have to be astronomical to cover the cost. He said," I will make sure that no government beaurocrat or or insurance company will get in between you and your care." Until government's costs are so out of control that it reduces coverage for the elderly, the veterans, the disabled, the poor and eventually everyone else through rationing of care and "end of life" counseling. He knows many other ways exist to reform health care and inject more competition into the market, for there were 35 Republican proposals advancing those ideas in the congressional hopper. He claims he's open to alternatives, but he made abundantly clear Wed. night that he's wedded to his BIG Government solution. It's wishful thinking, but wouldn't he be better to start from scratch with a sensible plan that gets rid of the bankrupting costs and threats to personal liberties and people's health and well being and socialism? While the average american earns $40,000. a year, the congressman earns $174,000., just 26,000. shy of being "rich", according to Obama. Seniors wont be getting a cost of living increase in SS next year, medical prescription drug premiums are set to go up, part B coverage premiums will rise, and both are deducted from the SS checks. What's ironic is that Congress members received their raises every year, and they come along with many perks and benefits. President Obama himself, Congress and our "civil servants" will also be exemopt from this Obamacare plan. We must demand that every law imposed upon the people must apply with equal force to those who passed it! If it's not good enough for them, then it's not good enough for us (who pay for it)! The liberal tax and spend democrats in Congress are parasites and a disgrace to the heritage of our Founding fathers! Shame on them for their greedy, selfseeking,disgraceful,double dealing, back-stabbing, lying, disgusting ways!
  18. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    Anyone notice that a gunman killed an abortion protester? He killed an activist in Owosso, Michigan outside of a high school because he didn't like the sign he was carrying of a fetus image. This kind of thing wouldn't make BIG press coverage, after all, it's just one of those 'fanatical' right wingers protesting the killing of babies, and we all want to be allowed to continue to do that in this free country.(rolling my eyes) [You know how it is. Only 'crazy' abortion activists kill doctors and such.]
  19. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    I don't believe he is any different. His spending sprees have shown me that. And he's not done spending. I haven't seen any CUTS in government spending at all.
  20. pattygreen

    First Lady now requires 26 servants

    It's a notice for me to update, but I can't be bothered.
  21. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    I believe God would be happy if we just would stand up for righteousness, never mind to fight each other over which interpretaion is right
  22. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    Kartman, I like you. This is really Funny! But do it, okay?
  23. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    All through the scripture whenever God speaks of fire, he is talking about his judgements in the passage. The 12th chapter in Hebrews in the NT ends with this sentence: "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire." This whole chapter speaks about God disciplining his sons and gives warnings against refusing God. (his judgement) Many other places such as Deuteronmy chapter 4 Verse 24 also speaks of God being a consuming fire. In this chapter of the OT, God is once again speaking of being obedient to him and not making an idol for yourselves, for he is a God of 'judgement'. Other scriptures talk of God as 'love'. Yet, he is both loving and just. One must read all of it to get the overall view and content of the scriptures. Once again, to fully understand it, you must get the overall picture from reading all of it. There are NO mysterious passages in the bible that need to be interpreted. God has given us his word so that no one is without excuse for not knowing. He has made it very understandable for all.

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