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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. I support the death penalty for murderers. YES! But I do not support killing innocent people. God has allowed mankind to set up authorities who will judge the actions of others and meet out theeir just punishments.
  2. Hey. I must accept the laws as they are. I don't agree with them, or like them, but I am also not going to be held responsible for the many deaths that are allowed to take place because of them. All those who support the abortion choice will have the blood of ALL the babies whose lives have been cut short on their hands when they stand before their maker one day. I will be exempt from that. Thank God.
  3. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    {quote} Any idiot that could state that anyone such as Hitler or Joseph Stalin could be given eternal salvation an get to heaven by asking forgiveness through Jesus with the blood of over 7 million victims on both their hands is simply a fool. Any one who repents of their wrong doing (no matter what it is) and is truly sincere, will be forgiven and may enter into Heaven when they die if they are trusting in Jesus to get them there. YES! This is true. Your destination is not based on your life deeds whether they were good or bad deeds. It is based on your faith. Only Jesus is capable of getting you into Heaven. You can't be good enough. It's not possible. Since God can have not one speck of sin in his presence, no one will be able to meet him, unless we go through Jesus. He took our just discipline for our sins and when God looks at us, he sees his Son, Jesus, and allows us entrance. We are free from the laws of sin and death!
  4. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I suppose the 2.1 billion people in the world who believe as I do have been deceived. huh? Either Jesus is a fantastic liar who has duped the nations, or he is who he says he is.
  5. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I allow all situations that need an answer to be dealt with by my husband if neither of us can agree on something. We both discuss it, and if my reasoning differs from his, he takes into account my reasoning and councel and decisions and then makes the final decision. I agree to accept his final say. This works out wonderfully for us, because I trust him to handle things in an honest and fair way. We rarely have disputes over things. The bible teaches that "the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church." And, "As Christ loved the church, so the husband loves his wife likewise."
  6. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I will be perfectly honest with you when I say that I only recently started to be interested in politics. I don't know too much that happened under president Bush's reign. If he was crooked and made deals like the dems just did, I would be just as outrtaged. I find it astonishing that it would even be allowed. If it happened under Bush, then it was just as wrong.
  7. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    WOW! We republicans are so wickedly corrupt.:cursing: Let's see now. It started with Mary Landrieu. When reports surfaced she had been swayed with a $100 million Medicaid deal just for Louisiana, she bragged it was actually $300 million. Then, Ben Nelson of Nebraska got the most unusual Medicaid deal. In exchange for his vote, federal taxpayers will now pay for most Medicaid expansion just in Nebraska - forever. And while Democrats have claimed their bill saves big money cutting the extra benefits from Medicare Advantage, the fact is that won't happen in Florida, where Sen. Bill Nelson got his 800,000 seniors an exemption. Let's not forget how the Union's were favored. The bill also had a mystery grant of $100 million to an unknown health care facility in an unnamed state. It doesn't say Connecticut but Sen. Chris Dodd admitted he wrote it, hoping Connecticut would get it. Democrats shrugged off questions about the one state deals - saying this is how you get to 60 votes. "That's what this legislation's all about - it's the art of compromise," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said. (He really meant the art of corruption) It's a shame that that's the only way we can come to consensus in this country is to buy votes .Not to mention the many sweet deals made to several other senators in return for their affirmative vote. I hope the other senators and congressmen come to the realization that if these favored senators can hold out for the best deal, under the guise that they are doing the moral and ethical thing, perhaps they also can hold out until the price is right. These shenanigans prove that we have the best Congress that money can buy. If the Republicans would have done anything like this, there would have been all sorts of hell to pay. The Dems and the media would be looking into the possibility of impeaching the whole bunch of them.(And you say the republicans are wicked)
  8. Yes, I would. I do not support his actions. He had no right to kill another person. The doctor had no right to kill an unborn baby either, IMO, except in this country, it is lawful.
  9. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Oh come on! Pat said it about a whole host of a country and Reid said what he said about a whole host of black people. Neither said what they said with 'admiration'.
  10. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

  11. Reagan once said: "Many of you have been attacked for being single issue activists or single issue voters. But I ask: What single issue could be of greater significance?" Agreed. The right to life is the first and most fundamental of rights, without which other rights are impossible. If you are unsure when life begins, consider Reagan's words: "If there's even a question about when life begins, isn't it our duty to ere on the side of life?"
  12. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    You mock God's plan for your own forgiveness? Then there is nothing else for you. Yes. No matter how horrible your act is, God will forgive it and make you his child if you ask him to. The only thing is that God knows our hearts, even better than we do. He knows if we are truly sorrowful in our grief over our wrongs. And because he does, he can forgive those who are sincere. And, yes, even murderers will be in heaven. And hard to believe, but truly good people, who did not believe in Jesus' and trust in him to bring them there will not be in heaven. Our destiny, Heaven or Hell, is not determined by our deeds,whether good or bad, but by our faith in Jesus alone to Save us from our sins.
  13. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I want to add that just because we are free from the consequences of our wrongs, because of what Jesus did for us, does not give us a license to continue to sin. Christians understand the great cost of salvation for us that God has given. (the death of his own son) And, therefore, do not desire to sin. When we are convicted of our wrongs, we repent of them.(or we should)
  14. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I could also hand you a list of unbelievers in God who did horrific things in this world, and it wouldn't phase you. You believe that because someone says that they are a believer in Jesus, that they should and can't do any wrong. There are many who claim to be Christians who have sinned. ALL sin. So. what's your point? Christians are just as unable to live righteously without God as unbelievers. So, to point out their many faults is irrelevent. The one and only difference between them is in how God deals with their sin. Because the Christian has put their faith in God's son, Jesus, to save them from the just punishment of their wrongs, they will not be sentenced for their wrong doings. Jesus took our punishment for us. Unbelievers refuse to put their faith in the Savior that God has provided for them, so they will be sentenced for their wrong doings. Also, when you take a look at the horrific actions of unbelievers compared to Christians, you get a real sense of the difference between the two.
  15. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    And if anyone was to ask a 'Christian' what Robertson was saying, they'd understand his view point as well, and were only taken aback by the 'way' he said it. BTW, many black people that I know and live with in my own home took offense to Reid. It's really hypocritical of you to say otherwise. You know as well as I do that neither of the 2 men intended to offend anyone. But because Robertson is not with you, you don't give him the same pass as you give Reid. period. I give them both a pass.
  16. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    When you are voting, you take the lesser of the two evils. You don't get mnay options to choose from. (2) In this case, Brown was the better option.
  17. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    As I read your post, I am laughing at how backwards you are. Bad people will eventuelly pay the piper. Those bad people will be paying with their jobs in November.
  18. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    [quote} This morning they were saying that Nancy Pelosi stated that the health care bill will not pass in the time frame she promised because they have to take their time to be as fair as possible to both sides of the aisle. All of a sudden she's not in a big hurry anymore. She suddenly wants to be fair? This is where we all roll our eyes!
  19. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

  20. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    Yes, I do. Why Do Women Have Abortions? - a statistical breakdown* Responses listed as primary reason % Social Reasons (given as primary reason) - Feels unready for child/responsibility25% - Feels she can't afford baby23% - Has all the children she wants/Other family responsibilities19% - Relationship problem/Single motherhood8% - Feels she isn't mature enough7% - Interference with education/career plans4% - Parents/Partner wants abortion<1% - Other reasons<6.5% TOTAL:93% (Approx.) "Hard Cases" (given as primary reason) - Mother's Health4% - Baby may have health problem3% - Rape or Incest<0.5% TOTAL: 7% (Approx.) Poll Fact: An April 2004 Zogby poll found that 56% of Americans support legal abortion in only three or fewer circumstances: when the pregnancy results from rape or incest or when it threatens the life of the mother.
  21. pattygreen

    Why do liberals Hate Sarah Palin?

    I never said that God caused the earthquake. The earthquake happened because of nature itself. But since it did, God will use the bad thing that happened for good. He will draw people to him through their calamity.
  22. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Things need to be fair for all Americans. From the least of us to the wealthiest. You can't decide who can and can't give to a campaign any more than you can decide how much a corp. can make financially. I'm sure you'd love to have everyone work and distribute the paychecks evenly to all the people, but that's just not how things work.

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