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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. The link you just gave on Kathy Ireland cuts out midway.This link tells her story she told on Huckabee. http://aprillorier.com/?p=562
  2. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Social workers are trained to understand the way parents that are accused feel when they are innocent and being questioned. In beths case, if I were a social worker and someone reported to me that a child was in dirty clothes that were long sleeved, I'd tell her to get her nose back where it belongs about that. If she said the mom wasn't feeding her kids, I'd look into it, but not even tell the parents that I was checking on the dirty clothes. I would take one look in the fridge and then at the child, and get my nose out of the rest of their business after I saw the child and seen she was fed. That's what they were reported on, that's what they should check out. Case closed? no. They go to your job, they call the kids doctors, they check with neighbors, the school, etc. When I was being investigated on the above report, the social worker looked at a screen on one of my windows while she was standing outside and said, "You need to fix that screen with a tear in it." What the heck did that have to do with the situation? They take the basic report and fly with it , taking their opportunity to 'Look' into your business and see if there is anything they can get you on. This is how they work, which is what I complain about. Those in Government, and yes, SW's are goverment cause they are set up for the protection of the people, get into the affairs that are none of their business. I know this is their motive, because as a foster parent, I talked with and had relationships with many SW's. I've even seen the unfairness towards tthe parents of the children who were in my care and how the SW's favoritisms went to me over them. I've witnessed many injustices in the system. Even kids that were placed in my home who shouldn't have been taken from their parents IMO.
  3. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I'll tell you a story concerning DCF. My Daughter-in-law left her son who was 4 with my daughter who was 20 at the time to babysit him at my house. I was out shopping. My daughter-in-laws brother and his teen friend came over and my 10 year old son did a stupid thing and rolled up a piece of computer copier paper and lit the end of it with the stove and brought it outside, pretending to 'smoke' a cigarette. I believe he wanted to seem 'cool' in front of these older boys. My daughter came outside then and when she saw him, she took it away from him and told the other 2 boys to leave. They did. But when they got home they shared the incident with my daughter-in-laws mom,(who doesn't like me, and is menatlly unstable) who happened to also be the 4 year olds grandmother. But they embelished the story to say that my 10 year old handed the 4 year old the pretend 'cigarette' to try smoking it and they told her that we didn't have any food in our house and that my kids were hungry and eating pancakes they had to make with only water. DCF came over and investigated us for that. They knew me, because I had been caring for foster children for many years, they dropped the case because neglect was unfounded and because pancakes are made by adding only water and there was plenty of food in my house. They believed my son when he told them he never handed the paper to the 4 year old. When I heard about my sons behavior, I disciplined him for it. So, you see, people do tell stories to DCF just to cause trouble with those whom they have something against. I also understand that DCF needs to investigate all the complaints and why. Yet, I still feel that they get into peoples personal business that they can handle themselves. If my son had done that while I was home and watching TV or doing laundry, they might have requested that I take parenting classes or something. But because they were in the care of my 20 year old who has no children of her own, they could do nothing about it. They also go too far in their investigations. They felt the need to question my husband, who was working at the time. They needed to know all kinds of info about us, that was irrelevent to the incident. I guess what bothers me the most is that DCF needs to focus on the "REAL" abuse cases and help the children who have parents who use drugs and abuse their kids mentally and physically, and those children end up dead or outgrowing their abusers because noone did anything to help them.
  4. pattygreen

    Changing Goals...

    Setting goals that are reachable instead of unrealistic ones is a good idea. Once you have reached your first goal, then you can set your next one. Keep up the good work. I'm rooting for you.
  5. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    I just want to say Happy Easter to all of you. This is a great day to celebrate the risen Lord. I hope your day is a blessing to you. Love, Patty
  6. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I was just talking in general about social workers, not particularly her dealings with them.
  7. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    carrie, did you know that if a social worker shows up at your door and says there was a complaint against you by someone and they need to talk to you and see your children that you don't have to allow them into your home and that you have a right to know what the complaint was and who reported it, and that if you don't want them to interview your children, that they can't? Social workers will never tell you your rights. They will say words to you like "we must..." and "You need to..." when in fact it's "If it's ok with you, we'd like to..." ,and "If it's ok with you we'd like to talk to your children."etc. They use scare tactics and threats to check you out. When you are reported upon by someone as being abusive to your children say, they expect you to prove your innocence when in fact the burden of proof lies on them. If you did nothing wrong to your children, you need to tell them when they show up at your door that the accusation is false and that they are not welcomed in. They will then have to get a court order if it is a serious accusation. Then you can prepare yourself by getting an attorney to talk to. This way the SW isn't the only one going before the judge concerning some lie someone made up about you and how you care for your children. Some SW's make it their priority to take children from homes that THEY feel isn't meeting THEIR expectations, and sometimes on mere assumptions. In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty. There are alot of people who report people to DCF out of their own anger towards the accused. This happens more often than not.
  8. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    God places a soul within the new creation in the womb at the moment of conception. The physical body grows and matures and learns about life and his creator over many years of his lifetime. Once he ponders his eternal soul, death, and his destiny, a person will make a decision concerning whether he believes in The Father and wants a relationship with him or not. This can happen at any age. When the person recognizes that he is a sinner and in need of a savior, and he repents, God sends his Holy Spirit to live within the believer. The believers body then becomes God's temple. (his dwelling) Thus why believers say "the kingdom of God is within them" or "Jesus lives in my heart" It is at that moment of recognition that a person is "born again". God puts his spirit into the believer. (We are all born physically, and then when we come to believe in God, we are born spiritually, thus why it's called being born again). Unless you have experienced what it is to be 'born again', you will never be able to understand spiritual things. Before I was reborn spiritually, I was not able to comprehend the things of God. I questioned his exsistance and had many doubts. After I chose to acknowledge that God is real and that I was a sinner and asked God to show me the truth and forgive me for all of the wrongs in my life, and he came into my life personally, It was like a light turned on in my head and I was able to understand spiritual things. God taught me many things and shared his thoughts and love with me. Now I know. Now I see. Christians that have been born again have a special bond one with another, even closer than their own family members, because they know the truth and understand God's plan and will for all mankind. They understand that in each persons own time, the 'light may turn on' at any moment for that person, and then they, too, will know what it's like to be born spiritually.
  9. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    After our lives are over on this earth, we shall see. If I am right and Jesus is the Savior of mankind, I will live forever with all other believers in him in Heaven. If the atheist is right then we both have lost nothing. We die, and our bodies rot in the ground and our lives are over and done. We don't exist anymore. If I'm wrong, It's ok. If I'm right it's even better. If the atheist is right, it's ok, But, if he's wrong.......... I'm assuming here that you are an atheist. Am I right? If not, what is your belief?
  10. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    if you read from the 2 books, Islams and christians, you can see for yourself that the characteristics and personalities of both Allah and Jehovah are extremely different. Allah does not allow a personal relationship with his creation nor does he love. He is a schemeing kind of god with his people and unjust. Jehovah on the other hand is very loving and merciful and gracious. Total opposites in character. They are not one and the same. Satan comes as an angel of light to kill, steal, and destroy man. He is a liar.
  11. pattygreen

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    Obama asked congress on Thursday for $83.4 BILLION for US military and diplomatic operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, pressing for special troop funding that he opposed 2 years ago when he was senator and Bush was president. This request will also send thousands more troops to Afghanistan. He supported a war funding bill just last year that also included about $25 Billion for domestic programs.
  12. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    http://www.therapturesite.com/allah.htm This link will help you to understand that they are not the same God. It's a long read, but towards the end it explains it well.
  13. pattygreen

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    I agree, Beth.
  14. pattygreen

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    How Obama voted on war funding bills is a pretty interesting post. For all those who think so highly of him because of all the promises and things he said during his campaign, it just goes to show you that they didn't really know where he stood on the war issue. There's alot of things that the dems who voted for him are finding out now. Like what he meant with his campaign slogan. Change!..... Yup, you're gonna get change alright!
  15. pattygreen

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    Bet, I like all you say here.
  16. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    BTW, Allah and Yahweh are not the same Gods. Yehweh had a son named Jesus, Allah had no sons. Their personalities and traits are two very different beings. They could not possibly be the same.
  17. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    Jesus came to fulfill the law of the old testament, not to abolish it. The laws were made to show mankind what is and isn't acceptable in Gods sight, for without the law man would not know what sin is.
  18. pattygreen

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    We're not one step away from losing all our freedoms, but we're getting there slowly. little by little. If the people allow the government to give them everything under the guise of 'helping the needy', the people will not want to 'work' for their livelyhood. Why should they? Once a government starts promising economic relief to the people, and taking control of large businesses, that will lead to control and domination of other areas of life for the people. I believe the gov. needs to stick to protecting the people from physical harm, (military, police, emergency, etc.) and stay out of free enterprise. The people have and always will be able to care for themselves. And if they don't have the government to fall back on financially, they will have to do something to better themselves. Because the gov. money is the hard working peoples money, not the freeloaders money. Don't get me wrong, I give my finances to many worthy causes to help those who struggle and are poor, but I refuse to be 'forced' to do it.
  19. pattygreen

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    All we need to do is take a look at history to see how things could turn out if you allow it. Socialism doesn't happen over night. It very slowly creeps up on you. First, you form social security, the people accept it cause it sounds like a good plan, then while the people aren't looking the gov. steals the money you paid in to support other social programs they began, but don't have the money to pay for them. Then they take over the banking industry, then they provide health care for the nation. Whenever the government starts a large social program, they start out with say 10 men (That they have to pay 3 or 4X the regular Joes salary, I might add) and provide benefits and pensions for them. Then those 10 men have to hire others to over see the project and things get bigger, so those 10 hired men have a staff as well, and so on and so on. Before you know it, what could have cost $100. without the governments help now costs $1000. Cause you have soooo many government employees to pay. The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of money.
  20. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    You think like a human, because that's what you are. God thinks like a spirit being because that's what he is. Life, for God and all mankind is eternal. All life. Believers and unbelievers souls live forever. So, when you say these people died, God sees it as only their physical human life on earth ended, and their spiritual life in eternity still goes on. So even if you see that life is over, in reality, it is NEVER over. God knows this and he explains it to mankind in his words to us, the bible. So, all Noahs little neices and nephews (as far as God is concerned) are not dead. They are living forever in Gods spiritual kingdom in heaven. God doesn't view death the same way we do, for death is only of the physical body, not the spiritual body or the soul. After rereading my post that you replied to, I realize that I shouldn't have said "all those instances were unbelievers who chose to reject their creator." I should have said,"most of those instances..." sorry. Those who were affected by the sins of the rest of the world had their lifetime on earth shortened because of it. If they were believers in God, it wouldn't matter, for they are with him now and happier for it. That is hard for humans to understand, but God says to be absent from the body is to be present with him, and he says that death is simply the doorway into heaven which is where he is.
  21. pattygreen

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    After WWI Italy was left with a war debt that crippled the nation's economy. When Mussolini came on the scene in 1922 promising economic recovery, the italians gladly accepted his promises. Much like socialism, fascism meant government control of most political, economic,cultural, religious and social activities. It allowed for some private enterprise but maintained heavy regulation over those businesses that were privately owned. Germany also suffered great economic hardship, and the depression made it worse. Hitler intently watched Mussolini rise to power and in 1933 the Nazi party came to power promising the Germans government job programs and other economic relief. They began to dominate other areas of life after they took control of businesses. Hitler used fear and distrust that he had created to turn Germans against their jewish neighbors, many of whom owned profitable businesses. He accused Jewish business owners of greed and selfishness to seize their property in the name of the German government. Before long, Nazis controlled many businesses and factories in Germany and heavily regulated those allowed to remain in private hands. As a socialist, Hitler believed that the gov. should own the Nations industries and take responsibility for its people. His creation of a socialist state gave him the power he needed to become the absolute dictator of Germany. By EMBRACING socialism, the people lost their freedoms to a tyrannical dictator. I said all this to say this....If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile.
  22. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    Believe me, the person who put that child in a suitcase and dropped it in the water will not go unpunished. God sees all wrong doing, and is just. Man looks at the things that happen in his lifetime of 80 or 90 years as all the time he has. But God has no time. He is everlasting and eternal. Your life is but a breath to him. All sin will be punished or disciplined in either this life or after death. You don't die and rot in the ground, your personal soul lives forever.
  23. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    God has given man a free will. He did this so that you could choose for yourself whom you will serve. (good or evil) Making a decision in this life whether you would like to live eternally with God, who created you, or to live eternally with Satan, without God, is a choice he wants YOU to make, not him. If he took away mans free will, and made you into his robot instead, would he ever know if you truly loved him or not? Along with free will comes choices, which brings sin, thus why bad things happen to innocent people. Instead of asking 'what kind of a God lets people suffer?", you should be asking, "what kind of a person does that to a child?" Just because God 'allows' evil to happen so people wont be his puppets, doesn't mean he approves of it. He hates sin!
  24. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    Many people have 'real' hearts. but that has nothing to do with HOW to get from here to there.
  25. pattygreen

    Is God real?

    None of those were God's children. You don't become a child of God until you acknowledge that you are a sinner and ask him to forgive you and make you his child. Most of those instances were unbelievers who chose to reject their creator. Or they were death from past wars, not God's doing. You will be surprised at the number of people who will be in Heaven with God and the number of people who will be in Hell without him. Those numbers seem huge, but if you understand that as of April 2009, the worlds population was 6.77 Billion people. That's just this generation, so the 32 million who died in biblical times is but a mere puny fraction of people that God created. (AND you don't have all your facts straight about that list you gave).

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