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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BobbieND

  1. BobbieND


    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  2. BobbieND


    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  3. BobbieND


    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  4. BobbieND


    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  5. BobbieND

    Post-op 10/14/08

    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  6. BobbieND

    Just Post-op 10/14/08

    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  7. BobbieND


    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  8. BobbieND

    Gallbladder !!!!!

    So, I've been playing with the same 6-10 pounds - Up and Down - Since Feb. I was banded 10/14/08, and went from 288 to 252 - then up to 256 - up to 258 - down to 255 - up to 256 - etc.... totally frustrating!! Also, most times I'd go out to eat, I'd end up barfing into my napkin , much to the dismay of my dinner partner. And this kept happening - at home or out in public - it was just as embarassing !!! I went to Shellie, my surgeon's PA who does the fills, and she thouhgt I was too tight. I thought I was eating too fast, too much, the wrong foods, etc... So in Feb, she took OUT .5cc ... I was so depressed, because i felt I wasn't too tight. :devil: But, this is her job, and I had to trust her judgement. In March, i met her again. Still no weight loss, except the bouncing back and forth of the ever dreaded 6 pounds! :wub: So she and I went down the hall to my Nutritionists office. We all sat and discussed my diet, my exercise habits ( which are barely visible ) and my snacking options. She gave me a plan to follow, which i did, to the Letter! I was to see both of them again in a month. April arrived, and I STILL hadn't lost any weight, and i was still throwing up after most meals, and feeling so tight and full. So, we decided to give it one more month. After all, it's best to explore ALL options before doing anything drastic, or expensive, such as testing and scans. And this is what they do for a living. So, yes, i was terribly dishartened not losing any weight, but, I was willing to try. I had a date set up for the end of May. Well, I never got that far. :eek: After dinner one night, a couple of weeks ago, i threw up, again. But this time I had major pain in my diaphram area, and a really sharp pain in my Right shoulder. Sooooooo - I'm not an idiot. I know the signs of a Gallbladder attack, but i was really hoping I wasnt having one. Well, a couple hours later Im heading to the ER. I called Shellie the next morning to inform her of my visit, and she got me in for an untra sound the next morning. I wasn't out of there an HOUR and she called me and said " Hey Bobbie! What are you doing Tuesday morning? Oh wait! I'll tell you ! You're having surgery. What do you think abou that"? :sad: My first reaction was YES!!!!!!! Not that i wanted another surgery, but I finally had a reason WHY i was throwing up, and feeling do damn full, and why I wasnt losing any weight. :w00t: Apparently I had tons of stones, and a raging infection going on in my gallbladder. And it was justification for the ER visit. { I was honestly accusing myself of being an alarmist }. So, Er Tue night/Wed morning, Ultra sound Thurs morning, and pre op friday morning with surgery planned for Tuesday am, 05/19/09. I had my post-op visit yesterday, and i get to go back to work Monday. And, I had a fill !! In feb they took out .5cc, and yesterday i got 1cc put in. Im finally on the road to recovery, and can concentrate on my weight loss. Im so thankful we found this now, instead of 3 months from now. I feel like I've already lost 4 months in my weight loss journey. :glare: So, feeling super now ... I just had to write it down. Bobbie
  9. This is great! and sooooo true !!! Thanks for sharing :-)
  10. BobbieND

    150 lbs gone

    Holy Crap!!!!! LOL Thats amazing! Care to share what you've done? or are doing ? I know we all lose at different rates, and men generally lose more than women , and a bit faster ( grrrrrrrrr ) But are you following any kind of special food diet ( meaning only certain proteins? amounts? eliminating certain foods alltogether? ) Just exercising morning, noon and night? LOL and if you tell me you're not exercising at all, I'll BOP you!! :-) Anyway, i'd love to hear your story, if you feel like sharing it ... Thanks! and congrats again !!!!!
  11. Hello ... Is anyone else fighting acne since they've been banded?? :thumbup: I've noticed flakey scaley skin - I accept that, since I'm not as hydrated as I once was. But Acne?? I've never had an acne issue. Ever! Not during school, and not during my cycle. But since surgery, i have whiteheads and blemishes on my cheeks - up and down the sides of my nose, running from my nostrils to my eyes ( i mean, where eye bags would be, and the blemishes hurt! ) - on my forhead, right between my eyebrows, and on my chin just under my lower lip. Wouldn't you think that since I've given up most friend foods, greasy foods, simple sugars, and i'm sweating more from exercise, that this shouldnt be happening? HELP!!!! :tt2: I'm open to any options and suggestions. Thanks :tt2:
  12. BobbieND

    Exercise Obsession

    Ok Libby, Love and Bear .... Spill it! What's your secret the the amazing amout of weight loss???? I was banded 10/14/08 , and i'm down 38 pounds ... But you guys are down TWICE that! Is it all the exercise? What your eating? Would you be willing to give an example of a day / week in your life?? What you're eating, how much , what exercise you're doing, etc ... ? You could post it here, or you can post it to my email address ... You all have me inspired to do more ... You amaze me :-) !!!!
  13. BobbieND

    From Fat to Furious

    OK, So not only do I get a kick out of your blogs, but you motivate me as well !! And you make it "ok" for me to want to mirror the hot bods of hollywood. I also thought vanity was shallow, but who are we kidding? Yes, health DOES come first. But looks rank right up there :-) I know it should be enough that our loved ones accept us, and love us, no matter what we weigh... but it really makes my day when i get a compliment, or a GOOD look from someone. And thats just as important and my joint health :-) Thanks for giving me something to look forward to each day! I'd love to hear from you one day, and hear your story. My e-mail is on my profile. If you cant get to it, let em know, and i'll sent it to you ... Thanks again for making my Monday ! :-) Bobbie
  14. LOL ! I LOVE your Blogs! Especially the Food Divorce - It's SOOOO TRUE !!


    Thanks again for the daily smile :-)



  15. Hi! I just wanted to say that i think you look AMAZING !! you can REALLY tell in your face just how much you've lost :-) May I ask - what are you doing for a daily routine? do you exercise? just watch what you wat? I had surgery 10/14/08 , and i'm only down 40 pounds, but i also know i havent exercised much. Any advice would be helpful!


    Thanks Again ! BobbieND

  16. Hi! Does anyone here use the Urban Rebounder trampoline? I just ordered it from HSN , and i'm excited to get it! I just wanted to see what anyone else thinks of it, if you have it.... Thanks
  17. BobbieND


    Hi Bobbyjo ! This is what's known as Bandster Hell .... I get the same way ( able to eat everything that isnt nailed down ) in between fills. This tells me that i NEED a fill. Even if its just .5 cc ... this occurance is what all the pre-op work was for - nutrition classes, etc... So even with out the restriction, you can limit your intake. Apply what you learmned, so to speak. That is, IF you went thru a class before surgery. I hope this helps a little bit :-)
  18. Good Day ! So, I've tried to go out to eat many times - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. I usually end up PB-ing into napkins at the table :-( Today is my Birthday, and I'm planning to go out to dinner. However, I'm wondering what kind of selections others make when they go out - Do you stick with foods you know? Just Soups? Salads? Whatever you always used to order but just dont eat as much?? Help!! I had 1/2 a cc removed yesterday. When I told my PA what i LIKE to eat , she said I shouldn't be eating most of those foods anyway. So i'm asking - what does everyone else eat when going out for dinner?? I need to break my habits, and need some ideas- Thanks!! :tongue2:
  19. BobbieND

    First time trying papaya enzyme

    I've never heard of these !! So, they help stop the slime? Help clear the blockage? WHAT ! LOL I'm excited to hear there may be something for me to try ... Details, please! Thanks
  20. BobbieND

    Restraunt food - what do YOU order??

    Hi Michelle ... Thank you for your response! You are almost dead-on with each part ! lol . Yes, i'm very tight in the morning, even up to and thu the lunch period and into the supper hour! And some days i'm not tight at all, and can eat anything. It's so frustrating. I've been told I can be tighter in the morning, but all day ?? And not EVERY day? Yes, i'm guilty of still eating too fast at times, and taking too big of bites and not chewing them well :thumbup: It's amazing just how much there is to learn each day, even tho we're told over and over again NOT to do something. The 'Ol bod just seems to go back to bad habits constantly. I do drink closer to eating sometimes, and the one lesson I HAVE learned is to NOT eat bread-like products and drink before I eat. BAD COMBO! I guess i just have to be conscience of what i'm doing ALL the time. I have absolutely NO regrets !! Just a minor learning disability And thank you for the Birthday Wish :-) This helped me out a great deal ... Thank again!
  21. BobbieND

    Restraunt food - what do YOU order??

    Thanks for the wishes! I had a wonderful birthday . Well, except for that one little thing called "Turning 45" !! lol Ok, so i've gone to Applebees, Texas Roadhouse, Space Aliens, KFC, etc... and again, sometimes things work and sometimes they just don't. It's SO frustrating !! I'm really "Down" on food ... for example, i had corned beef and a hard roll for lunch - No problem :-) 2 days ago i couldn't keep Malt-O-Meal down. Not that i'm too full ... just that i cant get any of it thru - like i'm swollen or something - I assume this is somewhat normal ? Just wondering what you all do when this happens. Thanks!
  22. BobbieND

    Another fill-Down 18.4

    Holy Cats !!!! Thats wonderful!!! Yes, PLEASE - tell us what you eat and what sort of exercise you do ... i was banded 10/14/08 and am down 36. Not bad, but if i can do better , that would be super :-) Keep up the great work!
  23. MissBS ..... OMG !!!! That's sooooo great ! I actually got teary eyed when i read your post! Seriously, that is so wonderful. I'm even jealous LOL I had my surg a month after you and am down just 32 pounds... Oh well ! At least I didn't gain 32 right? :-) Keep up the great work!

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