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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. Wow! you people believe evry word that protrudes from his mouth, don'tcha? Don't you know that politicians lie? He's from Chcago at that.
  2. Do you know what an analogy is? maybe you should look up the word.
  3. So, you think that by posting the 'sins' of conservatives, you convince me? No, for all sin. I could come up with a list of liberals equal in length or probably even longer. I was talking about a moral standard, not sin. People who are morally grounded tend to be more conscious of their decision making when it comes to moral issues,. especially issues that are to be imposed upon the people. Christians (usually conservative republicans) for the most part try to live moral, virtuous, nonsinful lives. They are not exempt from doing wrong, but they tend to do wrong less than their counterpart. (unbelievers, who tend to be more liberal) They don't have the moral charachter that conservatives have. Oh, they believe they do, but their morals come from their own desires, whatever they feel is right or wrong is right or wrong to them. I
  4. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    He left the church cause staying in it would ruin his campaign for presidency. He sat under this pastor for 20 years. The funny thing is even though he doesn't attend there anymore, he still approves of the guy. DID OBAMA REALLY LEAVE HIS CHURCH? Trinity United Christian Church is a resentful, fear-mongering, bigoted, race-baiting, anti-White establishment, anti-Semitic, anti-American, highly politicized, Marxist, Afro-centric, Black Liberation Theology Church with strong ties to the Nation of Islam. To toss a quote back to Obama. . .“ . . .that’s just not how people should have to operate in their church.” Well, Obama finally left his church, but then again, maybe not. Not really. How could Obama leave his highly influential friends and not pay a huge political price? What is patently clear is that he really did not leave his church for any other reason than political expediency. The fact is that his resignation was done to save the church from further pain caused by his candidacy and to save his own candidacy!!! Or more likely, visa versa. His leaving had nothing at all to do with why Americans have been in an uproar for months over his church. Wouldn’t you just love to scream back at BO “It’s the hate-filled theology, stupid!” Did Obama reject any of the philosophy of this resentful, fear-mongering, bigoted, race-baiting, anti-White establishment, anti-Semitic, anti-American, highly politicized, Marxist, Afro-centric, Black Liberation Theology Church with strong ties to the Nation of Islam.? Not! Did Obama reject specifically the frequent anti-White Establishment remarks made by his “great young pastor,” Rev. Moss, or the anti-Hillary and anti-White remarks made by his good friend, Rev. Pfleger? No! Did Obama reject any of the tenants of Black Liberation Theology? Absolutely Not! Did Obama chide the church for anything? NO What did Obama do? He praised the church and their leaders – his longtime friends. So Obama would have us believe that he really left the church so that all further questions concerning his character can be silenced.
  5. pattygreen

    Health Care

    just a joke. relax.
  6. pattygreen

    Health Care

    REGARDING BEHAVIOR, is it a good analogy to say that liberals are like house pets? My dog sleeps about 20 hours a day. She has her food prepared for her. She can eat whenever she wants, 24/7/365. Her meals are provided at no cost to her. She visits the Dr. once a year for her checkup, and again during the year if any medical needs arise. For this she pays nothing, and nothing is required of her. She lives in a nice neighborhood in a house that is much larger than she needs, but she is not required to do any upkeep. If she makes a mess, someone else cleans it up. She has her choice of luxurious places to sleep. She receives these accommodations absolutely free. She is living like a queen, and has absolutely no expenses whatsoever. All of her costs are picked up by others who go out and earn a living every day. I was just thinking about all this, and suddenly it hit me like a brick in the head, Holy Cow, my dog is a liberal!
  7. http://www.silentscream.org/video/SScream%20English/SilentSc_Eng_2.mov This is for mature audiences only
  8. [quote} they demonstrate with their words and arguments that they do not care one whit about the women who are facing the horrible and gut-wrenching decision of whether to have an abortion. We don't have anything to say about the women who kill their babies. They just don't get it that its murdering a life. We certainly do understand that they are in a dilemma if they didn't want to have a baby, but once they are pregnant, and the life has begun, what are you gonna do? Have a baby. Oh, well. So, you have it and support it or choose to put it up for a doption. If abortion were not a choice, there would be soooooo many more women who would be careful with their sex lives and not throw it around like it wasn't a way to pro-create. There would be alot more women using rubbers or calculating when they ovulate. Maybe they'd even wait till they were married and ready to have a family. Who knows? But to say that because we don't want babies murdered, we don't give a hoot about pregnant women who don't want to be pregnant is bogus. We just are more concerned for the one of the two with the worser problem at hand. The baby whose about to be killed. The mother?, well, she just has to carry and deliver a baby she doesn't want. the baby? well, he's facing execution. For pro lifers, that trumps her dilemma. So, it may seem to you that we don't care about the women here, but that's not true, we just focus our concern on the one whose facing the death sentence over the one whose facing a 9 month term.
  9. pattygreen

    Health Care

    bjean doesn't play 'nice' with me, though.
  10. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for the last 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's south side, has a long history of what even Obama's campaign aides concede is "inflammatory rhetoric," including the assertion that the United States brought on the 9/11 attacks with its own "terrorism." In a campaign appearance earlier this month, Sen. Obama said, "I don't think my church is actually particularly controversial." He said Rev. Wright "is like an old uncle who says things I don't always agree with," telling a Jewish group that everyone has someone like that in their family. Well, if Obama can say that about Wright, I can say that about the guy who held up a racist sign at a Tea party. "Every group has someone whose crazy among them whom they don't agree with." End of story.
  11. Why is this really bothering you? So this guy is a racist. There are alot of racists in this country. I just ignore them. They are insensitive, unintelligent, and must have self- esteem problems. Why should what this guy has held up be such a bee in your bonnet? When people like that do those kinds of things, I just feel pity for them and leave it at that. The tea party group is not following 'Him" and his bigotry. They like the idea behind having a new party that is against the growing federal interference in American's lives. They like that there is a party out there that is against the BIGGNESS of government. If this is the first time that I have seen that photo of him holding a racist sign, then I'm sure it's the first time for others and maybe some have not seen it at all. Now, you like the idea that you can use this sign and him to discredit what the tea party stands for, and that's okay. You're wrong, but you can believe what you like. I , for one, don't see the tea party as a racist thing. You, OTOH, need to because it makes it much easier for you to hate them. So, use the photo to enhance your hatred towrd them. It makes you feel good, so do it. Your postings of the photo keeps getting ignored because others see him as a protestor like those who held up Nazi over Bush's photo and 'KILL Bush" over his photo with a noose around his neck by the democrat liberals. Idiots. We felt the same way about those democrats as you do about this guy. Just ignore people like that. I do.
  12. Because I chose the chart that asked the question: "would you consider yourself to be prochoice or prolife?" This answers which has more followers.
  13. No , I equate them with laws that are in force today that are are also biblical.
  14. when does life begin? Many in the science field hold that life begins at conception.
  15. Let us imagine a person who believes that Jews are human persons, and that the extermination of Jews is murder. Many of us will find that exercise fairly easy, because we are people of that sort ourselves. So we may as well take ourselves to be the people in question. And let us now go on to imagine that we live in a society in which the “termination” of Jews is an every-day routine procedure, a society in which public facilities are provided in every community for this operation, and one in which any citizen is free to identify and denounce Jews and to arrange for their arrest and termination. In that imaginary society, many of us will know people who have themselves participated in these procedures, many of us will drive past the termination centers daily on our way to work, we can often see the smoke rising gently in the late afternoon sky, and so on. And now imagine that someone tells us that if we happen to believe that Jews are human beings then that's O.K., we needn't fear any coercion, nobody requires us to participate in the termination procedure ourselves. We need not work in the gas chamber, we don't have to denounce a Jew, and so on. We can simply mind our own business, walk quietly past the well-trimmed lawns, and (of course) pay our taxes. Can we get some feel for what it would be like to live in that context?...And maybe we can then have some understanding of why they [the right-to-lifers] are unlikely to be satisfied by being told that they don't have to get abortions themselves.
  16. I believe that the above graph shows that people who were once in the dark thinking that the baby was nothing but a blob of tissue have finally come to realize that they were wrong. It really is a life that has every right to be born. Just a side note: * just because a philosophically and scientifically plausible position may also be found in religious literature such as the Bible, that does not mean such a view is exclusively “religious.” If it did, then our society would have to dispense with laws forbidding such crimes as murder and robbery simply because such actions are prohibited in the Hebrew-Christian Scriptures.
  17. More Americans “Pro-Life” Than “Pro-Choice” for First Time PRINCETON, NJ -- A new Gallup Poll, conducted May 7-10, finds 51% of Americans calling themselves "pro-life" on the issue of abortion and 42% "pro-choice." This is the first time a majority of U.S. adults have identified themselves as pro-life since Gallup began asking this question in 1995. This tells me that the majority now favor laws opposing abortion.

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