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Everything posted by pattygreen
what a load of bull!!!!!
So then, how do you determine what's fact and what's fiction? Or do you go by what you would like to be factual?
Alittle off topic, but just another note to show you how crooked the government is..... It's been 2 weeks since the news of the conspiracy behind the global-warming myth was exposed. Despite continuing developments, The Associated Press has largely ignored the scandal involving 1,079 incriminating e-mails at the University of East Anglia in England. The AP maintains the blackout on Climatgate because it and the rest of mainstream media are so heavily invested in the warming fraud. That requires them to supress honest science that doesn't follow the church of global warming. Journalists may claim impartiality, but this is the same news service that had 11 reporters with nothing better to do than fact-check Sarah Palin's book. Fortunately climategate is being fully vetted on Al Gore's Internet and the British and Canadian press. You can get the news "journalists" won't report by visiting
The answer to the HC problem is tort reform. This is money. A low end estimates about a half a trillion per decade. Part is simply bled into the legal system to benefit a few jackpot lawsuit winners and an army of rich extravagant malepractice lawyers like John Edwards. The rest is wasted within the medical system in the millions of unnecessary tests, procedures and referrals undertaken solely to fend of lawsuits. Resources wasted on patients who don't need them and which could be redirected to the uninsured who do. In the 4000 plus page bill there is no tort reform. The house bill actually penalizes states that "DARE" "limit attornys' fees or impose caps on damages. Why? Because as Howard Dean has openly admitted, "Democrats don't want to take on the trial lawyers." He didn't need to say why. (They give millions to the democrats for precisely this kind of protection.) Also, get rid of the forbidding of buying HI over state lines. Why not allow interstate competition? After all, you can buy oranges across state lines. If you couldn't, oranges would be extremely expensive in Wisconsin, especially in winter. And the answer to the resulting high orange prices in Wisconsin? An established federally run orange growing company to introduce competition? No. It would be to allow Wisconsin to buy Florida oranges! Neither of those 2 things, (tort reform or interstate allowance of medical insurance sales) is in the bill, because that would obviate the need-the excuse- for the public option, which the left wing of the Democratic party sees (correctly) as the royal road to socialized medicine! The better choice is targeted measures that attack the inefficiencies of the current system one by one: tort reform, interstae purchasing and taxing employee benefits. It would take 20 pages to write such a bill, not 2000, and provide the funds to cover the uninsured without wrecking U.S. Health Care and the treasury.
If only you knew the difference between religion and a relationship. One is organized with a set of rules and beliefs and the other is actually knowing God. What the catholics or other denominations do does not make God, and the bible he gave us to know him, any less real.
.......................................................................................... Obama's lies can be proven, yet you will never stray from believing that he is trustworthy. I don't get it? He just sent 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan, even though he campaigned on ending this war ASAP! What a LIAR!!!!! Sarah Palin did not use her children to further her career. They are a part of her life, and if the public sees or hears about them, how is she to help that? Talk about grasping at straws to come up with something 'bad' about her. Leave it to a liberal to make someone who has high moral standards into someone who doesn't.
The bill includes all sorts of budget gimmicks, two of which illustrate that there is no fiscal restraint in it. One calls for steep cuts in Medicare and the other imposes a 40% excise tax on private, gold plated health plans. It's just not plausible that this Congress will actually cut Medicare or tax health plans the unions have spent decades creating. They say they're now instructing agencies to put freezes on spending or propose a 5% cut in their budgets for next year. This wont add up to much unless they use the budgets they had before the stimulus inflated their spending as their baseline in calculating their cuts. For example, if the education dept. uses its current stimulus inflated budget of $141 billioninstead of the $60 billion budget it had before Obama moved into the WH, freezing its budget will do nothing to fix the fiscal mess the president has created. Mr. Obama's spending choices are dragging congressional Democrats into ugly electoral territory where many are likely to meet a brutal fate next fall!
We wont be able to climb out of this debt. We wouldn't be the first great Nation to bankrupt themselves. 4 months ago, a report was issued by the Social Security and Medicare trustees that stated that the combined funded liability of the two programs has reahed $107 Trillion. That's 7X the size of the U.S. economy. Just to pay for these programs, excluding everything else the gov. does, they'd have to collect 1/3 of the earnings of every American by 2054. That, or cut benefits. This is a gov. created vise. But, like a neurotic who can never perceive the self-inflicted nature of his troubles, Democrats cannot or will not see that much of what is wrong with Americas health care system is government caused. The patient has a 104 fever and Dr. Democrat is prescribing a heating pad! The bills would cost taxpayers more than $3 TRILLION over the first 10 years. They would burden the entire U.S. economy with new and onerous taxes, stifle medical advances and diminish the quality of care. Even then, they would not cover all of the uninsured. When you compare survival rates after cancer diagnosis, a much better gauge of HC quality, the U.S. leads the world. As for spending too much on HC, democrats refuse to see gov. incentives contributed to the problem. Making HI plans deductable for employers but not for individuals has encouraged a "third party payer" system that insulates people from the cost of their care. This leads to over consumption. By encouraging a free for all liability system (half of all Drs. are sued at least once) that enriches their chief doners, trial lawyers, the Dems have added billions to the cost of medical care by forcing Drs. to practice defensive medicine. Government has jacked up the price of HI by piling mandates on Ins. companioes forcing them to cover everything from psychotherapy to invitro fertilization. If the gov. would allow interstae sale of HI, nearly everyone would be able to find affordable plans. Rather than consider a reform that would bring HI rates down, Pelosi prefers to demonize Ins. companies as "villians" while Obama rails at them for "holding us hostage." Having misdiagnosed what ails us, the Nurse Ratched Democrats are poised to administer their remedy. Delivering much more of the same. If we were facing a likely fiscal train wreck before Obama took office, we are facing a certainty now. (excerpts from Mona Charen, a syndicated columnist)
A DIVIDER, NOT A UNITER "The gap between Obama's approval rating among Democrats and among republicans is nearly 70 percentage points--a higher partisan divide than either Bill Clinton or George W Bush experienced. Obama's agenda and actions this year, and some mistakes, have solidified this divide." So much for his promise to bring "this country together as a healed and united nation." (Matthew Dowd noted this about our post-partisan president.)
The bible was written by Holy men of God who spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit during a period of 1600 years extending from 1492 BC to 100 AD. It has 66 seperate books written by about 40 different authors. By Kings such as David and Solomon; by statesmen as Daniel and Nehemiah; by priests such as Ezra; By jewish men such as Paul and herdsman like Amos, a Physician like Luke; even tax collectors and fishermen wrote it. It's pages were penned in the wilderness of Sinai, the cliffs of Arabia, the hills and towns of Palestine, Persia, Babylonia, the dungeons of Rome and the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. There is a progress of revelation and doctrine in it. The two halves put together make a whole. (the old and new testament)The new is "enfolded" in the Old and the old is "unfolded: in the New. You can't understand The book of Hebrews in the NT without the book of Leviticus in the OT. and so on. The language of the bible is threefold. Figurative, Symbolic, and Literal. The meaning of figurative language in the bible is made clear by the context. Symbolic language is explained either in the same chapter or somewhere else in the bible. The rest of the language in the bible is to be read like any other book, letting it say what it wants to say without allegorizing or spiritualizing its meaning. (literal) It has been translated into other languages, but its meaning is the same in any language. It has not been interpreted a million different ways, as you say. When the bible says," thou shalt not steal."", that's just what it says and means. It's not a gray area. It's black and white, clear as day. BTW, as a Christian, I certainly do work for God. Anything He would ask me to do, I would comply. Because of your last statement, Is there something in particular that you feel I am not listening to God about?
Tort reform. This is money. A low end estimates about a half a trillion per decade. Part is simply bled into the legal system to benefit a few jackpot lawsuit winners and an army of rich extravagant malepractice lawyers like John Edwards. The rest is wasted within the medical system in the millions of unnecessary tests, procedures and referrals undertaken solely to fend of lawsuits. Resources wasted on patients who don't need them and which could be redirected to the uninsured who do. In the 4000 plus page bill there is no tort reform. The house bill actually penalizes states that "DARE" "limit attornys' fees or impose caps on damages. Why? Because as Howard Dean has openly admitted, "Democrats don't want to take on the trial lawyers." He didn't need to say why. (They give millions to the democrats for precisely this kind of protection.) Also, get rid of the forbidding of buying HI over state lines. Why not allow interstate competition? After all, you can buy oranges across state lines. If you couldn't, oranges would be extremely expensive in Wisconsin, especially in winter. And the answer to the resulting high orange prices in Wisconsin? An established federally run orange growing company to introduce competition? No. It would be to allow Wisconsin to buy Florida oranges! Neither of those 2 things, (tort reform or interstate allowance of medical insurance sales) is in the bill, because that would obviate the need-the excuse- for the public option, which the left wing of the Democratic party sees (correctly) as the royal road to socialized medicine! The better choice is targeted measures that attack the inefficiencies of the current system one by one: tort reform, interstae purchasing and taxing employee benefits. It would take 20 pages to write such a bill, not 2000, and provide the funds to cover the uninsured without wrecking U.S. Health Care and the treasury.
Obama made fiscal restraint a constant theme of his campaign. "Washington will have to tighten its belt and put off spending." "I will go through the federal budget line by line, ending programs that we don't need." Voters found this fiscal conservatism talk very reassuring. However, since he's been in office he has pushed through a $787 billion stimulus, a$33 billion expansion of the child health program known as S-chip, a $410 billion omnibus appropriations spending bill, and an $80 billion dollar car company bailout. He also pushed through an $821 billion cap and trade bill throught the house and now is urging Congress to pass a nearly $1 TRILLION HC Bill! An honest appraisel of the nation's finances would recommend dropping the last two mentioned! The federal deficit when he was sworn in was stood at $422 billion. At the end of October it stood at $1.4 TRILLION!!!!!!! The total National debt also soared to $7.5 Trillion at the end of last month, up from 6.3 trillion shortly after inauguration day. What seems to concern the president is not the problem runaway spending poses for the tax payer and the economy, but the political problem it poses for democrats. That's why he He announced this week that he is considering creating a commission to figure out how to fisx this budget mess! Wow! another commisssion to pay and give extravagant benefits to! I can dfigure it out it for free! STOP THE SPENDING!!!!!!!!!!
That's the democrat's answer to every crisis! Spend away!!!! Next time your family has a problem, go to Macy's. That might bring momentary pleasure, but when the credit card bill comes in, it needs to be paid off.
Quote from Glen Reynolds: "I think Obama's 'charisma' was based on voter narcissism--people excited not just about electing a black president, but about themselves, voting for a black president. Now that's over, and they're stuck just with him, and emptied of their own narcissism there's not much there to fill out the suit."
The better choice is targeted measures that attack the inefficiencies of the current system one by one: tort reform, interstae purchasing and taxing employee benefits. It would take 20 pages to write such a bill, not 2000, and provide the funds to cover the uninsured without wrecking U.S. HC and the treasury.
Get rid of the forbidding of buying HI over state lines. Why not allow interstate competition? After all, you can buy oranges across state lines. If you couldn't, oranges would be extremely expensive in Wisconsin, especially in winter. And the answer to the resulting high orange prices in Wisconsin? An established federally run orange growing company to introduce competition? No. It would be to allow Wisconsin to buy Florida oranges! Neither of those 2 things, (tort reform or interstate allowance of medical insurance sales) is in the bill. because that would obviate the need-the excuse- for the public option, which the left wing of the Democratic party sees (correctly) as the royal road to socialized medicine! excerpts fromCharles Krauthammer's editorial(a syndicated columnist)
Tort reform. This is money. A low end estimates about a half a trillion per decade. Part is simply bled into the legal system to benefit a few jackpot lawsuit winners and an army of rich extravagant malepractice lawyers like John Edwards. The rest is wasted within the medical system in the millions of unnecessary tests, procedures and referrals undertaken solely to fend of lawsuits. Resources wasted on patients who don't need them and which could be redirected to the uninsured who do. In the 4000 plus page bill there is no tort reform. The house bill actually penalizes states that "DARE" "limit attornys' fees or impose capps on damages. Why? Because as Howard Dean has openly admitted, "Democrats don't want to take on the trial lawyers." Hedidn't need to say why. (They give millions to the democrats for precisely this kind of protection.)
why do some old testament laws still need to be adhered to while others don`t? The key to understanding this issue is knowing that the Old Testament law was given to the nation of Israel, not to Christians. Some of the laws were to reveal to the Israelites how to obey and please God (the Ten Commandments, for example). Some of the laws were to show the Israelites how to worship God and atone for sin (the sacrificial system). Some of the laws were intended to make the Israelites distinct from other nations (the food and clothing rules). None of the Old Testament law is binding on us today. When Jesus died on the cross, He put an end to the Old Testament law (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15). In place of the Old Testament law, we are under the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2), which is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). If we obey those two commands, we will be fulfilling all that Christ requires of us: “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:40). Now, this does not mean the Old Testament law is irrelevant today. Many of the commands in the Old Testament law fall into the categories of “loving God” and “loving your neighbor.” The Old Testament law can be a good guidepost for knowing how to love God and knowing what goes into loving your neighbor. At the same time, to say that the Old Testament law applies to Christians today is incorrect. The Old Testament law is a unit (James 2:10). Either all of it applies, or none of it applies. If Christ fulfilled some it, such as the sacrificial system, He fulfilled all of it. “This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3). The Ten Commandments were essentially a summary of the entire Old Testament law. Nine of the Ten Commandments are clearly repeated in the New Testament (all except the command to observe the Sabbath day). Obviously, if we are loving God, we will not be worshipping false gods or bowing down before idols. If we are loving our neighbors, we will not be murdering them, lyin g to them, committing adultery against them, or coveting what belongs to them. Also, the law about homosexuality is repeated in the New testament. It is to be upheld. The purpose of the Old Testament law is to convict people of our inability to keep the law and point us to our need for Jesus Christ as Savior (Romans 7:7-9; Galatians 3:24). The Old Testament law was never intended by God to be the universal law for all people for all of time. We are to love God and love our neighbors. If we obey those two commands faithfully, we will be upholding all that God requires of us.
right now, if I don't like the company I have, I can choose another one. With the government option, I have no choices. Let me get one thing straight. I am all for reforming HC, and it needs to be done. I am just NOT FOR THE GOVERNMENT GETTING THE CONTROL. Opening up the state lines to sell insurance across borders will bring much needed competition to all ins. companies. Right now in CT, there are only 3 to choose from. but there are over 130 in the country. Now, just that ONE law change could really vamp up competition. But why doesn't the government do that? Because it's not really competition that they want. It's a socialized government controlled HC ins. that they want. (control) If they had it, they could tax us for anything they want, like they do on cigarettes right now. Anything that they deem "unhealthy" they can put a tax on and force more money from businesses than ever before. They are trying to get more money from the people so that they could continue on with their luxurious spending sprees. They want that control. They can also do some tort reform. But you also know why that don't do that. There are many kinds of small things that they could do to reform HC, and when done all together will make a big difference, but they choose not to. Some in congress have even said that if the public option isn't in the final bill, why bother voting for it. That shows that reform isn't what they want ultimately. It's the control.
You must be one of the wiser Americans in this country.:frown: The majority of People watch FOX. They are the #1 watched News station. You are sooooo intellegent because you're not like the majority of us who watch FOX, cause we can't think for ourselves.:wink: We're soooo dumb compared to you. You are soooo much smarter than the rest of the country who tends to watch the News station that they believe is on target and right. When the majority of the people tune into FOX it's not because they're all wrong in the way they think. It's because they are RIGHT!!!!
But, if they all go out of bsiness, then the government will be the only one you can have. And if they are the only one you can have, then they make the HC choices and decisions for you. What gets covered, what doesn't who can have what service, and who can't, how much this or that will cost, how much they will pay a doctor for a precedure, and on and on. I, and many other Americans do NOT want the government to have that kind of control. You do?
If there's a public option out there that isn't looking to make a profit, how will the other insurance companies compete with it? They can't! When it is the less expensive plan out there, it will grab up all the clients, and this will cause the ins. companies to raise their premiums so they can make their pay outs for medical care, which in turn will eventually close their doors. Then the only option left is the government plan for all. So, in the long run, there will be NO option for the people. You have yet to respond to this. We don't want the government in control of our medical decisions! When they close down all the ins. companies with their public option plan, they will be all we have left. How is that giving the American people a choice?! Many have given the answer for competition between ins. companies. Open the competition between all the states. You can buy auto ins. from a company that's not within your state, why not medical ins.? How about tort reform? Oh yeah,... Obama's campaign contributers were big time lawyers. He owes them.
Moses felt that God should not use him to lead his people out of Egypt. He said himself that he was not a good speaker and that God should choose someone else for the job. God said that He had chosen him and that he would be the one that God would work through. God sometimes calls the equipt, those who are capable, but he always equipts the called. So, if Sarah Palin is called by God to be America's next president, she will be. God also will sometimes give the people what they ask for, and the consequences that go along with that decision, as he did with Obama. It takes a peoples mistake sometimes in straying away from righteousness for them to see their wrong, and be sorrowful for it. Then, when they are, God will bless them once again.