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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Holy restriction bandman!

    So you have 6cc all together? That's what I have. My first fill was 4cc and my second was 2cc more. What great restriction I have at 6cc. If I dare eat too fast or more than 2-3 bites of food, I'm stuck. And please don't let me forget to chew well! Isn't it great? This makes it worth it all. Hope you begin to shed plenty of pounds! God Bless. Patty
  2. pattygreen

    What was your "Last Supper"?

    Oblong, You will be able to eat again after lapband. But just think of how it will feel to eat and be satisfied with so much less. I enjoy eating and I can eat anything I choose. I'm 5 months postop. When I decide to eat something, I make sure it is something that I really want to eat now, because I can't have much of it, so I never eat anything I don't like much or eat just to eat. Eating has a whole new meaning for you after lapband. You will eat to live, and not live to eat any longer. I will pray for you and your surgery, and i hope all goes well with you. Patty
  3. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    You sound like a truly devoted mom who sacrifices to be with her child. I admire you for that.
  4. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I meant crazy people who will hurt your children mentally, physically, sexually, etc., Not 'crazy' people who make a selfish or poor decision for themselves and really don't have any ill intent to harm anybody else. This mom didn't set out to get the country upset with her. She loves her children and wants to be a good mother.
  5. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Do you like nursing school? I've always wanted to go to nursing school, but just never did. Now, at 47 I sometimes feel like its an awful lot of money to invest to retire in 18 years.
  6. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Kids don't have to go to school. There are many, many families that homeschool their children. What do you think people did before public schools came into being back in the late 1800's?
  7. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    (Once again, roll your eyes.) Yes, I did. I was 19 and not married to his father yet, and I was living alone and got help from welfare and foodstamps and medical ins. I had that help for a year and a half. Then when we got married, we repaid it. (just the welfare)That was 28 years ago. So now you can see why I could not cast a stone at her. And you should be careful not to as well, for you never know what tomorrow holds for you. Anyone of us could be in need of help for a time.
  8. pattygreen

    the scary stories dont help!

    Did they try to find it with an ultrasound first? I, too, had a sideways port. On my first fill, the dr. poked me about 8 times to try to find the opening of the port and couldn't get it. Then I went home upset. On my next visit, he tried again and after 3 pokes, he got it. He put in 4cc cause he thought I might be hard to find again. But no, after that I went back a month later and had 2 more cc put in. Now I feel that I am at a perfect restriction. So, it may turn out for you as well. I will pray for your situation. God bless. Patty
  9. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Kat, why do you find it an offensive and silly comment for me to say I don't believe in daycare? I wouldn't put my child in daycare, but that doesn't mean I don't think you or anyone else can't make your own decision about it. After I had my second child, I wanted to be a SAHM, so I also opened my own home daycare and brought an income in working out of my home. I did that for 12 years. So, what I meant was I wouldn't be comfortable leaving my own children in someone elses care. I certainly understand why people use daycare. It is needed for some. But I feel that if it's not an absolute necessity that mom works, if they can live on just one paycheck, then it is well worth it for 1 parent to stay home with the child and be that childs main influence in life till he starts going to school. That mom who worked and put her whole paycheck plus some towards her dacare expense was foolish in my eyes. She had those 5 kids, and she would rather go to work for 8-10 hours every day than spend her time teaching them things and playing or cuddling with them, just being their main influence in life. She had almost every mom's dream, which is to be able to not have to worry about a paycheck while she's raising her kids. IMO she blew it, and her kids lost out on that time with her. Too bad. It sounds to me like she shouldn't have had any kids if she couldn't take a full day with them and would rather put her time in at a job that she didn't get any pay for doing rather than be with them.
  10. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    When I had my first child at 19, I stayed home to be with him, but when he was 3 or 4, I decided to drive a school bus during the day, so I put him in a daycare. They told me that he had to be there all day even though I had 4 or so hours off inbetween my morning and afternoon run. (because there could only be one drop off and one pickup) So, I left him there. On the 3rd day of daycare, when I came to pick him up, he was in the bathroom in a stall sobbing with heavy heaving. There was a man standing at the door of the restroom waiting for him to finish. I went in and heard him crying and asked him what was wrong. With sobs inbetween each word, he said I...can't..zipper...my..pants. I took him by his hand and left and never went back. I know that my sound like not much to some, but I just couldn't leave him there all day without me or his dad with him. I felt like noone could care for him like I could. I told my husband I was quitting my job after only 3 days of work, and he was ok with it. When I called my boss, she said,"didn't you know you could bring your child on the bus with you?" So, needless to say, I kept my job.( only for less than a year, cause I got pregnant with my 2nd child and chose to stay home from then on) I also feel that there are alot of crazy people in the world. Even if they don't harm your child physically, or sexually, some may harm them emotionally. When kids are from birth - five, they are growing and learning at such a great rate. I think that parents should be there for them to be their greatest example in life at these ages. The Gov. takes our kids at 5 to go to school and it is there that they become influenced by others. Why give them to others any sooner than is required? (I also homeschool my children)
  11. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    The more you post, the less and less I like you. God tells us to love even the unlovely, but you bring me a great challenge. FYI: helping her unfortunate children is what people are doing when they give to her. Or can't you see beyond her bad choices long enough to stop calling her vile names and deciding what should be done to punish her severely?
  12. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    You are pretty harsh. I hope noone looks as closely to your faults in life as you and many others have done to hers. Otherwise you may get locked away if they bide by your standards.
  13. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Do you have any children? If you do, I hope noone ever decides to take them from you simply because they formed an opinion of you and came up with the idea that you were nuts.
  14. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    She, too, can work from her home if she chooses. That's what I did. But don't worry, she wont have to. She will be a millionaire when everyone is done butting into her business with their 2 cents.
  15. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I, too, have no doubt that she will get a windfall of money from this ordeal, therefore, none of you need to worry that it will come out of your pocket. She will get all the help she is going to need because even though she made some very wrong choices in her life, there are still many people (myself included) who feel that helping her with all the children is the right thing to do (for the childrens sake). I am glad that she will be a loving mother towards her children and will do her best to care for them all. (even if it is with other peoples help)
  16. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    You can thank President Roosevelt for that. I once accepted a welfare check for 1 1/2 years. I think back to that time (28 yrs ago) and know that if I didn't have welfare back then, I would not have died. I would have gotten a job while I was pregnant and/or moved back home with mom and dad.
  17. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    You are right, they didn't all come at once, but I was disputing the cost of raising a large family, and it's nowhere near the astronomical figures quoted here. My daughter who lives with me came home from the hospital after delivering a 2 lb. baby boy. He was there for 2 months. He is now 3. When he left the hospital, he was a normal weight and it was like taking home a normal baby from the hospital. When she gets her 8 babies home, they will no longer be premature.
  18. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    She will just have to do the best she can with all her children. I had 10 kids and none of them ever felt neglected.
  19. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Just to set you and everyone else sraight here, I NEVER said it was God's will for her. I have ALWAYS said that God's will is for a man and a woman to get married and have a family together. I am against IVF when the 'extra' fetuses are tossed away and when there is no father involved. I am grateful that after ,AFTER, she had them growing inside her, that she didn't murder them.
  20. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    That is true. She will have to 'cheat' them. But I don't feel it will be all that detrimental to their well being.
  21. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Oh brother! If that's true it is probably because I don't always go with the flow of the way most people think on issues.
  22. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    They may 'suffer' as you say for the first 2 years of the octuplets life because mom will need to give all her time to the infants (at least the first year), but they will begin to love their new siblings just like they love their 5 other siblings and I hope they grow to be a happy family. I agree with you that not having a dad in the picture is the worse of it all. (here you can see where if mankind would follow God's laws for marriage and family how there wouldn't be any problems)
  23. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Yes, I was married. She has the help of her parents. Even though they are not happy about it, (and have every right to be upset about it) they will help her.

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