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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BobbieND

  1. BobbieND

    Funny Cartoon--Goes With the Fill!

    I Love it !!!! :rose:
  2. BobbieND

    Food Activity Tracking

    I LOVE " The Daily Plate" for tracking ... :-)
  3. BobbieND

    Don't look if squeamish!

    WAY COOL !!! I had no idea Docs could take pics! I would have loved it if he would have.
  4. BobbieND


    Hey Littlefroggy! Good for you for "Getting Out There" ! I'm comfortable in my own skin, big or not, and never have a problem meeting people... However - I'm Bi, I've havn't dated a woman in 4 years, and am so sick of men just wanting a Booty Call, and lying or saying anything to get it. Granted, sometimes a booty call is all you want. Fine. But I'd love to meet someone I can relate to, and at least go out in public with once in a while, as opposed to staying in ALL the time. But where I live there isn't a very large Gay/Lesbian population, or if there is, I haven't found it. Any place anyone on here can reccomend? I hate websites, but sometimes, it's the only way ... Any assistance is appreciated ! Peace ... Bobbie
  5. Hey there Mrs Bubba !!! Wow - you've really lost the weight ! I also had trouble with one of my fills, and was sore like you. I was told it was just because i had used muscles I didnt use normally. lol So, are you "doing" anything in particular that you've lost so much ? Or are you one of the fortunate few ? :thumbup: Congrats again on the loss ! Take care ... Bobbie
  6. Hi... I just joined my local Y, and started doing Lap Swim 3 nights a week. Does anyone know if this is good to help eliminate "Batwings"? lol You know, the flabby skin/fat under your arms that make you look like you could take flight in a strong breeze?? Or do you have any other suggestions ? I'm trying to get a little prepped for summer :-) Thanks for any suggestions ! Peace
  7. BobbieND

    Any North Dakotans out there?

    Sorry Brighter ! Didnt mean to ignore you or leave you out !! The same goes for you :-)
  8. BobbieND

    Any North Dakotans out there?

    MissC - I'm in GF, and had my Band done at Altru also - They totally ROCK !!! i'm sooo happy with Dr MacColl, his PA Shellie ( who does the fills ) and the entire department! I'm so excited for you ! If you need/ want to talk, or have any questions, just let me know :-) Best of luck to you ! Peace
  9. BobbieND

    I ran today!!! (sort of)

    That is SOOOOO Cool !! Congrats! My dream is to be able to run one day... even just a few blocks. You've inspired me to not give up! Thanks :-)
  10. i just got my 3rd fill, have a total of 5cc's... some foods are ok, others are a nightmare! And i USED to have PB's, on occasion, but i dont have those any more. NOW i totally vomit - from the stomach. I was ok with this, until last week I started wretching many times, causing an excrutiating pain in my arms, neck, and chest. I've never experienced this before. Now i'm freaked out, and am afraid to eat. of course, it s the weekend and i cant get ahold of anyone until Monday. Anyone else going thru this ??
  11. BobbieND

    Silly question

    Blue eyed P, I totally understand what you're saying. I was banded on 10/14, had lost 16 lbs total, and recently noticed that i'm gaining again. my TOTAL loss is only 10 lbs right now. And that includes any pre-op loss. I've been eating whatever i want, or whatever works, per my dr. i know i've been bad some days, and eating too much, or the wrong things { too many calories } I,too, have been beating myself up over this. Then i start over the next day. I went and got my first fill this week... as it turns out, i have an intestinal infection... why ? my stool isnt moving the way it should be, and i'm all blocked up. Again , Why ? Because i'm not eating the fiber i used to - no raw veggies, salads, etc... and some of the bad foods are haunting me by sticking around. so i've started taking fiber choice chewable tablets , and watching my portions, and what i'm eating, and getting plenty of h2o, and i'm "losing" my blockage - AKA - some extra weight! lol So, instead of beating myself up, i'm LEARNING ... what to eat, what works, what doesnt, what i throw up from, portion control, etc... We ARE all different. Unfortunately, there isnt just one blueprint for all of us ... I WISH !! lol ! Take care, and just do one day at a time. if thats too much, do one hour at a time ... it'll happen. I have faith that this will work for each of us, AS LONG A WE LET IT WORK ... :cool:
  12. BobbieND

    stretching of the pouch...q

    Thank you for the answer - AND for asking the question ! I'm wondering the same thing. Thanks :-)
  13. Hello ! I got Banded last tue, 10/14, and i gotta say, this is , without a doubt, the easiest surgery I've ever had. NO pain, NO gas, NO bloating, NO nausea, and i just had my first post-op visit, and i'm down 13 lbs !!!! I was on clear liquids for the day i spent in the hospital, was sent home w/ stage 1 and 2, and am now moving onto stage 3 - CAREFULLY ! So far, NO vomiting, NO sliming, and nothing has ever gotten stuck. I woke up last thursday and realized I actually had a band because all of a sudden I was "Tight". But it's a good tight :biggrin: I hope everyone else who got banded last week, or since the first of the month, is doing great also !!!! :wub:
  14. BobbieND

    6 Days out, and WOW !!!!

    I'm eating Stage 1,2 and just starting 3 ... so Carnation Instant Breakfast ( sugar free ) scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, pudding, SF Jello, broth, cream Soups, or soups w/ very small pieces in them ( split pea ) Cream of wheat, etc... and will start Shrimp, fish, crab, Boca Burgers, mashed potatoes, turkey / chicken breast, etc... Mainly foods high in Protein. Just need to really chew well, mash , or puree it, and try to keep foods wet so they dont get stuck. Have you had your post-op visit yet ???
  15. Hi TJ ! Hope you're feeling well. My surgery went great also. no gas, no pain meds, no problems ... had my first post-op visit today and i'm down 13 lbs ! Way cool !! how are you doing ? any pain or anything ????

  16. BobbieND

    Today's the day !!!

    Good Morning , October Bandsters !! I just got out of the shower, and am getting ready to head to the hospital - I check in at 7:15am ( CT ) , so i suppose surgery will be around 9 or so ? :wink2: I've been waiting sooo long for this day to arrive !! I have no apprehensions, I'm not frightened, and know i'll be in good hands ! :thumbup: Best wishes and prayers to any other Bandsters having a big day today , or any time in October :-) :biggrin: I'll be back on in a few days to see how everyone else is doing ... Take care ....
  17. BobbieND

    Today's the day !!!

    NFaith - Have you really list almost 18 lbs in a week ??? Holy Cats !! :cool2: Loveislovely - "Sore but happy" - i concure !!! lol :thumbup: Kimala - 45 lbs lost in 3 months ?? Thats astounding to me ! So, since i was Banded in October, does that make em a Smashing pumpkin as well ???? Bobbie
  18. Hello ! I have a question thats probably been asked a thousand times on here, so please hang in there with me :-) I "get" that there will be Clear liquids for a week or 2 , then soft foods. I get Banded this Tue , 10/14, and i need to go to the grocery store on Monday. All I read /hear is " clear broth, sugar free popcicles, non-carbonated beverages, etc..." Is there a "shopping list" posted anywhere that i can sort of go by? I dont want to buy too much of anything, not enough, or especially the WRONG things ! Is there much of a variety ? I realize this isnt rocket science, but my brain is on overload at the moment ! LOL Thanks for any suggestions :smile2:
  19. Good Luck to you as well !!!! You keep me posted also :-)
  20. Thank you sooo much for the food ideas ! I mean, we can all "Read" what to do, or whats gona happen, or what to eat, but the best way to really know is from someone who's gone thru it. Thanks again !!! I'll le t you know how it goes :-)
  21. Been raining since lunch ... supposed to rain all weekend . Oh well, lots to do at my place before tue am. I live alone, so i want to have my place clean , laundry done, food bought, dishes done and put away, etc... :-)
  22. BobbieND


    Yeah !!!! Finally ... its been a very long journey for me . But i know each and every day is well worth it! Anyone else apprehensive about being able to "eat around" the band?? :smile2:
  23. Hi TJ - Sure, I'd love to have an Online buddy :-) I'd love to keep in touch and see how you are doing. I have email, and IM ...

  24. BobbieND


    Hey Sexi , thats super !! I'd love to keep in touch w/u, and see how you're doing. Are you doing anything special this week to get prepared ? I've been waiting 6 years for this, and now its only 6 days away !!!! My email , and my im are on here , if you'd like to stay in touch :-)
  25. BobbieND


    Congrats to you as well, Loveislovely !! Your date is enen closer !!!! on your sig, you have start weight, first goal, final goal ... whats the first goal weight # represent ? And i love that you put your "new birthday" on there also ! great idea ... can i copy that ?? lol Tahe care , and the best always ... I'd love to hear from you after your surgery ( and before, of course) as to how it went. Would that be ok ? my email is in my info on here ... Bobbie

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