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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BobbieND

  1. BobbieND


    Starting over - I SOOOO feel your pain !! It sucks some days to not be able to sink my teeth into a huge mushroom and swiss burger, or Pan Pizza, or eat a bowl of Fettuccini Alfredo. I feel "full" in my chest, but never in my tummy anymore. Ever. So sometimes I don't know when I'm actually full. Does that make any sense????
  2. I love hearing about what others do daily. My dr says 6 small a day, and my Nutritionist says 3 meals... For me, it all depends. I've been banded since10/08, and I still dont have any kind of routine. I eat what ever is available. I cant always afford good healthy food. sometimes convenience is cheaper. unfortunately. I had my coffee for breakfast ( daily ) then lunch and supper are a crap shoot. Today my lunch is microwave popcorn, because its what I have in my drawer at work. Yesterday it was Peanut Butter Capt'n Crunch w/out milk. i tend to snack and graze thru out the day sometimes. Sometimes i have NO appetite. Other days I cant keep anything down. and still on other days i can eat as much as i could before i was banded. Its so FRUSTRATING !! One of my biggest issues is that I could NEVER drink a meal. Seriously. I drink water like its going out of style. But I dont do milk, pop, protein shakes, etc... And I'm having a stressful time right now, so I know I'm snacking and eating because of that. I havent gained, but I havent lost either. I'm between 212 - 208 - back and forth , for the past 2 months. ANyway, like i said, i enjoy reading about what everyone else does. It helps. Shakes things up a bit for me :-D
  3. It may sound a bit off, but I know a few people who have "named" their bands...and I happen to be one of them :-) My band is named P.I.T.A ( pain in the A$$) LOL Would anyone else like to share ??
  4. OK, here's the deal. I don't have a huge sweet tooth, but was at a hockey game over the weekend, and i just HAD to have a Cotton Candy! I love the stuff. So, after a few fluffs, i felt really full! i mean, like i would if I ate chicken or something. And then, yesterday at work, a co worker gave me some Sweet tarts ( love the bunnies, ducks and chicks for easter ) i ate about 4 of those, and felt so full again! Gurgling, belching, tight. The Sweettarts i could maybe see, but Cotton Candy???? Anyone else go thru this????
  5. BobbieND

    Naming your Band :-)

    sdh - those are all good! and very funny :-) I'm glad I'm not alone in being a "Bit Off" by naming mine! LOL !! I figured either someone else would join me, or I'd be taken away in a straight jacket
  6. "I love weighing everyday. It either is a thrill or a reminder. And I am ok with that." Couldn't have said it better myself :-)
  7. “Being trapped by comparisons is nothing more than a habit – a way of thinking about life. The solution is quite simple: Stop doing it!” AMEN !!!!! What a great quote - I feel like this was directed at me personally. I'm always comparing... So now I know I just need to stop doing it. I wish It was that easy, but I'll give it the Ole College Try :-)
  8. Elfiepoo - what a great goal to set ! I know you can do it as well.
  9. BobbieND


    I gurgle CONSTANTLY ! Many times I gurgle when I'm talking to a participant at work! It can be quite embarrasing. Some think I'm burping, but i'm not! I have no control over it, and I can't tell when its gonna happen...
  10. JOJO1 - your salad idea sound wonderful also. I love canned salmon. So, do you use any kind of recipe? Or just use whatever amount you're feeling up to that day ?
  11. Todd - What do you make your chicken salad with? I'm always looking for new ideas. Most of these other tuna / chicken ideas sound awesome! I'm definitely a seafood lover, and the shrimp and spinach salad sound soooo nummy! As does the smoked salmon. These are all great ideas :-)
  12. BobbieND

    Naming your Band :-)

    Amy, did you come up with a name last night??? :-)
  13. Woot! Woot ! That is SOOO awesome! Congrats :-)
  14. BobbieND

    Naming your Band :-)

    LOL !! Those are great :-)
  15. Betsy, I totally agree with you - it will be a HUGE eye opener !! I'm also in the +200 camp :-)
  16. WHere I live, Spring is ALWAYS delayd! lol
  17. Anyone else here play Farmville, Farm Town, Fishville, or Cafe World on FB?? I'm always needing neighbors :-) Send me a PM and I'll add you :-)
  18. Hey Bob, i play Farmville also... We should hook up and be neighbors! I also play Farm Town , Fishville and Cafe World... :-) I know what you mean about not being a ray of sunshine lately. I'm not upset, or dissapointed, or anything like that. I just can't seem to get motivated for some reason. I guess things at home are affecting everything else in my life... My diet, my sleep, my work, etc... I mean, I'm not happy with my current results - Still stuck between 208 - 210 - been here for 2 months! - But apparently i'm not so unhappy as to get moving and do anything about it. <sigh> :Banane20:
  19. Is there room for one more on this thread? I've been MIA on the boards for a couple of weeks ( lots going on at home ) and started reading this thread this morning. I've read all 14 pages of it, and I laughed as much as I cried. I'm a goob, I know :-) ANyway, I know some of you, and would like ot know the rest of you. I actually feel like I know you already ... I was banded 10/14/08, and am down 80 pounds. It should be more, but I don't exercise. I have RA in my knees and hips, and it makes just walking an experience some days! LOL But, i'm starting to get a bit more active as the weather is getting nicer. So theres still hope for me yet! I love the camaraderie on this thread. Truly. Anyway, if you're not already on my buddy list, can i add you ? Thanks!! :-)
  20. Holy Cow !!! I must say I'm AMAZED at how many of you can eat lettuce salads! I'm sooo jealous :-( I cant handle lettuce in any way, shape or form. It comes right back up. And Ranch and Blue Cheese dressing ? They "Coat" my esophagus and barely get thru my band. Also, I can't eat hardly ANY fruits of any kind, nor any veggies- raw or cooked. The worst? Citrus fruits, Cranberries, Apples, and Broccoli, Green Beans, Sugar Snap Peas, Most Potatoes ( mashed or otherwise) Rice , Bread ( unless toasted) and almost all pasta. :-( Consider yourselves lucky if you can eat almost anything! :-) Good luck to you all ! :-)
  21. First of all. Congrats on the awesome weight loss!!! I was banded Oct of 08, and am down just 80 pounds. Just 8 pounds to Onederland and I just cant get there! Aurgh !!!!!!!! :cursing: Oh well, it'll happen when its supposed to. About the excess skin - I have it too, so I talked to my surgeon about when I can start to prepare for removal, and he suggested to wait until I make goal ( 150 - 175 ) and then maintain it for 2 years ! That seems like an awfully long time for me, especially since its been a year and a half already. Anyway, thats what I was told. Let me know if you hear anything different, ok? Keep in touch :-) Bobbie
  22. BobbieND

    Bored with my food

    Betsy B - your asian salad sound devine! Where did you get a recipe for that? Or would you be willing to share it on here ???
  23. BobbieND

    Bored with my food

    YES! Spaghetti Squash, or Noritaki noodles. These are very good, actually. Just make sure you Rinse, Rinse , Rinse !!!! Good Luck :-)
  24. BobbieND

    Do You miss food?

    OHM ... "When my family is sitting enjoying my best efforts foodwise, that is when I feel deprived. When everyone is sitting round with heaped plates, that's when I feel something missing. When we are sitting enjoying a movie with a bowl of Snacks - even healthy ones - and I can't partake, that makes me feel a bit of an outsider." Yes, I agree about the snack, but seeing others with heaping plates?? I get nauseous looking at all of that food, and seeing just how fast they all really eat. AND that it used to be me!! I'm stunned really. I can't fatham that I ate like that at one time. Sure, sometimes i wish i could eat more, an dfeel that satisfying "Full" feeling in my tummy and NOT in my chest. But, Que sera Que sera , ya know? :-) :scared2: I feel SEXY in my size 18 pants!! My goal is to make a 10-12 ... Ans I know I'd NEVER get there is I ate like I used to... Keep it up... We're ALL so worth it!!! :thumbup:

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