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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by salome000

  1. salome000

    Full but keep eating till sick

    Have done the same thing...Now, after putting my portion in a bowl, I throw the rest out. A waste? Yep...Necessary? Yep.
  2. I hope I did misread you. When you're fat, you deal with bullies constantly. Whether the bullying is overt or passive aggressive is irrelevant...it's painful. This board should be a collective in which we share our experiences, thoughts and ideas. In the end, only we can decide what is best for us and determine the chances we want to take, if any. IMHO, it is bullying when someone resorts to using guilt, scorn or attempts to intimidate others by making them feel badly about asking questions or sharing experiences that aren't the 'popular' ones. The poster is asking for us to share experiences and I shared mine. There was no reason to reply in the manner you did. If you disagree, that's fine. But neither the poster nor I deserve to be berated for having opinions that differ from yours. I've been very disappointed in the amount of bullying on this board, which is why I'm not on that much anymore. The main objective should be to share and support but it's not the case here. There seems to be the 'right' way to do things and the 'wrong' way. No middle of the road, even though I've seen so many different timelines from doctors on this board. If one doctor says you can have mushies after 3 days and another says 2 weeks, who is right? My doctor said 2 weeks but I read post after post of people whose doc's told them mushies after a week and they're fine. So, I ate 3 days earlier and I was fine. My point is, you DO have to read, ask questions and research and if you eat a day or two early then so be it...let's not start handing out death sentences because neither you nor I are qualified to do so. We don't have to agree but we don't have to be so damn harsh with each other's ideas, opinions and choices. This should be the one place where we can find other people, just like ourselves, who will treat us gently. Best of luck to all of you.
  3. IF you pop a stitch and IF things go badly down the line then I'm sure it would happen whether or not you followed your Doctor's advice...my doc said that shoddy work is shoddy work and that in ten years, he's NEVER had it happen. I'm pretty comfortable in the belief that in those ten years, not everyone of us has followed instructions to the letter. Gentlwind, you're entitled to your opinion. Sorry you seem resentful you had to pay out of pocket but you made that choice. My choice was to eat when I felt sick from hunger...I took a chance and it was MINE to take. If you want to judge, go right ahead but you're completely out of line. A question was asked and I answered it based on my experience. I'm not sorry, will continue to do what I'm doing on my own terms and do not regret one decision I've made whether it was on or against a doctor's advice. I guess the question is why do you care? Pay attention to yourself and work your own program...I'm sick and tired of judgemental people on this board...who do you think you are? The purpose of this board is to share and ask questions. Just because you don't like an answer is no reason to whip out the holier than thou card. Glad you're doing well on your perfect program but so am I on my imperfect one. I've lost 25 pounds in the 6 and 1/2 weeks since I've been banded and still going strong with no, and I repeat, NO problems whatsoever. Come to think of it, maybe the fact I make my own decisions and have no problems and am losing weight is what bothers you? As for the original poster, it's your program. Read, research, ask questions then do what you're comfortable with. No judgement here, sister.
  4. I ate eggs and Peanut Butter 3 days early and was fine. I made sure the eggs were soft scrambled and I put the peanut butter on a teaspoon and licked it...making sure it was pretty liquid before going down my throat. Both helped with the hunger. Everyone will tell you to listen to your doctor because we have to. However, you are who you are and know yourself better than anyone. If you eat off the plan, you run the risk of doing damage. I've never heard of it happening to anyone but it doesn't mean you won't be the first. That being said, I just try to do everything in moderation and utilize common sense and so far, it's worked for me. Good luck.
  5. Just relax as best you can...you'll be fine. One thing I found is that when I ate carbs, I starved. Stick to the low carb Protein drinks and if you do eat carbs, make sure they're complex. Brown rice, double protein bread, etc. You'll notice your hunger isn't AS bad (still bad, though...at least for me). I was banded on October 1st and here's what I do...I stick like glue to my low carb, high protein healthy diet. Then, on Sunday's (or a holiday like T-giving this week) I allow myself a big treat. For example, Applebee's has this triple chocolate meltdown that I share with a friend...I skipped this past Sunday for T-giving and fully intend to have 2-3 small pieces of different pie after eating only the turkey. It's obviously working because I've lost almost 25 pounds in 6 weeks. The reason is I don't feel like I'm missing out. If I crave pizza, then I wait until Sunday and have a piece or two. Ice cream? Same thing. Stay as busy as you can...I rarely even think about food anymore until my stomach growls. I'm on the go so much I forget to eat at times. Good luck and remember, you weren't perfect before and you won't be after. Just stay here with us and we'll get each other through it. Much love and luck!
  6. salome000

    Filled today & ?

    Thanks, Plain, for a completely unnecessary sarcastic reply. It's awesome when someone responds in a way that clearly is intended to make you feel like an idiot. As a moderator, what you SHOULD have read was her asking why the tightness began a week after a fill and not immediately. As for my first fill poster, it was tight the first day then loose then tightened again after a couple of days. Just be careful and slow with your eating. Best of luck to you.
  7. salome000

    OK...I'm in a PANIC

    I got stuck on chicken, did the downward facing dog and was fine in less than a minute. Forget the pineapple juice...the dfd is the miracle. Don't worry about being...um, what did someone call it?...oh yeah, 'naughty'. I had a sugar cookie the other day and loved every second of it. It's impossible to think you'll never eat things that aren't good for you...just do the moderation thing and you'll be fine. Chicken is rough for me and eggs too, usually because I tend to eat eggs way too fast. Good luck and don't worry about cheating every once in a while...you'll get in more trouble denying yourself because then you increase your chances of binging. Enjoy your life!
  8. I'm really surprised that, over the past several months, I've found such a discrepancy between doctors on post op eating. My doctor said liquids for 2 weeks after surgery and mushies for the next 4. Needless to say, I'm eating normally now...I'm losing weight and eating healthy but hell, I was eating chicken, bread, etc. after the first week. I even drank a red bull the other night...slowly, of course, and tried to keep belching to handle the carbonation but had no problems. You would think there would be some kind of standard set or at LEAST a little more similarities in this whole band process with the doctors. I'm starting to feel like the band is the phen-fen of the 2000's. Meaning the docs are just doing the surgeries in bulk and not giving a damn about the aftercare. Now, before you launch with your doctor testimonials, understand that I AM generalizing and speaking in majority terms. To prove my point, these seem to be the common stories that continually crop up on this thread. 1-Why am I starving? I sure as hell wasn't told that I would be struggling with the hunger I'm dealing with. No wonder I see so many stories about bandster hell and poor people falling off the wagon...we're not equipped to deal with the hunger we're feeling. 2-Why isn't the scale moving? Probably because we're eating a little too much or there's been no behavior modification offered. I have to go to a nutritionist once a month (at a 500 dollar extra cost) and am not offered ANYTHING but an 'opportunity' to purchase crap from them. I'm forced to drive 3 hours round trip to have her spend 45 minutes telling me what to eat. Hell, she could've faxed it to me and saved me a half tank of gas. 3-Why am I depressed? Well, I'm going with a couple of things. Withdrawel, for one. food was a drug, we went to rehab and are now trying to find things to replace it and I daresay, for me and a lot of others, food was a HUGE part of my life. I've also found myself trying to reconcile this person I'm becoming with the person I've always been. Let's not play the 'you're still the same person' game...you may be but for years, I've villiafied slim women, believing they must not be good people (to make myself feel better, of course). Now, I'm becoming one of them. I understand that therapy is a great option but what about those who don't have that insurance option? What about those who can't afford it? It seems to me that a procedure that costs 10-20 grand should be a little more involved with the aftercare of a patient instead of just doing a fill or two. Sorry for the long post...I just read so much here and feel like the majority of us have fallen by the wayside. I also receive way too many private messages after my comments and posts from women who are afraid to talk about these things because of the few banders who are very aggressive in their cheerleading...those of you who are breezing through this are the minority...trust me. We could stand to be a little gentler with one another. I wish all of you much luck and love...this is harder than I was ever told it would be. I'll say again that I don't regret this decision, I just wish I'd been better prepared. The only thing I ever heard was 'you'll have to do the work, the band is only a tool.' Well, DUH! But HOW much work was never specified. I don't think it's too much to ask to be properly and honestly informed. If it weren't for this site, I would've been completely lost. Best to all.
  9. salome000


    Crystal...I agree on the liquid diet...wholeheartedly. I'm always surprised at the 'holier than thou' contingent...if you're doing great, good for you! But it never gives you a reason to be a bitch to others...if you can't say anything nice, get off the thread. Besides...I said it once and I'll say it again...if you're so disciplined, then why did you need the band in the first place? Why were you even fat? Seems like the same people who go on and on about others' lack of discipline are being a bit hypocritical.
  10. salome000

    I want to cry!!

    First of all, it's NOT head hunger...it's hunger. You are empty and starving. Been there and still there. Drink muscle milk and the bullets...New whey Protein. 100g of protein a day will help but you'll still be ready to lick the drive thru window of the closest McDonalds. Clean your house. Go for a walk. The 3rd day is better...1st and 2nd suck a**. It's not going to get much better but at least you have us! :thumbup:
  11. salome000


    Well said...I agree...we're in the driver's seat. It'll be easier, though, to 'drive' when we know how to do it. That's the great thing about this site and the people on it.
  12. salome000

    Ate too fast...

    3 words... Downward Facing Dog Works every time when stuck.
  13. salome000


    Agreed, sister! I certainly didn't mean to inspire guilt...you had a proper experience and knew the questions to ask. I knew nothing, had no idea what to ask and had proverbial 'stars in my eyes'. While there is a certain amount of personal responsibility, the docs should know they're dealing with people who have failed more often than not and when they don't elaborate or anticipate (and they should...they're damn well paid enough) then the chance of failure is enormous. As for your points about hunger and weight loss, perhaps your doc was different. My doc (and apparently MANY others) said the following: "There's only a small pouch and you'll fill up quickly." Was I supposed to assume I'd be starving day in and out? Doc-"Expect only 1-2 pounds a week weight loss but listen to this patient's story (which was 30 pounds in the first month) and look at all of these pics where these women dropped 100 pounds the first year." Sorry...he had me at '30 pounds the first month. As for books to read...that's the first I heard of them. When you walk in, you're bombarded with pics and stories of these fat people who are now slender, healthy and happy...I heard and read the word 'miracle' numerous times. Maybe I'm the fool, but like most overweight people, I STILL believe anything that promises to get me out of this fat suit. Again...no guilt trip intended. I know you post a lot, RM, and you've been successful. I don't think you're overboard. I DO think we have some posters that DO tend to take it a bit too far with the 'I'm doing great and if you're not, then you're a loser'. Let's face it...if you're that damn good, then why did you need the band in the first place??? Just sayin...
  14. salome000

    Any Regrets?!?

    No regrets here, but I do wish I'd been told about the hunger. I'm hungry all the time. I go to livestrong.com and use the daily plate to track my food and exercize and I'm doing great on the weight loss but I starve all the time. And it's NOT head hunger. I'm hoping it will change when I get my first fill mid November but for now, it's hard. Be prepared for that. On the plus side, I've painted my sunroom and my house has never been cleaner. Hey....gotta keep busy!
  15. salome000

    What is this?

    I'm pretty sure it's the port...mine still bothers me so much that sometimes I can't sit or stand...it's an ache that shoots to my back to what feels like under my rib. I was banded on Oct 1st and was told it could take several months. Now, some days it's better and some it's worse. Take your pain pills if you need to...don't be silly! That's what they're for. Well, for pain and, I've found, for those times when you're having trouble coping with your three kids. One Vicodin and I'm up for anything. :wink_smile:
  16. :cursing::rolleyes2::cursing::thumbdown: I'm still in a pissy mood after my nutritionist visit last Wed. She and her nurse were very rude to me (I had to bring my autistic 2 year old because my sitter was in the ER with her dying sister-how inconsiderate of her, right?) and when I told her I'd eaten a small amount of potatoes with chicken broth (because I was freaking starving...I also had 2 soft scrambled eggs the first week and thank god...finally stopped the hunger), she snapped at me. While I know these things weren't on my diet the first week out, I did NOT know how incredibly hungry I would be and how sick of liquids I would become. She also was rude when I told her I walked almost everyday but that I adopted the Susan Powter philosophy which is just keep moving. (I burn over 500 cals a day cleaning house, cars, painting, gardening...I'm not exaggerating) She didn't like the fact I wasn't going to a gym . I, very coldly, informed her going to the gym was out with my son and that I would do the best I could. Considering my weight loss (and the fact I never had to do the liquid pre-op...only had to lose 4 pounds the week before surgery) I thought I was doing pretty damn well. For the record, my son dropped a magazine in their fountain before I could catch him. After that, he was fine after I gave him bottles to stack so I assure you he was very good, considering how he usually is. I just didn't want you to think my kid was bouncing off the walls and driving people crazy and that it could have been a reason for their attitude. I will walk out of a place before subjecting anyone to a bad "Liam" day. I'm seriously thinking about not going back. They mandate I have to go for a year, force me to pay an additional 500 bucks out of pocket (after the 2500 before the surgery-more about that in a sec) and even though it's a 3 hour roundtrip drive, I'm treated like crap. While I'm on a rant, I take issue with these Doctors forcing us to pay our non covered expenses up front. They file our insurance, calling the procedure 'medically necessary' then when they get paid, they turn around and force us to pay all upfront by saying it's 'an elective' procedure. Bullshit. It's either one or the other and I called them on it. When I have my back surgery later this month, do you think I'm forced to pay up front? NO. Do you know why they make up pay up front? BECAUSE THEY KNOW WE WILL. I don't have a problem with them, or ANY Dr. getting paid, but I don't like the games they play by screwing with the classification of the procedure. The hospital made me drive up the day before surgery to pay my balance, although I had the cash and planned to bring it the next morning before my surgery (3 hr round trip, remember?). I was late getting it because my mom loaned it to me and had to take it out of her 401k. It wasn't like it was just sitting there in my account. I even offered to come in 30 minutes early and was told to either get it in the day before or don't show up. Again, sorry for the rant. I just hate being treated badly by people I've forked over 3 grand to in 3 months (then burnt my face...take a look at my profile pics). Thanks for letting me vent. Do you think I should look closer for fills? What about ditching the nutritionist? Please be kind...I'm having a REALLY crappy week and I have never wanted a Chik Fil A more in my life.:thumbup: Banded 10/1/2008
  17. My two boys, 10 and 5, were distressed when I told them I was having surgery to help me lose weight. My 10 year old said 'I like you squishy' and the 5 year old said "Mommies are supposed to be soft". Personally, I think they were unhappy because they knew the days of making mommy's belly fat do the wave were numbered. I did the whole explanation thing about how losing weight helps helps you lead a more healthy life but they weren't having any of it. My solution? I simply pointed out that mommy would now be able to take them to the park more often, play laser tag with them for the first time ever and the best thing of all, mommy would be around a lot longer for them. They liked that answer. It also helped I let them videotape the belly wave and I did the 'fat butt dance' for them to record for posterity as well. For the record, the fat butt dance is done in your underwear and shaking your rear end as quickly as possible, usually to a song by the Wiggles OR Van Halen (hey, I'm an artist, people) and a good time is had by all. In the end, they adapt. The husband on the other hand, is REALLY disturbed. He was home for lunch today, gave me a hug and said "Wow...I can actually get my arms around you now!'' And yes, he's still breathing. :grouphug:
  18. Well, I asked for people to write if they were stuck and used the downward facing dog position to see if it helped and lo and behold, for the FIRST time, I got chicken stuck today!!! I immediately 'assumed the position' and I felt the food begin to move back up toward my mouth but when I stood up, it shot right through the band. No more stuck food...it was amazing!!! Thanks again to the bander who posted this....what a lifesaver!
  19. salome000


    It seems there are a LOT of us dealing with this hunger issue. The nutritionist told me it was 'probably head hunger'. Head hunger my ass. I know the difference between the two and when my stomach is growling and I feel completely empty and sick, I'm pretty damn sure it's actual hunger. I came under fire when I did a post entitled 'tips and tricks'...things to help the process along when trying to qualify for lap band. I just shared what I knew and was called every name in the book. Personally, I don't care what anyone does...all I'm here for is to share my experience and offer encouragement. We all have our personal battles and being judgemental just sets you up for some serious karmic repercussions. As for my lap band experience, I've grown disenchanted even though I like the band. I find the doctors and hospitals beyond greedy and forcing you into programs you don't want or need and picking your pocket the whole way. I'm glad we're all in this together!:Dancing_biggrin:
  20. I just posted this on another thread...I read on this board where a bander used the yoga position 'downward facing dog' and it moved the food down immediately. I did it with gas pains and it worked like a charm. I'm hoping someone can let us know that it worked again with stuck food.
  21. I read this somewhere on this board and while it dealt with food getting stuck, I did it for gas pains and it worked like a charm. Someone here said to do the yoga position 'downward facing dog'. When I felt like I was having a heart attack from the gas, I did it and the relief was immediate. The poster said that when she got stuck, she did it and the food moved right on through. I'd love for someone who is stuck to try this and reiterate that it works!
  22. salome000

    Just Need to Vent

    I'm not sure if I would equivocate 2 eggs to 'self-destructive behavior'...it was more like day after day of feeling like I was going to puke and needing something on my stomach. I told her about it because I feel it's important to be honest and I wanted to know exactly what I could do to deal with the hunger that, at times, made it difficult to get through the day. I guess I expected some helpful information, to know I wasn't alone and to be given coping advice. I got nothing...in fact, the majority of things I learn, I learn here from all of you. Believe me when I say I DO understand about taking children with you. I never do it...especially with my autistic son. However, this was a rare instance where I had NO choice. I wasn't allowed to reschedule, it's a 3 hour round trip and my sitter was in the hospital with her sister (who was taken in at 2am that morning...my appt was at 8am). I just feel that if I'm forced (and I AM forced to do this) AND pay the extra 500 bucks out of pocket, then I should be treated a little better. As for my son, I would understand her frustration if it happened over and over but I guess I just figured I could get at least one 'buy'. Don't get me wrong...I'm not a perfect person and have no desire to aspire to be. I bend the rules here and there and tend to alter things to fit my life. Living with the band is personal and we all cope in different ways. Some people here are strict with their diet and themselves and some are like me. We do a good job but we do it OUR way. Thanks to all for letting me vent and for lending support...God knows we can all use it! :Dancing_biggrin:
  23. salome000


    I'll probably get yelled at for this and I'm sure I deserved it but the first week, I did eat one soft scrambled egg one day and another day I made lipton Soup chicken noodle and put a little bit of instant potatoes in to thicken it up. I don't really regret it because it DID help with the hunger (which was making me sick as a dog) but what helped even more is when my husband brought home the IDS New whey bullets. liquid and 46g of Protein. Filled me up pretty well. While I would NOT suggest eating (because I may have been lucky but you may not be) I would suggest the bullets. I'm still starving everyday but I use the daily plate at livestrong.com to track all my food and I try to keep busy. I was never told about the extreme hunger either so I was totally unprepared. I don't think they want to address that because the reason we WANT the band is because we think there won't be any hunger with it. I just keep telling myself to stay strong, stay busy and that the fill will help. Good luck.:Dancing_biggrin:
  24. salome000

    I think my scars are infected

    It is very difficult for me to be a drama queen if you don't let me know what's going on :biggrin: Seriously, though...I'm glad you're ok. I don't know about you, but I feel like I have to be close to death before I call my doctor about anything. I don't know why...guess I'm intimidated and afraid they'll get pissed or something...sad, huh? Did the benadryl work?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
