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Everything posted by pattygreen
What was the snort for?
I apologize for calling you mean, but you certainly don't need to resort to calling me names just because I take a stand on the issues that God calls sin, and you don't agree with me.
Dear Mean, Oh sorry, I meant to say Green, FYI: Jesus never said that his new covenant did not erase the old covenant. He spoke in the NT about the things that we were to continue to follow, and he spoke on laws that Moses gave that we were to discontinue. I certainly don't want you to think I am a know it all, but I do have a college degree in Bible. I've gone to school for many years.
losingjusme, God is dragged into every thread because controversal issues can't be resolved with out Him. He laid down the initial laws for mankind, and mankind chooses to ignore them because people want to do what they feel is right in their own eyes. If everyone would obey him and look to his word for the answers, we wouldn't even need to have this debate. God said it, I believe it, it's settled.
And, if RSG did't want a debate, she shouldn't post in a debate area. I notice that since I said goodbye in the 'Who supports the right to choose' thread, it's been dead over there. If everyone felt the same way as you do about each issue, we wouldn't need a Rant and Rave thread, now would we?
Nanook, Overeating is just as sinful as homosexuality. It's called gluttony in the bible. I struggled with that sin most of my life till I had the lapband. I had to admit to God every day that I, and I alone, was responsible for putting more in my mouth than my body needed. I asked Him to forgive me every day, cause I was sinning every day. He always forgave me. The difference between a homosxuals sin of immorality and my sin of gluttony is that I recognized it as being wrong and admitted that it was wrong and therefore am forgiven by God. A homosexual who lives that way and refuses to acknowledge that he or she is sinning with that lifestyle will not be forgiven until they admit that what they are doing is wrong, and abstain from it.
Because the farther you get away from what is 'right' according to God, the farther you get away from God. Because the farther you get away from what is 'right' morally, the more people become immune to it, accepting it as right, and forgetting that God says it is wrong. Whenever sin becomes acceptable in a society, God is pushed farther and farther out of it. If gay marriages become acceptable by law, the next step is to put examples of this type of marriage in our children's text books, showing 2 women hugging and kissing and raising children, as if this is what God intended when he instituted marriage. Wasn't it nice, way back when, when you could walk through the mall with your young children and not have to cover their eyes because you passed a Victoria Secret Shop and the girls in the window were almost naked? Today it's the norm. Still doesn't make it right, but its more acceptable to people. Wasn't it nice when, in a time past, you could go see a movie and you didn't have to worry about a rating? They were all clean, family films for everybody. Then 'Gone with the Wind' came out and 'Damn' had to be spoken. Today the 'F' word is in practically every film. What's wrong with decency? I like it. It matters to me if it becomes legal, because I don't want to see any more sin in this place where I live, and I don't want my children to be subject to it as if it were ok. Don't get me wrong, do what you choose in the privacy of your own bedroom, just don't change marriage legally into something it was not intended to be. I can also ask the same question you asked in reverse. Why does it matter so much to the gay person to have their union called a marriage? But I believe I already know that answer. It is because they want to feel better about making their lifestyle choices acceptable to the rest of the world. People of color feel great now that the president of our country can be a man of any color. They feel like they can put their suitcases down now. like they belong. And I think it's great, and it's about time. Gay people want this same thing. The only difference is that being a person of color is not sinful. They weren't doing anything wrong, and shouldn't have been denied any rights whatsoever, but having sex with the same sex is wrong and therefore they shouldn't get to put their suitcases down.
Everyone can make a decision to sleep with someone else or not. Whether you feel homosexuals are born that way, or whether they're not, the decision to have sex with the same sex as you are is a choice that a homosexual makes. If a girl has a strong desire to be sexual with her brother, or viceversa, they can make that choice not to be sexual with each other because they know God would not approve of it. So can homosexuals.
For RSG: Let me tell you first, that God does not find it rude that I speak His word. He would like it if more people did. I don't ignore any of the verses in the bible. God made alot of laws for the people in old testament days when he wrote Leviticus. Many of them were rediculously hard to follow, but men in those days did try. They had to sacrifice many sheep to atone for all the laws they couldn't follow which became sin for them. God put these laws upon men to show them that they needed a savior because they wouldn't be able to obey Him. The old testament men looked forward to a time when the savior would come and free them from the bondage of sins. And christians today look back to the cross and what God did for us there. When Jesus came and set mankind free, he abolished many of those old testament laws, like: do not eat pork, or resting on the Sabbath, ( If you'll notice, the ten commandments written in the old testament said 'Honor the Sabbath', but when written in the new testament, it leaves that out.) My point in saying this is: Jesus set mankind free from many of those laws in the OT and clarified in the NT those things that needed to be followed in order to inherit God's Kingdom and be allowed into heaven one day. Read Romans Chapter 1 in the NT. It speaks about God's disgust with men and or women who have sexual relations with the same sex. This was not one of the laws in the OT that God has changed. You'll notice that Jesus would say things like this to his followers "Moses taught this... but I say you who has not sinned, cast the first stone." concerning many of the OT laws. But He specifically said that the sexually immoral shall not inherit God's kingdom. Thankfully, for those who sin ( and we all do) Jesus can wash your sins away. Acknowledge that you are sinning, Believe in God, confess and ask forgiveness. It will be just as if you never sinned. It's that easy. But you must turn from it. Also, I do submit to my husband in all things. He is the head of our family. He respects me and I respect him. Someone needs to make that final decision when 2 married people disagree on an issue. I choose to follow Gods rule on this and it always turns out for the best.
Dear Macmadame, You are absolutely right when you say that within 10 years or so gay marriage will be allowed by law. This is because as time goes on people get further and further away from the moral code of law that was set up for us in the beginning. God gave us these laws and some still choose to adhere to them and others don't. God did say that in the end people will want to call what's wrong, right and then what's right, wrong. I can see that today with alot of issues: Take 'In God we trust' off our money. Take prayer out of school. Take 'Under God' out of our pledge. Take the 10 Commandments down from public places. When this country (which began as a Christian nation) starts to take 'God' out of it and make laws that contradict his way, Then you will see it begin to fail.
Why does the gay community feel they have to call their relationships 'marriage'? Marriage is between 1 man and 1 woman. I believe it is not because they want the same rights as married people do, (because as a civil union, they have those rights) but I believe it is because they feel that if they can get the people to call their relationships a 'marriage', then it would be considered acceptable, and it would make them feel like it is ok to live this way.They would feel justified in doing what they are doing. People are much happier to live in a world where if you are doing wrong, it's ok because it's legal.( just a few examples: It's legal to drink alcohol and get drunk, even though drinking alcohol to excess causes many problems. It's legal to abort babies, even though it kills life. Some want to make marajuana legal, even though it affects the mind mentally. It's legal to smoke cigarettes, even though it is a proven toxin.) People feel much better about sinning when it's allowed by law.
I love the Biggest Loser show. I faithfully watch it every Tuesday night after I get home from my own weekly weigh in at my local T.O.P.S. meeting.(take off pounds sensibly) I've been attending weight loss support meetings every week since March this year. Even after I had the Lap Band surgery on 9/9, I still go to get weighed in and support the others there with their weight loss journeys. I'm the only one there who had LB. I hope my slow but steady weight loss will encourage someone else to consider LB. It has been the best decision for me. It's been 2 months since My surgery and I've lost 30 pounds and feel so much better. I am off my diabetes meds and I haven't had any neuropothy in my feet since the day after the surgery. Those on the show are working out to the extreme and it's not a reality for most over weight people to exercize and have portion control like they do, therefore, chances are (as we all know) they will regain their weight. No exercise will rid them of the size that there stomachs have stretched to and they will always be able to hold that large amount of food in them. Only the LB or other surgery to limit the amt. of food that the stomach can hold will have permanent weight loss results. Those who are successful at weight loss on their own,(without surgery to help them) must be committed to portion control forever. Their diet never ends.
mrsflipflops, You have a definite way with words, and I agree wholeheartedly with all that you have been saying. It is the definition of marriage that I ,too , don't want to see changed. Marriage is: A God ordained institution between a man and a woman who say vows before God as they make a committment together before Him. I also understand that there are those that don't believe in God. That is their decision. The God that I serve, Jesus, tells me in His word that it is wrong for men to have sexual relations with men and viceversa. He established the marriage union and therefore if you don't want to obey Him, then you don't have to. Call your relationship a civil Union (or any other name you like) say your vows before your own God and get on with your life doing just as you please. Just don't expect the majority to have to change the meaning of marriage as it was defined by its Creator.
Should prostitution be legal?
pattygreen replied to Carrie_C's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
In Proverbs 23:27 God says " My son, give me your heart and let your eyes keep to my ways, for a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiplies the unfaithful among men." So, No. Prostitution is wrong. It also says in 1 Corinthians, "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "the two will become one flesh." But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Goodbye! Now all you prochoicers can debate among yourselves on 'Who supports the right to choose?' Since you obviously don't want someone here with any opposing views to yours. I hope no one else comes here with a pro life stance. And you call me judgmental? -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Stating my side of the issue means that I give you my opinion and you give me yours. This is what I have done. I have backed my opinions up with why I believe that way.(God's word) You have backed up your opinions with why you believe what you did was ok. If you didn't want to hear someone tell you that they feel it was wrong, then why did you come on this thread to tell your story? You obviously wanted to discuss and defend your right to choose. I obviously want to discuss and defend the babys right to life. -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Bjean, I'd like to address your last post. Christian churches that support gay marriages are churches that choose to turn their backs on what God has to say on the issue. Christians are not perfect people. Just like christians who say it's ok to abort the unborn. They want to do what they want to do and they don't care what God has to say about it. And as far as these churches wanting to embrace peace, love and tolerance, I say 'you cant embrace one part of the bible that teaches peace and love and throw out another part of the bible that teaches marriage to be between a man and a woman only. Otherwise, why don't you just rewrite all of the bible so that it will say only the things we want it to. I don't quite understand what you are trying to say about tithing in your 2nd paragraph.. Maybe you can explain that better to me. -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
And another thing, You are right to say that Jesus teaches love, but he doesn't only teach love. Just like a parent loves her children, but she also disciplines them, and dishes out the family rules. (this too, is love) He disciplines us in love and He teaches about right and wrong also. I can truely say that I don't hate anyone. I only hate their wrong doings. (like abortions) I am not judging anyone. God is the judge of all. But I'm not blind to the wrong doings of others and neither are you. We can all see when there is an injustice in this world and that doesn't make us the judge. So when you say I am judging people who are pro choice, what you really mean is I can see their injustice to the unborn child. -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Carrie, all I hear from your post is judgement on me. You are one to talk. -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Just because I back up my belief that women should not have a right to choose by saying that The God of the bible also agrees with me, doesn't mean I am shoving my christianity on you. Now that is where women can make a choice. If you don't agree with my beliefs, choose to live your own way. I'm not forcing you to side with me. I never once personally called her a murderer and I never said she was dirty or evil. Go back and reread all my threads. You are all putting words in my mouth because you are angry with hearing my viewpoint.( sometimes when God reveals His truths to people through others it angers them because deep down inside they know it is wrong to kill unborn babies, but they want to do whatever they want to do, so they attack the messenger.) I recall saying that she was a young girl that I had compassion for because of the injustice that happened to her. But I also told everyone here that I feel it is wrong to abort a baby in any circumstance. FYI: your name calling doesn't offend me. I understand that when people are confronted with their sin, they resort to that. It's like a parent with a child,when you tell them that what they are doing is wrong, sometimes they call you names. ( and Jesus said that I would be persecuted if I tried to reveal His truths to those who don't want to hear it) -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Losingjusme, Maybe you don't understand that we are on a thread where you debate issues. If you didn't have an opposite view to your view, who would you debate with? You obviously support a womans choice to have an abortion or not, how would you feel if I said to those who side with you to ignore you?! -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Dear SM, What about the babies bodys rights. He doesn't have any rights? That's a very self centered attitude. -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Carrie, I don't judge anyone. God will do that one day. I'm just informing you all of what He has to say on the issue.(And I make His opinions my opinions) When people want to do what they want to do, they will defend their right to do it to the end! "No one can tell me what to do!" (not even God) They will even go to the lengths of saying "God didn't say that, He said this..." When Satan was trying to persuade Eve to eat the apple, he said to her "God didn't say you can't eat from that tree." She believed him and ate. Look where that got us. (the first sin of disobedience to God) It is a terrible shame when we become sooo blind to reality. An unborn baby is a living being. We should not kill living human beings. I understand that an unwanted pregnancy can interfere with a womans life when it happens, but so do many things like cancer or a loss of a job. That's life! (and no, (before you jump all over me) I'm not comparing a baby with cancer or a job loss.) But, unwanted things happen. We must deal with them as they arise. If you suddenly got cancer,your Husband wouldn't murder you to get rid of his problem of having to deal with a sick wife. (just an example, relax) If he did, he would go to prison. But a woman can murder her own children and no one says boo. Well, I'm saying it here on this forum. Boooo! -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Rodriguezequal, What makes you think that it's not ok for someone else to kill your unborn baby, but it is ok for you to do it? -
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Babygirl, I don't speak the thoughts of God. I said "This is what I believe Jesus would say to her." And being a christian and daily reading God's word and talking to Him, I can honestly say that over the past 30 years, I have gotten to know Him pretty well.