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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Health Care

    Prize #3: Americans will pay higher prices for...everything. According to the Wall Street Journal, ObamaCare's cost to American corporations could reach $14 billion this year alone. Companies like Prudential, Verizon, AT&T, John Deere, 3M, Caterpillar, Valero Energy and others have already announced the anticipated additional costs - and they are staggering. Of course, American citizens will ultimately pay the price forthese rising costs, even for non-medical products and services.
  2. pattygreen

    Health Care

    Prize #2: Bernie Madoff-style accounting. One of the most painful revelations about ObamaCare is coming through its unstated costs - the realities of budgeting and implementing this monstrous bill over many years to come. The bill's advertised price tag of one trillion dollars was sheer fantasy. ObamaCare's financial structure is based on a Ponzi Scheme of collecting taxes for 10 years while only offering 6 years of service. In the post-passage light of day, realistic cost estimates now range from $2.4 trillion to unfathomably high numbers because the 2,700 page bill is filled with loopholes that are subject to interpretation. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) has repeatedly said that ObamaCare could bankrupt our nation. Recently, Massachusetts State Treasurer Tim Cahill, who oversees the funding for the only state health care system comparable to ObamaCare,issued the same prognosis. There are literally scores of new bureaucracies listed in the pages of the President's final bill. For instance, 16,500 unbudgeted new IRS Agents will have to be hired. One thing is for sure: The ancillary costs of this government takeover will far exceed those projected by ObamaCare's architects.
  3. pattygreen

    Health Care

    Remember Nancy Pelosi's now infamous statement, "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"? Now that ObamaCare is law, Americans are expressing "buyer's remorse" at a quickly increasing rate. Here are some of the "prizes" we are beginning to discover inside ObamaCare: Prize #1: Senior care has been gutted. Jim Martin, chairman of the 60 Plus Association, laments that ObamaCare will lead to HUGE cuts in services for seniors, especially those on Medicare. The changes, he says, are so extensive that they will inevitably lead to rationing of care. "You've got a report coming out from the New England Journal of Medicine that nearly 45 percent of doctors may start refusing to take Medicare patients. With fewer doctors and fewer funds, that means more people in line, and that means if you have to have some kind of emergency operation or test done, you're not going to get it. That's why seniors are upset," Martin says. Reports from other seniors' advocacy groups are similar - with the notable exception of AARP. That iconic organization betrayed their members' interests and supported ObamaCare because of the enormous financial windfall they expect to receive in their insurance business. We should stand up for American seniors, who above all others deserve coverage from a Medicare system they paid into throughout their working years.
  4. It is right there in God's word. It's your choice to believe it or not. I choose to embrace it. It's not religion that I speak of, for religion is made of man, this is God's truths straight from his word. It is a relationship with him for all eternity after your physical life ends here on earth.
  5. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I've never hid my age from anyone, as a matter of fact, I have given my age out before here. Where do you get off saying that I am fighting every day to live down my transgressions? Before I met Jesus, I didn't even think I was a sinner or in need of a savior. Cause I was a pretty 'good' person. It was after I met him that he showed me my need for him as a sinner. He showed me everyones need for him. The opposite of what you say is true. I don't need to fight down my wrongs in life. Jesus already did that for me. I have peace. It is you and everyone else who will not embrace Jesus as their Savior who needs to fight, cause without Jesus, no one is forgiven and all are lost. I am definitely not striving to find my way. I have al;ready found it and am content in knowing I have the truth. I am not losing any ground. I have already gained all the ground I need. I am saved and nothing else could be better. I will live eternally with my Father who created me in a marvelous place forever. Who could desire anything more. There is nothing more. It is life's ultimate goal. It's not that I can't allow differing views, it's that God has already spoken. His word is law. You can give me another view to go on, but his will always trump it. I can't go against what God has already spoken. He is the truth.
  6. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    You think that's funny, but I happen to know someone who is collecting unemployment and working under the table getting paid cash in a restaurant. It happens all the time. I also know someone who is collecting SSI and is capable of working. I know someone else who could take a job as a Big Y Cashier and get off unemployment benmefits, but feels it is beneath him to work in a grocery store, since he was working as a Cook before. I am just one person, yet I can personally identify many, many perople who are receiving from the Gov. in some way, yet don't really need to. If I know that many people who are scamming the system to get something for nothing, then there are alot more out there doing it.
  7. No. She is meeting up with the childs soul and spirit. The child will be given a new resurrection body as soon as she dies. Just like we all get, only they are perfect, without blemish and free from pain. ALL children go to heaven despite their inability to make that choice in this life.
  8. So what. He's a doctor. My own obstetrician wasn't a Christian, but he told us the truth about DP.
  9. Yes. I think about what I am saying and I know about what I am saying. Where do you get off saying that "it's OK with me"? I NEVER said it was OK with me. No exceptions. I never said it was OK with God, even if they are born again. It is never OK. I was pointing out that "if" they became born again, they would then receive God's forgiveness. Sin is never OK, but it is forgiven by God. ANY sin. The "solution" to their sin is "if they become born again". The problem with these priests is that some of them are NOT born again and need to be. There are plenty of people who are in positions in a church (even high positions) and believe that it is their 'key' to heaven and it's not.
  10. You mean "if they became born again". This is the only thing that you must do during your stay on this planet - the only thing you must do. You don't even have to grow up. You don't have to succeed. You don't have to get married. You don't have to have children. You don't have to have a home, a car, and all of the things people think they must have. The only thing that you must have is a rebirth, because your entire future depends upon it.
  11. And what I said went right over your head. I just explained it to you above in my posts. If you willfully choose to ignore the facts, that is your problem. How can you have an abortion if there is no blood in the lining of the uterus? !. You have sex. 2. the sperm may meet the egg. 3. The newly formed life moves to the wall. 3. the wall does not hold it. 4. It is aborted.
  12. It's not JUST my doctor who knows this to be true about DP. You can go to "The American Pregnancy Associations" website at Depo-Provera: Quarterly Injection : American Pregnancy Association and find out how it works. They have a link posted next to their explanation of how it prevents pregnancy that's entitled: Ethical Considerations It is possible that you may not have been aware that any ethical questions existed concerning contraception. The contraceptive methods that involve the changing of the lining of the uterus to prevent implantation from occurring create an ethical or moral consideration for some people. Some people believe that life begins at conception whereas others believe it begins at implantation. The ethical consideration develops for individuals who believe that life begins at conception. When contraceptive methods fail to prevent ovulation or fertilization, the changing of the uterine lining is used to prevent the fertilized egg or “life” from implanting in the uterine wall. It is this action that leaves people believing they have crossed an ethical boundary.
  13. DP irritates and thins the lining of the uterus, making implantation of the newly conceived person unlikely. So, all it does is thin the lining. It may not prevent the sperm from meeting the egg and forming a new life. Afterwards, because it has no thick lining to cling to, it (the baby) is flushed out of the woman. (sounds like a very early abortion to me)
  14. Those who have been using DP for many years may be providing an early abortion many times throughout their life, and not even know it. When they get to heaven, they will meet up with their children that they missed out on life with. If you are okay with abortions, then no big deal for you to care about whether DP aborts babies, but if you're not okay with abortions, it IS a big deal.
  15. Sorry, but there are many Doctors who attest that it can cause you to abort the baby. Also, must you be so rude? really. BTW, is it possible that you are the one who is misinformed about DP? After I was using it, I researched all about it. by Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Willke VERY EARLY ABORTIONS These fall into two general categories: those that prevent implantation at one week of life and those which kill a developing baby days or weeks after implantation. Before Implantation: Which methods do this? In varying degree, the methods that prevent implantation, and therefore kill a baby at one week of life, include the intrauterine device (IUD), Norplant, Depo Provera, Progesterone Only pills, low-dose contraceptive combination pills, and the morning-after pills. Let’s take them one at a time. How about Norplant? This is an implant under the skin of her forearm that lasts five years. In the first half of that time it’s effect is to almost always suppress ovulation. In the last half of that time, break-through ovulation is the rule. However, very few pregnancies survive. Clearly, this second half is commonly effective through micro-abortions and prevention of implantation. What about Depo Provera? As with Norplant, there is some variance from woman to woman, but in a far higher percent of cases Depo Provera suppresses ovulation. Break-through ovulation, however, does occur as attested to by full-term pregnancies recorded with women who were receiving this shot every three months. What of the IUD? The intrauterine device, commonly referred to as an IUD or coil (in Europe), is a small plastic or metal device that is inserted through the vagina and into the cavity of the uterus. The purpose of this is to "prevent" pregnancy. Is an IUD a contraceptive or an abortive agent? Until recently, almost all scientific papers had agreed that its effect was to prevent the implantation of the tiny new human being into the nutrient lining of the uterus; an abortive action. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration stated in an official report that its effectiveness is "in direct proportion to the quantity and quality of the inflammatory reaction to various types of IUDs"...and states that there "is one common thread . . . " They all "interfere in some manner with the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterine cavity." Second Report on IUDs, Dec. 1978, U.S. Dept. of HEW, Food & Drug Administration Document 017-012-00276-5
  16. After my 6th child, I asked the doctor, while still in the hospital after the delivery, about what forms of birth control to take. He recommended DP. Not knowing what it did exactly to prevent pregnancy, I had the shot. "It would be good for 3 months", I was told. When my husband came to get me and bring me home, I told him about the shot I received and he wanted to speak to the doctor about it. The doctor himself explained to us that if the sperm should ever meet the egg, that it would keep it (the day old life) from attaching to the wall and it would be flushed out of my body unbeknown to me or anyone. We were floored. Needless to say, we avoided sex for 3 months to avoid killing one of our children.
  17. Abortifacients work after fertilization (conception) by killing the newly conceived human. These include oral contraceptives (the "Pill"), IUD, Norplant, Depo-Provera, Emergency Contraception (the "Morning-After Pill"), and anti-fertility vaccines. The U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare defined abortion as follows: "All the measures which impair the viability of the zygote at any time between the instant of fertilization and the completing of labor constitute, in the strict sense, procedures for inducing abortion." Although 1.6 million surgical abortions take place each year in the U.S., Dr. Bogomir Kuhar, a pharmacist concerned about chemical abortion, has calculated that in combining all forms of induced abortion -- the IUD, Depo-Provera, Norplant, surgical, and the Pill (and injectables, implants, and oral products that work in a similar fashion), between 9.6 and 13.4 million young lives are terminated in the U.S. alone each year.
  18. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Like I have said, over and over, I am not opposed to the government helping the poor with a hand up, it's the handouts I oppose. And, I am not oppposed to SOME help, but the government has gotten carried away. When you get to the point where there is no more money, the charity needs to stop.
  19. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    That sounds good.
  20. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    You see the truth in what is said and you just can't stand it when someone may be right.
  21. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Head Start is the federal government’s largest early education program. For more than 40 years, this pet project has been a sinkhole for taxpayer dollars and an ineffective education program for children. As Congress considers expanding the federal government’s role in early childhood education, the new Head Start evaluation should clearly signal to policymakers the necessity of reforming existing programs – not furthering ineffective models such as Head Start. Long Overdue Head Start Evaluation Shows No Lasting Benefit for Children Posted January 14th, 2010 at 10:03am After some prodding, yesterday the Obama administration released the long-overdue first grade evaluation of the federal Head Start program. As expected, the results show that the $7 billion per year program provides little benefit to children – and great expense to taxpayers. The evaluation, which was mandated by Congress during the 1998 reauthorization of the program, found little impact on student well-being. After collecting data on more than 5,000 three and four-year-old children randomly assigned to either a Head Start or a non Head Start control group, the Department of Health and Human Services found “few sustained benefits”. From the report: In sum, this report finds that providing access to Head Start has benefits for both 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds in the cognitive, health, and parenting domains, and for 3-year-olds in the social-emotional domain. However, the benefits of access to Head Start at age four are largely absent by 1st grade for the program population as a whole. For 3-year-olds, there are few sustained benefits, although access to the program may lead to improved parent-child relationships through 1st grade…
  22. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    So, what you're saying is you didn't vote for Obama because he's black? That's just as bad as my daughter and her boyfriend saying that they both voted for him because he was black. You vote for the President of the United States because you feel he is qualified to take on the job and because he is a man of good morals and integrity, NOT because of his skin color. And as far as people ssaying "We want our country back"..... Yes, we do. We want it back from those who will not follow the Constitution, and from those who wheel and deal in back rooms, and from those who keep us uninformed about what they are doing, (to this day we still don't know who wrote the HC bill) we want it back from politicians who are spending us into Oblivion, from those who are bankrupting us, and from those who squander and waste our hard earned dollars, and from those who are cheats and liars and thieves, and from all those who are corrupt and moving us in the wrong direction. And, we don't care what color they are!
  23. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    Just giving a tiny tax cut is not going to start a huge revival of charitable giving on the peoples part. They also need to cut the spending and stop most of the pork barrel spending, etc. Roger Scruton, writing in the April issue of the American Spectator: The proper response to a gift, even a gift of charity, is gratitude. People who feel gratitude also wish to express it. The easiest way is to give in one's turn. By giving you pass on and amplify the goodwill that you received. Thus it is that, in America, where the tradition of giving is very much alive, and the state has not yet extinguished the desire or the need for it, people give to their old school, to their university, to the hospital that cured them, to the local rescue service that saved them, and to the veterans who fought for them. They give without seeking or expecting recognition, but simply because gratitude is expressed through giving. However, the state is taking over many of the functions that were previously performed by charities—not least education, health care, and the relief of poverty. And the state deals on impersonal and equal terms with its citizens. It has no favorites, and it is governed by the rules—anything else is received by the citizens as an injustice. Hence charity is replaced by justice as the ruling principle upon which social benefits are distributed. But while charity deals in gifts, justice deals in rights. And when you receive what is yours by right you don't feel grateful. Hence people who receive their education and health care from the state are less inclined to give to schools and hospitals in their turn—something that is borne out vividly by the figures concerning charitable giving. The spirit of gratitude retreats from the social experience, and in countries like France and Germany, where civil society is penetrated at every level by the state, people give little or nothing to charity, and regard gifts with suspicion, as attempts to privatize what should be a matter of public and impartial concern. When gifts are replaced by rights, so is gratitude replaced by claims. And claims breed resentment. Since you are queuing on equal terms with the competition, you will begin to think of the special conditions that entitle you to a greater, a speedier, or a more effective share. You will be always one step from the official complaint, the court action, the press interview, and the snarling reproach against Them, the ones who owed you this right and also withheld it. That is the way European society is going, and American society may one day follow it.
  24. pattygreen

    Conservative VS Liberal

    I was speaking about the many people who do not tell the truth. Those who scam the system. Those who apply truthfully are not doing anything wrong, obviously.
  25. depo prover is a shot that's taken every 3 months that kills the baby. Life begins at conception and depo provera kills the baby after the sperm meets the egg and washes it out of the woman.

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