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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    The changing of the term 'marriage' to mean a same sex committment and a male and female committment instead of just male and female committment like God intended will eventually lead to a change in biblical values. At one time is wasn't 'ok' to 'live together'. It was once a 'sin', like God said it was. Today it is an acceptable thing. At one time, it was wrong to have babies outside of marriage for it was a sin. Today it is acceptable. Today, we allow even single people to adopt, when it is Gods plan for every child to have 2 parents. (and, no, it's not wrong to be single and adopt, but a better way is to be married and adopt, this way the child can have 2 parents.)What I am trying to say is that once you make "sin' acceptable, it is no longer seen as God intended it to be seen, as sin. The scripture speaks alot about end times and when "the people will turn from God and his will and the things that are wrong in his eyes will be as if right and the things that are right in his eyes will be as if wrong." I see that happening now. If same sex marriages becomes acceptable and lawful, before you know it, our public school books will picture 2 women together with a family of their own or 2 men together , and this is not acceptable to christians and others because to God, it is sinful. Christians are being bashed for sticking up for the word of God. We're told we're not loving and tolerent and accepting. Well, it's not that we're not any of those things, it's just that we are not any of those things when it comes to SIN. Think about it, are christians against anything 'good and kind'? No, just sin. This is when we stand up and protest (homosexuality, abortions, lying, stealing, premarital sex, etc.)We don't claim to be perfect, we know we're not. But we admit that to God and he forgives. God doesn't hate anyone. I've said that before. He just hates our sin. And, yes, you can CHOOSE who you will have sex with. Therefore, whenever you make that choice,to sleep with someone of the same sex, you are committing sin. There is no confusing of what God says in the bible. It is NOT a gray area in scripture, like some things can be. It is VERY black and white. (If you need the biblical reference, just ask me.) I've heard alot about biogotry here. There is a difference in being acceptable of the national origin of people or the color of their skin, and homosexuality. Homosexuality is a sin, and the color of someones skin is not. That's like comparing homosexuality with the slavery thing and peoples 'rights'. Amending the constitution to free slaves was the right thing to do. Making marriage for all is not.
  2. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    No. What he said was "some plant seeds, others Water them, but God brings in the harvest." Christians are supposed to plant and water the seeds (which are the truths that God gives us in his word) then God brings forth the harvest, but only if those who hear the truth choose to accept it. I am not ashamed of the word of God. It says that homosexuality is a sin and I'm not afraid to call it what it is. I'm not trying to spare anyones feelings. That is why Miss California when asked about gay marriage gave her opinion truthfully. She wasn't about to be told to apologize for her beliefs. No one is 'born' gay, just like noone is born gluttonous. Neither of them are diseases either. They are choices that we make in life. I was fat (gluttonous) because I put the fork up to my mouth and those who are gay are gay because they have sex with their own sex. Period. It's a choice they choose. It's an act they desire. No excuses. Sin is sin and everyone on earth is in need of a Savior, for there is none without sin in their lives.
  3. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Just what 'hating' are you talking about? I don't hate anyone and neither does God.
  4. pattygreen


    If you do a google search on what gas is, you'll come up with your bodies way of breaking down fat and what's left is the gas that exits. So, whenever that gas comes, Rejoice! You'rer losing weight!!! lol
  5. pattygreen

    swine flu

    I live in CT. It's here now. The town where I work, Southbury, has a family there who recently visited New Mexico, and have come down with it. It is about 15-20 minutes from my home. All we can do is pray it wont affect us. The people in that town are wearing masks, and I wonder if I should on Friday when I have to go to work. I work in a convelescent home. Oh well, I believe it's in Gods hand.
  6. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Sorry you feel that way, Beth. But my kind of Christian is the kind that doesn't mince words. Sometimes people just need to hear the truth about sin and how God feels about it, so they could do something about it and maybe have a chance for eternal life. It's those christians who are so accepting and tolerant and say "live and let live" who don't really care about the souls of others. I don't have any problem at all with people making their own choices in life on how they want to live. It's truly up to them. I just want them to know that the one who created them is not pleased with their choices sometimes and that they will reap the consequences in the next life if they don't recognize their choices as sinful and repent like so many others have done. So, you're wrong when you say I don't get it. I get it fine.
  7. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    This is the off topic rants and raves section. I don't need to talk about lap band anymore in any other sections. I'm all talked out on that subject for now.
  8. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Wow! You're really thick. I believe I stated that God loves everyone, but that he hates our sin. (homosexuality, gluttony, etc.) What don't you get about that? Jesus doesn't discriminate against anyone when it comes to who he loves. And as for having a direct line to God, YES! I do, and so does everybody.
  9. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Beth, I am simply responding to her thread. She spoke about God and his creation and his design for gay people. What I say about God's plan for marriage is for all mankind, myself included. Gay, straight, or whatever. He had one plan for men and women. Most mankind, myself included, gets it wrong. I did it all backwards and had a baby before I was married and lived with the father before we got married as well. So, I'm not saying I don't sin and I'm judging noone. I'm just pointing out what God's plan is for marriage. Mankind makes choices to either follow it or not.
  10. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I would not vote for gay marriages if it were put to a vote, which is what I think they should do in every state for every controversial issue. If they voted for civil unions, I would vote no as well, but if the choice were between the 2, I'd vote yes to civil unions over marriage. I would like to see the rights of gay couples protected. By rights I mean property, hosp. visits, insurance, etc. These are rights that everyone should have anyway, whether gay or not. But, aren't these rights already there for everyone who knows how to see an attorney and have what they want written up?
  11. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    In the room, yes. But she's Miss California. She was giving California's popular answer.
  12. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    God did create marriage in the beginning when he joined Adam and Eve together and told them to procreate. And Yes, that was before the many laws that humans made, and the laws of human beings stem from God's original laws on human rights and wrongs and what he deems acceptable or not. You are correct in saying that you are here as a creation of God, and a creation he loves dearly, but the choices that you make in life are yours and yours alone, not Gods. He created man and woman and gave them their body parts to fit together and to procreate as he had planned for them. It was not in his plan for men to get together with men or for women to get together with women. If you desire to sleep with other women, it is because it's what you desire, not what God planned for you. A gay person can make a decision to either fulfill his own desires in life, OR follow God's plan for themselves. It's their choice. You or anyone else who is gay is not a part of any bigger design of Gods. God designed you as a woman, and expected you to get married and then have sex with the man you married, or otherwise stay single and not have sex at all.
  13. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    The reason why the christian community wants to keep the term marriage for 2 opposite sexes only is because God said that this is what's right. Little by little by little over time this country is slowly changing from what the founding Fathers originally had planned. This was originally a 'Christian' nation. A nation that believed in God and all that God stood for. We, as christians, are being forced to hand over our beliefs to appease the 'offenses' of the minority. We've already taken prayer out of the schools to 'appease' the minority of atheists, and the 10 Commandments out of public places and in court rooms, (yet they still swear the oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth on a bible) the minority are trying to take 'In God We Trust' off our money, 'Under God" out of our pledge, etc. We allow abortions in this country, too. Before you know it the president wont be able to swear into office on a bible or say God Bless America at the end of his speeches any more. What I'm trying to say is ...Homosexuality is a sin. God said so, and it's wrong. Noone is telling anyone they can't live that way if they choose. Just like smoking cigarettes is a sin and it's wrong, it harms your body, but noone is telling anyone they can't smoke if they want to. Just because you choose that lifestyle for yourself, doesn't mean the majority have to accept it as 'marriage'. IMO, I think that homosexuals feel that they need to force this acceptance on christians and those who disagree with their choice or they will not feel 'accepted' or justified. Well, if they feel it's ok to live the way they are, then who cares what others think? Why must their union be called 'marriage'? As a civil union they can have all the same rights associated with marriage. All of them, except the title 'marriage' because that title was ordained by God for one man and one woman.
  14. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    God is not hateful. He is very loving, but he hates sin. All sin. Even gluttony. He loves the person, but hates their sinful choices. God is the one who tells us what sin is in the scriptures. If a person believes in his Son, Jesus, they will be accepted by God, despite their sin. But first they must recognize and acknowledge that they are sinning. That's the key.
  15. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    You said that beautifully, and I agree with you. Christians are being intimidated in this country to back down on their beliefs because they might offend some. Well, what about the homosexuals that are offending Christians by calling them extremists and telling them to apologize for what they believe in? They should apologize to her for even asking her to apologize for her opinion.
  16. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I don't think she lost the title simply because of her views either. I just wanted to comment on your post because I wanted you to be aware that her response to the question asked was NOT the UNpopular answer.
  17. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I, too, have family members who are gay. A sister and a nephew. I love them dearly. It's not about who you know and love. It's about cahnging what 'marriage' is and means. I don't agree that marriage is a 'right' for anyone in this country. Is it 2 sisters 'right' to marry each other if they choose? Where in the constitution does it say that the institution of marriage is every persons right? For instance, I don't have a 'right' to give you a speeding ticket. That is only a police officers 'right'. BTW, the 'church' are the people who believe in God. And, it's not the people who made the decision that homosexuality is a sin. It was God who said that. So, your problem is with God, not the people who believe in him. And, finally, I believe there is a heaven, but God doesn't judge people the way they judge each other.
  18. pattygreen

    LOOSE is not LOSE.

    I had someone on LBT correcting my spelling and grammar every time I posted. Now that's annoying! When you're typing fast, you always seem to push the wrong key. Just overlook it, hey?
  19. pattygreen

    43% Pay NO Federal Income Tax - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

    in this country, anyone can do and be anything thing they choose. If making 40,000 isn't enough for you, go back to school, take on an extra job, sell on Ebay to supplement, start a home business on the side, take just 1 extra class a semester if thats all you can afford, take out a school loan, and the ideas can go on and on. That's the great thing about America. Noone is telling you that you can't better your situation. Free enterprise is a wonderful thing. That's what allowed those who are making 250,000. the ability to do so. But, just because they make more, just because they bettered themselves with their own initiative, worked harder, sacrificed and went to school, doesn't mean they should pay more than anyone else to live here. Their 'extra' income is just that. Theirs. To do with as they feel fit. Most (not all) people who make more than they need to live on usually give alot of it away to charity causes of their choice. (their choice, being the key words here) Let the people decide what to do with their 'extra' funds, not the government. I feel that if the gov. would cut out all of the trillions in spending on crap, we wouldn't have the need to worry about where this money is going to come from. Any household knows not to spend more than you bring in is the answer. Why can't the gov. see that? Debt is bad. Some feel good about saying, "What are you complaining about, 95% of you won't even get a tax increase," but they don't understand that everything from electricity to gasoline and oil and food, etc. wiil rise instead, and there's your 'tax' being passed on to you from all other businesses. This money to repay these stimulus plans have to come from somewhere.
  20. Without women there is no man and vise versa. With that said, I'd like to ask the men how they would feel, really, if their wife was viewing naked men on line and possibly taking care of themself without you. Because if men are viewing naked women, it's usually to take care of themselves without their wife involved. yes? I believe that sex should be shared only between the married couple without the naked pictures, especially when one of the couples feels insecure about it and has requested it to be so. It really is a respect thing for the wife. It shows her husband cares for her feelings and doesn't want to hurt her in any way. When he doesn't comply, now the issue is more about the 'not caring' than the 'picture viewing'.
  21. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Kat, If there are 'no' signs, then maybe we should have the DCF go through a random check of every family with children in their district. (sarcasm) Of course their are signs for the one who reports it, otherwise they wouldn't have reported anything. But, some people get ticked at others and report without any signs of abuse. example: an ex spouse reports on the one with custody, a neighbor that doesn't get along with you who says your not taking care of them, a teacher who witnesses 1 black and blue on a child 1 time. And, some people report because their are signs. examples: a child who goes to school and often has bruises and the teacher sees that the child is withdrawn, depressed, head down, doing poorly academically; or a neighbor who hears the parents berating and hitting their kids, sees the kids crying; or if a child tells an adult they are being hurt by a parent. I'd say those are pretty good signs of abuse. Let's get something clear, kat, I'm not against DCF keeping kids safe from abuse. I'm against when they go too far. Once they see that the child is safe, there is no need for their continued nosiness. In my case, they clearly saw that my son did a kids stupid prank lighting a paper on fire, they saw that I wasn't home and he was left with another adult at the time, they knew me VERY well and had enough confidence in my caregiving to leave me with many, many children to care for them in the past, they saw that he was disciplined for his actions, and I could go on and on about it, but they continued to ask about where my husband works, they needed to talk to him and everyone else in the home, they wanted to see my kids Dr. records, and even told me to fix a torn screen on one of my windows. Why? This was an infringement on my rights and privacies. I guess it's not DCF in general that I am sick of, it's ALL government interference in private lives. It's a slow, gradual creeping in of government into the lives of the people taking away their freedoms and privacy.
  22. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    No, if I thought child was being abused, I'd do my best to look into it myself. Then if there was a strong suspicion of something going on I would report it. But not just on a hunch or a thought. Bruises on a child could be from playng rough, so I wouldn't report that, but bruises on a child almost every time I seen the child is suspicious. You can tell when there is abuse or not. There are signs.
  23. pattygreen

    The End of Private Health Insurance

    Wow! Scary. Another reason to put our hope in all this 'change' that's going on! (more sarcasm)
  24. pattygreen

    43% Pay NO Federal Income Tax - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??

    Bjean, Is Obama your 'Hero' or something? "Don't pick on my Idol, cause noone picked on yours when he was in office."(whine) It's really not about who is the culprit, Obama or Bush. I believe it's about government's crazy spending of money they don't have. Where are they going to get it? I know you've said that Obama's not raising your taxes, etc. But in reality, he's putting out there the means to spend frivilously on all kinds of unnecessary crap. (and the key word here is unnecessary)The spending he is allowing is over the top. The government has been dishonest and corrupt for quite some time now, and the people have just let it go and ignored it for soooo long and finally (sorry it's being done on your kings watch) they are fed up and getting together and protesting to let them know it. Why weren't you at the tea parties in your area? Do you admire all of this government interference in your life? Do you like the government spending us into oblivion? Do you desire this gradual move towards socialism? The only thing I can think of is that Obama was your man and no matter what gets done on his term, you're going to stand by him through good or bad.
  25. pattygreen

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Then they better be positive about what their reporting. Alot of people report on others because they "think' or 'assume' there is abuse. What others 'think' is going on is irrelevant.

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