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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by salome000

  1. salome000

    I think my scars are infected

    WTF???? Why didn't you write me?????? Please call your doc if you're worried...better safe than sorry. Besides, if they are infected, they'll leave bad scars. Let me know you're okay...
  2. I sit at my job and was back after 4 days...HOWEVER, the port pain was (and still is) a real trial. The pain seems to shoot around to my back and I was miserable...took my pain meds (which seemed to improve my work-hee hee) but it was rough for a couple of days.
  3. salome000

    Anyone NOT LOSE their hair?

    90-100g of protein a day and no hair loss here. I'm also NOT taking any vitamins (I know, I know...I'm getting around to it :w00t:) Maybe it's the extra protein???
  4. salome000

    Just Need to Vent

    FINALLY..I was unable to log in for two days...I just assumed the moderators were sick of me :w00t: Thanks for everything...I laughed my ass off at your responses...felt wonderful! I'm also taking your advice re: seeing if I can switch doctors. Anytime any of you need to vent or a hug...I'll be here for you. Thanks for being here for me...love all of you!!!!!
  5. salome000

    I'm failing, help

    GIVE ME AN 'A' GIVE ME AN 'N' GIVE ME A 'D' GIVE ME AN 'R' GIVE ME AN 'E' GIVE ME AN 'A' WHAT DOES IT SPELL? "A GIRL WHO WASN'T AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP AND IS DESTINED TO SUCCEED!" Sorry, Andrea...it was as creative as I could get at 3am :thumbup: Listen...although I'm new to the band, what you're doing is the same thing we've all done without the band and a lot of us with the band. Remember...it takes 3 days. The first two suck and the 3rd is when you get back on track. Meaning, go back to the liquids. Set times to eat and stick to them. Make sure you eat right before you go to bed...nothing worse than trying to sleep on an empty stomach. I'm so glad you came back...log on everyday...every hour if you need to. We're here and God knows, since we all have those times we'll probably be coming right back to you at a later date for support and you'll be telling this story to encourage us. You'll follow it up with how you got back on track, etc. Also, go to livestrong.com and use the daily plate to track everything that goes into your mouth. All my life, people told me how instrumental a food diary is to success and I never believed them. Until now. GO TO THIS SITE! Remember, it ain't a quick fix...there will be ups and downs...but girlfriend, if you can drop that much weight without a band, I know you can do the same if not more WITH the band. Remember we love you!
  6. Okay guys...here's one for you. There have been two times in my life that I lost significant amounts of weight. Meaning, I was a size 8-10 and maintained it for a year at the most. This is my third, and final, attempt. The weight is coming off at 3-5 pounds a week and I'm feeling great. Here's the thing. When I lost weight those first two times, I changed a a person. As a fat person, I was cool with myself, made jokes and although I didn't like being fat from a physical standpoint, I liked me. When I lost weight those first two times (and have noticed certain, similar thoughts popping in my head) I changed into this vapid, appearance conscious person who was a compulsive shopper and was constantly seeking approval from people. It's as if the more I lost and the better I felt, the less confident I became. Why is that? Have any of you noticed a change in your personality? Lately, I've noticed myself asking friends "hey...see the change?" and spending a little more time than usual in front of the mirror. I don't want to change who I am...I really, honestly like 'me'. I don't like the fat, though. Do you think it's because I've always been overweight and have tied who I am to being fat so that it's hard to separate? Thanks for reading this. The great comfort about this site is just when you think you're alone, you have everyone here to help. :biggrin:
  7. I agree re: behavior modification. My current obsession is painting....my house, that is. It's not expensive, provides instant gratification and terrific exercize. I just don't understand why the more weight I lose, the less confident I feel. I always assumed it was the whole 'who I am is tied into my obese physical appearance'. In other words, I don't know how to live as a slim person. Think about it...all of a sudden, we can shop in regular stores. We can fit comfortably into standard seats. No one seems to be watching us when we eat, we can easily maneuver in a regular sized dressing room, a bathroom stall, etc. May sound strange but I spent 40 years developing behaviors that were necessary when I was fat but aren't now. I always dreamed of being slim and now that I'm on my way, I'm happy...it's just I feel a little lost and not quite sure what to do with myself. I'm not depressed by any means and I have ZERO regrets...I'm just at a loss sometimes as I move down the weight chart and into a life that's completely alien to me.
  8. salome000

    October 17!!!

    The interesting thing (I'm about 2 weeks into being banded-10/1 for me) is that while every experience is personal, there are a few things that EVERYONE seems to experience. Gas...this hurts like a mother...the gasx strips are a little helpful but I only found relief from a heating pad and lying down/sitting up. There were times I went to lie down and (sorry if I'm being gross) but I'd pause halfway because I would have this wonderful, never ending burp that would just roll out. May sound gross but after dealing with those gas pains, you'll have a new appreciation for belching :biggrin: Hunger...I've been hungry ever since being banded. The hunger is the lower part of the stomach...you'll be full 'up top' but starving underneath. I suggest meditating because I almost made a huge mistake by eating when I didn't need to (I did it once...big mistake). Port Pain...Ouch. 2 weeks out and it's still sore. Nothing to be done for the most part. the 'Blues'...I've had periods of regret...usually when I'm hungry and someone is eating a Whopper or fries in my vicinity. For the most part, however, I'm happy I did it. Blues are normal..you can get lots of help and support here. Eating...Personally, I have no restriction and can eat whatever now. Some people get sick, some throw up, etc. The one thing we all agree on is following your liquid diet the first week, then mushies. Some doctors tell you liquid for 2 weeks and while you should follow their instructions, most people follow the liquid to mushies over a period of 2 weeks and seem to do okay with it. Please understand, I'm not generalizing. I'm just taking what I've read and tried to pick out the things that MOST have experienced. You may have more of less or a different experience but these 4 things are what most of us seem to have in common. Hopefully, other people will add to these general things. Good luck to you and while I'm finding it is NOT easy, it's worth it.
  9. I'm pretty sure it was HeatherO who suggested the Livestrong.com site, where you can use the daily plate function and track your food. I'm completely addicted to this...it's free and will look up all your foods and keep track of your Protein, calories, etc. I highly recommend this site to all banders...it's helped me keep some semblance of control during the last two weeks since the band and feeling like I could do some damage to a #1 Burger King combo :thumbup:
  10. Best bet are the IDS Protein shots. They come in a bullet shaped plastic container and are 3 and a half oz. Easy to fit in your new pouch and have 46g of protein per shot. I found a place on the web where you can get them, if you order over 99 dollars worth, for 2.42 a piece. I use one every other day now but used to use them every day. I believe they're called American whey. They taste fine...like a thick, cough syrup and I'd suggest keeping them cold. Hope this helps!
  11. 24 hours after my lap band surgery on October 1st, my face became very red (almost windburned looking) and very hot. I didn't pay much attention to it and went to bed. Big mistake. The next day, my lower jaw swelled to the point I had trouble speaking. I developed lumps on my face and the itching and swelling actually disfigured my mouth and eyes. I ended up in the ER on Saturday the 3rd, where I was given a steroid shot and medrol pack. I didn't start the medrol pack until the next day (my GP said I should've started it immediately) which led to me swelling once again and negating any improvements. Back to the GP today (my lap band surgeon is an hour and a half away and I won't see him until Wed.) for another shot and full day doses of the medrol pack at one time. I have poured over my drug list and can't figure out what could've caused this reaction. To all of you, please be very aware and cautious about your recovery. Don't hesitate, like I did, before calling anyone or taking action because you feel it's not serious or you don't want to 'bother anyone'. My GP is unable to say when I'll get better. He says reactions like this take 'a long time' to go away. When pressed for a time frame, he just repeated 'a long time'. I can't take my kids to school and I don't leave the house. That's how horrible this is. Again...please be aware and be careful. Lap Band Surgery may be lower risk but it's still a risk.
  12. I'm so GLAD I found this thread!! I have been STARVING...banded on October 1st. I would forget and take a huge gulp of Water after taking a bite of food and....nothing. After a week of liquids, I began eating mushies. Soft eggs, sugar free oatmeal (at Wal Mart...1.60 a box...go figure!) and grits...God, do I crave grits for some weird reason! I'm trying to 'eat' twice a day and then blended soups and Protein drinks the rest. I just want to feel 'not hungry'...my stomach growls all the time and I just feel empty. Glad to know it'll get better with the fills.
  13. salome000

    A Warning

    Quick update!!! My dr. sent me to a dermatologist who said due to the concentration of swelling (my jaw and neck) that it could've been the stuff they clean your face with before inserting the breathing tube. Hmmm...interesting to keep in mind. Other than that, I'm down to looking like I just underwent a laser peel instead of the resident Quasimodo. You KNOW it's bad when all the doctors and nurses find reasons to come into your room to take a look!!!
  14. I went with the Realize...my dr said both are good but he liked the way the port was situated with the Realize. Either way, the damn port incision is killing me@!!
  15. salome000

    A Warning

    Mississippi Girl...did yours go away? I just got back from the dermatologist. The GOOD news...no scarring, no damage. He did say it may take up to 3 weeks. Because my jaw and the immediate area around my mouth was so bad, he thought it might be something they put on me before putting the breathing tube in before surgery. He also felt it could've been the Avelox and Ancef I had before and during surgery. Long story short...if you've had surgery before, find out what type of antibiotic you had and ask for it again. I had gentamiacin before and am getting that for my back surgery in 2 weeks. Pull all your med records from a successful surgery and take the list to your weight loss doctor. Tell him/her that you want those during surgery. Thanks again for all your help!
  16. salome000

    A Warning

    Thank you...I couldn't even smile because my lower jaw is so swollen. Sigh.
  17. salome000

    A Warning

    Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum - salome000's Album: Allergic Reaction This is the album link...see if it works
  18. salome000

    A Warning

    I'm adding a current pic of my face on my profile...would those of you who have had this reaction take a look and let me know if it's similar? I can't tell you how much I'm hoping it is....I have this unshakable fear I'm going to be like this the rest of my life.
  19. salome000

    Allergic Reaction

  20. salome000

    A Warning

    Did it really go away????? <hugging self and rocking back and forth-finally feeling a little hope> When did all of your reactions begin? About 24 hours after the suspect medication? Did it take about a week to 10 days? I'm on day 6 (began Thursday the 2nd but really blew up on the 3rd) and while I have just a tiny improvement, it's nowhere near me being back to normal. I dumped every med except for the 3 I was on before the surgery (and had been on for years) and am taking the steroids and antihistimines. I can't look in the mirror without crying...and please understand. I'm 40 with three kids...I'm over the vanity thing. But the way I look now is beyond description and leaving the house isn't even an option. I work 3rd shift by myself and when my relief comes in the morning, they avoid looking at me. THAT'S how bad it is. Please tell me yours was about the same! I have to believe this is going away. I'm not prone to depression but this has knocked me on my a** in more ways than one. The itching makes me insane. Thank you again for your responses...I just logged on and hoped to hear from someone that might have had something similar but never expected something like this. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for the board and for all of you. :redface:
  21. salome000

    Allergic Reaction?

    Just returned from ER...had to get a steroid shot and was put on mederol (sp?). The concern is that I'm allergic to WHEY! What am I going to do about Protein? Crap. While I'm in a crabby mood, let me just say I ate an egg and egg white scrambled soft today. I couldn't control myself...I wanted food so badly and was so sick of Protein drinks I could just throw up. My surgery was 10/1 so I'm 4 days out. Now, I'm drinking broth but is it normal to be this hungry?
  22. My face is red and swollen. No obstruction with my breathing but the rash has spread down my neck and chest to my waist. I called the doctor and he thinks that even though I didn't have a pennicillian allergy, it could've been the antibiotic that was put in my IV during my surgery on the first. Anyone else have this happen? Benadryl isn't doing s**t for me and I look just horrible. Any suggestions?
  23. salome000

    Allergic Reaction?

    I am taking the maximum and it's weird you said that about the pain meds...I was given Mepergan, which I took over a decade ago with no problems. However, I have an allergy to Sulfa and I found Mep has sulfites in it. The doc doesn't think it's the mep, though. So you're combining the Benadryl with Zirtec? Is that over the counter? How long did it take your swelling to go away? It's already puffed up so much around my eyes that it's driving me crazy...almost interfereing with my vision. But the doc says as long as there's no breathing difficulty then no emergency.
  24. I started this thread because I've been seeing great ideas for getting your Protein but they're kind of scattered all over the board. I've been using Muscle Milk which has 26g of Protein. The best thing I've found is 'New Whey' which comes in a 3 and 1/2 oz bullet shaped container. It has a whopping 46g of protein! About 4 bucks each. Tastes like thick, grape cough syrup but I can get it down. 'Oh Yeah' has just come out with an incredible Protein Drink as well with close to 40g of protein. Any more suggestions?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
