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Everything posted by pattygreen
You are right. If I were trying to witness to anyone about God and his love, I wouldn't focus on their sins in any way. I would first try to get them to understand that God loves them. Then I would share the way of salvation. God would then work in their lives and show them their wrong doings and the things that displease him. The difference is that we are in a rants and raves forum where these questions were put forth: What do you care if I live this way? Why can't gays get married like men and women do? Why does it bother anyone else how I live? Why are christians bigots, haters, and intollerant? They want the truthful answers for why we feel this way, yet when I am forward and truthful about it, they get angry and call me names. The truth is, they really don't want to know why christians are against gay marriage. They just want us to accept their way of life and change the term 'marriage' that God set up for husbands and wives to include their same sex way of life.
No, because when Jesus, God's son, came in the manger and grew up, He gave his life for us as a sacrifice to end all sacrifices for sin on the cross. No other sacrifice is ever needed again. God provided a way for us. Those old testament sacrafices were an object lesson for mankind back then to show them that sin is only forgiven by the shedding of blood. God also told them that one day he would send a savior who would shed his own blood for us. The OT people looked forward to the saviors coming. He came when Jesus was born. Today we look back on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and remember what God has done for us.
Gamyj, I don't try to 'be' God. Let me ask you, how can you know God without reading about him in the bible? How can you know what the Lord wishes of you without the bible? How can you know what's right and wrong without God telling you in the bible? Who shapes your ideals? How can you have a relationship with God without the bible? This is a new concept to me.
All I can say to that is "you 'think' wrong." God does turn his back on those who choose to ignore him. He is LOVE. You are right about that. But, he is also JUST. He says that anyone with sin upon them when they die will NOT enter into his presence. They can't, for God cannot be in the presence of sin. So, we need a savior to be a substitute to take our punishment for us. He provided Jesus to take our discipline for us.
If you don't believe that the bible is God's guidebook for mankind, then there is no sense in even dabating the issue with you. Just go ahead and live your life the way you see fit to do so. Because the whole reason we christians and most people out there who don't want to allow legalizing same sex marriages is because it is a sin in God's eye. No other reason. If you don't believe that, then you will find out if I speak the truth from God's word when we all stand before him in Heaven someday. You tell me that you are one of God's chosen people, yet God's word doesn't hold any water with you? I don't get that. Oh well.
If I have been misunderstood about homosexuality and eternal destination to anyone, I'm sorry. I am only trying to point out that the reason why most people do not want to allow legalizing marriage for them is because it is sinful, not because they are hateful or bigots or homophobic like the gay community believes. It's a sin. pure and simple. No other reason. God does not approve of it and neither do those who believe in him and what he has to say on the issue. Christians would never approve of brothers marrying sisters even if they felt it was their 'right' to do so. Simply because it is a sin also. So, we are only trying to stop the society from turning completely against the will of God. Once the people choose to live their way and in a sense tell God to get lost by choosing their own way, we lose the blessings and protections of God in this country. Because God will turn his back on those who reject his word. He said so. We don't want God to do that by allowing sin to be a normal way of life for Americans.
Please forgive me. I thought you were speaking of me. I apologize.
Condemn people? Never! I couldn't even if I chose to, which I would never want that job. But tell them if something is a sin or not, yes. I have every right to tell others what God calls sin, just like I have every right to tell others what God calls good.
I have not called anyone names at all. I have also been VERY clear that I don't 'Hate' anyone. I just hate their sins. What do any of you have against me or anyone who hates the wrong doings of others? Noone minds if I hate the fact that children get abused by pedophiles. Noone minds if I hate the lies people tell. Noone minds if I hate any other sinful act out there. But, mention that I hate and do not approve of the acts of homosexuals, and everyone thinks I'm a hateful, intollerant, unloving person. Not true. I just hate the sin of the homosexual. It's nothing personal. I hate ALL sin. Guess what!? I don't believe that if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior that you will not be allowed to enter into Heaven if you're gay, either! Just like you. I don't believe that all gay people will go to hell, and I NEVER, EVER said that! Ibelieve that ANYONE, gay or not, will not be allowed to enter Heaven unless they recognize that they are sinning and turn from their ways and believe that Jesus is their savior. The statistics show that most (not all) most gay people feel that having sex with the same sex is perfectly acceptable, since it's what they want to do. Therefore, since most don't feel that they are sinning or doing anything displeasing to God, they may ignore God's words on the subject and ultimately reject him.
First of all, I'm not 'bashing' your lifestyle. I'm just stating what 'God' says about it and my reasons for not wanting marriage to be for anyone except one man and one woman. The religion 'before' christianity, was the Old testament. And the Old Testament led the way for the Messiah to come. That Messiah was Jesus. Which is what christianity is all about. Who says it's not my place to tell people that they are sinning? You? If the discussion is on homosexuality and why some don't want to allow gay marriages, then I have every right to say it is because it is a sin. If you find that what the bible says about homosexuality is 'offensive' to you, then maybe you should go to God in prayer and talk to him about it. He's the one who said so, not me. I'm just telling you what he said.
I do believe that the Jewish people are God's chosen people. Most definitely! Whether they must confess to believe in Jesus as the Messiah or not for their salvation is a question that many have not been able to answer clearly without doubt from the scripture. At least I haven't been able to come to a satisfied answer to that one. I will research it. I only wondered about gamyj's declaration of being jewish and yet not believing in God's word. (that homosexuality is a sin)
If that's what you believe then what are you getting so upset about? Did I say you were not going to heaven? I don't have a clue what you believe in or not. (except for now I know that you believe that you are one of God's chosen people) one of them that doesn't mind at all that you are one of his chosen ones, but doesn't believe what that same God has to say about your lifestyle. Go figure.
Someone asked me before what I would do if my son were to tell me he were gay. I'll answer that here: I would tell him that his choices in life are his and his alone, but that everything we do in this life determines the outcome of our eternal lives. If he desires to have sex with men rather than one wife as God had planned for him, then he has a decision to make. He can either live this life pleasing himself sexually or live this life pleasing God. God says that it is sinful for a man to lie with a man or for a woman to lie with a woman. I'd tell him to make his choice. The most important thing to me is if he has a relationship with Jesus and that he recognizes that the act of homosexuality is sinful before God. Also, most importantly is that he has asked God for salvation. I have a nephew who is gay and is a born again christian. He claims, like so many others do, that God loves him and made him that way. I agree that God loves him, but not that he made him that way. I told him, when we were comparing his sin of homosexuality with my sin of gluttony, that the only difference between his sin and my sin was the fact that he would not recognize his lifestyle as sinful before God and repent of his sins and I did. All God wants from us is to acknowledge our sinfulness before him and our need of the savior he sent to redeem us. He knows we wont be able to live in this flesh without sinning every day.
I've said this before, and I will repeat it again. When the people in the past tried to stop segregation, biracial marriages, and slavery, they were doing the right thing because there is nothing wrong with the color of skin that you are born with and therefore they didn't deserve to be treated as if they were doing something wrong. Everybody knows that they were being treated unjustly because it is nowhere written that black skin is a sin. But, this is different. Homosexuality is a sin. Therefore, the law should not change to suit the minority who want to choose to live in that sinful lifestyle.
Sin is sin. there is no pretty way to say it. I also compared gluttony to criminals as well. I don't leave out any sin, even my own, when I compare them.
Concerning social issues in government: People issues ARE social issues. There is no way to avoid connecting the two. When deciding laws, you need to begin somewhere. Laws began in the beginning of time when God gave us the 10 commandments. All laws stem from the earliest laws written in the scriptures. When people are trying to decide laws, they fall back on what is right and what is wrong. Well, who decides? To the gay person it is right, and to others it is wrong. This is why the world NEEDS the guidebook. The only one who should be allowed to determine the rights and wrongs of any law should be God himself who also created mankind. Without the law (10 commandments and the books of the laws in scripture) man would not know what is right or wrong.
Who cares that gay people pay their taxes and volunteer in their communities? So do alot of people. What does what they do in life have to do with whether they should be allowed to get married? And, No, I never heard of that. I've heard of "regardless of race, religion or sex (male or female)." BTW, marriage is a religious institution that God in Heaven instituted between the male and the female. It's NOT every persons 'right'.
I didn't say that gay people are similar to theives or criminals in the sense that they are committing crimes, but that they are the same in the sense that they are committing SIN.
So why doesn't the gov use 'civil unions' for gays and 'marriage' for men and women? The gay community doesn't seem to be satisfied with that for some reason. We are NOT intollerant because we want to exclude gays from marriage. Are we intollerant because we want to exclude thiefs from entering our stores? Are we intollerant because we are not accepting of liars? When you don't do what's right,you shouldn't get to have the same things that the law affords others. It's all about the act of homosexuality. It is not acceptable, plain and simple, because it is sinful. No other reason. This is not what people are willing to come out and say. But it's the reason that is in every persons heart for why they will not vote for gay marriage. Most people just don't want to be bold and just come out and say it. They fear being called 'hateful' or 'Intollerant' or 'Homophobic'. I don't fear what others may think about what I believe. God says not to be ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the salvation of every mans soul.
I thought you wanted to know the reasons for why christians are against gay marriages. My telling you it's because it's a sin is the answer to that. If you choose to turn what I say into a 'Hate' message, then that's because you would rather believe that I'm hateful than the truth. So be it.
my replies are above.
My 3 year old once bit my 5 year old. And my kids have had bruises. And I am a loving parent to my kids. My point is that you shouldn't jump to conclusions. This is what I mean about her business. She is being scrutinized. Crap happens in every house, the difference is the world doesn't get to view every house like she's being viewed.
Question: Why do we revel in other mothers bad behavior, such as when Britney Spears was in the news for driving with her baby on her lap? Answer: If you're walking around in a perpetual state of code-level-orange anxiety, afraid you're going to make a mistake, it's very handy to have an example of someone who is so much worse. You can get off on the badness and the horribleness of that mother and comfort yourself that "at least I'm not her."
I'm sorry that you find me offensive and hateful. I'm really not. I am a loving and caring person, for real. I truly have a love for the souls of mankind. I believe that God wants everyone who knows his word to reveal how he feels about right and wrong. I may seem judgmental to some, but I believe that is because I state my beliefs without doubt. I don't place judgment on anyone for only God can judge the heart of man, I can only call things as I see them. If God says that homosexuality is a sin, I believe him and stand up for what I believe. If you are gay and ask me why I won't be accepting of your gay lifestyle I will tell you that it is for the same reason I won't be accepting of someone stealing from others or why I wont be accepting of premarital sex, or lying or gluttony. They are all sins that God has clearly stated in the scriptures and God hates sin. ( Let me clarify. He doesn't hate the sinner, nor do I, or any other christians out there. He hates the sin.) I get tired of people labeling christians as haters or homophobes. I suppose if people don't agree with the christians viewpoint, they have to come up with some reason for why christians feel the way they do, so they say we're hateful or we fear homosexuals. Not true though. BTW, people like you don't drive me crazy. There are many people who don't believe the same as I do and so I pray for them and hope God will show them the truth.
The same person who penned the ten commandments for God also penned the scripture for God about homosexuality being an abomination unto him. Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Old Testament. So, what you're saying in a sense is you'll pick and choose the things you want to adhere to and those you don't want to adhere to you toss out?