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Everything posted by pattygreen
by the end of this month, when joblessness will increase when another 339,000 temporary Census employees will hit the bricks, the recession will have lasted twice as long as the 1981-82 recession, which had been the longest since World War II. The Chris Dodd Recession already is three times longer than the average one since 1945. And the National Bureau of Economic Research, the arbiter of recessions, is reluctant to call the end of this one because most economic indicators are pointing down, a consequence of the administration's fixation on saving unionized government jobs at the ex- pense of private-sector job creation. Today, businesses are afraid to hire because they fear a double-dip recession and are concerned about how they will pay for all the socialism Congress and the White House have been churning out. Until businesses begin hiring, the economy won't grow. Moreover, consumers are afraid to spend, let alone make long-term financial commitments, because of their severe job insecurity and what portends to be the largest tax increase in U.S. history with the Jan. 1 expiration of the Bush tax cuts, which pulled the country out of the last recession. Until consumers' fears are assuaged, the economy won't grow and business won't hire. Under Mr. Obama, the national debt has exploded to more than 60 percent of the value of all the goods and services the economy produces. The rate is 56 percent in Spain, where the debt-ridden government and economy are convulsing. Without an immediate and drastic course change, the United States will reach 109 percent by 2025, according to the latest Congressional Budget Office underestimate; a 124 percent rate has Greece teetering on insolvency. This is not the right direction; it's the left direction, and the opposite direction European governments are taking now that they've figured out the promise of socialism is a big fat lie.
The number of federal jobs is soon to outnumber the private sector jobs that pay their salaries. Then what will the gov. do?
Dividing the actual number of unemployed, 25.3 million, by the actual total workforce, 138.7 million, produces a real jobless rate of 18.2%. Among the other 81.8%, average hours worked and hourly earnings declined in June. The $862 billion dollar stimulus was supposed to create 4 million jobs, but for the most part only immunized, unionized government employees from the effects of the recession.
The unemployment rate declined from 9.7 in may to 9.5% simply because more than 600,000 jobless Americans gave up the ghost; had they continued their futile search for work, the rate would have been closer to 10.5%.
The Chris Dood (dem) Re4cession is 31 months old and after trillions in deficit spending by the Obama administration, the economy is still shedding jobs, with nonfarm payroll losing 125,000 last month alone. (However, the federal government continued its hiring spree, adding 12,000 non-Census employees.)
Well, the churches view is wrong. My interpretations are correct. Anyone in the world can read that scripture and know the truth. "There is ONE mediator". How much plainer and simpler can God say it for you? Yet, people will argue till they are blue in the face to defend what they have been taught by that denomination. I don't get it. Why would anyone want to talk to a dead person when they can go straight to God himself through his son, Jesus anyway?
I am not perfect. I make mistakes like everyone else. But, there are some things that are just tooo clear in scripture to be mistaken for meaning anything else but what it says. Here's just ONE example. Catholics pray to Mary and to 'Saints'. In the scripture, saints are believers in Jesus who have died. There are many scriptures that teach that you should not pray to the dead. "Jesus says to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, except by me. For one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." John 14:6; I Timothy 2:5" So, if there is ONE mediator between God and man, then praying to Mary or saints and using them to talk to God for us is useless. Also, Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Deut. 18:10-13 These are very clear instructions from God. They can not be misunderstood. So, even if a major, organized religion teaches otherwise, they are wrong. The bible alone is God's word and is true, not men. Even men of high standing, who call themselves biblical scholars, within an organized religion can be wrong about what they are teaching if it doesn't line up with what the bible clearly says. Many people don't take the time to really read it. Even Priests and ministers don't all read it. They trust what those above them have handed down in their lessons and teachings as truth, but in actuality are lies. God even teaches to be aware of this in the bible. So, while there is still much for me to learn, what I have learned from reading and studying the bible for 27 years, every day of my life, is pretty clear to me.
Anyone who has not asked God's son, Jesus, to be their Savior, and is not trusting in him to bring them into heaven when they die will not go there. They will perish. I believe that Catholics do this. Yes, they make some major mistakes, like praying to Mary and other people who have died, and confessing their sins to a priest instead of to God, etc., but they do profess to believe in Jesus as their Savior, so any 'mistakes' that they have made will be forgiven thankfully. They will have to answer to God for why they did not read his words that he gave us to avoid these mistakes, and will suffer loss, as the bible says, but they will get to Heaven. Muslims and Buddhists, OTOH, do not believe in Jesus, and therefore, will die and perish in the fire, unless when they reach their lifes end, have turned from their sin of worshipping a false God and ask Jesus to save them. The Jews are God’s chosen people, and through them come the Jewish Messiah to bless all the nations of the earth. And it is only through Jesus that Jews can find God’s complete atonement and forgiveness. Most all of the new testament was written by jews. While individual Jews must come to Christ for salvation, God is still not finished with Israel as a nation. The Bible tells us that in the end times, Israel will finally recognize Jesus as their Messiah. You mentioned 'exemplary' lives. This is where many people get confused. Our entrance into Heaven is not determined by our 'deeds', whether good ones or bad ones. Only our Faith in Jesus determines whether we go to Heaven when we die or whether we get destroyed and perish in Hell. AFTER we die and our destination is determined, those who are in Heaven will be judged for their 'deeds' or 'works'. Not judged to heaven or hell, for that was already determined. But, our bad deeds will be forgiven and our good deeds will be rewarded. So, HOW you live your life is important for believers, for your treasures in Heaven are determined by them, but HOW unbelievers live their life, I guess doesn't matter, cause they live their life for the here and now, and when they die it's over for them. They perish. So, making the wrong 'choice' in this life is a very serious thing. Your very life depends upon it.
I have 2 sons who are both overwieght. Has anyone ever heard of teens having lapband? Do they allow it?
The government mandating a vaccination is a FAR cry from the government mandating whether or not a company like McDonald's can use a clown as a form of advertising, or whether a certain city can sell coke. I belive that even you are intelligent enough to understand that there are limits to what the government should be allowed to do or not. If you permit one thing, you will be permitting many things and the government has crossed that line lately. It's time to get those who want to remove our freedoms and liberties out of there. There will be a great sweeping in November, I believe. The people do not want the kind of government that you desire, Cleo'smom. That kind of government is for the fearful, who like dependency. In 1794, when the congress gave $15,000. to assist some french refugees, James Madison, the father of our constitution, stood on the floor of the house to object, saying,"I can not undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituients." He then added "the government is confined to specific objects . It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the Legislative duty." 2 Hundred years later, at least 2/3 of the fed. budget is spent on "objects of benevolence. This is not what the founding fathers had in mind for America. Our Government is corrupt and greedy.
That motto is good for this life, but what about after you die? If you're not "born again" you will not have life in Heaven. That's what the God teaches.
who supports right to choose
pattygreen replied to 396power's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
[/url] Like when the so called pro-choice people don't want to be call Pro-abortionists. (which is really what they are; all for murdering babies) -
Jewish World Review Week of July 6, 2010
I wouldn't wear it either, but her reason for posting about it was to prove her unrealistic point that Tea partiers are 'racist'. Which is not so. She will spare no lie to thwart the truth about them. It is her goal, as it is every liberals goal, to discredit the good of the party. Nice try Cleo's. But you failed at that one!
Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?
pattygreen replied to pattygreen's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
well said, and I agree with you. -
Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?
pattygreen replied to pattygreen's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
We all know that trying to diet and exercise does not work. We've all done that. I believe that once you stretch your stomach and fit a certain amount of food in there, you can always put that amount in there. It's like a balloon. It never fully goes back to it's original size. -
Liberals are constantly calling Tea partiers "racist". That T-shirt is a sarcasim to their name calling. Nothing more. (AND YOU KNOW IT!!!!) But nice try Cleo's mom. Leave it to a liberal to turn it around into a statement of truth on the conservative' part. It is a sarcasm. "Yup I'm a racist" :confused: because I oppose Big government. Because I'm for the military and because I want border security, etc. Liberals have a need to call conservatives 'racist" because they know in their hearts that we stand for all that is right and good and they don't have a leg to stand on. All of their philosophy and reasoning for what they stand for is rooted in their sinful desires to accomplish their self centered goals. Think I'm wrong? Read the scripture. God is a right winger!
(cleo's quote: An interesting survey was done for the fifth time by 283 presidential scolars.) That was all you could say about who took the survey. For all I know, they were Liberal democrats who gave their opinion on who they thought was the better president. And I could find just as many conservatives who would give their opinion on who was the best presidents as well. OPINIONS! Nothing more. And those presidential scholar's (who can't even spell 'scholar')opinions don't matter to me.
Really? Who are these presidential 'scholars' that gave their opinions? Cause that's just what this is.
Obama must get serious about new job creation and economic growth. The economy wont come roaring back until investors are confident they can take risks investing in businesses again. But that confidence level is threatened by uncertainty over the tax treatment of investments. Here's why. pres. Bush signed into law a dividend-tax cut in 2003, which expires this year. It's up to Congress and the President to extend it, but his progressive allies would like to see the tax cut expire to force investors to pay for new social programs. Obama could help the economy by extending this and other expiring tax cuts. Better yet, he could push for bipartisan tax reform that would simplify the tax code radically, broadent eh tax base and promote a gusher of new economic activity and risk taking. America's entrepreneurs would respond, hiring would jump, and the economic engine would kick into higher gear. That's change you can believe in. Got Hope? Nick Schultz (American enterprise institute)
Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?
pattygreen replied to pattygreen's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
adagray, You make a great point there. I believe you're right. I will try to encourage lifestyle changes before the band. You're right when you say don't underestimate the power of a young metabolism. -
Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?
pattygreen replied to pattygreen's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
When my 17 year old was 15, and 6'2", I thought he was done growing, cause who could grow much taller than that? Yet, 2 years later, he's 3" taller. WOW! We have a big family and there is only one of my cousins who is 6'5" tall. He's the tallest. I told my son that if he grows any more, he'll beat the family record! LOL My 17 year old has looked for a job, but hasn't found one yet. My 15 year old can't work yet. They are close, and they do alot together. I have tried to encourage them to bike together and play soccer together in the yard. The only time they actually play sports is once a week at our church, a boys scouting group gets together for a football or soccer game and they get a workout. They have never said anything about getting the band. -
Can 15 or 17 year olds have lapband surgery?
pattygreen replied to pattygreen's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
You gave me some excellent advice, and much to think about. Thank you.