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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BobbieND

  1. BobbieND

    How did you do?

    How did you do over Thanksgiving?? I did pretty well :-) In the past 3-4 weeks, I haven't lost, but I haven't gained either, so I figure not adding a plethora of pounds makes the holiday a success ! :-) Just wondering how all of my peeps are doing!
  2. BobbieND

    How did you do?

    Back in the saddle?? YUP! Me too lol I'm just a bad bandster :-( I still seem to think i can eat anything I want, and more than I should. Throwing up has been almost a daily activity for me. Well, not DAILY ... but at least 2-3 times in a week. I'm still not used to my CHEST feeling full, and not my STOMACH ! I mean, I own over a dozen Weight Loss Surgery books, I've gone thru classes, met with Dieticians, am online daily with dofferent sites. It's not like I'm in the dark about how this is supposed to work, ya know? So why can't i just do what needs to be done?
  3. Not so much a BAD idea as it is a bit extreme. You CAN eat carbs, in fact you need to. It just depends on the carbs you're choosing. Eat whole grains, WW pasta, etc... But anyway, you ate them. It's done. Move on. DON'T beat yourself up! :-) just be more conscience next time of your choices. It gets easier as time goes on :-)

  4. BobbieND

    Mucus! Clogging up my band...

    I agree with Humming Bird - You're too tight. Been there a few times myself. They can add only .25 Cc , or .5 cc at a time, so maybe you want to have half of what you just had put in, taken out. Especially if you didnt have enough restriction before the fill. Find a happy medium :-) Good Luck!
  5. BobbieND

    First Fill not in port

    WOW! Thats crazy! When I go in for a fill, my Dr removes all of the lquid in my band - to make sure I have the same amount in there that i'm supposed to have, and that I'm not losing any to a slow leak or anything - and then puts in the Fill amount... And I don't know of any Dr that would put 6 cc's in at one time! Unless its just me, but that seems like an awful lot at one time to me ... I'm glad they were able to figure it out for you ! :-) Best of luck !!!!
  6. Hi ! Thanks , and the same to you :-) BUT ! So far, so good ... lol

  7. BobbieND


    Hey there! Congratulations !! :-) Welcome aboard ! You're going to find all kinds of advice, recipes, and support here .... The best of luck to you :-)
  8. OK ... Walking. I know its a good thing. I know it helps. :confused: My question is this : Does it really make a difference?? I mean, can you really lose weight just from walking? :redface: Doesn't it depend on how FAST you go ? And how FAR you go ?? :ohmy: I have crappy knees, and exercise just isn't in my vocab. But some days I could handle walking. Just not for an hour at a time walking so fast i can hear the wind in my ears!! :cursing: Any thoughts to share??? Thanks :-)
  9. BobbieND

    Walking... Fact or Myth ?

    btrieger - I'm gonna try it, and take it slow at first... Thanks :-) I see you're a BodyBugg groupie lol I take it you really like it? trying to decide IF i want to get it, and then if i want the BB or the GoWear Fit .....
  10. BobbieND

    Walking... Fact or Myth ?

    Hey Cat Lady - I LOVE your new baby !! So precious :-)
  11. BobbieND

    Walking... Fact or Myth ?

    Hey Sue !! How are you ? I think about you often! I still have you on my Buddy list here. So many people come and go ... Glad to see you're still around here :-)
  12. BobbieND

    Walking... Fact or Myth ?

    Thank you so much for the suggestions ! :-)
  13. This time last year, I was banded, but didnt have much restriction. This year, I dont have as much as I HAVE had because they took out a full CC , and did a fluroscope. I dont get to have a fill until Dec 4 :-( So, I KNOW the basics. i KNOW what I'm supposed to do. I KNOW I'm supposed to change my habits. I KNOW I'm supposed to exercise. THEN WHY DON'T I DO IT ???? ANY of it ???? I still have really crappy eating habits, i don't exercise at all on a regular basis, I throw up constantly because I eat too much, or the wrong foods, or too fast. Yes, i'm down 60 pounds - and I'm thrilled with that. But many others are down TWICE that, in the same amount of time ! Why ?? They've changed their habits and exercise !!!! WTF! Why can't I get this into my head ??? It's not that difficult a concept to understand ... SHEESH ! :cool2: Ok , that being said, I DO read and re-read all of my materials, books, etc... on WLS to get me motivated. I'm also a Foodie ... I love to food, and cooking. I read / subscribe to many mags , and buy tons of cookbooks. But lately I look at them, and I try to see what other ingredients I can swap out - to make it lower in fat, higher in Protein, etc... Thats a step in the right direction , isn't it??? :eek:
  14. BobbieND

    what a difference a year makes ... maybe ???

    So what's the Gabriel Method ? I've never heard of it. I'm always open to new ideas and suggestions :-)
  15. BobbieND

    Walking... Fact or Myth ?

    Ok, so basicaly what you're all telling me that NONE of you is the exercise fairy and are planning a trip to ND any time soon to tap me on head with a magic wand to make me lose weight without having to exert myself what so ever?? BOOOOOO !!! :-( ( LOL ) SO walking is good. No matter what. Got it ! I agree that water aerobics is the POO !!! I love it! However, None of the Gyms around my area have pools, except for the Y , and its got really dumb hours that dont work with my work schedule. Figures, right? So I need a good pair of shoes, my pedometer and some Pain reliever for my knees, and I'm good as gold, correct?? :-) I really appreciate all of the responses ... Thank you for your time and support ! I love this site !!! :ohmy:
  16. BobbieND

    Boddy Bugg Users

    WOW! Body Bugg ? Gowear ?? This is all new to me! I've never heard of these items before .... How do they work ?
  17. Hello ! Congrats on beginning this journey ... I've been banded for just over a year, so I know a FEW things lol so I'm more of a Buddy than a Mentor. So if you want to chat at all, just email me here :-)
  18. Hi ! Congrats on starting this journey ! I'm sure as surgery time draws closer, you'll get more responses for a Mentor ... But I'm always here if you want to chat, or have any questions! :-)
  19. BobbieND

    Need Lap Band Buddy / Mentor help

    Congrats on getting banded and on your recent weight loss! Welcome to the Group :-)
  20. Congrats on your recent surgery and weight loss! Well, the easy part is over .. the Surgery. NOW you get to start working ... and it's so worth it :-)
  21. Congrats on the Pre surgery weight loss !! Holy ! Thats more weight than lots of us lose in a year or two WITH the band LOL .... If you'd like to chat, you can email me here :-)
  22. BobbieND

    Social Thread ....

    Mimi - No , I don't exercise ( hanging head in shame ) I know I should, but I just don't. I have a few issues ( Fibromyalgia , Arthritis , Knee Spurs etc... ) that I could use as an excuse, but in all honesty, I've never been a Mover and a Shaker.... I don't find it enjoyable. And I hurt from it. I get sore very easily. I bruise at the drop of a hat. However, i do THINK about it more often... does that count???? heheheehhe :ohmy:
  23. BobbieND

    Stuck in the same spot

    We are all here to support you ... I promise! However, sometimes so many posts pop up in a day that some get missed. If you post something, and it goes unanswered, "Reply" or "Comment" to your own post by typing in Bump , and a few extra characters ( you need 10 characters to respond ) and it will Bump your thread to the top of the line again, giving people a second chance to see it, or answer it. Hang in there, and the best of luck to you !!
  24. BobbieND

    Subway - rude servers

    Ditto !!!!! :-)
  25. Hi - If you're from ND, or around the tri-state area, and want to chat about where you had your surgery done, by whicj Dr, and want to discuss the good, the bad and the frustrations, as well as the victories , sign up so we can chat !! Thanks !

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