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Everything posted by pattygreen

  1. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    No, actually most controversies don't upset me. I understand what is happening in the world in light of scripture, and this is to be expected. This country began as a Christian Nation and our constitution was written by Christian men who had high moral values and followed the word of God. They intended to allow freedom of religion, but it was the 'Christian' faith they meant. This country is an english speaking country. We allow people who speak all languages to live here, but just don't try to change the language to accomodate you, or we may get upset. This country is also a Christian Nation, but we allow people of all religions to live here, just don't try to change the faith here, or we may get upset. Our founding Fathers were men who loved this country and realized that God blessed them with this new Nation and it was Ben Franklin who instructed them to pray before beginning each meeting. We put In God we Trust on our money for a reason. We added Under God to our pledge for that same reason. Our Songs say God Bless America for a reason. Our courts use The Bible, God's word, to swear upon for a reason, and Our Presidents swear their oath on Lincoln's bible for that same reason, and they say "May God Bless America" after every speech for that same reason. The reason was because we are a Christian Nation that loves and honors our Creator and believe that his blessings are upon this land because we do believe that. Our laws are written to keep order and wrong doing from this country. All sinful things that God has deemed so, are unlawful, and this Christian Nation would like to keep it that way. God gave the founding fathers this country to bless them and us for wanting to live according to his ways. He honored that and has blessed us tremendously as a Nation because of it. As time goes on and the people turn away from his decrees as written in his scriptures, we can see God removing his blessings from this country. We have taken prayer out of the schools, we are aborting millions upon millions of babies, we are accepting of the theory of evolution over creation, some want 'In God we Trust' off our money and His 10 Commandments taken down from public places, and now we want to change what God intended Marriage to be, which is between a man and a woman into what he calls an abomination. Where will it end? When this country chooses to live their own way and ignore God and what he says is correct, we will reap what we sow. You want to change the laws to be accepting of what God calls sin? Well, if the laws change, you can be sure that the people will get what they desire. A land that has pushed God out of it. The one who gave us this great gift of America so that we could be free to worship him here, gets tossed aside for our own fleshly desires. When the pilgrims landed on plymoth rock, they kissed the ground, and the first thing they did was praise and thank God for this country. I wonder what they would think of us now?
  2. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I loved Mallard Filmores cartoon in todays paper..... So how come when "Miss California" says she believes marriage should be between a man and a woman, it's "Hate Speech," But it was fine when Obama said it? Because if Barack Obama supported Puppy Torture, it would be okay. Oh...Wait...That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?
  3. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I get tired of people who like to compare homosexual marriage with biracial marriage. Marriage is for one MAN and one WOMAN no matter what color they are. When people were trying to stop people from marrying someone of another color, that was definitely wrong, for there was no sin in that. The color of a persons skin can't be helped, or changed, and God made mankind with many differing skin colors. But homosexuality is a wrong doing. It's not about a person 'right'. It's about 'what's' right. We don't give people who don't do what's 'right' privilages. No matter if they feel that what they do is right or not.
  4. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    That's true. Christians who do crazy stuff to protest, like blowing up abortion clinics, don't have their head screwed on right. They nullify what they say by making wrong out of it. It's a shame they don't understand that 2 wrongs don't make a right.
  5. That's true. You're right.
  6. Not that Miss Spears doesn't care about her new baby, for I'm sure she does, but that her own mother didn't care about raising her properly. So much has been said about Brittney Spears' mom and her morals.
  7. I went back and reread all my posts concerning Miss Spears,and couldn't see where I 'bashed' her. Please enlighten me. I never said that having a baby was a sin.
  8. Let me clarify. Married and unmarried people call babies that they didn't plan a 'mistake'. I'm pretty sure that neither of those 2 'planned' to get pregnant. It's also a mistake (or sin) if they weren't married. Mistake is a 'more politically correct' or 'politer' word than sin.
  9. Woah! Please don't speak for me. I never said Spears should be bashed, and I never said she was trash. WOW!
  10. It was a mistake if they didn't plan it. right? It was a mistake if they weren't married. When I say mistake, it's just a politer word than 'sin'.
  11. It's not that we believe any life is better than no life. It's that we believe that God is the author and finisher of life, and anyone who takes away life when that privilage belongs to God alone, is murdering. Murder is the shedding of mans blood and ending his life before God has planned to. There are many forms of pain medications that any sufferer can take until GOD chooses to end his life.
  12. Are you being serious here? I'm not sure.
  13. People in this world tend to have more compassion on others when they 'see' that all involved were at least taught properly with caring parents and tried to do the right thing, but just made a mistake, especially when they openly are sorrowful for making the mistake. (Like Palin's daughter) On the other hand, people in this world tend to have less compassion on someone when they 'see' that all involved were not taught properly and the parents didn't care and they weren't concerned about doing the right thing, but made a mistake and wasn't sorrowful for it. Even if they both made the same mistake, and it doesn't matter where they live or how much money they have. It has to do with their morals and their values. Whether the fathers are in the picture or not is another topic.
  14. pattygreen

    Christian Bandsters

    congratulations on getting your LB date! I will pray for a great success and God's hand in it all. Patty
  15. The difference is clear to me. You can see that one mother clearly brought her child up and taught her right from wrong, yet because we all fail and make mistakes, when she did and admitted her mistake, she was forgiven. Unlike the other mother who you can see has no moral virtues, didn't try to raise her daughter knowing right and wrong and yet when she failed and made a mistake and had no remorse, noone had any pity for her. That's the difference. Not that her mom was running for VP.
  16. pattygreen

    Does this bug anyone else?

    I know that you posted this a long time ago, but I'd like to respond to it anyway. I am a christian, and when I learned about God, I decided that the bible was his true words to mankind. When the mormans came to my home to talk to me, I realized they had another book besides the bible and I didn't want to accept that, for the bible clearly states that to add anything to the bible is wrong. No offense at all here, but that's really my reason for not persuing the morman faith further. I don't believe that you're not christians. I believe that there are many denominations of the christian faith and most of them have doctrines that don't line up with the bible. It doesn't make them any more 'Christian', just mistaken, like we all are. I know you may feel that you're not mistaken, and that's ok, because I feel that my denomination is not mistaken. Every person in their christian denomination feels theirs is the right one, that's why we choose our church. But I believe that when we christians get to heaven and see God face to face, then we will know what things he was accepting of and what things he wasn't.
  17. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Bjean. I don't believe there are any 'organized' groups that are against gay marriage that aren't religious. But, I am sure that there are many individual people who are not religious who 'know' deep down inside themselves that 2 people of the same sex having sex together is wrong, and would vote against it for that reason. The bible says that God has placed within each man the ability to understand what is sinful or not. (I believe it's our own consciences) So even if you are not deeply religious and read the bible and know for yourself what God has to say on this issue, if you dig deep down into your own soul you will have to admit to yourself when you ponder it, that it is not right to have sex with the same sex. Therefore, I believe that there are many individuals who feel it is wrong and wouldn't vote for it for that reason. (even if they can't really understand there own reasons for voting against it)
  18. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    [quote name=BJean;1219228} One thing I know for sure: the color of one's skin' date=' or one's sexual preferences or the choice of one's church, do not reveal whether a person is good or bad. You have to dig much deeper than those superficial things to find out whether you're dealing with a person of quality and high moral values.[/quote] You don't have to dig as deep as you say to find out if you are dealing with a person of high moral values like you say. 2 out of the 3 examples you gave (the color of ones skin, and their choice of a church, unless it's the church of Satan)can't determine whether a person is good or bad. But ones sexual preferences can. Sorry to offend anyone here, but there are some things that are not gray areas. Homosexuality is a sin. Adultry is a sin. Lying is a sin. Stealing is a sin. Gluttony is a sin. These and many others are black and whites.
  19. pattygreen

    Christian Bandsters

    I will certainly pray for your baby. And for you. So sorry to hear what you've just been through. God is in control. He loves your baby and will protect him/her. Please don't feel guilty. You did nothing wrong to feel guilty about.
  20. Congratulations! I'm very happy for your family.
  21. pattygreen

    First Place wtloss bible study?

    Please don't allow this article to make you feel awful. It should make you feel happy because you know that what it states is sooooo true, yet because you have asked Jesus to be your Savior you are looked upon by God 'as if you have never sinned.' Thank him and praise him for that. The scriptures are there to show us the history of mankinds sinful nature and our need for a Savior. That article is so true and more people need to know that they are living in sin, no matter what the sin is, because if they feel that what they do is ok before God, they will never turn to him and see their need for Jesus.
  22. pattygreen

    Christian Bandsters

    The beatitudes say "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." The LB is God's blessing for those christians who struggled with gluttony. He forgave us for that sin through the shed blood of Jesus anyway, but to help us with our struggle of overeating daily and having this thorn in our flesh, he provided a way. God is good to us. Some on this post, way back, have struggled with whether God would approve of this surgery and instead want us to lose the weight on our own by doing the right things. I believe there is nothing wrong with having surgery to help you with your health. God would not have a problem with anyone having heart surgery if they needed it, even if they needed it because they ate fatty, high cholesterol foods all their life and it resulted in their heart attack. So why would God deny an overweight unhealthy person LB surgery to correct the results of their eating wrong all their lives? I believe he allows us to make choices in our lives concerning things that are right and wrong. Having surgery is not a sinful thing, so this is one of the choices we can make in life that's up to us. My Pastor said this once: "When does a parent interfere with what their child is doing? Usually when he sees the child doing wrong he steps in. If the child is playing on the floor and all is well, the parent just oversees the situation. But when the child is headed for the stove, the parent protects and when the child picks up a toy to throw at another child the parent disciplines. But if the child isn't doing anything wrong, he allows him to go on playing (living his life)This is how God deals with us I believe.
  23. Before LB I was living in the sin of gluttony. (eating more than my body needed) I always knew that God forgave my sin of gluttony simply because I was his child and when he looked down upon me, he saw Jesus in me, but it was still hard for me knowing that this was a sin in my life that I could not conquer on my own. I never gave up trying to lose weight on my own, and God knew me and knew that I 'wanted' to be able to stop overeating. (remember the beatitudes? Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.)Well, I see it as God has 'filled' me! lol I have hungered and thirsted for freedom from the sin of gluttony, and God has provided the way for me to be free.
  24. Hi. I was banded on 9/9/08. I have lost 50 lbs. From Jan.till today, I have stayed the same weight. I don't know why. I saw my doc last month and explained that I had restriction, but that I would graze through the day and eat and chew slowly. My problem was that I wasn't 'stopping' when I first got that full,stuck in the chest feeling, and then waiting until the next scheduled meal to eat again. I would wait 10 minutes, then take another bite, then wait 5 minutes and take another, till I ate the whole sandwich or plateful. HGe said to 'stop' eating when you first get that full feeling and don't eat again till your next meal. Lapband is only a 'tool' to help us not put that food in our mouths. It doesn't help emotional eating. (eating, just to eat) What we need to do, I think, is set up a schedule of 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. Keep a food journal. stop eating when we get that stuck feeling, or full feeling. Never put more than 1 cup of food on your plate.

  25. pattygreen

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I believe people have good and bad in their nature, too, but I also believe that Satan works in the world to influence people in the wrong direction. Slowly, bit by bit over time, gradually making what is 'wrong' in God's eyes 'right' in the eyes of man and what is 'right' in God's eyes 'wrong' in the eyes of man. The homosexual thing is a good example of this. At one time, this sort of relationship would never be tolerated by society. God said it was sinful, everyone knew it was sinful and had no problem saying so. Today some people say it is 'normal'. They even go as far as to say 'God' made them that way. The fact is that 'God' did not make them that way, but that they choose to have sex with the same sex. No one can make you do anything. Even if in your mind, this is what you desire, you should not do it because it is a sin. (Personally, If it were true that you are born gay, and I was, I would go without sex for the rest of my life if I knew God said it was a sin and it would displease him who created me, and if I was tempted and occasionally failed, I would feel badly that I disobeyed God and repent of it just like I repent of every other sin I commit.) Some people become celibate for God for no reason at all. Look at the catholic priests and nuns. They don't get married and stay virgins all their lives and nowhere is it written that this is necessary or what God desires of them to be able to be ministers of the gospel. They just made up some rule or doctrine of their own and it became their custom. Desiring to have sex with the same sex is not the sin. It's acting upon that desire that is wrong. Lastly, Damnation, as you call it, is NOT what the church preaches. We preach God's love and forgiveness for mankinds sins through belief in his Son. Is it our fault that man doesn't want to acknowledge that they are sinners?

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