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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SnowCursed

  1. 7 minutes ago, Longview Lady said:

    HI Snowcursed,

    Glad to hear you are doing so well. I haven't had my surgery yet, set for 11/30, and happy to hear of your success - gives me hope as i'm quite nervous. Walking and taking your sips on time, bravo for you!!!

    Gas in your shoulders? I'm confused about that. Why would you have gas in your shoulders?

    Keep up the good work and blessings on a steady recovery. :)

    The gas pains manifest in the shoulders. It's a common side effect for after surgery. It is a very odd feeling. They inflate you to make surgery easier to do so we get the gas pain in the shoulders.

  2. I would contact your team. See what they want you to do. Depending on where you got your surgery done you may have access to an advice number that's available 24/7. It could be nothing but it could be something. And we are not doctors. This would be when to contact them.

    Sent from my NE2215 using Tapatalk

  3. I would contact your team. See what they want you to do. Depending on where you got your surgery done you may have access to an advice number that's available 24/7. It could be nothing but it could be something. And we are not doctors. This would be when to contact them.

    Sent from my NE2215 using Tapatalk

  4. I would contact your team. See what they want you to do. Depending on where you got your surgery done you may have access to an advice number that's available 24/7. It could be nothing but it could be something. And we are not doctors. This would be when to contact them.

    Sent from my NE2215 using Tapatalk

  5. My surgery went really well. Surgeon even got me in earlier than expected that day. I've been at home since yesterday. Been working on getting my Water and food down. Haven't had any nausea or vomiting. Making sure to walk every hour or two. Getting easier for water just set a recurrent timer for 5 mins and have been taking sips every 5 mins. The gas in the shoulders feels like a pulled muscle pain to me.

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