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    Melzie77 reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in Post Op Hunger   
    I unfortunately fall in the "small percentage" Arabeque mentioned like you most likely could be. I, since surgery still feel hungry and no, its not head hunger. I, like you probably do find it annoying to have gone through all this only to be fighting the hunger yet again.
    I do know they say it can take up to 6 months for the nerves that register "full" to repair as they've been severed during surgery and I still don't feel full (its been 3 months). I just stick to what I'm told I should be eating and figure the battle continues.
    Lets hope your hunger levels out or its just the "head hunger" everyone says it could be. Just stick to the plan, drink Water when you feel hungry and as others have said distract yourself. I know its probably not what you wanted to read/hear but its the hand dealt - learn ways to handle it. In my case, I want the weight gone and to be healthier more than I want to eat - so I ignore the hunger. Good luck - baby steps to thinner and healthy.

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