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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Obama approval on economy drops to new low in CNN poll Share87 posted at 3:15 pm on July 23, 2010 by Ed Morrissey printer-friendly So much for Recovery Summer. The entire idea of this new PR campaign was to stimulate recovery in the trending on Barack Obama’s approval ratings, but it’s been as effective at that as Obamanomics has been at reviving the economy. CNN is the latest to notice that the trend continues: Americans approval of how President Barack Obama is handling the nation’s economy has dropped to its lowest level of his presidency, according to a new national poll. A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey indicates that 42 percent of the public approves of how Obama’s dealing with the economy, down 2 points from March, with 57 percent disapproving of his performance on the economy, up 2 points from March. The survey’s Friday release comes as the president made comments at the White House on what he termed the progress made this week on the economy and job recovery. This isn’t a big change from their last survey on the question. It’s a four-point swing on a question that has been a problem for Obama since last September, the last time he had a majority approval on the issue. Since then, he’s been significantly underwater. In fact, the big takeaway is just how little opinion has changed on the economy. While Biden keeps talking up the economy, he’s speaking to empty rooms, figuratively speaking. The number of respondents in CNN polls saying that the economy is either somewhat or very poor has been 78% in every poll since March, and only descended from 83% in February. Obviously, people aren’t at all convinced that anything has improved, and for good reason. If the administration insists on pushing its Recovery Summer campaign, they risk painting themselves as hopelessly out of touch.
  2. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    July 13, 2010 6:30 PM Poll: Support For Health Care Reform Drops Posted by Stephanie Condon 40 comments CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto. Updated Wednesday at 8 a.m. ET Americans continue to be more likely to disapprove than approve of President Obama's sweeping health care reforms, a new CBS News poll shows. While approval of the law is slightly higher than it was when the reforms were signed into law in March, support for the measure has dropped seven points in the past two months. Forty-nine percent of Americans now disapprove of the health care reform measure, according to the poll, which was conducted July 9 - 12. Thirty-six percent support the law. In a May CBS News poll, 47 percent disapproved of the new laws, while 43 percent approved. While the new poll shows a recent drop in support, the numbers have still improved overall since March, when 53 percent of Americans disapproved of the new laws and 32 percent said they approved of them. Most Republicans and independents disapprove of the reform package, the poll finds, while most Democrats approve of it. Americans continue to see little personal benefit from the health care reform legislation. By more than two to one, Americans think it will hurt (33 percent) rather than help them (13 percent). Forty-eight percent expect the reform to have no effect on them personally. When asked to name the country's most important problem, 6 percent named health care - about the same percentage of Americans who named the federal deficit (5 percent) and the Gulf oil spill (5 percent). The most cited problem by far, at 38 percent, was the economy. Thirty-nine percent of Americans said Mr. Obama has spent relatively too much time on health care reform. Thirty-one percent said he has spent the right amount of time on it, while 24 percent said he has spent too little time.
  3. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    The left is working over time to disuade people from listening to the great ideas of the tea party organization by calling those who are their members 'racists' and 'haters' because of the poor actions of a few loons who were among them. It's their only ploy and scheme against the right and it's not working. The right is RIGHT! The democrats don't have a prayer in November, and I am so happy about that! The American people keep losing their desire for this president. They do not approve of his policies and agenda. Even those who share his skin color are falling away from supporting him. So, the tea partiers, whose majority of people are white, but not all of them, are only feeling the same way the black and hispanic community are feeling. Why? Because it's not about his skin color, it's about HIM! Poll: Pres. Obama Losing Support of Blacks, Hispanics Gallup’s latest weekly compilation of polling data on President Obama’s job approval rating shows him at 85 percent among black Americans, down from a 94 percent approval rating among blacks as recently as March. The 85 percent figure is also Obama’s lowest-ever as president among African-Americans in the Gallup weekly poll. The poll data is from July 19 to 25, meaning Gallup sampled opinion as the Shirley Sherrod matter, and the Obama administration’s handling of it, exploded into controversy. Obama’s approval rating among Hispanics in the latest poll, 52 percent, is also his lowest rating among that group in Gallup’s weekly measurement. He was in the low-to-mid 60’s earlier with Hispanics earlier this year. Obama’s approval rating among whites is 38 percent, mostly unchanged from recent weeks but down a few points from the beginning of 2010. Overall, Obama’s weekly job rating is 45 percent approve, 47 percent disapprove, down from a 51 percent approve, 42 percent disapprove in February.
  4. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    "Are you black or something? Cause you certainly are coming off as an offended black person who is hanging on by a thread to your President simply because he matches your skin tone. Cause there is really no reason to admire Obama or anything he is doing to this country of ours. The way you talk, I would think that you HATE white people. This would make you a 'racist'. This is kind of like what the leftist media does with sound clips. Pulls them out of context to suit their agenda. lol All of this was said by me AFTER Cleo'smom bombarded me with being a racist and hating black people.
  5. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    pgreen's post: I don't 'hate' anyone or call people haters. You can't prove it, and that is the reason for why you wont spend the time to pull anything up from the past, not cause you don't want to, but cause you can't! Cleo'smom has repeatedly said that the tea partiers are hateful racists. SHE is the one who uses the hate word over and over. NOT me. If I have used it, it is to defend her accusations of Hate. So, as you can see, It was Cleo'smom who called me a racist and a hater eons of times prior to this post of mine that she puts up here and I all I did was just turn the tide on her an call her the hater. Like I said, I have never called anyone or a class or group of people haters, EXCEPT CLEO"SMOM WHEN IT WAS IN DEFENSE OF HER CALLING ME A HATER OR A RACIST. Notice how I emphasized in the post the words you. "YOU are the racist!" "YOU are the hater!" I did that because she was previously calling ME a racist and a hater. Nice try though.
  6. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Call it what you want. Pull them up!
  7. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I don't 'hate' anyone or call people haters. You can't prove it, and that is the reason for why you wont spend the time to pull anything up from the past, not cause you don't want to, but cause you can't! Cleo'smom has repeatedly said that the tea partiers are hateful racists. SHE is the one who uses the hate word over and over. NOT me. If I have used it, it is to defend her accusations of Hate.
  8. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I have also pulled up posters and proof from days of old, when Bush was in office, of liberals being haters and violent. It does not mean that the whole group is hateful or violent. It just means that some people act stupidly. YOU, on the other hand, equate what a few do, to the whole bunch, which is very childish and immature for someone who is so intelligent.:rolleyes2:
  9. pattygreen

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

  10. pattygreen

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

  11. pattygreen

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

  12. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    True, for once. I, personally, don't call anyone who disagrees with my stand on issues a hater, or accuse them of hating others simply because they don't agree with me. Cleo'smom is the famous one for that. This is a liberal tactic. When they used "racist" for soooo long, they needed another word for those who oppose them. "Haters" was it. When all else fails, and you can't win the argument for your cause, call them a racist or a hater! Liberals can't help themselves!
  13. pattygreen

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    Peace and love and goodness is what God wants, that is true. BUT, He also wants every man to put their faith in His son, Jesus and to forsake their sinful ways. He wants us to obey Him, and to believe what he says in the bible. There is much that he wants, but you will only concentrate on the "goodness" we must live.
  14. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    YOU are the Hater!!!!!! You hate Bush and every republican/independent out there. Anyone who opposes what you believe is right. You are not shy about expressing your outright HATRED for others who oppose you. You call them names and say terrible things about those who are not democrats. You put down their intelligence and accuse them of terrible things! ALL can be construed as HATE!!!!!!! YOU are the RACIST!!!! YOU hate white conservatives and have said just as much with your rants about how they are black haters. If anyone is racist around here, it is you. Against white people who disagree with you on politics and every issue out there. THERE!!!! How do you like that?!!!!!!
  15. pattygreen

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    People have been claiming that His return will be very soon, for all the years that they've been reading the Bible. I don't doubt that He will return - what I doubt {bjean quote}and I think the term "scoff" is inappropriate when referring to me) is that YOU know when He's coming and that your profession to know such a thing is absurd. If you really knew what you were talking about you'd know that it is not wise to make such a prouncement. {end} I never said that I knew when He was coming. Talk about putting your own slant on what someone says! I said people could know around about the time by looking at the signs. Jesus said when you see certain signs, you will know that his coming is near. I don't want to get into all those signs right now, just that this is scriptural: From Matthew chapter 24 42 “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. 43 “But be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. 44 “For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.
  16. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    What is the difference if your taxes are raised, or you have to pay more for everything because of his policies? Money out of our pockets is money, whether you call it a literal "tax" or not. Obama's policies are causeing inflation on everything from gasoline prices to food to electricity costs and every other expense we have. His taxing of the rich only causes them to pass the expense onto the consumer. So, the 'facts' may say there has been no tax increase, but the people feel it in their pocketbooks anyway. Just like the death panels thing before the HC bill was passed. There was nothing that 'said' anything about death panels in the bill, but the general idea was that the government would be making the decisions for end of life care for people. That could not be denied. Just like Obama will not 'say' or admit that he is a socialist at heart, but his wheeling and dealing and his associations surely do point in that direction. Liberals have to have some reason for why us conservatives feel the way we do about him, and because you all know that we are justified in our perception of him, you come up with all kinds of wild accusations like we are racist or we are haters. Whatever! If that's your conclusion, all I can say is that you are very, very wrong. I am a lover of all mankind. Every race, every nationality, every human being. I may hate what they do sometiimes, and that is perfectly acceptable to God. He hates sin as well. I know in my heart that I am not a racist. I have beautiful, loving black children that I would do anything for, and the color of ones skin does not get seen by me when I make a decision concerning their actions. It is simply a ploy by the left to discredit their right apponents. It's worn out now, so they have turned to calling us haters. when that gets worn out, what will it be?
  17. pattygreen

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    oops. Just read the rest of what you all wrote.
  18. pattygreen

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    You are confusing me with someone else. I didn't write that. Since when do I swear and curse?
  19. pattygreen

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

  20. pattygreen

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I have to say, that really made me chuckle!:cursing:
  21. pattygreen

    "god" wants me, needs me, shows me....

    The bible actually fortells of people just like you, bjean, who will in the latter days deny His coming. 2 Peter 3:3-9 (New International Version) 3First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." 5But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of Water and by water. 6By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. 8But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
  22. pattygreen

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    You may be confused. But I am not. She said that she was smarter than anyone else who posts here. [Cleo's QUOTE]I am better educated than most american people. That is just a fact. I don't know what the educational level is of those who post here. What I do know is that when it comes to political debate (which is what I post about) I am much smarter than most of the posters here [end] She feels like Gus: "Just once I'd like to shoot at an educated man." So, what I said she said, is what she said!
  23. pattygreen

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    I did not post anything about muslims or mexican immigrants, for one thing. I just wanted to clear that up. And in defense of what you say, I want to remind you that just because a person does not approve of, or agree with what others do, or how they act does not mean that they HATE them. When you say that it is "hate" you really make yourself look stupid, and like you can't come up with anything else, so as a final grab, you label them. (Haters) So, your neighbor who listens to hard rock at 3AM every night. You "hate" them? Or is it that you don't like the fact that they wake you at 3AM? The family member who steals from you. You "hate" them? Or is it that you don't like the fact that they take your things without asking you first? Seriously! I thought you being as educated as you are, you would understand the difference.
  24. pattygreen

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

  25. pattygreen

    How do you feel about "born-agains"?

    The comic strip reads: Years ago, I discovered a magic word! I learned to squelch debates I was losing... by calling anyone who disagreed with me "racist"! ...But I used it so much, I wore it out! Nobody falls for it anymore..... So, I guess now I need to actually inform myself about stuff.... Or get a new magic word! I'm thinking "Hater!" .....You got a problem with that, Hater?!

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