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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by matjazty

  1. matjazty

    I have a date!!

    I too am being banded on the 26th!! I have to be at the hospital @ 6:00am for a 7:30am surgery! I'm lucky enough not to have to do a liquid diet before hand- just 24 hours before!! Good luck to you both! Hope to keep in touch!:)
  2. matjazty

    January bandsters our time is coming!!!

    Have my pre-op appt on Weds and have surgery on the 26th! I am not required to do a liquid diet except for the 24 hours before surgey!!! This was a nice surprise! LOL! I'm not feeling "scared" or any sort of "What am I thinking" which is good I guess, but then again I'm a bit scared that I'm just that ok with this! i am the type of person that when I make up my mind I tend to stick with it! I'm sure I'll feel "cold feet" the night before, but I'm happy with my decision!! Good Luck to everyone! I look forward to see how everyone is doing!
  3. I'm actually being banded the 26th. If anyone asks how you lost your weight and you don't want to tell them about the surgery.. just tell them that it has been alot of hard work and cutting down on portion size-- it's the truth- right! Good luck and have success!!!:thumbdown:
  4. matjazty

    January bandsters our time is coming!!!

    I GOT MY SURGERY DATE!!!!!!:huh2::tongue2: IT WILL BE JANUARY 26TH!!! I have my pre-op appointment for Jan 16th. Now it's really real! :scared2:LOL! Now I am an official January Bandster- if all goes accoring to plan! now we need some sort of name- I've seen other months with something- so we have one yet?
  5. matjazty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    Thank you all for your support! I think I will call today!!! I'm so glad that I have found this website- it has all kinds of support and lots and lots of information and "real" people that have/is going through what I am!! Hope everyone has an Awesome New Years!!
  6. matjazty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    I just wanted to share my excitement:biggrin:-- I got my ins. approval letter in the mail yesterday! I'm hoping that the surgen's office will call this week- but with the holiday- I'm not sure. It looks like I'll be banded in January 2009! now the reality is starting to set in! I'm in that grey area:ohmy: of did I make the right decision-- nerves I'm guessing, I know it's what I really want- just a big change! I hope everyone has an awesome New Years!!:tongue_smilie:
  7. matjazty

    January bandsters our time is coming!!!

    I just got my approval letter:biggrin:! What a Christmas Gift!!!! I'm hoping that the surgen's office will call this week and hoping for a date!! CAN'T WAIT!!! I'll keep you posted!!!:hurray:
  8. Hi,:cursing: I have found that the Body Fortress Whey protein chocolate from Wal-mart is very good:thumbup:! It taste like if you took cocoa mix and put it in skim milk and shake. Or use the blender and it has no grainy taste. Hope this helps- it's about 15 $ and it has 26grams of protein in 1 serving. and that's about 30 servings per container. good luck finding one that works for you! :blushing:
  9. I was told that you have to treat your stomach like a babies- it's a "new" pouch and you have to baby it until it heals- then introduce foods slowly to see what you can tolerate and what you can not. I haven't been banded yet- next month I hope, But I hope this will explain something! LOL!
  10. Hey all, I've been "lurking" :cool:about and have gotten a bunch of great information from everyone. My journey began in August with the Seminar I attended and made decision that the band is for me. Now i have met with the Phys. therapist, Phychologist and the nurse coordinator. i now start my 5 behavioral classes on Wednesdays starting the 22nd. The only issue with this is that my classes are being held an hour and a half away from where I live:rolleyes2:! i have 3 kids 15,11 and 3. The last week of this month I have to be in Portsmouth, NH (where my surgery will take place) on Monday at 6:30pm, Wednesday at 6:30pm then on Thursday I have my first appt with my dietician and another appt with the nurse coordinator. Thankfully I have the support of the kids and my husband! Now if I could only get a riding buddy to go with me! I guess my question( one of 1000's) is if anyone has an idea of how long this process might take after all is said. They were think around Christmas. i'm just thinkin that I'm gonna need to know when the whole liquid diet starts and the whole "last supper" issue--can you eat anything--seeing that my last supper may be Christmas dinner!.. well that's enuff for now! LOL-- thanks in advance -you are all great!:w00t:
  11. matjazty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    no I haven't been banded yet, they are thinking after Christmas. I have to have my EKG, Upper GI,chest x-ray and bloodwork- which I have to make the appointments for tomorrow! I'm glad to hear about the protein from Walmart! Thanks so much-- keep in touch and good luck on this life time journey!!
  12. matjazty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    I haven't had the pleasure of having to see any of the HSM's movies! Surprisingly since I have an 11 year old daughter!! I did see Hairspray- which will never be as good as Grease, but I suppose it's this generation's Grease! movies aren't like they were in the 80's! I do have a question-- I tried my first protein drink today- yuck! I suppose it could be cuz it was strawberry and that's not my favorite to begin with, but is the whey protien from Wal-mart (Choc) any good?? I've read reviews, but most were from body builders that "suck it up" as far as taste! Just wondering, or any suggestions would be great:thumbup:!!
  13. matjazty

    Started down the path

    Welcome, I too, am fairly new to this! I also started my journey in August and shooting for the end of December. I have 3 1/2 pounds left to lose to get to surgery weight, and a few test and behavioral classes. Your biggest "tool" for your success is definatly this website. Everyone is very kind and know what's going on! Keep us up to date and good luck!
  14. matjazty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    Thank you so much! The nurse coordinator has made it possible to have my EKG, upper GI, and chest x-ray at my local hospital:smile:- that will cut down on my many trips to where I am having all of the other appointments, (which are 1 1/2 hours away one way) Hope to get this 30 something tread going!:rolleyes2:
  15. matjazty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    Hey I've been on this journey of LapBand since this summer. I have attended my seminar, phys. therpy, phyc. eval, support group, attended 1 of the 5 behavoral classes(tomorrow is my 2nd) and I also see the Dietician on Thursday and the nurse coordinator. I was just wondering what other test that I have to have besides the "blood work"and upper GI. I do not need the sleep test. anyways a but about myself- I love in New Hampshire, have 3 kids (15 1/2,11 and 3 1/2) married to a police officer who works ALL OF THE TIME! and I am a stay at home mom who babysits. I have been over weight my entire life and I have made this decision bacause I want to healthier for my kids and MYSELF!! I would love to get some new friends to have on my journey that has been through it, going through it, or even just thinking about!! Have an awesome day!!!
  16. Hi, I am just about in the middle of the process of getting my surgery date! I have the classes to attend and see the dietician and I'm good to go- they are thinking around Christmas-- I must have been a good girl this year! LOL! Just want to know everything I can know- I'm a bit of an info hound!!! I'm glad I have found this site- you guys are awesome!!!

  17. hi, i'm just starting the process of the LapBand surgery. I have attended the seminar, sent in my application, met with the coordinator, have to loose 13 lbs before surgery, and now I have appointments with the phys therapy and the phyc eval next month! I'm really excited, but apprehensive because I have 3 kids, 15 1/2, 11, and 3 and my husband works ALL of the time! So the recovery is a concern for me, but from the research that I have done, I believe that I have made the right decision. please let me know how everyone else has done if they hve had the proceedure done, or if you are waiting like myself and would like to just be supportive of one another:smile::thumbup:
  18. matjazty

    new in the neighborhood

    oh that is great! what part of Mass are you from? My husband is from the Milford area. Well let me know how everything is going and I will do the same! Thanks for reaching out to me! :thumbup:

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