Hi friends. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on November 14th, and everything went smoothly. Pre-up was a breeze for me, I was excited, and generally my mood was good and looking forward to the future. Today, Ten days later and physically I am doing well, I think. I am having a mind over matter problem when it comes to “eating” well drinking my “food”, you know what I mean. Nothing and I mean nothing appeals to me accept really cold water and ice. I hate to sound so dramatic but I am repulsed by anything else, protein shakes, broth, etc etc. it’s not that I can’t keep it down or the taste is that bad (even if it is) it’s my brain. I see myself and I look different, I have definitely lost weight and that’s awesome but I have been really depressed. I don’t even know why, it’s not because of this reason or that reason. I feel lost is the best way to describe it. Like it’s not me here right. I don’t feel like I used to, I don’t even enjoy things that I used to. I feel really alone and like I am in some foreign place where I don’t even know myself. My husband has been supportive but when I try to explain this he goes into the “well this is what you wanted” lecture and I feel worse so I don’t really talk to anyone about it because well yeah this was my doing, my choice. No one wants to hear me complain. I was really curious to know if anyone else who is close to where I am in my “journey” have had these feelings. Maybe I’m just going crazy. Thanks for obliging me, it even feels better to type this out.