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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    You should re-read your post and really listen to yourself. You are VERY immature.
  2. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I would never trust a poll that came from the 'Progressive Change Campaign Committee.'
  3. pattygreen

    Palin joins Fox - right where she belongs!

    This is the rants and raves area of Lap Band talk. It is here specifically for talking off the Lap band subject. If you want to talk about your band, go to the threads that talk about it.
  4. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    This last election is a wake up call. I hope that those in congress and the WH finally get the point that the rest of us Americans hold. We don't like their far left winged liberal agenda. Those MA people must be racists!:biggrin: OR maybe yet, I was right! They don't like the Obama agenda. Politicians are out of touch. 78% of Brown voters were against HC reform. They voted for Brown because he would be the vote they needed to keep Obama and Pelosi and Reid from their arrogant act of shoving it down our throats whether we wanted it or not! People are sick of their high and mighty attitudes and superior intelligence that they boast over their fellow Americans. Who do they think they are? They put down the fact that Brown drove a truck with 200 miles on it. You know what that shows me about the man? That he will use a material thing if it's still running fine until it breaks down rather than add to the junk pile or buy something new just to show it off. It shows me that he is conservative with his finances.
  5. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I must say that I really did laugh out loud at this post.:biggrin:
  6. pattygreen

    Health Care

    Sessions Claims Health Care Reform Bill Will Add Billions To Deficit 12/23/2009 2:48 PM ET (RTTNews) - Senator Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., claimed Wednesday that a new Congressional Budget Office report shows that the health care reform bill in the Senate will "add billions to the deficit." "The president argued that this legislation would cut billions from Medicare, simultaneously expanding the program for nine additional years, and fully offsetting a spate of new government programs," Sessions said. "In actuality, that is impossible." He added, "New information from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) proves that the deficit-neutral score is false, and is based on the Democrats' use of clever manipulations of accounting rules." According to the CBO report, "savings to the (Hospital Insurance) trust fund under the [Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act] would be received by the government only once, so they cannot be set aside to pay for future Medicare spending and, at the same time, pay for current spending on other parts of the legislation or on other programs." "To describe the full amount of HI trust fund savings as both improving the government's ability to pay future Medicare benefits and financing new spending outside of Medicare would essentially double-count a large share of those savings and thus overstate the improvement of the government's fiscal position," the report added. Sessions' comments come as the Senate prepares to vote Wednesday afternoon on a procedural motion that, if passed, would put the bill up for a final vote in the Senate. The final vote is expected on Thursday. It the bill passes the Senate, it would then have to be put up against the House bill, at which point the Senate and House would negotiate a final bill. by RTT Staff Writer
  7. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I have. I've written to Obama, my reps, and senators, and congress. What else can I do? I will vote all of those out in Nov. who will not abide by my wishes.
  8. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Yes, I honestly believe that. Not all the poor, mind you, but many of them. When I was 19 years old,(29 years ago) I was on welfare because I figured I could get on it cause I was pregnant, and I didn't want to work anymore. (I'm being brutally honest here) I got on it and after my son was born, I decided to stay on it and collect my $420. a month because my rent (a reduced housing complex) was $115. a month. I was collecting food stamps and WIC also. I had plenty of money to get by on. My choices were to go to work and earn 3X what I was recieving from aid from the government but then lose the WIC and the cheaper rent, or stay on welfare. I chose to stay on it. I reasoned, "why should I work 8 hours a day, and have to be away from my son all day, just to make a little more than I'm receiving for free right now?" The system was enabling me to 'stay' poor. I 'know' now, that it wasn't right what I did, but I was young and others told me how to get something for nothing, and I did it.( I was on welfare for about 2 years. When I got married, my husband and I repaid all of the welfare that I received. They don't require that anymore.) Anyway, Once I stopped recieving welfare, I got a job as an aide in a Home and saved my money till I had enough to go to school and get a CNA license. This got me a better job with HC and in turn I was able to save to go to bible school. I began to better myself financially over time. Oh, I could have chose to stay on welfare for as long as I wanted to, but I reasoned that it wasn't 'good' for me. My boyfriend at the time felt we could live together and I could keep getting all my assistance, while he worked and saved money. It's very easy to cheat the system. People do it every day. But then we wanted to get married, so I got off of it. I would never consider doing anything like that now, and I regret that I did it. I was ablebodied, young, and capable of working to support myself. I just chose the easier route that the government allowed me. Had I stayed there, I would have been one of those that the gov. enables to 'keep' poor.
  9. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I can not. I didn't really watch all the campaigning. Just the last few days before the election.
  10. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Really? Then tell me, bjean, why don't you demand that that part of the bill be changed to benefit marriage over living together?
  11. pattygreen

    Health Care

    People can be opposed to it for other reasons than that. Like not wanting the government to have that much control over us for one. Or not wanting the financial mountain of debt that would come with it.
  12. pattygreen

    Health Care

    excellent post. thanks. Very well said, and I am in agrrement with all of it.
  13. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    I don't agree with you about Bush. He was a Christian, and by his fruits I know it. The 'fruits' you display are not truths in my eyes.
  14. pattygreen

    Bet you're sorry you voted for Obama now

    It does not bother me that you don't think that I am a Christian. Only God and I know if it's true. Just like only God and Obama know if it's true. I can judge him by his fruits. It is not the things he does politically that I don't agree with that tells me he may not be a Christian, but the things that he does politically that GOD does not agree with that tells me he may not be a Christian. I could agree with anything I choose, but if GOD doesn't agree with it, well, then you have a problem. You know, maybe I should say it differently. Obama's fruits show me that he is not in line with the word of God on the political issues, therefore, even though he says that he gave His life to Jesus Christ and became a Christian, I question whether it was sincere and true. If it was, then he is making some BIG mistakes as the leader of this country and a Christian before His God. He is out of the will of God. This does not mean that he is not going to be saved, or go to Heaven someday, but that he will be disciplined by God for his decisions that were contrary to God's will on the day of his judgement. Now, if he wasn't sincere or true when He asked Jesus to be his Savior, then He needs to get right with Him.Since only God knows his circumstance, I will pray for him.
  15. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I said that people who support the health care bill do not care if the bill has immoral implications for Americans. If they did, they would demand that it be changed to be supportive of marriage. They would also demand that it not include payments made for abortions. Since liberals don't care about these issues in the bill enough to demand they are changed, they probably would rather have people live together in order to save money than get married.
  16. pattygreen

    Health Care

    Of course I watched it! It was the biggest, most important win for my side. If the dems couldn't get MA, they wont be able to get anywhere else, and that's reassuring to me. It had been nearly 40 years since they haven't had had a dem elected there. It's more than the outrage over the corrupt way the 'geniuses':rolleyes: practice lawmaking- the Louisiana purchase, The cornhusker kickback, last weeks $60 Billion dollar bribe to buy Big Labor support for Obamacare, etc.- They have figured out that Obama turned out to be a garden variety socialist with contempt for the nation's bedrock principles that a growing majority of Americans belatedly realized they still hold dear. Americans are fed up with government of the politicians, by the politicians and for the politicians; with crooked incumbents who do the bidding of their party instead of their constituents; and with haughty liberals who think they are so much smarter than everyone else. The results of this election shows that the people believe it is about time for regular folks to reclaim their government and turn the reins over to people whose judgement is sound, whose intentions are pure, whose votes aren't for sale. Brown won, becuase he wasn't a democrat, and because he understands what the people really want.:biggrin:
  17. pattygreen

    Health Care

    bjean QUOTE]I continue to be shocked and alarmed everyday by the incredible bias and ignorance of Americans. I'm shocked at how easily they are swayed by misrepresentations and untruths. And we all pay for their ignorance. [end] You amaze me. You talk about the ignorance of those who don't agree with you, your fellow Americans, as if you are the most itelligent person alive. It's quite interseting how you call me arrogant because I believe I have the 'spiritual answers' when it comes to the bible, yet you can't see your own arrogance in thinking you have superior intelligence in comparrison to other Americans who disagree with you.
  18. pattygreen

    Palin joins Fox - right where she belongs!

    She constantly brings up how the republicans or conservatives are 'dangerous' and 'evil' or 'ignorant', and she uses the protests of a few to generalize the majority of them. This can be said of the democrats and their protests as well. For every one name caller in a protest group, there are thousands and thousands who are not name calling. She needs to get over it. This is what happens at protests everywhere. On her side and on mine.
  19. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Yesterday, with the senate vote, the people in MA have spoken loud and clear for America. WE DONT WANT IT! They don't want Obama's agenda to go forward. They don't want what the liberal far left democrats want. They don't want corruption. They don't want any more deals to get made to get what the dems want. They don't want health care reform. They don't want socialism. They don't want schemes and lies and deceit and things done behind closed doors. They don't want all the spending to continue. They don't want the debt He has incurred for us. They don't want democrats in Congress! Are you in denial? The people are sick of the government and their corrupt ways. Just wait till November. If this happened in Mass., the MOST liberal state in the country, it's going to happen everywhere. Hooray!
  20. pattygreen

    Health Care

    Bamablondie1, great insight, and so true. This is just another point to bring out concerning the Obama plan. I had heard of their anti- marriage agenda, and didn't bring it to light here because most who post here don't care about the moral issues. They'd just say, "So, don't get married. Live together instead."
  21. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Do you see how you put down your fellow American. (less educated, inbred, idiots, ignorant) I mean really. And you call me 'superior'. WOW! That's all I can say. WOW!
  22. pattygreen

    Palin joins Fox - right where she belongs!

    what are you talking about?

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