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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    The world says they'll be angry if she gets a show and is able to get rich off her story, but BELIEVE me, that's exactly what they secretly want. You will all be waiting in anticipation to view her show on TV. Look how America tuned into Dr. Phil and Oprah when she was on. She brought the highest ratings! Trust me, you want to see her on a show. It will make your week!
  2. pattygreen

    Octuplets Mom...Should she...?

    She had 6 children, and wanted just 1 more. With each IVF she had 6 embryos implanted, and only one child resulted, except I heard she had 1 set of twins. With the 8 baby pregnancy, she again had 6 implanted (Wanting 1 more). But, this time, (to her surprise)all 6 took, and 2 of them were twins.=8. Therefore, she had 6 kids and wanted to end at 7, but as luck would have it, ended up with 8. (now a total of 14) I know that is hard for some to grasp, because most people would never want to have 7 kids, but some would. I have 7 children, and took in 3 more. So, it is understandable that someone may want 7 kids. I do agree with most who say she should not have had that many kids because she can't afford them. But in her case, she wanted a large family and her doc said she wouldn't always be able to have kids due to a med. condition, so if she wanted them, she'd have to do it now while she is able. So, she did, despite her financial problems. She figured that she wouldn't always be financially unstable, because she was in school and had 1 more year to go till she got her degree. She was counting on her parents help till she could graduate.(Like most kids do) Granted, she made some wrong choices (I, personally, believe she should have been married first, but I know some don't feel that's as important)and to get pregnant without a father for the children wasn't right to me , but I think what's done is done. She shouldn't have them taken away. She will probably be a good mother. She obviously loves her kids and gives them alot of her time. I had 10 kids and lived on $34,000. annually while they were little. They didn't always have 'new' everything, but let me tell you, they never knew they were living on such a small income. It's not as expensive to raise children as those 'experts' say it is. It all depends on what you feel a 'need' is. I never saved for my kids to go to college while they were growing up, but they have all gone. They found a way. (Student loans, grants, scholarships, etc.) Love in a home is what's most important.
  3. pattygreen

    Octuplets Mom...Should she...?

    Oh, please. Beating your kids and having sex with children is a far, far cry from having too many kids in 3 bedrooms! And, she didn't come begging for money. It made the news when a woman had 8 babies in America. It wasn't until everyone heard about, and then didn't approve of her situation, that the cameras were all over her. People thrive on other peoples bad choices and circumstances in this country. Why do you think magazines and talkshows are such a giant hit here?
  4. Very nice story. It goes to show you that there have been some extreme protests in the past, but they are not all like that. I don't agree with some who shout out at women and call them names. There is a better way. Simply offering them help and giving other options is a good solution.
  5. That reason , to me, doesn't justify the taking of an innocents life. (just because you don't want anyone to know)
  6. It is never my intent to 'bash' anyones beliefs and especially their mistakes. I know that we all make mistakes. If you feel that I am bashing your choices, it is only because I admit that I don't agree with them. When you tell me how you feel about a womans right to choose, I don't feel that you are bashing me. So, if you feel this way, I sincerely apologize.
  7. I don't know what you think I profess to be, but I have never claimed to be a sinless person. I am probably the worst. I also stated that I went there before I became a christian. Even so, as a christian, I am not, nor will I ever be able to live without sinning.
  8. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    If she lived near me, my husband and I would offer to take her and her children in and help her. She has made some wrong choices in her life, but I don't hold it against her. What's done is done. She has had sooo many people bash her and criticize her, she could use a friend right now. The best thing for her to do is put the past mistakes behind her and think about what to do from here.
  9. [quote name=BJean;1160416} Their propaganda are so shocking that people decide that they must be real and so they are scared into joining the anti-choice movement. That is' date=' until they or someone they know finds themselves at a point where they need to be able to make a choice for themselves. Then they understand the truth and they understand the reason why they need to be pro-choice and proud to say it. influenceOne of the most important issues is that Planned Parenthood is portrayed as being pro-abortion, which is absolutely not true. The anti-choice people have said that Planned Parenthood is pro-abortion for so long in so many ways that people now are buying it. They even picket outside Planned Parenthood offices to further negatively the public. These demonstrations make it so difficult for women who actually need contraceptives and education that they are often prevented from getting any help at all. Which only goes to encourage unwanted, unplanned pregnancy. Planned Parenthood works very hard to educated people about birth control and they not only offer counseling about abortion and adoption, they do everything they can to help women who become pregnant without their intent to do so. ________________________________________________ Bjean, When I was 19, and before I became a christian, I found myself pregnant within days after my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me. I was devestated, young and afraid of being alone and not wanting a baby. I was living on my own at the time and didn't have even enough money to support myself at the time, never mind a baby. I went to planned parenthood on the advice of a friend of mine. They never gave me any option EXCEPT abortion for an unwanted pregnancy. They did however tell me that after the abortion, they would help me to get on birthcontrol. I went home scared and confused and undecided on what to do. In my heart, I knew I could never abort a baby. My baby. All my friends and even the Father when I told him said to get an abortion. Even my dad said,"Your mom had an abortion once, and don't worry, you can have one, too." I decided to tell my boyfriends mom, cause we were close. She was the only one who said to me..."So, I'm going to be a grandmother." When I told her how others had counseled me, she said "Nonsense, abortion is wrong. Think this through." So I did. Today my son is 27. I'm sooooo glad I didn't let all my fears (money, being young, no father,etc.) talk me into ending a life I had no business to end. So is his father. We'll be married 25 years this May.[/b]
  10. pattygreen

    Obama's stimulus package decision

    He turns the message of hope and change into scandal, double standards and doom and gloom. He says he inherited a huge deficit wrapped with a red bow and then he introduces and shoves the most outrageous spending package the world has ever seen right down our throats. Where is the quick 'jolt' to the economy? $26 billion, just 3% will be spent this year. $110 Billion, 13% spent next year. By the time Obama is 1/2 way thru his term, 16% of the money will be spent. He calls it an investment in American infrastructure, but just 3% is dedicated to roads and highways. He wants to create 'green' jobs and clean energy. Just 2% is going to that and only 1/17 of it will be spent over the next 2 yrs. CBO tells us billions are going to new computers and Gov. cars with fuel alternatives. There's money going to 150 different programs from amtrack to TSA and it's not clear that a single new job will be created. It's Socialism and He's using fear to promote his long term changes to our country.
  11. pattygreen

    Where is all the CT Lapbanders??

    Hi! You were banded on my Birthday! 90 Pounds?!!!! Great!!! 1/2 lb. a week is good. Especially since you must have been losing more than that each week in the early days post op. Be thankful for your success. You will lose that last 30, don't worry. And even if you never do,(but you will) you can still say at 90 lbs lost that it was worth it all! I was banded 9/9/08 and have only lost 47 lbs. so far.
  12. Very interesting gadget. Thanks for sharing that.
  13. pattygreen

    Octuplets Mom...Should she...?

    I believe that no one has the right to take anyones children away from them unless there is physical, mental or emotional abuse that can be proven. Just because someone may think that having 14 children in 3 bedrooms is something unacceptable, doesn't mean it is. In other countries, there are families of 14 living in just 1 room, never mind 3 bed rooms. Just because some people may feel that she can't afford them, doesn't mean she can't. There are many in this country, and in other countries who fall way, way, way below the poverty level, and noone takes their children away from them because of it. So,No. She should not have her kids taken away from her. America needs to get their nose out of her business, and leave her alone. (I understand that she is using public assistance, so many feel it is their business, but just remember, there are millions of people who use and have used some form of public assistance in their lives, and noone stepped in and said take their kids away because of it) I say leave her alone!
  14. Actually, after reading what gadgetlady had to say, I've decided that she is right and have changed my thinking on that one. The majority is often wrong on issues.
  15. My daughter was 5 months pregnant when she went into labor, and now her son is almost 4. Babies can survive at 5 months. Even so, who is going to make that decision as to when it becomes a life in the womb or not? I believe it is at the moment of conception, you believe it's when the baby can survive on its own. Others say after 3 months, that's too late to abort. Who's right? Most of the people in America claim to be christian. I say lets go with the majority vote. I've always felt that controversial issues should be voted upon by the American people. Why can't we put these things to a vote like we do the presidency. A one time vote every 5 or 10 years. All the questions on the ballot. Abortion, Gay marriages, death penalty,etc.
  16. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I find it just amazing how you all can go on and on (49 Pages, even) dissing this woman at every turn. None of you know all the facts in her life. You are all insinuating this and that. Name calling and dragging her through the mud, passing your judgements on her, condemning her as mentally incapable. You only know what you have seen on TV and TV doesn't always show the good side of people for the good side of her wouldn't bring any favor to those who watch it. Newspapers and magazines print what the public wants to read. And the public thrives on her mistakes and desires to belittle people. Noone knows for sure what her plans were or what they are now. She may prove to be an excellent mother to her 14 children. People are almost hoping she will fail. Why? What's done is done. Get over it. Why not let her take care of her business now? Personally, I pray she will be happy and have a nice life with all her children. I hope they will be a blessing to her and I hope she shows you all up.
  17. I didn't know you could donate your fertilized eggs. But, if this is so, then I agree. She should have done that.
  18. God is right there waiting patiently for you to acknowledge Him.
  19. It has to do with 'faith'. God has protected the bible through the ages, therefore it doesn't need to be updated. God inspired Men to write the bible. Think about this... The very first child born to Adam and Eve murdered his own brother. As you can see, man has not changed at all since then. Sin was just as bad then as it is today. Nothing has changed really. This may be hard to understand, but the bible is referred to as a 'living' book. Meaning that as each person reads it, God uses the verses to speak to them directly through it. He knows your circumstances and by his Holy Spirit, He speaks to you personally. He did not want it to be hard for anyone to understand it. He says that the wisdom of man is foolishness in His eyes. Meaning all those who are supposed to be intelligent (philosophers, scholars, priests, etc.) and say "this is what this means in the bible" are not so smart. He has made the bible understandable for anyone, like you or me, who wishes to know what God wants to say to them.
  20. Interesting article. Thanks for sharing it. I think that if the prison guards were doing their job and came to her when the other prisonrs were calling them, frantically, instead of ignoring them for 2 hours, her baby would have been born in the hospital instead of in the cell and there would have been the equipment there to resusitate the baby. Chelsie is now in need of care at all times due to their negligence, so they should be held accountable. Using the Roe vs Wade as a defense for themselves is ridiculous.
  21. She once said that with every IVF she had that she had 6 embryos implanted, yet she would only get 1 that took. Or maybe she had twins once, I'm not sure. This last time when she had 6 put in, expecting 1 more child, she had all 6 take plus 2 more. While I don't believe she did the right thing choosing to have 6 or even 7 (which was her plan) children without a husband and father in her life and without the finances to care for them on her own, I respect her choice of having them all placed instead of killing them. Carrying them herself was better than destroyng them. This is the biggest reason why IVF is controversial. There is alot of good that comes from the procedure for many, but sometimes fetus' are destroyed. If she can't raise them, there are many woman who can't have babies for whatever reason, and would love to adopt them. As for your statement above about not having evil intent... I believe that most who have an abortion don't do it with an evil intent as murderers do. But I still must say that you and others who choose abortions still don't have a right to "rid a fetus from society causing its life to end" whether your intent is evil or not. God is the author of life and only He can make that choice on whether a life he started ends or not.
  22. I understand how hard it would be to do the right thing. The baby is innocent here and not deserving of death. But, I would obey God and not kill the baby. He would bless you for it, and help you to get through it.
  23. You obviously don't understand the severity of the sin of abortion. When God says it is deserving of death for those who do it, it must be very, very wrong. Let me clarify something. ALL sin is deserving of death. We were all originally created to have eternal life here on earth, but when sin entered man (in the garden of Eden) God said that the punishment for man was death. Thus why instead of living forever on earth, we all die someday. That is why Jesus had to die to take our well deserved punishment for us. But some sins, that God has identified, are deserving of immediate death, as in "you no longer can wait until you are old and gray, you deserve to die now." One of those sins is murder. So, if you did have an abortion, you have committed murder of an unborn baby. (in God's eyes). YOU may not think so, but God says YES. Therefore, even though you didn't know that it was wrong , it was. God is a forgiving Father. If you go to him and confess that you were wrong, he will wipe your slate clean. (It will be just as if you never sinned in His eyes)
  24. WHAT???!!! Talk about not making any sense.
  25. ................................................................

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