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Everything posted by pattygreen
Phil, That's because I'm the only one you seem to call names. But, don't fret. I have already forgiven you. (even though you haven't asked for it) I will not infringe on your need to call me names and belittle my faith. You have my word that I will not report you for it. You will simply have to be the first person since I have been talking on LBT that I will have to push the "ignore this person" button on. Bye. Insult away!
There you have it. I would apologize.
News flash! The news just released the same (pretty close) numbers as last plan. Kiss that bill goodbye.
The numbers aren't yet out on the current bill. But it's been estimated that they wont change much. But the last bill they had out, they were planning to collect taxes for ten years starting in 2010, but the program benefits wouldn't start until 2015. (5 years later) So, you pay for 5 years into it, and you get coverage the last 5 years. The surplus they were talking about was because they were collecting taxes for 10 years but only providing benefits for 5 of those years. That's why there was a surplus. What would have happened after those 10 years were over in 2020? That is when we would have had a deficit of 2 trillion EVERY year after that. If you really think that you are going to cover 30 million extra people and keep the same coverage and save money, you are dillusional.
The CBO is run by the government. I don't trust them as a sound source.
Wrong! He dislikes me personally. Not that I care if he likes me or not, cause I truly don't.
I am not on the side of the HI companies. I'm not on the side of the government either. Both are evil and out to ruin us.
I hope you sleep well, cause 4000 babies die every day from abortion in America and you aren't doing a thing about it! Sleep well! Shame on you! Sleep well, cause 240,000 die annually from tobacco and you are not lobbying against these industries whose products are killing people. Shame on you for not doing something about this or caring at all. Nicotine is an addictive substance. People can't help their need to smoke. Sleep well. What a ridiculus thing to say to me. People die. That's a fact of life. It's not pleasant, it's very sad. But such is life. You can't fight it. Death and disease is all around us. Should I be giving my dollars to pay for your heat this year? Without it you could die from freezing. Should I start paying for your groceries too? Without food, you can't live long. There are alot of things that people need in order to sustain their lives. Believe me, I am not unsypathetic to people who don't have medical insurance. Just as I'm not unsympathetic to those who don't have enough food or those who can't buy oil for their furnace, or those who are homeless, and so on. BUT, we CAN NOT carry everyones burden. The expense of it is unsustainable for this country. This is NOT a socialistic nation. This is a nation of free enterprise and it needs to stay that way. We don't want the government to control us. We need to reach out to those around us and help them in any way that we can as individuals. That's our job. It's not the governments job to enforce our charity.
My lack of support for government HC is because I don't feel it is right to expect others to pay for someone elses HC bills. It's your health, and you need to pay for it. I know that we already do this with medicare and medicaid, but we should not continue to add more and more to the governments expenditure. (and especially now when we are in a recession) Enough is enough. Whether it will save 12,000 babies from abortion every year is irrelevent. Putting an axe on the tobacco industry could save 50X that amount of lives each year, but we don't do it. Both are sins that people commit. Also, it's not about whether I can afford it., cause I believe I can. And it's not about me being charitable and 'helping' others. I am a very charitable person. It's a matter of principle. It is just not right for the government to keep growing and growing and becoming more and more involved in the affairs of Americans. They are spending far too much money.
You are very gullible. There is not ONE government run program that reduces the deficit. As a matter of fact most, if not all, INCREASE it. Don't believe that lie!
FYI, There is a rule here on LBT. No personal attacks. If you can't follow it, with me, I WILL report you. There is a way to talk without being insulting.
Did you know that the government owes $40,747.00 worth of Debt for each person living in America? That's every man woman and child! And he would like us to pay for the Health care for each of them, too!!! WOW!!! The nerve!
CNN poll: 52% say Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012 By Michael O'Brien 52 percent of Americans said President Barack Obama doesn't deserve reelection in 2012, according to a new poll. 44 percent of all Americans said they would vote to reelect the president in two and a half years, less than the slight majority who said they would prefer to elect someone else. Obama faces a 44-52 deficit among both all Americans and registered voters, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll released Tuesday. Four percent had no opinion.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18
{QUOTE} You keep making the argument that you shouldn't pay for someone else's healthcare. Well, guess what? You do. And so do I. Let's just say that you pay for your healthcare policy and it costs you $15,000 a year and you've been paying this much for 20 years. That $300,000 you have put into insurance. And let's say that you never have a major illness. Just small things. Now, another person over here has the same plan and pays the same amount but gets cancer and has to have surgery, chemo, radiation and other medication. This runs into 7 figures. Who do you think is subsidizing this? You are. And all the other healthier people. So quit saying we shouldn't pay for the healthcare of other people. The healthier people are paying for the sicker people now - all of whom have insurance. When I pay that $15,000. for my health ins., I am not paying for someone elses medical care. If that person gets sick, his own payment into that company is paying for his coverage. What the ins. company does with the money I pay in (for the assurance of having my medical bills covered should I ever need medical care) is their business. If they pay other clients medical bills with it is for them to decide. When I said I don't want to pay for other peoples health care, that meant their insurance premiums. Paying for HC for others IS paying for their insurance. I am paying into insurance for my own peace of mind. I get to be sure that should I become ill, I will not have to worry about the bill. Ins. companies are good things for people. You pay X amont of dollars every month for the peace of knowing that if you should ever get sick, they will pay your medical bills. They know the cost for procedures. Therefore, they charge you what they feel they can and still make a profit for their company. They aren't going to pay your bills for you for nothing! If you think their price is too high for you to afford, then put your own money away and save for that emergency that may or may not come in the future. Ah ha! That emergency could wipe you out financially. One trip to the hospital with a serious condition could cost in the tens of thousands. Well, now you know why they have to charge you what they do for your premiums. This is life! It's not guaranteed to be a bed of roses for everyone. And everyone living here can't make a bed of roses for everyone else. Work hard, put your best foot forward, go to school, take a chance and get a better job, work full time for insurance instead of part time, get motivated to better your situation, climb the ladder by starting at the bottom and moving forward. I can not afford to pay for everyone elses medical insurance and my own families as well. Neither can you. This country can't afford it. It will cost too much.
Just where will it end cleo's? Just how much money do you want the government to take from the people? Where will it end? What will be next? This is the problem. I understand that the people already pay for HI for others. I understand that we pay for police and fire fighters and education whether we use them or not. That is not the problem. The problem is the trillions of dollars that a HC overhaul that the Obama administration is planning will deplete every resource and bankrupt this country financially. It will give the government more and more control of our freedoms. This government can't even give back what thier people have invested in Social Security. They have already stated that within just a few years, there will be no more funds for medicare or medicaid. Every project that the gov. heads up fails finacially. There has to be a line drawn somewhere, or the government will be running everything and free enterprise will be gone forever. WE CAN NOT AFFORD THIS!!!!! WE DON"T HAVE THE FUNDS FOR THIS!!!! Every cent that the government spends on HC for one comes from a hard working person who also has needs for his own cash. It is not right that the government expects the people to support each other in just about every way. Liberals feel that "what's yours is mine". Or "spread the wealth around". This should not be. We already feed, house, educate, give medical care, etc. to many people living here. Where do we draw the line? I say it's here. Especially when the price tag of the plan is going to KILL us and especially at this time in history when we are in a recession and the people living here can't even get jobs.
YOU tried to tell me that people DIE from starvation in America. THEY DON'T!!!! Thay may be hungry sometimes, I'll give you that, but they don't DIE! This is not a debate about hunger in America. Liberals like to throw out that "people are dying" crap all the time. Name me ONE person you know who died from Starvation. ONE!!
You can not expect the whole of the human race to carry the burden of the expense of everyone else that lives here. It is unreasonable. Yes, it is a shame that there are a number of people who don't have health insurance, but is that really everyones problem to take on and pay for? It's true that there are many social problems all over the world, but it is not in everyones ability to cover their expense or make things right for them. People should do what they can to help others out of the goodness of their hearts when they are able to do so. But for the government to enforce it is wrong. It is not their place to tell others who to be charitable to. They need to step back.
People do not DIE from starvation in America. They may be hungry or they may not get a meal on some days, but they do NOT die from starvation. We are not a third world country. If anyone DIES from starvation here, it is a very rare thing and probably from abuse. BTW, you're not dead.
435,000 people die annually from tobacco usage, yet I don't see a one of you fighting to END the production of it! Why not???!!! It far outweighs the number of people who die each year from lack of insurance. You have your priorites screwed up!