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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BobbieND

  1. Hi - If you're from ND, or around the tri-state area, and want to chat about where you had your surgery done, by whicj Dr, and want to discuss the good, the bad and the frustrations, as well as the victories , sign up so we can chat !! Thanks !
  2. BobbieND

    ND Bandsters- new social grp - join!

    Hi Sioux Hockey Fan! I'm Bobbie. I live in Grand Forks. Where are you from ? When were you banded? How has your journey been ????? :-) I was Banded on 10/14/08 - i'm down 65 pounds so far. I'm 45, and started out at 289 , and am now 226 ... Have you signed up for this group yet? If you do, you'll be the first one ! lol
  3. Hi - If you're from ND, or around the tri-state area, and want to chat about where you had your surgery done, by whicj Dr, and want to discuss the good, the bad and the frustrations, as well as the victories , sign up so we can chat !! Thanks !
  4. Hi - If you're from ND, or around the tri-state area, and want to chat about where you had your surgery done, by whicj Dr, and want to discuss the good, the bad and the frustrations, as well as the victories , sign up so we can chat !! Thanks !
  5. Hi - If you're from ND, or around the tri-state area, and want to chat about where you had your surgery done, by whicj Dr, and want to discuss the good, the bad and the frustrations, as well as the victories , sign up so we can chat !! Thanks !
  6. hey sil ! thanks for the list :-)
  7. BobbieND

    Anyone tried Enzymes for Reflux?

    Hey Band_groupie! i love your picture / weight chart on your signature! Where did you find that????
  8. BobbieND


    WOW ! That so awesome! You guys are really doing well ... I've lost 63 so far. I was hoping it would have been more, but at least I got rid of 63, huh ?? I'm envious of you all. And you should be envious of yourselves !! We've accomplished a major task. Keep me posted on how you're all doing !
  9. BobbieND


    I go thru this alot also. I've discovered that SOME of it is how fast I'm eating, and that the bites aren't small enough. But mostly, it's WHAT I'm eating. Even tho something didn't bother me before, it sure can bother me now. It's so strange!! So, when i PB , I stick to liquids for the rest of the day, if at all possible, to give my Band a break. Good Luck!!
  10. BobbieND

    Anyone tried buffalo/ bison meat?

    I love it !! :-) It's a GREAT source of Protein, and very low in fat. We can get it at the grocery stores in my area ( North Dakota) in the form of ground, patties,and steaks :-) I highly reccomend you try it if you can get it .... ENJOY!!
  11. BobbieND

    What do you feel when you are full?

    I either feel it in my Throat or Chest .... Its weird! My chest feels full, but my stomach doesnt. So sometimes I've pushed it too far. Not good :-( Use your own judgement. When you've had enough, you'll know :-) Good luck!
  12. BobbieND

    A few of my favorite recipes...Enjoy!

    Hey! These sound really good !!! I do have a question, tho ... The "Boiled" Egg Whites... Hard boiled eggs and just use the whites? Ormore like Poached whites? Or actually boiled in Water, like you would for Egg Drop Soup, but then strained ??? And is the Tofu you mentioned Silken? I think thats the softest one, right? Or doesnt it really matter?? Thanks again!
  13. Hey there - I'm in need of someone to talk to , and share idea with. Someone in my area, preferably, but i'm not opposed to a " long distance Mentor" either lol I'm 45, had surg on 10/14/08, and i'm down approx 45 pounds. I've had MANY fills and Un-fills ... cant seem to find a good spot. I guess i'm not sure what "it" is supposed to feel like. I mean, when i'm tighter, I drop weoght more quickly, but i have problems with almost everything i eat. When its looser, i can eat whatever i want - almost. Hence a few pounds finding their way back. :sad: My Surgeons PA who does the fills got upset with me on the last visit. We went over some of my food choices. I realize some of them arent the best choices, but , right now, I'm really strapped for money, so I eat up what I've already got on hand. Anyway, someone to chat with would be great :-) I have approx 100 more to go. Thanks ! Bobbie
  14. BobbieND

    I'm here to help...

    Holy Crap, Mrs Bubba!! ! You're down 101 pounds!!! Thats so AWESOME !!!!!! :-) Whats your secret?
  15. BobbieND

    1 year since surgery

    I've also only lost 40 pounds, and it will be 1 year in October. I'm not sure whats going on, or what i need to do differently ... Help ??????????
  16. BobbieND

    I've lost 50 lbs!

    Rock on !!!!!!! Im also on TDP as bmw8910 ! Maybe I'll see you on there :-)
  17. I was banded 10/14/08 ... So far I'm down approx 35 pounds. I just had major Gallbladder problems, and had it removed 2 weeks ago. Anyone else going thru this?? I just wanted to know how you're doing - How much have you lost? What do you do for exercise? What keeps you motivated? Thanks for the update :-) Bobbie
  18. BobbieND

    Gallbladder !!!!!

    So, I've been playing with the same 6-10 pounds - Up and Down - Since Feb. I was banded 10/14/08, and went from 288 to 252 - then up to 256 - up to 258 - down to 255 - up to 256 - etc.... totally frustrating!! Also, most times I'd go out to eat, I'd end up barfing into my napkin , much to the dismay of my dinner partner. And this kept happening - at home or out in public - it was just as embarassing !!! I went to Shellie, my surgeon's PA who does the fills, and she thouhgt I was too tight. I thought I was eating too fast, too much, the wrong foods, etc... So in Feb, she took OUT .5cc ... I was so depressed, because i felt I wasn't too tight. But, this is her job, and I had to trust her judgement. In March, i met her again. Still no weight loss, except the bouncing back and forth of the ever dreaded 6 pounds! :wub: So she and I went down the hall to my Nutritionists office. We all sat and discussed my diet, my exercise habits ( which are barely visible ) and my snacking options. She gave me a plan to follow, which i did, to the Letter! I was to see both of them again in a month. April arrived, and I STILL hadn't lost any weight, and i was still throwing up after most meals, and feeling so tight and full. So, we decided to give it one more month. After all, it's best to explore ALL options before doing anything drastic, or expensive, such as testing and scans. And this is what they do for a living. So, yes, i was terribly dishartened not losing any weight, but, I was willing to try. I had a date set up for the end of May. Well, I never got that far. :eek: After dinner one night, a couple of weeks ago, i threw up, again. But this time I had major pain in my diaphram area, and a really sharp pain in my Right shoulder. Sooooooo - I'm not an idiot. I know the signs of a Gallbladder attack, but i was really hoping I wasnt having one. Well, a couple hours later Im heading to the ER. I called Shellie the next morning to inform her of my visit, and she got me in for an untra sound the next morning. I wasn't out of there an HOUR and she called me and said " Hey Bobbie! What are you doing Tuesday morning? Oh wait! I'll tell you ! You're having surgery. What do you think abou that"? :sad: My first reaction was YES!!!!!!! Not that i wanted another surgery, but I finally had a reason WHY i was throwing up, and feeling do damn full, and why I wasnt losing any weight. :w00t: Apparently I had tons of stones, and a raging infection going on in my gallbladder. And it was justification for the ER visit. { I was honestly accusing myself of being an alarmist }. So, Er Tue night/Wed morning, Ultra sound Thurs morning, and pre op friday morning with surgery planned for Tuesday am, 05/19/09. I had my post-op visit yesterday, and i get to go back to work Monday. And, I had a fill !! In feb they took out .5cc, and yesterday i got 1cc put in. Im finally on the road to recovery, and can concentrate on my weight loss. Im so thankful we found this now, instead of 3 months from now. I feel like I've already lost 4 months in my weight loss journey. So, feeling super now ... I just had to write it down. Bobbie
  19. BobbieND

    the Hospital at 645 am

    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  20. BobbieND

    The journey - Finally!

    my before, after, and everything in between!
  21. BobbieND

    From Bryan

    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  22. BobbieND

    From Haruki

    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  23. BobbieND

    post op boo boo's

    From the album: The journey - Finally!

  24. BobbieND

    post op boo boo's

    From the album: The journey - Finally!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
