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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Not if you don't have any money to invest! Not if you're already bankrupt! Not if you can't even find any more lenders who have any faith in your repaying them! Not if the people who are part of your business tell you to cool the spending, and STOP it!
  2. We 'extremists', who fight for the rights of the unborn, do so with the moral convictions within us that tell us that it is murdering an innocent human being. We fight for the babies right to life because God has said that it is a living being that he is creating in the womb. Liberals may believe differently, but they are wrong none the less. If some women die because they will choose to perform their own abortions illegally if they were outlawed, it would be only a small fraction of the lives that are lust annually due to abortion. It is better that a few woman may die, than millions of babies through abortions. A life is a life to pro-lifers.
  3. I, too, feel very strongly for the child and what she would have to go through. If she was too young to deliver safely and her life were in jeopardy, I would not be against abortion in that case. This is a rare , rare circumstance. Most girls do not get their periods at that young age, not to say that some don't, because some do, but what are the chances that those few who do also get raped. This is very rare. I believe that all men who rape children should not be allowed the priviledge to have sex ever again. They should be surgically castrated after they do their time. No exceptions. If our laws were harder on these criminals, there would be less of them.
  4. pattygreen

    Health Care

    Health care is not a 'right'. The constitution gives us the right to persue these things, not to have them handed to us. The constitution says our 'rights' come from the Creator, not congress.
  5. pattygreen

    Health Care

    That was really uncalled for. I think you should apologize for that.
  6. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    I was right here. keeping my opinions to myself. But now that Obama campaigned on "Change", and hasn't fulfilled his promise but only brought us more of the same politics as usual, he pissed us off. He campaigned on 'changing' government control and government spending, and government waste, and government transparency, and so on, but is just as bad as all the others in the office before him, even WORSE! Even his own party doesn't deny he's a liar. (aka pelosi) He should have kept his mouth shut during his campaign if he really was going to be like all the rest in Washington and not be the "different" one. But no. He brought this bashing onto himself with his campain slogan of "Change". THERE WAS NO CHANGE!!!!!!! The people are sick of government interference in their lives, and the polls show it. I know that you liberalls like the security of government control on your lives, but us conservatives like to take care of ourselves and don't need it. We are secure in our ability to make decisions and come up with our own answers to our dilemmas. We feel that the government should be there for the things that it needs to do and resist the temptation to over-indulge us with their "we know what's best for you":rolleyes: attitudes. The government should be there for us with the military and its defenses and for roads and infrastructure, and for other things like police and firefighters, etc. Not to give money to states to put in rollerskating parks and to promote education giveaways, or to help someone get a home or a new car and that sort of thing. It's no wonder we are bankrupt and it will take each person living here over $34,000. to pay off our debt! That's each person. Every man, woman, and child. This doesn't bother you liberals at all does it? "So what. Let's keep spending and taxing!!!!", they say. "I don't care about the national debt. I LOVE Obama!, and that's all that matters." They say. "I don't want to say anything about the spending in government, it might make me look racist since we have a black president now." , they say. Come On!!! Who gives a crap if it's Obama or anyone else blowing us into oblivion with their spending of our money?! I could care less if he were purple. He's bringing us down fast financially because he just spends, and spends and spends and thinks of new ways to spend some more almost every day!
  7. pattygreen

    Health Care

    Reid (D) is a racist. His apology comes 'after' the people catch his 'real' feelings on Obama and blacks.
  8. pattygreen

    Health Care

    I clicked on your link and was very patient with it, but it showed me NOTHING.
  9. Maybe you didn't watch it because you don't want to really see what happens to a baby during an abortion? If you did, you might become sensitive to it's plight. Those who are pro-choice don't want to know reality, they'd rather live in their 'unknown' world of "what I don't know wont affect me". real brave of you.
  10. The video I posted was by a doctor who wants to bring the reality of what abortion actually really does to a baby in the womb. If you felt it was disgusting I need to ask why? If it's just a blob in there, then what's so disgusting about yanking on it with forceps or clamping down on the brain and pulling it out? See, when you just 'talk' about the baby as if it's not really a baby, you don't really get that it is. But get down and real and actually be present in the doctors place and see for yourself what the process entails and it's another story. If it's just a blob of tissue, and not a living human baby, then what's so disguting about watching the abortion? And, it wasn't even a real baby in the video, it was a plastic replica that they used to show what happens in an abortion. Imagine if it was the real thing?
  11. pattygreen

    Health Care

    What’s the most surreal moment in the Pelosi clip? Is it Madam Speaker daring to tout the openness of a process marked by backroom deals, secret meetings with lobbyists, floor votes at 1 a.m., draft bills that no one’s read, and the lack of any conference committee — in other words, everything that Harry Reid once claimed to hate? Is it DCCC tool Chris Van Hollen playing revisionist historian by touting the townhalls as proof of how much Democrats love debate even though (a) Obama initially wanted ObamaCare passed in July precisely so that he could short-circuit public outrage before it built momentum and ( the Dems spent the rest of the summer demonizing the hell out of people who actually showed up to the townhalls? Or is it Pelosi having the gall to dismiss The One’s C-SPAN campaign promise with a blithe, chuckling, “There are a number of things he was for during the campaign!” Don’t blink or you’ll miss it, but it’s there. The Democratic Speaker of the House, laughing out loud — at a press conference — at what a shameless liar Bambi had to be to get elected. There’s a Change moment if ever there was one.by Allahpundit
  12. pattygreen

    Health Care

    OOh, I can't wait for November! I see that Dodd has chosen not to run for re-election. How wise of him. He knows he doesn't stand a chance. And the nerve to say that he wasn't running cause he felt he 'should give someone else a chance at the opportunity'. How 'giving' of him. Oh, but Obama will find him a place for him to be used by the government. I'm sure the dems have asked him to step aside so that there could be a slight chance for the democratic party that is so prevelant in CT. With the offer of a career still in politics, with a nice salary and benefits, Dodd would be foolish to refuse. All the corruption from the dems in the WH and congress make me sick.
  13. pattygreen

    Health Care

    He won't let us know what's happening in the 'here and now', but he wants everyone to know what's happened in the past. How ridiculous. Can we change the past? no. But the 'here and now' is what matters NOW. Even Pelosi took a swipe at Obama's campaign promises and she questioned his committment to them. He's a liar!
  14. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    and you're rude.
  15. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Yes I did. I wrote this:
  16. pattygreen

    Health Care

    It doesn't affect them, yet. But can't you see down the road when employers see that they can get gov. ins. for their employees at a savings from what they are paying private ins. companies and will switch to the gov. plan? Can't you see that that is Obama's long term plan? to get everyone on the gov. plan.He knows it wont happen right away. He even said that while he campaigned. He knows that eventually, over time, the not for profit gov. plan that anyone may choose will take over all the other options and then there will be NO OTHER OPTION but that one. How is that choice for Americans? And he is a liar as well. He said many, many times during his campaign that CSPAN would air all the plans for every American to see them. He promised an open door policy, yet his cronies are forming the bill in secret where the American people can't even read what's in it. He allowed state senators to take bribes that are costing the rest of us billions so that he could pass this HC plan that the people don't want. I'm glad to see that the government has a lawsuit against them for the bribery crap.
  17. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    Not two different scenerios. In both scenes, people are making choices that have consequences. (or should have them) In the scene with the marajuana smoker, if he chooses to disobey the law, his consequence is going to jail. He needs to decide if going to jail outweighs his love for marajuana smoking or not. If yes, he will quit. If no, he will suffer jail time. In the scene with the woman who smoke cigarettes, if she chooses to smoke, she doesn't have any money left from her paycheck to buy the food she needs. If she chooses to smoke, her consequence will be hunger. She needs to decide if her love for cigarettes outweighs her hunger. If yes, she will be hungry and unhealthy. If no, she will get the food her body needs and be healthier. In both scenerios the choice is theirs to make. No one should enable either of them to continue in their situations. Why should my paycheck buy her groceries when all she needs to do is choose to spend her money on food over cigarettes?
  18. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    That's just what I mean. If they have their own money to buy cigarettes, then what are they doing getting food stamps? Cigarettes are $75.00 a carton in CT. That's more than one person needs for food each week. Once programs are put into place in the government, you can't seem to ever cancel them. That's alot of our problem with government. Even programs that aren't doing any good anymore are still finaced. God forbid someone should have to lose their job. As if people not in government jobs don't ever lose them. The food stamp program as well as any welfare programs should make people pee in a cup, and if they are using drugs, they should not get them. The jobs some of us are in require drug testing to stay employed, so why shouldn't the people who are receiving part of our paychecks in assistance need to be drug tested as well. If we can't use drugs in order to keep our jobs, then welfare recipients shouldn't be allowed to use them to receive the money we make. As for the cigarette thing, I know that the government can't enforce that, it was a scenerio of how I feel about giving assistance to people who choose to buy cigarettes over food, or people who choose to buy expensive clothing rather than pay their rent and they get housing assistance, or people who choose to have an expensive car payment every month instead of using that payment for oil and they receive energy assistance. I'm sure you get the jist of what I'm saying here. People abuse the system, and the gov. allows it.

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