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Everything posted by pattygreen
Talk about grasping at straws to find an error with a conservative. Wow! She knows full well about 9-11. She meant to say since Bush declared War on the terrorists of 911. We all talk about how Bush's administration has protected us from terrorist attacks since 9-11. This was no different. If you're going to 'grasp" at any chance to find a slip of the tongue in order to try to convince me that all conservative rights are ditzy, then I can do the same with Obama and even Biden or Gibbs. Please!!!! But I think we're both a little too old for that childness. As for me, I'm not going there.
Wrong! Most people I know who voted for him are not happy with their vote any longer.
So, you don't deny that that video was taken and edited by liberal lefts? Wow! I don't believe it! Like I've said before, I don't deny that there are dishonest people on both sides. That's why I make my own judgements.
You know full well that the people are regretting their decision to vote for him and that THAT'S why there will be a new president in 2012. For if cleaning up the failed policies is what Obama is doing right now, they would be reelecting him in 3 years. But, that's not what he's doing. He's changing this country into a socialistic nation and spending us into oblivion!
The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion. However, there are numerous teachings in Scripture that make it abundantly clear what God’s view of abortion is. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He forms us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty—death—for someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb to be as human as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6). As for the separation of church and state thing.... The founding fathers wanted to keep government from interfering with religion, not the other way around. It may be 'obvious' that there are many faiths and beliefs in this country, but the facts are that this IS and always WAS a Christian Nation, yet we allow others the freedom to practice their own faith here as well. In 1892 the United States Supreme Court emphatically declared that America was "a Christian nation." If you read the Court's opinion, you will gain a nearly-complete education in the Christian history of America. You will agree that America was once a Christian theocricy and if you hear the heart of Justice David Brewer (who wrote the opinion for a unanimous Supreme Court), you'll know that if he and America's Founding Fathers could see America in 2007, they would begin immediately working to make America a Theocracy again. I would also support Mike Huckabee should he decide to run.
After the video, others give their opinions on it. Here's just one. "I am a Palin supporter and hope she is the next President of the United States but these video interviews are obviously a set up from the left finding the most ignorant people to do this interview the same thing was done when comrade obama was on the campaighing there were people standing in line interviewed that didnt know any of the obama policys didnt know the difference between judge judy and judge ginsberg people that thought and were hoping that obama was going to pay there bills ect. " .......................................................................................... You know it as well as I do, So I wont even dignify your posting that video with a comment.:ohmy:
That's a good point. Thank you. Did you know?: Advertisement Health Care Reform Support for Health Care Plan Falls to New Low Monday, November 23, 2009 Email to a Friend ShareThis Advertisement Just 38% of voters now favor the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s the lowest level of support measured for the plan in nearly two dozen tracking polls conducted since June. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% now oppose the plan.
One of their teachings is that Mary's only child was Jesus and she was a virgin all her life. Yet there are many scriptures that speak of Jesus' brothers and sisters. Now, how could she be a virgin if she had other children with Joseph? Now, this is not an important doctrine by any means, but this is an example of them NOT reading the book. Another thing they teach is that you can pray to dead people (Saints). ("This saint can find your lost earring, and this saint can give you luck, etc.") Yet, 1 Timothy 2:5 says "There is ONE God and ONE mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." If there is only ONE person who can speak to God the Father for us, how can Catholics expect a dead saint to do it for them? Another example. Not an important doctrine, but still, an example of how they don't read the book. So, my point is that UNLESS you have read the book, you wont get it right. I don't care if they have been around for 2000 years and feel they got it right. It just shows man's foolishness to believe in their own thoughts instead of the words God gave to them.
You may have modern science, but to me "the wisdom of man is foolishness in God's eyes." (a quote from his word) Where do these morals come from that you want that person in office to have? If it were not for the law that God handed down to us in his words, you would not even know what's right or wrong. Maybe someone feels it is perfectly acceptable to him to have sex with his own sister and who are you to say it isn't? Point I'm making is morals are dictated by God. And, Sarah Palin didn't let her daughter get pregnant, she did that all on her own.
I have never been able to understand the policies and doctrines of the Catholic church myself. They say they believe the bible is God's words, yet it's hard to believe they could have ever read the book, what with the doctrines and beliefs they have for their people. Many , not all, of these doctrines are their own traditions, and are not found in scripture. This is why the bible teaches that the wisdom of man is foolishness unto God. He promises blessings and truth to those who will take the time to read what he has to say to them. (And not just pull a sentence from the whole book and build a lifestyle out of it, but read the WHOLE thing together.)
I'm not catholic, But I believe this is right on: {QUOTE} The Bishop wants to deny communion to a catholic who is an elected representative because he supports the law of the land. No. It's because he supports 'abortion'.
That's true. The bible does say that. But it also says that "by their fruits you shall know them". Some of her fruits are: 1. She claims to be a born again Christian. (to me, when someone says they are a christian, I wonder if they are or not. When someone says they are a "born again" Christian, I tend to think that they truly are. Why? Because to be born again is an experience that God has given someone who turns their life towards Him spiritually, and it isn't until after you are born again that you actuallly know that you were.) 2. She and her family pray together. (usually when a person says they pray, you wonder if they do or not, but when a 'family prays together', you tend to believe they really do. For who would say that if they knew the rest of their family members could deny it?) 3. She's a regular, faithful attender of her church. (this is a good sign of a true believer, for they don't want to miss out on fellowship with other believers or worship and hearing God's word preached.) 4. Her beliefs line up with her actions. (She believes that abortion kills a live baby within a woman's womb, and she wasn't willing to have one even though she knew her baby had down syndrome) 5. She does not deny Christ. (those who love God are willing to say so and not be ashamed of it, even when others say you're a ditz because of it.) I think that she is talented and educated enough to run for the presidency. If Barak Obama could make it there with his little experience, so could she. I'd much rather have someone in there who asks God for guidance every day and who is listening to his advice than someone who says "we're not a Christian nation any more."
Why don't we limit male practice claims and enhance the ability of small businesses to buy insurance. People will be more comfortable with biting off what we can chew instead of the arrogance of thinking we can fix the whole system all at once. Congress should repeal the balance of the last stimulus package and plow it into deficit reduction because it hasn't put enough Americans back to work! Even Barney Frank stated that the public option is a stepping stone to a government run system. And Henry Waxman says the left will build on any form of public option once it's in place. So, when Obama says that you can keep your own ins. if you like, he deceives you. He lies! He knows that the public option would put all other ins. companies out of business over time, and then the government option would be the ONLY option. Tada! Socialism! His goal!!
My hope is that the republicans will delay the bill well into 2010 when all the seats in the House and 1/3 of them in the Senate will be contested. Then we can make our case to the voters that the democrats took their focus off the economy and an unemployment rate that's above 10% in order to impose MORE spending amidst our deficit and unemployment concerns.
This HC bill should not pass because 1.) it expands government spending amidst rising unemployment and deficit concerns. 2.) it raises taxes 3.) it cuts medicare 4.) senators are being bribed to vote yes. That last one takes the cake!!! Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana was bribed and "proud of it"! She claimed to have 'grave' concerns for its cost. Those 'grave concerns' became less pressing when Reid (a decietful democrat) added on page 432 federal medicaid subsides ($300 million worth) for "certain states recovering from major disasters" Guess which state is the only one to qualify? Talk about fraud and corruption. Liberal democrats in the WH make me sick!!!!
Insurance is a voluntary contract in which I and the insurer estimates my risk and expense for particular adverse events and we agree on a price that I pay for the companies pledge to compensate me if these events occur. The government promises an entitlement, decides how much it will cost and coerces beneficiaries to pay enough money to deliver it. Despite the masquerade of calling this insurance, it is stealing. It is wrong to do that. I am not sticking up for the ins. companies, I am defending my freedoms.
BTW, if you are Catholic, like that guy who was denied communion, and you want to continue to be in good faith with that denomination, then you need to be in agreement with what they teach, which is 'abortion is murder'. Now, if you don't agree with what they teach, then get out. That's the problem with Christian denominations today. New ones are springing up all the time because people want to hear what their itching ears want to hear. In other words, they don't listen to 'sound' doctrine because they want to live the way they want to and if if the bible contradicts what they want to do, they will start their own church and tell their congregants that this or that is allowed in their church without any regard to what God has to say about it. Churches that allow gay preachers are pacifying those who are gay. They are saying that it is okay, when surely God says it is not, just to appease those who want to have sex with the same sex. Shame on them.
He lambasted the poor guy with questions and then would not let him respond to them. If I were him, I would have told it like it is. Abortion is murder and the law should not allow them. If a women chose to find another way to get rid of her child , then the blood of that child be on her before God, and not the rest of us for allowing it by law or paying for it through our tax dollars.
There may be differences in nonconsequencial things between denominations, but sin is sin no matter what denomination you are in. You can't argue with that. There are no differences. A lie is a lie whether your catholic or baptist or pentecostal. Homosexuality is homosexuality no matter what your faith is . Murder is murder. Stealing is stealing and it's the same no matter what christian name is written over your door.
Why am I the last one to give you advice on the christian faith and God's views on issues? I happen to be very knowledgeable of the bible. I have been studying it and even teaching it for 25 years and have gone to bible school and have completed a ministers course. You say you are comfortable with your views, and you say you are a christian. Then how can your views be so contradictory of the Christian faith? This I can not understand. Why do you say I am arrogant? If you are a Christian, and I am a Christian, our views should be similar, yet they aren't. Someones not a christian, and I know it's not me. Or, are you a christian in name only? There are many who say that they are Christians, yet their actions and beliefs do not coincide. Obama is an example of this kind of Christian.
I'm not sure. I never heard of fact check until I just looked into it when you started using it on this forum. But, if they did, it was wrong. I don't believe that Bush had anything to hide though. He was a pretty honest man. Obama, OTOH, has lied many times during his campaign and presidency.
Christians who support gay marriage and abortions are christians who have not read their bible and what God says about those issues. You can be a christian (a believer in Jesus), yet be wrong on your stand on an issue. It doesn't mean that God does not allow you into heaven when you die, it just means that you are wrong about what God says about that issue. There are many denominations of Christianity for that reason, but there are black and whites in the bible that have no gray area. Abortion and Gay marriage and stealing, among other issues, are those black and white issues that can not be disputed amongst believers. God said so and that's that! There is no other interpretation for those issues. Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them" 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God." Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."